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Uncovered Wounds
Uncovered Wounds
Uncovered Wounds
Ebook271 pages4 hours

Uncovered Wounds

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A girl memoirs of scares and burns from being thrown into a bathtub of hot boiling water. Prostituted out at young age, causing her wound to be damaged at an early age. Abandoned by her Biological Mother, leaving behind her Foster Mother to deal with this young girl's Unresolved Childhood Attachment Disorder, and issues of low self-esteem.Being a teen runaway she ran into the life of Homelessness, Teen drug use, Teen Trafficking, Prostitution, Gang raped, and teen pregnancy. Having a nervous breakdown at teen age. She finds herself as a grown woman fighting the demons from her pass.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 17, 2015
Uncovered Wounds


The author is a mother of three boys ages 5, 17, and 20. Today she is an advocate for domestic violence battered women & children and rape victims. She is a motivational speaker encouraging young women to live the life that God has prepared for them she’s also a prayer intercessor and involved in women's empowerment groups. Currently living on the west coast, working as a Dietary aide/Cook, under the Leadership and Supervision of one of the most Dynamic women in the County. She normally don't express her emotions but, she finally realized that God had a plan for her life she truly believe the scripture Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Because she is FIT4AKING.

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    Uncovered Wounds - FIT4AKING

    Copyright © 2015 by FIT4AKING.

    ISBN:        Softcover         -1-5035-6149-6

                      eBook              -1-5035-6148-9

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 04/10/2015







    Chapter One: Unresolved Issues

    Chapter Two: Road Trip

    Chapter Three: Shake a Hand, Meet a Friend

    Chapter Four: Like Mother, Like Daughter

    Chapter Five: She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not

    Chapter Six: Sleeping With the Enemy

    Chapter Seven: Believe None of What You Hear, Half of What You See!

    Chapter Eight: On My Own

    Chapter Nine: One Foot Up & One Foot Down

    Chapter Ten: Final Blow!

    Chapter Eleven: The Fight For My Life


    Special thank you & acknowledgement to my Editor my friend and my Sister in Christ.

    Thank you so much for supporting me. I love you so much I couldn’t have done it without your hard work and dedication

    Thank you Jesus

    I want to thank my support team.

    I want to say a special thank you to Tino my friend and brother in Christ. Thank you so much for believing in me for having my back standing by me thank you so much for your support thank you for not giving up on me thank you for putting up with me. I love you always.


    A girl memoirs of scares and burns from being thrown into a bathtub of hot boiling water. Prostituted out before the age of Five, causing her Wound to be damaged at an early age.

    Abandoned by her Biological Mother, leaving behind her Foster Mother to deal with this young girl’s Unresolved Childhood Attachment Disorder, and issues of low self-esteem.

    Being a teen runaway she ran into the life of Homelessness, Teen drug use, Teen Trafficking, Prostitution, Gang raped, and Teen pregnancy. Having a nervous breakdown at the age Sixteen. She finds herself as a grown woman fighting the demons from pass.


    Unresolved Issues

    I was riding on the rail train soaking in my blood and tears, waiting to get home and into the bathtub. I was hurting too badly from sitting down, so I’ll probably end up taking a shower. It was the last day of school, but I had ditched the whole day to hang out with my boyfriend, Sincere.

    Sincere was 21 years old and I was only 18. I met him at a family friend’s house.

    He cared about me, I thought, because he would buy me clothes, give me money for school and take me for rides in his car.

    Sincere told me that he loved me and that was why he did things for me. He would always say, You’re the only girl that rides in my car and everybody knows about you.

    Sincere had family that lived in Detroit MI, but he spent most of his time on the road traveling. He dressed so nicely; I mean everything he wore matched… from hats to belts to shoes.

    The belts and shoes were made of alligator’s skin. And about his cloths, he always liked to say, If you stay ready, you won’t have to get ready. A Kings Choice" in downtown Detroit, was the only place Sincere would shop.

    I had been living with my adopted mother, Miss Jenifer, since I was four years old. Miss Jenifer is the only mother I’ve ever known, so I call her Momma. She had two older sons of her own, Damon & Darrell. Damon lived in Kalamazoo MI, and Darrell lived in Battle Creek MI, with Momma and me.

    But now, Momma was at her last straw with me. The school had convinced her to put me on a drug called Ritalin. I did well for a while and even made the honor roll for two years. I remember that was the first time Momma was ever proud of me. But, one night, Momma and I were watching 20/20 and saw that kids were becoming addicted to the drug. I began telling Momma that I didn’t like the way it made me feel because I moved around slowly, I talked slowly and I felt like a heavy weight was always on me. It was hard for me to function, but as long as I would stay still and quiet, the school thought I was excelling.

    Unbeknownst to Momma, my nerves were beginning to worsen and I learned to self-medicate with marijuana/weed. When I tried it for the first time, it almost felt like I was on Ritalin but without the zombie effect.

    Around the age of twelve, my body started going through changes. I was 5'2" and weighed 135 pounds. Most of my weight seemed to be distributed among my thighs, hips and legs.

    Everything seemed to get bigger in the lower portion of my body, with extra weight existing on the backside. My body had developed a lot quicker than my mind. Though I looked like a grown woman, on top of that, I still sucked my thumb and slept with my Betty Boo blanket because I was scared to sleep with the lights off and I still played with my tea set and dolls.

    I still had another forty five minutes to ride the train before reaching my stop. Sitting there, I tried to get myself together, and keep it together, so no one would ask me what happened. Then, this lady and her little girl got on the train and I noticed that the little girl had no shirt on, just a jacket without a zipper. The little girl had a look to her that I’d seen before. She had that familiar look of fear in her eyes.

    Immediately, I flashed back to the day I got burned. I remembered it all, as if it were yesterday… how it all transpired. Coffey, my biological mother, was just a baby who’d had a baby. At night, she would get dressed up really sexy, and sometimes, she would come home with different men. Some were white, some were black, some were mixed, and some of races I couldn’t determine. Basically, Coffey was a Harlot.

    One particular day, Coffey locked my little brother, Ralph, and I in the room all day, while she slept. We hadn’t eaten all day.

    My little brother woke her up to go across the street to my Aunt Ruth’s house, so he could eat. So, Coffey told me to put Ralph’s shoes on for him. I looked everywhere for his shoes, but I couldn’t find them anywhere. Then, Coffey got up and started yelling, Find them damn shoes Promise! Her voice got louder and louder, as she came into the room. She started hitting me with a belt, while screaming, You ain’t about shit, and you ain’t good for shit.

    Coffey began to call me bitches and little ho’s, as she continued to hit me with the belt. It seemed like she would never get tired of hitting me. But, when she finally did stop, I hid in the closet, with the dirty clothes that had been there for months, so she wouldn’t find me!

    Then, I heard water running in the bathtub, but it also smelled like something was cooking. Coffey began pacing, back and forth, from the kitchen to the bathroom, still yelling as loud as she could, Fuck that little bitch! She don’t wanna do shit to help out with the bills around here. I thought that because I was in the closet she wasn’t going to be able to find me, but she did.

    Coffey yelled, Promise Get your ass in the bathroom and take your clothes off! I guess, I wasn’t moving fast enough, so Coffey snatched me up by my hair and arms and started pulling me into the bathroom. I was crying, but I saw a look in her eyes that I’ll never forget. I knew something really bad was about to happen to me. I started screaming because I saw steam coming from the bathtub. I pleaded, No, Mommy, no. I don’t wanna take a bath, Mommy, no!"

    I knew that if I could see the steam coming from the water, she saw that the water was too hot for me to get inside the tub.

    I was not taking my clothes off! But, Coffey began to hit me and aggressively pull at my clothes, until she got them off me.

    While I tried, with all that was in my tiny body, to break loose from Coffey’s grip, she snatched me before I knew it!

    I was fighting for my life to get out of that hot, boiling water. Coffey held me down by my shoulders and arms, while telling me, Die you little bitch, shut up! For one minute, I thought I was really going to die, until I heard the door open.

    It was Coffey’s boyfriend, Big Nate. He yelled, Stupid ass bitch, what the fuck are you doing? Big Nate pushed her out of the way and they began to fight. Coffey screamed, Let that bitch die. She don’t do shit I tell her to do! Big Nate, pushed her out of the way and then grabbed me out of the water.

    He started running around the house because he had no idea what to do. Big Nate was still yelling, What the hell are you doing up in here? You know you were supposed to be getting dressed! You know you fucking off my money! You know this white trick came in town just for you. Bitch, look what the fuck you got going on! Do you see this shit?

    All I could hear was Big Nate voice. I could hear the pain in his voice, as he ran my burned body across the street to my Great Aunt Ruth’s house. Aunt Ruth was Coffey’s mother’s sister.

    Aunt Ruth! Big Nate yelled, as he ran into the house. Aunt Ruth said, Oh dear, God in heaven! Jesus, please help this child all the days of her life. Please God, take Promise out of this situation. Aunt Ruth asked, What happened to this baby? She grabbed me from Big Nate and then asked, Where is Coffey?

    Confused, Aunt Ruth started yelling through the house and demanding someone call 911.

    Oh dear God… this baby’s skin is coming off in my hands.

    Filling my face with her tears of pain and agony, I could hear my Aunt Ruth in my ear saying, Jesus loves you, Promise" Hold on.

    Baby girl… you fight to stay alive. God has great plans for you Promise; just you wait and see. Promise, you’re going be just fine… just hold on. I know it hurts."

    Big Nate told Aunt Ruth what he walked in on and saw. He told her that Coffey was trying to kill me. He said, Coffey was holding that girl in the water saying, ‘Die bitch… you gon’ stay in here, until you stop breathing, bitch.’ He continued, Aunt Ruth, Coffey did that on purpose, and if I hadn’t came in the house when I did, Coffey would’ve killed Promise. I saw the look in Coffey’s eyes; she hates her on daughter. Big Nate remembered a conversation he and Coffey had and began to share it with Aunt Ruth. He stated, Coffey was telling me that she wished Promise had never been born. She hated Promise from the time she found out she was pregnant with that girl. Aunt Ruth replied, I know. Later, when the police and the ambulance arrived, Big Nate began talking to the first officer on the scene.

    Coffey never came across the street to see about me, nor did she come to the hospital the entire time I was there. Momma and the social worker were the only ones who came to check on me. I remembered that there was one police officer that came everyday to the hospital, but he was only there to see if Coffey would show up so he could talk to her. But, Coffey never showed up. As a result, the State of Michigan ended up putting me in foster care and that’s how Momma (Jenifer) adopted me.

    I noticed that the lady on the train was dressed in a short mini skirt, with fishnet pantyhose and a long, blond wig. She reminded me a lot of Coffey. She was moving slowly and eventually started falling asleep. She nodded over, until she almost fell off her seat. I went back to staring through the window. The lady’s stop arrived and she told her daughter, Kimberly, to get her bag. As the lady walked away, it seemed as if she wanted to leave little Kimberly behind.

    I turned and managed to smile at little Kimberly, even with my face looking the way it did after Sincere’s friends raped me.

    My face was sore and my whole body was in pain. It was hurting me just to sit there for the long ride home. Still, I wanted to let little Kimberly know that I acknowledged her pain, even if I was hurting, too. I told Kimberly, Bye, and that’s when I noticed that she had lipstick on her little lips and was walking as if something was hurting her. I turned back towards the window and said quietly, Jesus, help little Kimberly. Like déjà vu, I remembered hearing my Aunt Ruth’s last words to me, Dear God, help this child.

    There was one more train stop before mine, and I tried to figure out a way to tell Momma what happened. I had a lot of thoughts going through my mind, like: Did Sincere know his friends were shady? Why did Sincere leave me in the first place, when he could have taken me home? Does he even know? Did his friends tell him? I didn’t know what to think. All I knew was I wanted to get inside the house. I felt so nasty and violated because I had never had sex before. Those guys went inside almost every whole I have in my body, with their tongues, fingers, penises, and a plunger handle.

    My stop finally arrived and I got off the train. I couldn’t walk too fast, but I still had quite a distance to go.

    Fortunately, this gave me more time to think about how to tell Momma. Really, I had no choice but to take my time because everything hurt. My breasts had teeth marks from the biting. I also had teeth marks on my legs and inner thighs from their mouths trying to make contact with my vagina. I could remember them saying, Let me eat this pussy! My eye had started to swell and turn black & blue, my lip was busted, yet I still had to walk into my house and risk being judged, before telling the story. So, why bother? I thought, what makes today any different?

    With all the thinking I was doing, I didn’t realize I was on the street near my house. I got to the front door and wanted to become invisible. I wanted to just walk through the door and to my room, but I knew that was impossible. I had to suck it up and walk inside.

    When I opened the door, the first thing Momma said to me was, Oh, I see them girls finally caught up with you and kicked yo butt! Momma started laughing hard. I knew that if I felt a mess, then I looked a mess. But, somehow, it was funny to her to see me looking as I was. She continued laughing and said, That’s what you get for always messing with somebody’s boyfriend or husband or baby’s daddy. These girls will kill you over a man. Tears were building up in my eyes, but I wasn’t going to let Momma see me cry; even though, she was still laughing and I was hurt. I started hating her immediately! That was the day I lost all respect for her. I stopped caring about everything. From that point on, she was dead to me.

    You see, Momma was a Jehovah’s Witness. She was very sweet to the people in the Kingdom Hall but very judgmental toward me and anyone who wasn’t a Jehovah’s Witness. In fact, she could tear me down in about 2.2 seconds. Momma would call me names like Jezebel and tell me I was going to end up just like my real mother, Coffey. I never remembered hearing to many encouraging words, about me, come from her mouth. I began to walk away but stated, Yeah, I’m a fighter, but I lost that fight. I continued to walk toward my room with tears in my eyes because I couldn’t hold them back any longer; they just started flowing down my face.

    Inside my room, I dropped everything from my hand onto the floor. I was still fighting the thought of what to say to Sincere. I replayed in my mind, over and over, how it all happened. Sincere and I came to the house party together, but he had to leave. I really didn’t see too many girls there, but the one girl I did notice ended up leaving with Sincere.

    I got myself together long enough to come out of my room and into the bathroom. I made sure I took everything I needed for a shower, so I wouldn’t have to walk pass Momma in the hallway.

    Unfortunately, she was there sorting out dirty laundry. She asked if I had anything that needed to be washed. I said, No, I’ll wash tomorrow! But, Momma insisted she wash because she didn’t want a high water bill. So, I replied, with a cold tone, I got it. Though silently, I was screaming inside, Hey lady, can’t you see I’m damaged? I need you to put your arms around me! Instead, I just shut the bathroom door and turned up the radio as loud as it would go. I always kept a little radio in the bathroom, so I could tune out Momma, sometimes. The bathroom was the one place, in the house, that she couldn’t just walk into.

    I was hurting too badly to sit down, so I stood in the shower and ran the water as hot as I could take it. Then, I began to scrub and scrub. I kept scrubbing, as hard as I could, trying to wash away every touch from all four guys. Blood was running down my legs and the soap was making my skin burn. The throbbing was unbearable; but, I had to get their hands off me.

    I still felt their hands, penises and that object going inside me. My body was throbbing and my mind was racing. I finished up, dried off and just stood there. I didn’t even want to look at myself in the mirror. At that moment, I felt like waste in the toilet, and I wanted to be flushed away. I really wanted my life to end from that day forward. I was thinking, Why did Coffey have me? And, on top of it all, I have to look at Momma every day. I said to myself, Get it together so you can walk to your room from the bathroom.

    I had all kinds of suicidal thoughts. I became angry when I thought about Big Nate stopping Coffey from killing me. If he wouldn’t have stopped her, then I wouldn’t have been raped. Why? I still struggled with the thought of who to tell, without being judged.

    Finally, I got myself together and walked from the bathroom.

    I asked Momma if I could have an aspirin because I had a really bad headache. She came in with a funny grin on her face, two aspirins and a glass of water. She was under the impression that I had been jumped by some hood girls, which amused her for some reason. But, I managed to tell her, Thank you and goodnight.

    Later that evening, Momma told me I could stay home from the Assembly that the Jehovah’s Witnesses attend every year because my entire face was swollen. She started walking around my room searching for things she could question me about. Then, she stopped at the bag of bloody clothes and said, Do you want me to take this bag to the basement? I answered, No, I can do it in the morning! As she started reaching for the bag, I yelled, I’ll go do it! That’s my gym bag from school, so I need to go through it and see what I don’t need. Finally, she left my room. I moved the gym bag and put it in the back of the closet.

    It was 5:00am and Momma told me she was leaving. I turned over with sigh of relief. Then, I got up and walked around the house to make sure she left. When I saw that she was gone, I went to get that gym bag from the closet. I put on some shoes and a pair of pants and took the gym bag to the big dumpster behind the house, on the dirt road. I tried to throw away the memories, along with the clothes. After I was done, I went back inside the house, washed my hands, grabbed my blanket and curled up on the couch and just cried.

    I really wanted to talk to Sincere, so I got up, found my pager and turned it on. The pager wasn’t on for three minutes before it start vibrating…911…911. I paged Sincere and entered my home phone number so he could call me at the house.

    Sincere called right back. Hello Promise, what took you so long to call me? I been calling you since last night! When I came back to the party, they said you was gone. How you get home? I replied, I took the train home. Sincere asked if I was okay because I didn’t sound like my regular self. Before I could say anything, he told me he was on his way over. I didn’t get a word in; I couldn’t say anything… he did all the talking. So, I hung up the phone, washed my face and brushed my teeth, as I still had on my nightgown.

    When the doorbell rang, I was still in the bathroom. I’d just hung up the phone, so I knew he had been somewhere close by. I opened the door and there was Sincere, standing with pink roses and a box inside containing a gold necklace and matching earrings. He asked, Promise, what’s wrong? I heard something strange in your voice, like you was under the weather or sick." I told Sincere to come in, as I took the box and roses from his hand. I was a little confused because I didn’t have to tell him anything; he just sensed something was not right with me.

    He wanted to know what happened to my face because he didn’t remember me looking like that at the party. So, I told Sincere what happened after he left the party and about his friends. He said, Promise, did you see the guys that did this to you?

    Promise, did you know them because I don’t think them was my boys. I replied, Yeah, they were the guys you were talking to! Then Sincere asked if I’d told Momma. I shrieked, No! He said, Ok then, Promise, don’t ever tell no one; I’ll find them and I’ll deal with them niggas. He reached out to pull me close to him. As he hugged me tightly, he said, Promise, I will always be here for you. At that moment, I felt as if someone really did care about me. For the first time, I had someone to come and see about me.

    Sincere was still holding me in his arms when he

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