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A "Perfect" Crime: A First-Person, Victim’S Report on Organised Group Stalking in Australia
A "Perfect" Crime: A First-Person, Victim’S Report on Organised Group Stalking in Australia
A "Perfect" Crime: A First-Person, Victim’S Report on Organised Group Stalking in Australia
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A "Perfect" Crime: A First-Person, Victim’S Report on Organised Group Stalking in Australia

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About this ebook

This book is not a crime fiction novel. This is a firsthand report and a true report on how governments or large organisations have succeeded in planning and executing the commission of a "perfect crime" in Australia.
It reports on organised, aggravated group stalking attacks being carried out by groups or gangs of persons acting covertly under the cover of darkness with use of advanced electronic devices without cause or regard for basic human rights.

Evidence in detail is provided in Appendices to the book taken from firsthand observations or from transcriptions of contemporaneous handwritten notes set down daily in six years of personal diaries.

Due to the perpetrators clever use of highly skilled individually contracted surveillance role players in squads of differing and rotating stalker offenders and their training and use of advanced stand-off electronic scanning, listening, sound projection equipmentit has proven nearly impossible for the victim or law enforcement authorities to gather enough credible reliable and sufficient evidence to support the swearing out of an official criminal complaint before the court.

Therefore, we have the perfect, practically unsolvable crime.
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateApr 25, 2015
A "Perfect" Crime: A First-Person, Victim’S Report on Organised Group Stalking in Australia

Carl H. Sneider

The writer had been living in Australia since 1985 and takes a trip back to the USA in 2003, a couple of years after the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, in New York City and Washington. He relates his naiveté in not understanding what happened in America in terms of passage of draconian emergency legislation causing loss of freedoms, rights, and privacy of ordinary law-abiding citizens.

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    Book preview

    A "Perfect" Crime - Carl H. Sneider

    A Perfect Crime

    A First-Person, Victim’s Report

    on Organised Group Stalking

    in Australia

    Carl H. Sneider

    Copyright © 2015 by Carl H. Sneider.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    First printing 2014 - Printed in Australia

    All Photographs © 2013 - 2014 – by the author.

    Cover Images - © Fotolia_48379087_S - Criminal

                    and Fotolia_19028072_S - Stalking

    Holy Bible Quotations -

    The New Oxford Annotated Bible The Holy Bible Revised Standard Version Containing the Old and New Testaments

    © 1962, 1973 by Oxford University Press, Inc., New York.

    Psalm 64 in the Epilogue quoted from the Holy Bible, Today’s English Version, © 1966, 1971 & 1976 by American Bible Society, New York, 1976.

    Rev. date: 04/22/2015






    Chapter 1 Organised Group Stalking - The Perfect Crime

    Chapter 2 Personal History of the Victim (me)

    Chapter 3 Where It Started Going Bad For Me

    Chapter 4 Intrusive Surveillance and Stalking Begins - Florida

    Chapter 5 Back Home in Australia - Stalking and Surveillance Continues

    Chapter 6 The Evidence

    Chapter 7 The Outcome


    Appendices: - Transcripts from personal diary entries 2008 - 2014

    I Entries with Death Threats, Other Threats or Taunts

    II Large Groups of Offenders reported from any night

    III American or Foreign Accents Overheard

    IV Female Offender Voices Overheard

    V Personal Names of Offenders Overheard

    VI Electronic Devices Used or Suspected


    This is a story of one element of the aftermath and of the legacy of the War-on-Terrorism from the first-person perspective of a dual U.S.A. / Australian citizen now living in retirement in Australia.

    Following the al-Qaeda attacks in America on 9/11/2001, the War-on-Terrorism began being waged, not only in the U.S.A., but in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and other allied nations. This began with huge legislative campaigns to create new security and intelligence agencies, and new laws designed to strip citizens of their rights to privacy, security in their homes, freedom from unwarranted harassment, arrests and imprisonment without trial.

    In Australia – it has been widely reported that the immediate action called for by the 9/11 attacks resulted in no less than 54 pieces of anti-terrorism legislation being passed by the Australian Federal Parliament - a reported average of one new piece of legislation every seven weeks. This level of Australian response reportedly surpassed even the United Kingdom, the U.S.A. and Canada legislative responses combined.

    These new Australian laws reportedly introduced such intrusive powers as:

    - Restrictions on speech through sedition laws and new rules of censorship;

    - The banning of organisations by decree of government;

    - Control Orders that enable house arrest of persons for up to one year;

    - Detention of persons without charge or trial for up to 14 days;

    - Covert surveillance of non-suspects; and

    - Warrantless searches of private property by police officers.

    The resulting exceptional powers and sanctions in Australia are thought by many to lie outside the rules of a liberal democracy except during wartime. But, they are now part of Australian law and fulfil the need to contribute to the prosecution of the War-on-Terrorism.

    By 2010, the Australian Intelligence Community reportedly was comprised of:

    - the Office of National Assessments (ONA);

    - the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO);

    - the Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS);

    - the Defence Intelligence Organisation (DIO);

    - the Defence Imagery and Geospatial Organisation (DIGO); and

    - the Defence Signals Directorate (DSD).

    There was also created a multi-agency National Threat Assessment Centre (NTAC) located within ASIO, the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC), and new official positions created of a National Security Chief Information Officer (NSCIO) and an Inspector-General for Intelligence and Security (IGIS).

    In 2005, the Australian Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Training Program (CTITP) was established to enhance the effectiveness of international intelligence cooperation and to deliver counter-terrorism training and capacity-building and to contribute to the development of trusted, cooperative relationships with counterpart agencies.

    An example of a build-up of these relationships is the Australian National Counter-Terrorism Plan which sets out arrangements between Federal and State and Territory police, intelligence and security agencies. There were new institutionalised relationships created through Joint Counter-Terrorism Teams (JCTTs), combining police officers from the Australian Federal Police (AFP), the relevant state or territory police services and ASIO. These JCTTs conduct counter terrorism related investigations governed by nationally consistent frameworks and strategic management.

    Australian states and territories are also known to maintain their own array of counter-terrorism capabilities as well. Some 50,000 state and territory police, thousands of fire-fighters and emergency services personnel are utilised.

    The Australian Federal Police (AFP) organisation’s National role (as outlined in their annual report) is very much focussed on providing police services in relation to Commonwealth Laws and property of the Commonwealth versus their local government or state policing role of providing for a safe and secure community, fighting local crime, enhancing public safety, traffic law and road safety initiatives and judicial and crime prevention activities within their jurisdictions within the Australian Capital Territory as ACT Police.

    According to the AFP Annual Report the main body of the AFP organisation focuses on roles which include:

    - Commonwealth Law enforcement and protection of Commonwealth property;

    - Protective and custodial functions as directed by the Minister;

    - National security and counter-terrorism, including investigations, prosecutions, disruption or investigation of Referred persons including the investigation of Australian citizens alleged to be involved in terrorism related activities, Especially of Australian’s travelling overseas to participate in training with terrorist groups, citizens returning from overseas with extremist views" or with enhanced skills and combat experience and who may encourage planning of attacks against Australians or Australian interests;

    - Provision of police services and police support services to assist or cooperate with an Australian or foreign law enforcement agency, intelligence or security agency or government regulatory agency;

    - Provision of police services and police support services to establishing, developing and monitoring peace, stability and security in foreign countries.

    The AFP has an interesting major function described in their annual report as "Intelligence. They provide targeted and reactive intelligence services to the AFP organisation and also co-location of analysts with investigative teams, and with covert services", and maintenance of mutually beneficial relationships with Australian and international intelligence communities.


    So, how close are we to Martial Law?

    Remember the reports of pre-World War II in Germany of the nefarious exploits of the dreaded "Schutzstaffel (also known as (a.k.a.) the S.S.) to help the government of the day to track down hidden Jews? In this, the S.S. would persuade" business owners to tip them off any time they uncovered information that could lead to an arrest of a Jewish person.

    In the U.S.A. in subsequent years they did the same thing to uncover covert Communists via the McCarthy Hearings, didn’t they?

    Today, in the U.S.A. and Australia we have new laws on the books giving government agencies unheard of powers to conduct illegal surveillance, searches and seizures on their citizens.

    All concerned citizens should not become complacent in today’s new normalcy of government authorities spying upon, or otherwise violating what used to be accepted as their basic rights and freedoms.

    Hopefully this book will serve as a wake-up call to concerned citizens everywhere.

    - - - - - - - -

    Background of the Victim

    The writer had been living in Australia since 1985 and takes a trip back to the U.S.A. in 2003, a couple of years after the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York City and Washington. He relates his naiveté in not understanding what happened in America in terms of passage of draconian emergency legislation causing loss of freedoms, rights, and privacy of ordinary law-abiding citizens.

    He relates in detail the events during the following two and one-half years when living in Florida. He went to Florida to be with his father who was nearly 98 years of age. He relates his experiences with police and other agencies’ harassment, intrusive surveillance, interfering with and delaying Emails, monitoring phone calls, stalking, and sleep deprivation attacks.

    Then, on his return to Australia after the death of his father to resume is life there, he relates the resumption of this ill-treatment continuing over a period of a further six years to date. He includes extracts from full transcripts of his personal diaries of six years of suffering and sleep deprivation in Australia with astounding details of the ill-treatment suffered.

    The reader may find this autobiographical story and history of actual events over a period of six plus years of abuses hard to believe, but they are factual and a matter or record.

    This story provides an example of the effects of all the urgent and numerous laws, regulations and agency protocols hurriedly put into effect following 9/11 attacks in America which have removed so many of the very rights and freedoms we as Americans and Australians always took for granted.

    It should be noted from the outset that this dual American-Australian citizen was in no way ever connected to any radical group or any terrorist organisation. He is in no way an anarchist or a revolutionary person. He is just a peaceful, friendly, lawful citizen trying to do the right thing by everyone.

    The author has never been arrested or interviewed as a suspect in any criminal activity in any country, and he has a clear non-criminal record. He has no reason to suspect any person, persons, or organised group has any reason whatsoever to persecute him or hold a vendetta of hatred or revenge against him or any member of his family.

    The author is a former officer in the U.S. Army and veteran of the Vietnam War, with an honourable discharge. He was a teacher and technical instructor at the U.S. Army Missile and Munitions Center and School at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. He had also been trained in law enforcement and criminal intelligence work and had been granted limited law enforcement authority in both the U.S.A. and Australia from 1979 to 1999.

    It appears that a random set of circumstances set off some security algorithm in some intelligence agency which identified him as a potential terrorist threat or a person such as a lone wolf, or person of interest or whatever the programme thought such a person to be.

    Circumstantially there is probably evidence in various metadata records to trigger such an algorithm, including certain circumstances and happenings during his 2003 – 2005 residence overseas to be with, and to assist his 98-year-old father. His father died at the age of 99.9 years in the early days of September 2005. The author then returned to Australia to resume his normal life in December, 2005.

    All this trouble seems to start back in the first visit to Florida 1997. He leased a car when he got to Florida and passed the driving test and obtained a Florida driving licence. He stayed in a motel and commuted to and from the old folks’ home on a daily basis. The daily commute across town and back passed by the Ocala airport. He drove past the airport on a daily basis.

    In 1997, in Florida, they were having certain problems. There seemed to be an episode of people posting poisonous powder substances in letters and packages to and fro in the mail system - possibly the poison Ricin or something like that. The authorities seemed to think that the people involved in the offences were terrorists. Now, this was something like four years before the al-Qaeda attack on New York in 2001. Nevertheless, the author had an uneasy feeling when in Florida in 1997 – like somebody was watching him; not overtly – just little bits of something – like something being not quite right.

    On his return to Australia late in 1997, everything was pretty settled until his father started to get really, really old, could not manage his own checking and banking accounts, and generally needed help with most things. By early 2003, it was obvious he really needed someone to help him. The author was this old man’s only living relative.

    The author was working for the Australian government at the time and was offered a voluntary redundancy package early in 2003, and so the opportunity was there to go to Florida and be with and assist his father in his final years.

    In planning for this trip, he thought it would be opportune to take his daughter, then nearing 20 years of age and not having returned to the U.S.A. since she left with her family to move to Australia in 1985 at 18 months of age, not only see Grandpa, but to travel a little around the U.S.A. and see some places and meet some friends and relatives from the old days.

    In planning for the trip, all sorts of Internet budget travel sites and booking sites were used to try to economise on costs. It was also the opportunity to take non-standard and unique approaches to travel and accommodation, unlike the standard canned travel packages so many normal people take.

    The author, in hind sight, realises that this trip to the U.S.A. in 2003 started all the trouble in his life since then. He apparently got put on some kind of watch list, tripped some kind of algorithm and they were after him. Bad things really started up when he returned to Florida after sending his daughter back home to Australia, like intrusive surveillance and stalking. This continued for two and a half years or more while he was living in Florida.

    After his father died late in 2005 and he was on his way home to Australia in December 2005, he had a very bad experience on that trip on the cross-country flight leg to Los Angeles to pick up the Qantas Airlines trans-Pacific flight to Sydney. He wasn’t permitted to select his own seat on the plane and he discovered that apparently some government or security agency had organised two big thugs, probably armed Federal Air Marshals (flight security officers) to sit either side of the citizen to escort him out of the U.S.A.

    Being an Australian citizen and with no criminal record and no observed criminal or suspicious associations or activities, the powers that be decided that the citizen should be escorted to the overseas flight out of the U.S.A. to save embarrassing publicity and a potential international incident or faux pas.

    After his return to Australia, the victim went to work in an investigative position at the Australian Department of Immigration in 2006, where a high-level security clearance was required for many positions. Shortly after retiring from this employment, the intrusive surveillance or stalking of his home started again, like in Florida before. This continued on through 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014!

    Organised group stalking or gang stalking; night prowlers; harassment; following and shadowing; interception of Emails and monitoring of computer use of the Internet; sleep deprivation; and all sorts of infringements on personal privacy, rights and freedoms have been directed against the author over a six-year period…so far.

    We are not talking about neighbourhood hoodlums, or individuals known to the victim with some sort of particular vendetta against him, but professional night warriors or spy-trained professionals, very skillful in use of cover and concealment and night combat skills. The victim knows this because he had been trained and is experienced in the use of the very same skills and tactics they are now using against him. The movements of varying offender teams or squads, multiple offender teams together, or teams with varying thug make-ups (gruff-sounding males, squads with vocal U.S.A. or British accents, older and mature or younger offender teams, female offenders) through the bushes and around the house in the dead of night are silent and almost undetectable to the untrained ears or eyes.

    When these illegal activities started in Australia about late 2007 or early 2008, the offenders were physically entering the victim’s property and physically rapping or scraping the bedroom walls, or throwing objects at the house or onto the roof. They were quite unafraid of entering the victim’s compound and making physical contact with the house exterior walls and windows. Later, the characteristics of the offenders’ stalking modus operandi (Methods of Operation or M.O. for short) changed to feature stand-off and distance attacks to avoid personal images recordings which could be used in evidence against them.

    It is apparent that the offenders have had access to sophisticated electronic equipment in the past few years to aid them in their stalking, harassing and sleep deprivation attacks without having to physically enter the victim’s property. They work from a distance but nevertheless are able to intrude electronically within the victim’s bedroom for intrusive surveillance and for sleep deprivation activities.

    By 2010, the physical intrusions in close proximity to the house structure seemed to disappear and were substituted by the use of these sophisticated electronic spying devices, remote radio-controlled devices and listening bugs, microwave or ultrasound scanners, and sound projection devices operated from a distance. This change in sophistication came about immediately after the victim installed Infrared CCTV surveillance cameras along the exterior walls outside his bedroom in an attempt to capture images of the offenders on tape or hard disk drive.

    The offenders always operate mainly in pairs, or groups of pairs, and with rotations of squads to avoid the illegality of "a person shall not stalk…" (As specified in Australian anti-stalking legislation.)

    These night offenders are careful never to show themselves – they have only been seen on the night infrared CCTV surveillance camera video tapes once or twice, when the system was first inaugurated.

    A random pattern of exchanges of offender squads, multiple squads together, offenders with American, British or Australian accents, female offenders, etc has been documented in contemporaneous notes written down in the victim’s diaries each morning following stalking and sleep deprivation attacks. This modus operandi (M.O.) fits the pattern of criminal activity which the Americans have termed Gang stalking or what other victims in other countries have named Group Stalking or Organised Stalking.

    You may ask why the victim hasn’t reported these abuses, particularly the stalking, sleep deprivation attacks, death threats and other offences to the police or some civil rights organisation.

    Good question!

    The fact is, the victim is a Christian believer and he believes one must forgive any person attacking him. Also, the victim prays daily that these abuses will stop tomorrow and that certainly whoever is responsible will surely run out of funding to carry out these expensive night operations, or surely they will see that whatever algorithm set off their suspicions and call to abusive action was a false alarm or one incorrectly interpreted.

    It has been widely reported in the media that the government agencies using these Organised Group Stalking activities disguised as intrusive surveillance have known for many, many years that they have the more or less perfect crime, not only due to the technicality of the definition of a stalking offender in Criminal Law as "a person shall not…, but that a victim reporting these crimes against him is often perceived by authorities and other unaffected citizens or the media as being off their rocker", or schizophrenic or mentally unstable or delusional. This perception is reinforced particularly if the victim reports hearing noises or voices or whispers through brick walls.

    Nevertheless, God willing, the author-victim lives in hope of justice, freedom and quiet enjoyment of his family life and retirement returning in the near future.

    - - - - - - - -

    Good sense makes a man slow to anger,

    and it is his glory to overlook an offense.

    [Proverbs 19:11]


    Organised Group Stalking - The Perfect Crime

    About the Book

    Presented in this book is a true first person account from a victim of a hideous aggravated crime which has frustrated attempts to investigate and bring forward a sufficient body of hard evidence to support an official Criminal Complaint before the courts.

    In the case discussed in this book we are talking about highly organised, well planned criminal activity and with apparently unlimited funding to carry out almost nightly attacks over 6+ years on one innocent law-abiding citizen. This criminal activity has been termed Group Stalking or Organised Stalking or in the USA, Gang Stalking.

    In the case, discussed in this book, person or persons or organisation or organisations or government’s unknown have learned from historical examples such as the notorious Communist East Germany "Stasi (state police) who used Organised Stalking as a means of maintaining political control over their citizens. There are also well documented historical accounts of PSYOPS in the USA and other nations. For example, not only did the Stasi use these tactics, but the same tactics were used against American citizens during the infamous counterintelligence program COINTELPRO operations by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Project MK Ultra" experiments performed by the Central Intelligence Agency.

    The perpetrators of the aggravated criminal activity described in this report have learned very well how these criminal activities can be planned, organised and structured such that even heroic and expensive investigations and victim-funded counter-stalking operations, which need sophisticated and expensive electromagnetic radar and ultrasound location and detection and recording equipment, cannot conceivably be carried out successfully by a lone citizen victim.

    Therefore, the organised, Group Stalking such as that I’m reporting in this book can be categorised as a perfect crime.

    - - - - - - - -

    There can be no justice done where there is lack of evidence to show beyond a reasonable doubt:

    - Who is doing the stalking (multiple offenders, changing and rotating squads);

    - Physical evidence or photographs or eyewitness statements and affidavits of some of the actual offences occurring;

    - Exhibits of expert testimony (eyeball witnesses, infrared video recordings, night photographs, radio/radar/ultrasound detection and recording evidence, psychological injury evaluations and records).

    Evidence detailed in this book is entirely the description of experiences and detailed transcriptions of my daily personal diary entries of contemporaneous notes made on the mornings following each of these thousands of Organised, Group or Gang Stalking attacks. The evidence shows that a long history of aggravated offences amounting to Organised, or Group, or Gang Stalking has been ongoing for over six years.

    It is, however, practically and realistically impossible for the victim (me) to obtain sufficient hard evidence to prove who the perpetrator(s) are due to the highly clever planning and organisation of the criminal activity.

    Therefore, the victim (that’s me) is unable to provide sufficient evidence in support of a Criminal Complaint and we are left with a Perfect Crime.

    I hope you can read and finish the book and get the picture and get what I’m trying to say. I haven’t seen any reports like mine from Australia. And, it’s pretty depressing to me.

    It’s sad.

    About Organised, Group or Gang Stalking

    Back in 2008-09 when I detected the organised and systematic nature of the prowling and sleep deprivation attacks at night, I started to investigate what offences under the law were being committed against me. I focussed on the term Stalking as it seemed a close fit.

    Most civilised jurisdictions in the free world now have anti-stalking legislation on the books. I think the laws were enacted initially to protect mainly female persons or movie actresses from unwanted, annoying or threatening approaches by predominantly male persons. The offender usually acted alone and typically, either through following the victim on more than one occasion, loitering, watching, or acting covertly in such a way to cause apprehension, or fear of impending harm, or harassment of the victim.

    Most modern anti-stalking legislation includes amendments to outline more clearly what stalking is and even proscribes certain specific activities. For example, our local legislation includes clear definitions of what constitutes stalking using the words, to cause harm to the person stalked and interference with property of the victim, to act in a way to arouse apprehension or fear in the victim, or to send electronic messages or offensive material to the victim, or to act in any other way with conduct amounting to intimidation, harassment or molestation of the stalked person.

    When I first came across the subject name Gang Stalking in a web search on Stalking, I found it on multiple web sites but it didn’t seem to fit with what was happening to me. Hence, my further searching came up with more explanation about the crime of Gang Stalking.

    According to materials on one web site, Organised Group Stalking or Gang Stalking is stalking by several people who know each other and who have the same intent. And further, that surveillance of a targeted individual may be carried out by several dozen members of the police or military or secret service in rotation each day, and that the interference in the target’s private life is most effective when it is cunning and secretive, thereby facilitating the resultant opinion of ouside observers that the targeted individual, should he complain, is no doubt suffering from some mental illness. It seems generally accepted that a gang stalking campaign is successful if the victim cannot provide evidence to prove that the harassment is actually occurring.

    According to another web site "gang stalking" (also known as organised stalking) is a slang term for a set of tactics used in covert surveillance and harassment of a targeted individual. The goal of such operations (in the office-speak of counter-intelligence people) is to subvert or neutralize an individual deemed by a government organisation or agency (or its informants) to be an enemy.

    Another web site explains that organized stalking methods were used extensively by communist East Germany’s Stasi (state police) as a means of maintaining political control over its citizens. The Stasi referred to the tactics as "zersetzen (German for corrode" or ‘decompose’ – a reference to the intended psychological, social, and financial effects upon the victim).


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