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Ebook37 pages28 minutes


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About this ebook

Its always hard to be accepted in society, especially in this community. Three friends, seniors in high school, Delsin, his girlfriend Shelby, and his best friend Vaughn, deal with the hardships with homosexual feelings while hiding them from their strictly religious homelife community, who beat and will even kill any resident if they have any slight feelings for someone of the same sex.
Release dateMar 20, 2015

Clay Dilo

I am a young author who’s ready for life and the world awaiting. Life is too boring to act so dull. I prefer to get out and live a little. New to the publishing world, a last key step for the goal. I am a supporter for the LGBT community and also a Christian as well. Biggest oxymoron you might ever meet.

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    Irregulars - Clay Dilo


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    Published by AuthorHouse 02/20/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-7103-6 (sc)

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    You are my love and I love you so. Destiny brought us together. To give you the perfect life, I’ll treat you like a princess, protecting you as your shining knight, Delsin sang to his girlfriend.

    His girlfriend, Shelby held his arm tightly. Sit down before you fall!

    I’ll be fine babe.

    The old windmill slanted roof supported them. Shelby, having a difficult time to get her boyfriend to sit down, was having a hard time herself to remain comfortable. Hot sun-soaked shingles roasted against her bottom. Sunny seventy-five degree spring days were terrible for jeans. If you’ll be my knight, learn to be safe and sit down.

    Delsin sat. They gazed at the road sitting opposite of the untrimmed grassy hill. Few cars would pass now and then. Sun rays showered the couple in its own idea of love.

    You at least have a sense of heart. Her fingers never left his arm. Cooled finger tips from pressuring his arm pulled him closer. He wrapped an arm around her, sacrificing his back against the hot shingles to let her lay on his chest.

    What a world we live in.

    Only on days like this I appreciate nature. He stole a kiss.

    What do you think clouds feel like?

    Something more of soft and fluffy.

    …I want to jump from cloud to cloud someday.

    Delsin shifted. You already have… you just missed one.

    Hmm? Shelby asked.

    How do you think I got you, my angel?

    She smiled, drawing his lips close

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