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The Forgotten Realm: Twisted Insanity, Mirror to the Soul, Darkness Within
The Forgotten Realm: Twisted Insanity, Mirror to the Soul, Darkness Within
The Forgotten Realm: Twisted Insanity, Mirror to the Soul, Darkness Within
Ebook53 pages47 minutes

The Forgotten Realm: Twisted Insanity, Mirror to the Soul, Darkness Within

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The Forgotten Realm

Twisted Insanity

Dr Philip Roach studies the human mind by any means necessary, and is fascinated when a patient arrives at the Asylum of the Criminally Insane; who had killed her entire family, but when he realizes that she has a rare split personality disorder he cant wait to unlock her hidden secrets, and dive into her mind.

However, is he ready for the consequences of his actions? The mind can be very complicated and things may not be, as they seem! Is he ready to discover the truth and is it what he expects? But most of all will it make his own mind snap, and take him to the brink of madness into the realm of Insanity; Only time will tell

Mirror to the Soul

Have you ever felt like someone was watching you? That someones invisible eyes were gazing upon you, and a deceased love one was nearby! Do you believe in ghosts? Billie Williams was an elderly man who spent most of his days behind the bar in the, Black Hawk pub. He wouldnt hurt a fly.

He thought he lived upstairs above the pub alone, but how wrong was he because he was being watched by unseen eyes looking through the mirror. Some say the mirror was a porthole to the spirit realm, but what if the ghosts were desperate enough to enter our realm, but even the dead have rules. They were weak, but they are cunning, and they have found a key to unlock the door into our world. However, not all spirits are friendly!

Theses are just two of the short stories within the pages of this book taking us into the Forgotten Realm! Into a world where anything is not what it seems and fate plays a deadly hand!
Release dateMar 10, 2015
The Forgotten Realm: Twisted Insanity, Mirror to the Soul, Darkness Within

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    The Forgotten Realm - Anthony Ford

    © 2015 Anthony Ford. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 02/27/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-3848-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-3857-0 (e)

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    Twisted Insanity

    Mirror to the Soul

    Darkness Within


    I like to thank and dedicate this book to Caroline Miles who has helped introduce me to the publishing world, and has supported me and encouraged me in my wri ting!

    I also like to thank my husband, ‘Brian Ford,’ for his extra love and support every step of the way and for giving me his opinions when it counted. They both have helped my confidence grow, day by day and I do appreciate it!

    I also like to thank my family and friends for all of their support and advice they have given me when it came to my writing, and for their honest opinions!

    I would also like to thank Debbie Rowles for Promoting and publicizing my book. I also like to thank Andrew Guld and all of the team at Author house UK Publishing Company Ltd and without them this book wouldn’t be made possible so thank you!

    Finally, I like to thank you the reader for your support in buying this book, and I hope you enjoy it!

    Twisted Insanity


    ‘H ave you ever wondered about the mind? It is an interesting subject filled with many unanswered questions. The brain is indeed a complex organ and we do not fully understand it is potential. I am Dr Philip Roach, and I work for the Mental Institute for the criminally insane. I have a degree in psychology, but my later project is studying of how the human mind w orks!

    I have always wondered what triggers the mind to snap in a single instant, what causes the mind to enter into a state or realm of madness. I hope that my experiments will determine the cause, and then we might be able to cure it permanently. We might then be able to detect the signs, before they surface. It could change the world of medical science, as we know it. It might also help us to control our violent impulses.

    I have observed that in some patients, that they seem to blame their current condition on many different personalities has if it was not their fault, but in some ways, it is not. In some cases, they suffered from some kind of trauma throughout their childhood.

    They have different personalities deep inside of them ready to break through to the surface. It is a rare disease, but it exists, and is very real indeed. To them the personalities they display are like real people, with memories, thoughts and feelings.

    It is an interesting subject, which has baffled Doctors for years, though doctors call it Dissociative Identity disorder, but they only partly understand it. Research and money will help us to understand this illness of the mind, but it has along way to go before we truly make a breakthrough, that I hope my experiments will give us the answers we need!

    In fact, I believe we have a patient in our facility that displays all the signs of this disorder that I have just described. She is here because she ended up murdering her entire family. The judges declared her mentally unstable.

    Some people believe in demon possession, and that the devil

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