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The Seven Angels of the Apocalypse: Third Edition
The Seven Angels of the Apocalypse: Third Edition
The Seven Angels of the Apocalypse: Third Edition
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The Seven Angels of the Apocalypse: Third Edition

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The Seven Angels of the Apocalypse

This is the third edition of The Seven Angels of the Apocalypse, sub-titled Fullness of Time. The main character, Michael Barone is shot in the chest with a 12 gauge deer slug at point blank range and is placed in a coma. While he is in the coma, the story rolls back 3,000 years to the life of one of his ancestors, Eli, the Judge of Israel. The story follows Elis priesthood line through the kingdoms of Saul, David and the anointing of Solomon. The story further continues with vignettes about the temple regalities, such as the Ark of the Covenant, the Breastplate and the Urimm and Thummin. Israel falls in and out of favor with God and finally is taken captive by the Babylonians. Later, Rome conquers Jerusalem and Pompey sends 30,000 Jews to populate his newly annexed Sicily. This is when Michael Barones bloodline moved from Israel to Sicily.
2,000 years later, the Seventh seal is unsealed, and the Barones heroically migrate to America, and grow as a family. Michael wakes from his coma in time to guide his family through the end times, into the days when the seven angels who are identified by the author come to blow their trumps. Each angels trumpet brings a catastrophe in fulfillment of St. Johns Revelation. In fact, St. John is one of the angels.
This book is a realistic view of what happens during the end times. This is not just a good read. This is a wakeup call!
Release dateMar 3, 2015
The Seven Angels of the Apocalypse: Third Edition

Peter M. Sciarrotta

For the most part, Peter M. Sciarrotta, or Pete, is just a regular guy. He lives in the middle of Iowa, has a wife and two kids and a grandson. Between the military and the state, he has worn a uniform for thirty-five years. However, the thing that makes Pete different is his personal interest into the book of Revelations. Pete is not a teacher or a preacher but has somehow been able to ascertain exactly who the seven angels are in the book of Revelations. This is the third edition. While Pete was at his computer writing the thirteenth chapter of the second edition, he was attacked and shot in the chest with a twelve-gauge deer slug. The shot should have killed him. The next night, in the hospital, Pete had what should have been a fatal heart attack. Pete didn’t even find out about the heart attack until four years later. An angiogram at that time found that Pete has no left coronary artery at all, but in that four years, his heart produced its own bypass. Between the second and third editions, Pete did more extensive research, including two different DNA tests, which supported other evidence that Pete had come from a long line of the priesthood. But this is not a textbook. This is a book about how the events in Revelations will affect the main character, Michael Barone, and the rest of us. Through the life of Michael Barone, Pete is able to show the reader the events that have happened and will happen. According to Pete, we may not know when the exact time of these events will occur, but we may know what will happen and why.

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    The Seven Angels of the Apocalypse - Peter M. Sciarrotta


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    © 2015 Peter M. Sciarrotta. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 03/02/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-7212-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-7211-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015902994

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.



    Part 1

    Chapter 1 Corruption

    Chapter 2 The End Isn’t the End

    Chapter 3 The Stigmata

    Chapter 4 The shooting

    Chapter 5 The Ancient Priesthood

    Chapter 6 Into the House of Samuel

    Chapter 7 Bad News

    Chapter 8 Reclaiming the Ark

    Chapter 9 The Line Continues

    Chapter 10 A King

    Chapter 11 Solomon

    Chapter 12 Israel Divided

    Chapter 13 The Romans

    Chapter 14 The Seventh Seal

    Chapter 15 From Italy to Iowa

    Chapter 16 The Awakening

    Chapter 17 Coming of the First Angel

    Chapter 18 The Second Trumpet

    Chapter 19 Wormwood

    Chapter 20 The Fourth Trumpet

    Chapter 21 The Sixth Trumpet

    Chapter 22 The Last and Seventh Angel

    Chapter 23 The Battle of Megiddo

    Part 2

    Chapter 1 Resurrection of the Just

    Chapter 2 Renewal of the Earth

    Chapter 3 Day of Judgment

    Chapter 4 Binding of Satan

    Chapter 5 Peace on Earth

    Chapter 6 The Lion and the Lamb

    Chapter 7 Life Goes On

    Chapter 8 The End of Sorrows

    Chapter 9 The Fullness of Truth

    Chapter 10 The Kingdom of God on Earth

    Chapter 11 Families United

    Chapter 12 The Last Battle

    Chapter 13 The Final Judgment

    Selected Scripture References

    The Purpose of Life


    I dedicate this book to my loving wife, Sherri, daughters Anna and Micaela, and grandson Reuben, also, the late SSgt. Terry Miller, U.S. Army Rangers, who taught me about the Book of Revelations, and the late Jim Cleere, who motivated me to write short stories. Jim was a victim of September 11 in New York.

    I would also like to thank my entire family on both sides, and my army of friends who gave us their thoughts and prayers during my recovery.

    This book is for people like me who seek to be enlightened by both future and past events that have an important impact on our mortal, and post mortal existence. I tried my best to make this book as enjoyable as possible to read. I am going to call this book fiction, but I did a lot of research to be as accurate as I could be with the important events that are presented to you. Many of the things in this book are personal to me, and I hope that no matter what you believe, or what religion you are, that you will read this book with an open mind. I hope that you will do some research on your own on the things and ideas that are presented to you.

    I am not a teacher or a preacher, I’m just some guy, who has the gumption to ask the questions most religious leaders don’t even want to talk about. I represent no particular religion or church. I really began this work in 1978. Just think about how much life has changed since then.

    Part 1

    Chapter 1


    Remember 16? Todd was a young lad, and like most boys his age, he had the need for speed. Like a lot of farm kids in central Iowa he had a motor bike. Not a Harley or anything like that, but just enough of a crotch rocket to be cool. Todd was heading south toward Hartington, passing the Welcome to Hartington sign.

    A dingy looking mini-van was just ahead of Todd, heading into town. The driver was a middle aged woman with frizzy blond hair, and angry eyes. Her name was Cammie.

    Cammie looked angrily into her mini van’s rear view mirror.

    That little son of a bitch! Cammie cursed.

    Todd was behind her, and he was revving up, then letting off his motorcycles engine, and this was annoying Cammie, who was someone you didn’t annoy. The mini-van was heading south. Todd still followed Cammie’s mini-van.

    The boy gave the bike some gas, just as the mini-van entered the bridge that crossed the River.

    I’ll teach his ass! Cammie grumbled. With a truck coming the other direction on the bridge, Cammie slammed on her brakes.

    Wham! Todd’s motorcycle struck the back of Cammie’s van, as Todd had no choice other than to hit the mini-van. Todd’s lymph body crumbled to the ground behind Cammie’s van. His image disappeared from her rear view mirror.

    Don, come down to the bridge, I just gorilla kissed some young punk on a bike. Bring the accident investigation gear. Cammie directed into her cell phone.

    I’ll be there in about 5 minutes. Don, Cammie’s husband and Chief of the Hartington PD, replied.

    A small crowd of motorist had stopped to check on the boy.

    Did anybody see anything here? Cammie loudly asked, not quite in a yelling voice.

    Naw, I didn’t see nothin’. one of the bystanders quipped, after seeing who was involved.

    Me neither. grumbled another as the crowd returned to their trucks and cars.

    Todd was laying on the ground, still tangled up with his bike, a small pool of blood under his helmet.

    Think you’re some kind of hot-shot don’t you? Cammie heckled the poor boy.

    Todd looked up, still dazed from the impact.

    I’ll bet you been drinking too. Cammie nagged.

    Don pulled up behind the accident, and got out of his police vehicle. He dismounted and walked up to Todd, still unable to get up.

    I better call for the ambulance. Don said as he pushed to button on his mic.

    This is the chief, please have rescue respond to the highway river bridge. We have one personal injury to transport. the chief ordered.

    10-4, chief, our ETA is 10 minutes. The female voice on the other end replied.

    Look at the damage you caused. Chief Don pointed out to Todd, who was still incoherent. I’ll just bet you were over the speed limit. I hope your folks have money; maybe we’ll be able to settle this out of court. Cammie, do you think you need the ambulance?

    After we clean up this mess, I think I should go to the E.R. and get checked-out. My neck’s already feeling stiff. Cammie answered.

    A white Jeep Cherokee pulled into the driveway of Michael’s Salon. Hartington Police adorned the sides, with a thin light bar on the top. The scufty looking chief climbed out of the driver’s seat, and walked to the rear of the vehicle, where he opened the rear window, reached inside and grabbed a rifle. He then made his way to the door of the salon, and walked in.

    How’s it going, Don?" Michael asked the rifle bearing chief.

    Well, I’ve got this M-14 I just got in, and I thought you might be interested in it. What do you think its worth to you, Michael? Don asked.

    The stocky olive skinned Michael looked at Don with questioning eyes.

    Did you get that rifle from Operation Northstar? Michael asked.

    Well, yea. Don answered Michael.

    "I am a member of Northstar, Don, and I know what you are doing. You have a warehouse under the water tower full of this free government surplus equipment, which you got Scott free. Anything you sell is 100% profit. Well, I don’t want the FBI coming around my house looking for guns you sold me. What you’re doing is a federal offense. Find a safer way to pay for Cammie’s gambling." Michael scolded.

    Don pulled the rifle back into his clutch, and nervously slinked towards the door.

    I’ll just let you get back to cutting hair Michael. Have a good one. the chief quickly placed the M-14 in the back seat of his vehicle and climbed back in.

    Can you believe that idiot? Michael said to his cousin, Chris, who was seated in the barber chair.

    What was that all about? Chris asked.

    He gets free guns and other merchandise free from an army depot, then brings it back to Hartington and sells it on E-Bay, or to other people. He pockets all the cash. It’s illegal as hell, and I don’t want any part of it. Michael replied.

    That must be a lot of money. Chris replied.

    Not enough to cover his wife’s gambling habit. snipped Michael.

    I think I get the picture.

    The chief pulled into the driveway of his modest Hartington home. Even a small town cop shouldn’t have to live in a dump like this.

    Cammie! Come down here. the chief yelled up the stairs from the kitchen.

    What’s the problem, Don?

    I paid Michael a visit and tried to sell him that M-14. It went south quick. I didn’t know he belonged to Northstar.

    Don, Michael is the armory Sergeant at the prison. I think he is certified to get stuff too. Do you think he is going to turn you in?

    Well, we need to come up with a plan, and I mean quick. If the feds come in here I am toast. We will lose this racket, I’ll lose my job and maybe go to a federal prison.

    Just calm down, Don. We’ll get a plan together. It’s not like we haven’t done this before. We just need to get our stories together. Cammie reassured.

    I just have a bad feeling about this time, Cammie

    Just come up with a plan. What we need to do is find a way to discredit Michael, in case he calls the Department of Defense, or the FBI, or whatever. I think he was an officer in the guard, so he may know some DOD people. Before we screw with Michael, we need to find some scapegoat to take the fall for this property.

    Yeah, go on. Don asked.

    Do you have anybody on the PD who is expendable, Don? Cammie asked.

    Well I’ll tell you, Kelly, I think is getting a little frustrated at the way we do business here. He still has some of the academy idealistic values. I am concerned he won’t say the things I want him to say when he is on the stand in court. What if he were to turn on us? He has too much dirt, maybe it’s time to get rid of him. Don reasoned.

    You are the chief, why don’t you call the Department of Defense and say that you think he has been pilfering some of the federal property you got from Northstar? Cammie asked.

    That’s a good idea, Cammie. We could kill two birds with one stone. But, this would be like a blitz. If it works, it’s great, but we run the risk of being burnt bad. It is typical for investigators to believe the one that files a complaint. But we need some hard evidence.

    Does Kelly lock his garage, Don?

    I don’t think he does.

    Could you put some stuff in Kelly’s garage, and then call the feds?

    You know I think that could just work. There is enough junk in there that he wouldn’t even notice.

    And who’s going to question the chief? Problem solved! Cammie stated.

    1-1-2005 8pm.

    Michael knelt in prayer. It was Michael’s habit to pray before eating supper with his family, but for Michael to truly ask for things for himself in prayer were very rare. In his forty-five years there were about ten prayers of this type Michael had made, and even the most bizarre were brought to fruition. When he lived in Alaska, he prayed in this manner for a pair of coveralls and a bible, as money was scarce. A few days after that prayer, Michael opened the door of an abandoned trailer and found a pair of coveralls and a bible. The most amazing thing is that the coveralls fit his 27" inseam, and short arms.

    Our dear, kind Heavenly Father Michael supplicated if it be Thy will, take from Brother Luca the Stigmata of the Savior and give it to me. Give me an undeniable wound that others will know that Thou does exist. I commit my body to use as thou need to use it, so that people will believe in Thy Devine existence.

    Sunday, in church, Michael was asked to be a speaker. He was not given a topic, but allowed to give a brief talk on whatever he wanted. Michael walked from his seat to the pulpit. Michael introduced himself and continued.

    I haven’t yet met this man, but I know him. In 1979,I was called, along with 200 other young men from North America to go to Brother Luca in Rome, and join his order.

    Michael thought back to that night in the late 70’s at his friend Kevin’s apartment. Kevin’s cousin Terry was visiting, on leave from the US Army Rangers. Terry was a tall, thin, young man, with the classic high and tight Ranger haircut, which set him apart from the typical 70’s youth. His dark eyes displayed seriousness.

    Kevin grew up on the old block with Michael. Kevin was also tall, nearly as tall as Terry at six foot three, but more muscular, with a head of lighter, curly hair.

    As the three of them sat around the table talking, Terry approached some details that he learned about the Book of Revelations. Revelations is the last book of the New Testament, which is also known as the Apocalypse.

    Written by the Apostle John, on the Isle of Patmos in the year 70 A.D., Revelations foretells of the end of the world.

    There will be wars, floods and famines, and then Christ will come back, just as He left, on the Mount of Olives. Then life as we know it will be over. Terry said. Michael and Kevin listen intently as Terry continued, "After all these tribulations, there will be a thousand year period where Christ will rein on the earth, and everything will be perfect. There won’t be any death, or hunger. Children will be born, but there won’t be any death.

    Michael responds, I never heard of that.

    It’s right there in Revelations, plain as day. Terry said.

    Why don’t they ever talk about that in church? Michael questioned.

    I don’t know. Terry responded.

    Michael stood out on his apartment balcony, looking up through the clear night sky, into the stars, thinking about the things Terry had said earlier in the evening. Michael thought to himself, Is this the call?

    Michael was raised in a devout Italian Catholic home. The Barone family came to America from Scala Coeli, a small village in the Calabria region of Southern Italy, on the eastern coast.

    Michael drove downtown to attend mass, and visit the local youth Pastor, who had a youth congregation that met in downtown Des Moines. Michael enjoyed the comfort of the informal mass. At the conclusion of mass, the priest began making his way to his office. Michael approached the jovial priest.

    Father Patrick, could I see you in your office? Michael asked.

    Of course, Michael. the priest answered.

    Father Patrick was a big man, and the young parishioners had a good relationship with him. Kids came from different parts of Des Moines to hang out at the youth ministry. It wasn’t like a regular parish, there were no alters, or statuary, or even candles. There was pool, and foosball, pop machines, and a big, jovial Father Patrick, who was there to keep kids in the faith. Anyone who played football, like Father Patrick did in his heyday must be Okay.

    As Father Patrick sat behind his desk, his jovial look turned serious as Michael spoke.

    What about the events that are mentioned in the Book of Revelations? Michael asked.

    Well, Father Patrick replied, the church’s stand is that all of these events happened in 70 A.D.

    Michael’s face became twisted with confusion, as Michael was puzzled by the church’s position about Revelations.

    Tell me this, Father Patrick, Michael disputed, when was Jesus Christ here for a thousand years?

    Fr. Patrick shrugged his shoulders, and Michael understood that this is what Father Patrick was directed to say.

    Michael left the office, frustrated and confused. The Book of Revelation was so obvious to him, so why did others turn their backs. Furthermore, men of the cloth, why wouldn’t they be shouting St. John’s Revelations from the rooftops?

    Again, Michael stood by his window, looking out into the night sky.

    Dear Heavenly Father, Michael silently prayed, When I turn 21, I will set down and contemplate my calling into Thy service.

    Two months passed, Terry returned to his service in the Rangers. Michael’s friend Don returned home to Des Moines on his terminal leave from the Army in Alaska.

    Don was two years older than Michael and the two had grown up together on Des Moines west side. Don was just a bit bigger than Michael, with blond hair and blue eyes. Don and Michael both wrestled on the same high school team at Hoover. At 21, Don was ready to finish his four-year tour as a Go Devil, in B Company (Airborne) of the 172nd Infantry, stationed in Anchorage, Alaska.

    Don’s plan was to return to Alaska following his leave, and reside.

    One night, sitting around the kitchen table in Michael and Kevin’s apartment, Don and Michael were drinking beer and talking about Alaska.

    You should drive back to Alaska with me, Michael. Don said.

    Well, I guess there isn’t much holding me back. Michael replied.

    You need to at least see Alaska, its God’s country. Don pitched.

    Unlike Don and Terry, Michael went to hairdressing school, right after high school, and never had the chance to see the world. Michael was working as a hairdresser, as this was his family’s business.

    All right, Don, Alaska, or bust. Michael said, as he held out his can of beer to Don, who clinked his can with Michael.

    Alaska or bust. Don agreed. We leave next week.

    As Don finished loading the back of his green 1972 Dodge pick-up, Michael climbed into the back, inside the topper.

    Alaska or bust! Michael exclaimed, as he taped a sign inside the window of the topper.

    Don chuckled.

    Let’s stop and get some ice for the cooler, then we’re out of here. Don said.

    The two jumped in the truck, and pulled out of the driveway of Don’s parents’ home, heading toward I-80 West. Their journey had begun.

    Don’s watch read seven minutes after eight pm., as Don and Michael crossed the Nebraska/Wyoming border.

    I don’t know about you, but I think I saw enough of Nebraska. Don said to Michael. We’ll find somewhere in Cheyenne to park for the night.

    That sounds good to me. Michael responded.

    Michael and Don had driven through most of the Canadian province of Alberta, and were approaching the border with British Columbia. The landscape was becoming more alpine, with mountains, streams and fir trees. Michael had never been anywhere like this before.

    Is this what Alaska looks like? Michael asked Don.

    "A lot

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