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My Best Grass: Basic and Practical Lawn Care Manual
My Best Grass: Basic and Practical Lawn Care Manual
My Best Grass: Basic and Practical Lawn Care Manual
Ebook128 pages1 hour

My Best Grass: Basic and Practical Lawn Care Manual

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About this ebook

"Sure there are no more beautiful thing to see in a house, a building, a mansion, a castle or a sports field that green and pure grass without weeds, and where we can see it from our children playing seniors enjoying a beautiful day or athletes trying to show their qualities and skills"

With this simple but true phrase, Francisco the author of this manual defines which is one of the objectives of his work: Cooperate with homeowners and landscapers to improve our environment and make each day more habitable our planet.

Also the author Francisco wants to do this objective easier than it frequently is , that is transmitted to all who purchase the Manual: "my best grass", the assurance that from now on will be much simpler to have a beautiful grass

Francisco transmits all their knowledge, their studies, his investigations, their experience in working in companies # 1 in the retail industry for many years to all those who think like him:

"Caring for our grass, we will have a better environment. This is our power"

If we had to summarize in two concepts this work would say: "Simplicity" and "ready to use".

Besides this project does not end with this manual of Francisco, the author promises that will continue to transmit experiences through Internet which guarantees to keep in touch

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Release dateApr 30, 2015
My Best Grass: Basic and Practical Lawn Care Manual

Francisco ?Paco? Mieres

In the early years of the current century and escaping from the great economic crisis that struck South America in general and in particular to the countries of the Rio de la Plata, the author of this book arrived in the US from his native Uruguay: Francisco Paco Mieres. Just then the immigration authorities at JFK Airport were about to truncate the dreams of this writer, and he was separated from the waiting line, was taken to an office of immigration in the United States, and was questioned about his intentions in this country. The lightweight baggage of Francisco Paco Mieres was complemented for an enormous amount of illusions and some letters from editorial that gave hope to edit some of his novels. These letters and sincere explanations helped in the first instance to enter, which later became his adopted country generously. He achieved the publication of his first novel in Spanish (Duty Free Shop) and now incurs other genders. After working for years in big retail corporations and get the graduation of the professional landscape design program at Ashworth University, he decides to write My Best Grass, an easy and ready-to-use manual. In this manual, a common owner or housewife or landscaper may use it as a guide on how to keep safe your grass of any inconvenience that does not allow healthy growth of your grass. Francisco Paco Mieres was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, in the midfifties. He’s the only son of a couple who loved nature and clean environment where they were born and had managed to give to their son in an intact manner. This new possibility to transform a hobby into a profession is not given to everyone, so enjoy it.

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    Book preview

    My Best Grass - Francisco ?Paco? Mieres

    Copyright © 2015 by Francisco Paco Mieres.

    ISBN:   Softcover   978-1-5065-0242-7

                 Ebook         978-1-5065-0243-4

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Rev date: 04/28/2015


    1663 Liberty Drive

    Suite 200

    Bloomington, IN 47403



    Chapter 1

    History of the grass in the United States

    Chapter 2

    Benefits of having a good grass

    Chapter 3

    In that area we live?

    Chapter 4

    How is your soil ?

    Chapter 5

    We have an annual work plan?

    Chapter 6

    March 20 / April 20 - Early Spring -

    Scene Alfa Α α

    Capítulo 7

    Abril / Junio 20 – Tardía Primavera-

    Escena Β β Beta

    Capítulo 8

    Junio / Septiembre 21– Verano

    Escena Gamma Γ γ

    Chapter 9

    September 22 Start of Fall

    Scene - Delta δ

    Chapter 10

    December 21/22 Start of Winter

    Scene Epsilon Ε ε

    Chapter 11

    Seeding - Re-seeding and sod

    Chapter 12

    Grass seed - a good choice for planting

    Chapter 13

    Things to consider (Tips) and final Resume

    |Everything that is good for the lawn and garden will be for our environment


    There should be no more beautiful thing to witness in a house, a building, a mansion, a castle or a sports field that green and pure grass without weeds, and where we can see children playing, older people enjoying a beautiful day and athletes trying to show their qualities and skills in their game

    A healthy and cared grass undoubtedly besides transform and beautify natural and landscape environments also increases the value of the properties.

    For example periodic surveys conducted by input suppliers for landscaping prove that well maintained green areas could reach an average value of up to 16%. These surveys are always similar although _ are made to different countries.

    This indicates the benefits of maintaining good grass and the disadvantages of not doing a good maintenance is the same.

    This leads us to think and evaluate the increasing importance of green spaces and landscape construction projects either a big property as a simple house or apartment building

    This is simply a fact of reality but there are more benefits that will detail throughout this manual

    With this small manual try to transmit to anyone who wanted my experiences of many years working as an associate at the retail industry in companies related to lawn care who I thank them for being involved in this beautiful subject that is the gardening. Thanks to these great corporations I managed to turn a hobby into a profession.

    Another objective I intend with this manual is to help in my humble knowledge and experience to all those homeowners that or for economic reasons or just for the fun of it, they themselves are responsible for the care of your grass and are always worried looking information to make their lawn looks beautiful and healthy. It is also my intention to help some really professional landscapers who we have exchanged opinions and experiences which many of them are developed in this manual, but also for those who do not have much experience yet but with work, dedication and desire they will make super-professional in the short time.

    I really love when after my day off or after my vacation I return to work at the store and my coworkers commented me that there were customers who asked for me because they wanted to know when returning or they want to know which is my schedule for next week

    I feel that I am important to them. With this I do not mean that my coworkers can not advise, even better than me, but It is good for me, is the best reward I can get: Being a trusted source for the care of their lawn.

    Imagine being able to be present through this manual and to transmit my knowledge with the same simplicity and passion that I do in the store. It would be the maximum for me.

    Also important is transmit that all the time are emerging products of different types (organic, ecological, good for our pets, etc) and must be willing to want to receive all this important information for our benefit or for the benefit of our customers.

    That phrase that often heard always was like this .…… Sometimes is invalid because all the things change, and we must be informed.

    Every day we are learning and also the big companies are more interested in us, or to keep our fidelity to that company or for the customer service all controlled by the famous Voice of Customer (VOC)

    In the modern business world, the companies do not compete only for the quality of the products (which we assume are good and similar) or prices (which should not have many differences because production costs should be similar) but the battle is in the dispute for the customer service. May be this is the big difference between the companies.

    Today in the modern marketing, we, the customers are the most important value for those companies and we must use it to our advantage.

    We must also learn to use new technologies such as social networks where much of that information can comment with other people interested in the subject and own sources of information

    Another objective that I would love to achieve the simplicity or easy to use. Is to say that what is expressed in this manual be understood by greatest number of people. This manual is intended to convey knowledge and experiences. Today we have a lot of information, we can even integrate forums and exchange views with others and thus grow in our knowledge

    From now on all these important details begin the process of caring for our grass will help us to evaluate be it our property if we are the owners of the house or to evaluate our work if we are professional in gardening.

    Chapter 1

    History of the grass in the United States

    Obviously all efforts in this manual and all its pretensions are helping people who buy it to have a healthy grass and enjoy it.

    So let’s start with a little history.It is always important to understand our present and project into the future.

    While the origins of something similar to what we now know as grass or turf we can locate in medieval times, (S. XIV - XV century) in northern Europe, nobody could imagine the volume of business which today represents grass care.

    While today any common citizen can have a beautiful home with grass in the front and background of your property in those days this was a privilege of top European aristocracy in their magnificent properties their employees kept up with hard work and with basic tools like the scythe and helped by cattle grazing were able to maintain a carefully grass.

    That was the beginning of what would become the modern garden.

    It was not until the XVII and XVIII century, the gardens and well maintained were able to maintain, became social recreation areas and enjoy as a seal of high social status and began to take special care and attention to large

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