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Robert's Final Walk
Robert's Final Walk
Robert's Final Walk
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Robert's Final Walk

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This part of Robert's story is, as he has grown up and thinks about his past. He decided to move to his sisters house and takes his baby, Karen, to start a new life. As he travels there, he meets Natalie in a restaurant, and there is something about her. He is able to get her telephone number, and eventually when he is settled at his sisters house, he calls, and finally they meet.

Robert is struck by the spirituality in Natalie and wants to know more about her. Eventually, Robert decides to visit her hometown, and while there, he is in an accident, not too serious. He meets her mother and talks to her family.

Robert asks her to marry him, says he loves her; she loves him also. They decide that they want to marry and tell all the family. Months later, they do marry. All things went well. Natalie's mom, Ms. Belinda, is approached by one of the invited guess. Ronald is his name, and he is attracted by her and wants to know more. Eventually, Ms. Belinda decides to go on a date with him. She says that yes, she does deserve a second chance of happiness . . .
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 9, 2015
Robert's Final Walk

K. Ann Crump

Kathleen Ann Crump, aka K. Ann Crump—this is her third book. The first book was a book of spiritually poems, and then she has written a novel titled "All Things Are Possible," which was well. Kathleen Ann thanks God for the opportunity to write these books. She would not have been able to do it on her own. She is living in Philadelphia because it is less expensive living here rather than living in Bermuda, where she was born. She has a son, Kevin, and family living in Philadelphia. She also has a daughter, Belinda, and family; and Abdu and his family, living in Bermuda, visits about twice a year. She has sisters and brothers also. This book is a follow-up on "All Things Are Possible": Robert’s Final Walk.

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    Robert's Final Walk - K. Ann Crump




    All Things Are Possible Part Two


    Copyright © 2015 by K. Ann Crump.

    Library of Congress Control Number:      2015904062

    ISBN:        Hardcover           978-1-5035-5294-4

                      Softcover            978-1-5035-5295-1

                      eBook                 978-1-5035-5296-8

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Rev. date: 03/16/2015




    Robert calls Natalie. His emotions rise, he feels such urgency, and he decides to dial the number—the number he has wanted to call all day. The phone rings, once, twice. Robert is nervous, apprehensive. Finally, Hello, Natalie. This is Robert.


    Needless to say, Natalie is excited and says, Oh! Robert, I was wondering when you would decide to call me.

    There is a pause, then Robert says, When will I see you? I have to say you made an impression on me. I have been thinking about you all day, and I have not been able to shake it.

    Well, says Natalie, I would like to see you also. Have you found that house you were looking for? And how is baby Karen? I would like to see her again. She is such a beautiful baby.

    Thanks. Yes, she is a well-adjusted little one. Everything is going fine, and no, I have not found that house yet. Is it possible for me to come to where you are so we could talk? I would really like to see you face-to-face. I will make myself available.

    You sound very serious, Robert. Tell you what, I will be home from my trip with the group this Saturday. Call me then, and I will let you know where we can meet up. Is that OK?

    Yes! That would be wonderful, Natalie. I really want to see you. I have not felt this way in a very long time. And guess what? I hear baby Karen calling out to me. I will go and warm a bottle for her, and she will want to talk for a while before going back to sleep.

    OK! I will call you about Saturday. Have a good night.

    And you as well, says Robert, and he clicks off his phone. Smiling, he goes to talk to baby Karen.

    Natalie finishes her report on the camp meetings and makes sure that all the boys received their badges and certificates. She thinks to herself, These are a really nice bunch of boys. We had so much fun and learned so much about first aid and basic survival techniques. They did a good job of keeping their items and bunks in order in their rooms. Now they are safe in their homes with their parents. Now Natalie can focus on the call she also has been waiting to make.

    Natalie is home now and is having her dinner, which consists of green salad and a beautiful piece of smoked fish. She decided to have a glass of wine tonight with her meal. She wanted to savor every bite and just relax, and then she would call Robert.

    The phone rings, and Robert answers and says hello in such a soft, sexual tone. Natalie says, Hello to you too, Robert. I want to see you, but I am not sure what to think about our meeting.

    Sorry. I will not take no for an answer, Robert says playfully. I can be on a plane as soon as you give me the word.

    OK! Can you get on a plane to Florida on Sunday? And I will pick you up. I know that JetBlue and US Airways fly here three times a day. Let me know which flight you will be on, and I will meet you. There is a restaurant we can go to and talk. Robert, please keep an open mind, OK?

    All right, I will try … I will call you back as soon as I get the flight number and time. I want to see you, you know? I really do.

    Robert calls JetBlue, and they have a flight out to Florida on Sunday at ten. That is the one I will be on. So he makes his reservation, calls Natalie, and says, Guess what! I have a flight Sunday morning. It’s JetBlue, leaving here at ten. I will be there before noon.

    OK, says Natalie. I will be at the airport to meet you.

    Robert says, My favorite color is mauve, light purple. I love it.

    Smiling, Natalie says, OK! Yes, that is a nice shade.

    I will see you tomorrow, Robert says in a smiling tone. I am longing for you, girl.

    Natalie smiles and says in a shy tone, I will be waiting.

    Natalie thinks that there could be something to this, so she decides to go in the morning as soon as the stores open to find something purple or mauve to wear. She is now feeling giddy, and with anticipation, she decides to find something to read before going to sleep, but her mind goes back to the conversation she had with Robert. Eventually, she falls in a deep sleep.

    Where did the night go? She awakes with a smile on her face. The first thing she does is thank God for such a wonderful sleep and for allowing her to see another day.

    On the other hand, Robert is telling everyone that he is going to meet Natalie on Sunday, and he would like to know if they could find a babysitter for baby Karen for a couple of days. Robert tells his sister that this (he and Natalie) could become serious with a sheepish grin on his face.

    Cindy and Steve say that they are happy for him. But please be careful and try to guard your heart. But yes, go. We will find someone to sit with your baby for a few days. We can take her to church today, and Jennifer, who babysat for the girls, would be glad to have her for a few days.

    Thanks, sis and Steve. I will catch the ten o’clock flight on Sunday. Robert pulls out one of his suitcases and tries to decide what to wear. Thinking about the color of

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