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From Adam to Abraham
From Adam to Abraham
From Adam to Abraham
Ebook189 pages2 hours

From Adam to Abraham

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This book is an examination of the first twenty five chapters of The Book Of Genesis from the King James Version of the Holy Scriptures. God, which is a combination of Personalities, One of which is Yahweh, created all things in what is today called the Big Bang. At that split second, all energy and matter were created. God called it into existence and at that instant, ninety five percent of all matter went into other dimensions, or vibrations. The result is that we humans can only see or touch five percent of universal matter.
All stars, planets, and living things were created at this second. Only the Angels of God were in existence at the time of the big bang. They were all happy except for one. This angels name was Lucifer.
One of the things created by The Personalities of God, were a host of spirit beings which would inhabit human bodies at the time of conception. The first human was called Adam by Yahweh, and the second one was called Eve. Between the two of them, they were to begin the process of making children. They were to live forever on Earth in human form. They would not age, not grow sick and die, and Eve would have her children without any pain or effort. They were given two commands. One was to have many children, and the other was to not eat the fruit of a certain tree. We all know this was a test, and to break this command would mean they would die before the billion year day they were living in at the time of the violation was over.
Lucifer was put in charge of Earth and the humans. He immediately set about to ruin Gods plan. The result was that Adam and Eve, and all people on earth would die. And they did.
God set in motion a plan to save all mankind by means of person in the future. He told this to Eve, and Lucifer heard it also.
This is the story of the Messianic Lineage that started with Adam and Eve, and carried forward even after the great worldwide deluge, to a man named Abraham and his wife named Sarah.
All mankind began with a life span where a day equaled a thousand years. The life span changed at the time Noah entered the ark with his family to a day equaling one hundred and twenty years. It was changed again when Abraham and Sarah had a son named Isaac, to our modern life span. Which is less than two hundred years.
This is their story, as I, the author of this book, see it.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 5, 2015
From Adam to Abraham

Thomas Lee Mobley

I am retired now, but I have always had a deep curiosity about The Holy Scriptures. I have studied them off and on all my life. This book is a result of my studies. Born in Arkansas, my family moved to Arizona when I was still a baby. We lived there till I was fifteen years old, then we came to Florida. I have lived here since then, and will live here till I pass on. I love Florida, and I love the people in it, especially a beautiful Cuban lady who has been my wife for almost fifty years. I like reading, watching good movies and television shows, jigsaw puzzles, and fishing, but I don’t like to hunt.

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    From Adam to Abraham - Thomas Lee Mobley

    Copyright © 2015 by Thomas Lee Mobley.

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Rev. date: 06/04/2015






    Chapter 1

    A Summary of Chapter One

    Chapter 2

    A Summary of Chapter Two

    Chapter 3

    A Summary of Chapter Three

    Chapter 4

    A Summary of Chapter Four

    Chapter 5

    A Summary of Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    A Summary of Chapter Six

    Chapter 7

    A Summary of Chapter Seven

    Chapter 8

    A Summary of Chapter Eight

    Chapter 9

    A Summary of Chapter Nine

    Chapters 10 and 11

    A Summary of Chapters Ten and Eleven

    Chapter 12

    A Summary of Chapter Twelve

    Chapter 13

    A Summary of Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter 14

    A Summary of Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter 15

    A Summary of Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter 16

    A Summary of Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter 17

    A Summary of Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter 18

    A Summary of Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter 19

    A Summary of Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter 20

    A Summary of Chapter Twenty

    Chapter 21

    A Summary of Chapter Twenty-one

    Chapter 22

    A Summary of Chapter Twenty-two

    Chapter 23

    A Summary of Chapter Twenty-three

    Chapter 24

    A Summary of Chapter Twenty-four

    Chapter 25 (Verses 1 through 9)

    The Author


    Spiritual Transformation or Reincarnation

    Dimensions Other than Our Visible One

    The World before the Deluge or the Great Flood

    People and Places from Adam to Abraham in the Book of Genesis

    Great Events


    I do not have any credentials that would have you believe anything that I say. It is your decision. I have spent most of my adult life studying and thinking about God, beliefs, and history. These studies and contemplations have led me to the place where I believe that the holy scriptures, history, and man’s role in them have not been presented correctly.

    In this book, I will attempt to put things together for myself and others. Many written records have been lost, but enough survive to help us understand. I have placed all the verses of the book of Genesis up to the point of Abraham’s death. It will be helpful to you, the reader, to have a copy of the King James Version of the Holy Bible on hand to compare the original writings to my interpretations.

    All the great religions of the world start with the book of Genesis. They all believe one deity created the universe and everything in it. The book of Genesis, to me, has not been presented with care. It is more than just a list of generations. It has a real message for all people living today. Keep in mind that your struggle is not with other humans; it is with Lucifer and the powerful angel spirits of other dimensions.

    As I stated, to believe what is presented is your decision. To not believe is also your decision. In reading this work, remember, God has said, I change not. He is the same throughout the holy scriptures, through history, and forever.

    Trust in the Lord. He will show you the way.

    Chapter 1

    Genesis 1:1

    In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

    The beginning of what? Not of God because God has always existed. He is not an anthropomorphic being. He does not have legs and arms. He is an omniscient spirit—all knowing and all seeing. He is one, but has more than one personality. He is the E in E=MC². He is the one who decided on the moment of the beginning. So the beginning is the start of the universe and time as we know them. And it was done for a reason.

    This is what is commonly known as the big bang. At that moment, all that is, except for the Spirit of God, was created. That means everything. In 1955, the age of the universe was said to be six billion years old; but when it was seen that the scientific age corresponded exactly with the biblical age in 1966, it was quickly changed to ten to twenty-five billion. I contend that the original estimate was and is correct.

    The second thing God created was the heavens. The heavens consist of many parallel dimensions—the angels, the archangels, the spirits that wait for human houses to evolve in, the stars, and the galaxies of stars. God said the Word, and it came about. Ninety-five percent of the matter disappeared into the parallel dimensions at the moment God spoke it into existence. It is there, but we cannot see it. They are in a higher state of vibration or frequency.

    The third thing God created was the earth. First, he created time, or the beginning. Second, he created the heavens, then the earth.

    Genesis 1:2

    At this point, the earth is a roundish glob of gases that make up water, with no life-forms of any kind. It was alone in the black of space. Then the Spirit of God moved over the water of earth, and changes began.

    Genesis 1:3

    God spoke light into existence. He didn’t need the sun or the moon or stars. He said, Let there be light, and the watery ball of earth was illuminated.

    Genesis 1:4

    God liked the light more than the darkness, so he made it so they could never be in the same space in this visible dimension. It can only be light or dark, but not at the same time.

    Genesis 1:5

    This was the first one billion years. The first day. It was the time when God separated light from darkness and illuminated the earth. How many of our years this took, no one knows, but this writer believes it was said and done at the same instant. The rest of the one billion years, the personalities of God just looked at it and liked it. To them, no time had passed.

    Genesis 1:6

    God spoke into existence a separation of the water of earth, so the firmament was dividing the water.

    Genesis 1:7

    The firmament that God made had water above it and water below it. So it was both below and above the waters of earth. There was a huge mass of water under the firmament and a huge mass of water above the firmament. The firmament kept them separated.

    Genesis 1:8

    Again, we have no way of knowing how long it took to create the firmament, but we know it existed like this for one billion of our years. God named the firmament heaven, or the earth’s atmosphere. It was between the waters of the earth. This took the second billion years to do. God does not mark time as we do. To him, a billion years means nothing, just a day. It was what we call a creation day.

    Genesis 1:9

    God said it, and it was so. He created the water and the elements, and they did as his Word (Yahweh) commanded. The water gathered in one place, so there was one great body of water and one great body of dry ground that had appeared. The dry ground was gathered into one place, creating a single continent. It had water around it, under it, and above it. Of course, the water above it was above the breathable air, or atmosphere.

    Genesis 1:10

    The waters, though they were all gathered together in one place, were called seas because if you left the water’s edge on one side of the dry land and crossed to the other side, you would find another water’s edge. Humans, who later lived on the dry land, most likely had names for the different coasts, but the seas were actually one body of water. God said it was good, so it was truly good.

    Genesis 1:11

    God spoke into existence vegetation and food plants. He spoke his Word (Yahweh), and it was so. This did not happen in our way of counting time, but in the creation way of counting time. Once more, this surely happened suddenly at God’s command. It stayed that way for millions of our years, but for Yahweh, time did not pass. The personalities of God call this one-billion-year period a day.

    Genesis 1:12

    God set down the rules of reproduction in the plant world. A seed from one thing could not produce another type of plant. It has in itself the necessary blueprint and material to make another like itself, but not something different. God declared it to be good. It was set. That’s the way it would be.

    Genesis 1:13

    Three billion years have gone by since God (Yahweh) spoke the universe into existence in that split second when all matter (energy) was created. It was the end of the third creation day.

    Genesis 1:14

    At this point in time, Yahweh no longer refers to the atmosphere but to the deep dark of space. These lights in the firmament of heaven that God spoke into existence were not put in the expanse of heaven between the earthly water and the water canopy over the earth. They were put in the ether of space. The same word was used in both Genesis 1:8 and Genesis 1:14. It means that which is lofty or high. These new lights had a purpose and a use for the future humans who would inhabit the earth. The illumination of earth between the waters that Yahweh had spoken into existence was no more. Now light would be given by the sun and moon from outer space.

    Genesis 1:15

    And it was so. Yahweh, one of the personalities of God, spoke the lights into existence. These lights illuminated the earth during the night and during the day. They were set in outer space

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