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New Age Public Enemies
New Age Public Enemies
New Age Public Enemies
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New Age Public Enemies

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We pull up to her apartment, and Teddy just walks up like he owns the place. I didnt know what I was getting myself into. I knew she told me her ex was there watching the kids so I was hoping nothing would get started. I was a city boy going to a hick town. I had to come though there was something about this women that had me very intrigued. Well she introduced us and her ex kind of had an attitude. I looked at Teddy and said , He better chill the fuck out before he gets knocked the fuck out. I thought he was a joke. I couldnt understand what she had ever seen in him. She was sexy, sweet, crazy, funny and she had a pretty smile that went with her pretty eyes. She was a character I knew that she was a down chic and I could definitely kick it with her for the weekend.
She went and took a shower after laying her kids down. Teddy and I kicked it in the kitchen for a bit and we clowned on Will, her ex. Then she walked out of bathroom in a black silk night gown. It wasnt really revealing, but man. Teddy caught the hint and left us alone in her room. I didnt want to just rush in because she may have been all talk, so we started talking.
She laid down on the bed, and I propped myself up and we started conversating. We talked about everything. I felt so at ease with her. I mean I didnt feel like I had anything to hide from her at all. I have never felt this comfortable with a person that I just met ever. My heart was shattered and broken and the more we talked and the more I opened up. I could feel my heart melt.
Release dateJun 8, 2017
New Age Public Enemies

D. E. Miller

D. E. Miller is a blue-collar writer from Nebraska who discovered that life's highways and backroads continued to lead him back to where he began.

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    New Age Public Enemies - D. E. Miller


    (Dee) I sit alone on my couch looking for some form of my life that makes sense. I have now been sunk to my lowest point of existence. I had just given up my life in the sunshine state, where at the time I had it all. I had a great job, four bedroom house, a pool, two vehicles, and the picture perfect life. My life in Florida was easy. I was not happy with my relationship, but was happy with my lifestyle. I thought we both were comfortable and happy with our arrangement. I had done everything to keep this lifestyle. I even went as far as having an open relationship; this is seeing other people. After being with someone seven years this is how it was going to end. Yet, here I am back in this small town of Denton, and full of resentment.

    I did not understand why he only left me three days before the rent was due to make a choice. So I was left with no choice. I was unprepared for what was about to happen. How he broke the news to me was even more of a shock. He came into the bedroom while I was in the middle of taking a call. I currently worked from home. He just stood there looking really nervous. I finished up the call and said, what’s up? He proceeds to tell me that he wants to go back up north. I thought he meant as a vacation. So I tell him, that’s cool I will pay for you to go up north, you can take the kids and I could get a lot of overtime in. William kept fidgeting with his hands and tells me he is in love with two other women there, but if I move we can stay together. At first I told him to go I was done with his games. I knew at that moment I was screwed, because rent was due. I didn’t have enough time to come up with the money for rent, let alone other bills. I felt so betrayed. All he had to do day in and day out was watch the kids and play his stupid video games. He had it so easy and could date who ever he wanted. I kept thinking, "why is he doing this?" I should have known it was just because he wanted to mess everything up for me. I knew I was not meant to come back to this small poor excuse for a town. I had to make a choice that was in the best interest for the kids. So we packed up, and moved in with my best friend(Anna) up north.

    In the couple weeks I stayed with Anna I realized he had completely ruined my life and I ended the seven year relationship. There wasn’t any kind of love there at all anymore, at least before we had friendship. I moved into a small two bedroom apartment, and fell into the deepest depression of my life. It was crazy to be this upset about moving. Especially when I have had to deal with more devastating events that had taken place in my life. But I had just given up my whole life for William, who had his teenage girl friend(Amy Arnold) move in two days after I moved out. I fell into the same boring routine I had before. I went to work painting and then I would come home. Then would have a few shots of vodka and then I would retire to bed. I never wanted to have just a simple life and this was all I had.

    I always had this feeling that I was meant to do so much more with my life. I thought in the Sunshine state at the age of 27 I had it all figured out. I was totally wrong. So there I sat pondering my next move in life.

    I was just getting ready to jump in the shower when my friend Teddy came in from work. He was staying with me temporarily till he got on his feet. I had gotten him a job with one of my aunts boyfriends. Which this was turning into a huge mistake too. He never was making any money, because he was basically paying him in crack-cocaine and alcohol. Teddy already had an addictive personality so this was not a good situation for him to be in. I felt like this was partly my fault. He moved back to that town to kind of help me. He knew my mind wasn’t right after all this. I was lost and he knew that. Teddy constantly was trying to get me to go out and do things. I just wasn’t the same person I once was, and not even he could pull me out.

    Teddy came in and got himself something to eat while I showered. I then bathed the kids and got them into bed. I popped in a movie and spent the night pondering over my thoughts. The only sounds to be heard was the snores between Teddy and my youngest daughter Shay. I thanked God that at least I wasn’t totally alone, but I still felt alone.

    It felt like I had just fallen asleep when my alarm started going off on my cell phone. I dragged myself up and got the kids around for school. I then text my aunt to see if we was working that day and she said, no. I sent my oldest daughter Andrea over to my youngest kids dad to see if he would give them a ride to school since he had to take his girlfriend to school. I still couldn’t get over the fact that William was dating someone still in high school when he was 32. If I didn’t have to work I wanted to catch up on some sleep. He took them because he was trying to stay on my good side. The reasons for that was so he could use my van when he wanted, and so I wouldn’t tell on him for dating a minor. So, Teddy was at work, kids were at school, and my three year old was fed and cuddled up next to me and we took ourselves a little nap.

    A nap was all it was, because it started to rain and Teddy come pouncing on the bed to get us up. He got sent home since they couldn’t work in the rain. I got up and walked over to pick out an outfit for the day. I did my hair and makeup that was one of my daily rituals it didn’t matter how bad it was in life if I felt good about my appearance it somehow made me feel a lot better about myself.

    I walked out to the living room where Teddy was talking to Shay and I took a seat next to them on the love seat. He told me I needed to start going out and meeting people I told him I didn’t want to meet anyone or make new friends. In my experience it usually led to some kind of betrayal. He said, I have someone perfect for you. He said this because I am a bit feisty and hard headed at times. He mentioned his buddy is going through a divorce and I think you guys would hit it off. He leaned in and whispered, you honestly need to get some. Which I did. But I wasn’t the type to just sleep with random people and I did not want to be in a relationship. I refused that he called his friend. Of course Teddy went against what I said and made a phone call. He told his friend Scott to send a picture and that he had someone he thought was perfect for him.


    Teddy walked over to my exes (William) to see what he was doing because he still got a long with William he just didn’t like how he had done me. I thought his friend Scott just blew Teddy off until my phone started vibrating I was receiving a picture message. I was nervous I hated meeting or talking to new people. I opened the picture message and he was very good looking. So of course I responded back with a picture of myself. I started the dishes and it was almost immediately I received a text message. The rest of the day I was glued to my phone.

    We talked about everything over text messages. We talked about things like exes, kids, and life in general. I didn’t know what it was but I was absolutely comfortable talking to him about anything. He told me he couldn’t understand how someone could leave someone as beautiful and sweet as me. I told him I am not sweet all the time, but thanks for the compliment. Hours passed by and I wore a permanent smile. I felt like a teenager with all this innocent flirting going on.

    I think I even floored him when I told him about my sexual appetite. It was just that it has been so long and I cannot just have sex with anyone. I mean I literally could talk to him about anything. He told me it had been awhile for him to. He had tried to get his ex back because he wanted to be with his kids. I thought if Teddy trusted him what would be the harm in meeting this guy that has had me smiling all day, and I have not smiled in a very long time. It felt really good to catch a little bit of happiness again. It was a Thursday and I knew the weekend was right around the corner so I worked up enough nerve to ask the question.

    I asked him if he would like me to come get him since he had given his ex wife the vehicle. He did not hesitate. He wanted to meet me as much as I wanted meet him. I had my ex come over and watch the kids while I rode down to the city to get him. Teddy rode with me and the whole time Teddy is warning me about him. Like now he was jealous. He told me he is from the streets and he has a totally different lifestyle than what I am accustomed to. I shrugged it off because he had been drinking, and I had talked to Scott all day and I was ready to meet him.

    I was a nervous wreck by the time I got there because I do not see well at night to drive. Scott told me once I got there he would drive, if I wanted him to. We take the exit and I call Scott to tell him I made it. He told me to pull up at the speedway and he would meet me there. So I pull into Speedway; and figured I would go and use the bathroom and get me something to drink while I waited. My adrenaline was going because I was so nervous to meet him. That and not being able to see at night driving kind of threw me into a panic attack. I get back into the van. This time I get in the back to wait on him to arrive, because there was no way I was driving home. Then this car pulls up beside me and Teddy jumps out.

    The guys greeted each other with quick hugs and then it was time for my formal introduction. He slides open the back door and says, hi baby and just gave me this big smile. If it had not been so dark he would have seen how red my face had gotten. I smiled back and said, hey and took his bag and threw it in the back. He jumped in the front seat and started pulling out and we was on our way to my apartment.

    Teddy and Scott talked for like the first half hour which saved me from having to say anything. You know the feeling you get when you first meet someone. You don’t really know what to say when you first meet someone. I was being kind of shy and backward about things. That and my window was busted out in the front and it was a September night. So I was in the back seat freezing because my three year old had locked herself in with my car running and we had to bust it out. So, there I sat even if I knew what to say I wouldn’t be able to because all you would hear is the chattering of my teeth. He kept looking at me through the rear view mirror. Finally, he spoke and asked if I was going to say anything. I said, you guys are doing just fine catching up that and I’m freezing. He said, I’m sorry. It wasn’t like it was his fault at all. I couldn’t help but think I knew him from somewhere I just could not place him. Scott pulled into a drive way and got out. He dropped off some clothes to his mom. He got out a jacket and handed it to me. He said, This should keep you warm baby. There was something about him that just gave me butterflies and what was stranger is that felt so comfortable with him. I just still couldn’t place where I knew him. I just kept telling myself he had a familiar face.

    We pulled back out and headed to my apartment. We finally get there about 15 minutes later. Teddy led the way and I followed up the stairs. The whole time I was wondering what my ex was going to say, or try to pull. Then we just enter I no longer cared what he thought after Scott turned around and smiled at me and that when I noticed his beautiful blue eyes.


    (Scott) Well I’m sitting here thinking what the hell I’ll send a picture. My dude said I would like her. I check my phone and I have a new media message. I open it and there is a picture of two females. We have a blonde and a brunette. I wanted her to be the blonde. I get a text and she is the blonde. I was like damn she very pretty. I was having a shitty ass day and it started looking up instantly. This chick had me smiling. We talked all day. This girl was cool. She didn’t want anything serious, and neither did I. We just wanted to have fun take our minds off things. She told me that she was shy but she needed a friend with benefits, someone she could trust. I knew I could be that man. I was ready to meet her. She took my mind off my dumb ass ex wife. Now that is a women that I want to punch in the face. She was making me go through a lot of things because of my kids. But this women took all my problems away just by texting and talking to her on the phone. All I had to do is wait for her to pick me up.

    I finally get the call and she at the speedway down the road waiting on me. I was really surprised she came. I jumped out of my dudes car and she was already in the back seat ready for me to drive. She had me drive because she said she does not see very well at night. I told her I would drive for her if she could make it to get me. My bro was smiling ear to ear. He must have known we would hit it off. I opened the back door and there she was. She was so beautiful. I could not read her expression. I was hoping she wasn’t going to get me down there and not want me there. I was also thinking that maybe she was trying to get me there to make her ex jealous, but didn’t care she told me what she wanted and I told her I agree.

    I jumped in the driver seat and there we went we was heading to her apartment. I was kicking it up front with my boy and kept checking her out in the back. She was being real quiet. I wanted to be in her head at that moment. I finally asked her if she was going to talk. She said, I was doing a good job entertaining myself. That and she was freezing. I was going to have to fix that. When I stopped at moms I was going to have to get her one of my jackets. I pulled in moms drive and got the jacket. Her green eyes lit up when she put it on. She told me

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