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Scarred Princess
Scarred Princess
Scarred Princess
Ebook227 pages4 hours

Scarred Princess

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In the magical world of Heatheron is born Princess Taira (Ugly) who is gifted with power so destructive that it scares her own father into cursing his new born child. The Princess is protected by her mother who disowns her husband and goes into exile with the Princess. The Queen and the Princess are forced out of their exile when a war befalls their Kingdom. The Princess uses her power, when the enemy strikes her family. Destruction envelopes the enemies, but the loss of her family crushes her innocent heart. She promises never to return to her land and finds her way to Earth for shelter. She is later pursued by Prince Nothing (Nott) and is forced to return to her land to save her step sister, who was abducted for revenge. The path to save her sister greets them with another war.
Release dateApr 27, 2016
Scarred Princess

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    Scarred Princess - Minu Mavoori

    Copyright © 2016 by Minu Mavoori.

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    The Babies


    Living In Adjustment

    The Disaster


    A Meeting In New World

    The Fight


    My Kingdom

    A New War


    This book is dedicated to the first super hero of my Life.

    Love you Dad!


    To my smart and loving brother, who encouraged me to start writing, without you brother, this book would have remained an idea and nothing more.

    To my dear friends Karuna Javaji and Jeweline, thank you for introducing me to the wonderful world of reading. Mansi Sagar for helping me realise my dream to write. Karuna Javaji and Crystal Carr for your undying assistance in editing this book.

    My profound thanks to my dear family and friends, your love and confidence will forever be cherished.

    The Babies

    T he sun shone brightly on the glittering roof tops of the golden city of Heatheron. Heatheron was the most beautiful of the entire Kingdom’s of the Gladen Galaxy there were trees that grew ten times taller and wider; flowers more colourful and fragrant. The houses were built in gold and silver, with beautiful designs and architecture. The Kingdom had everything that could ever be desired.

    Heatheron was blessed with powers that were unimaginable to the Galaxy of Gladen.

    Heatheron was named after the Great King Heath. The Great King Heath was known for his enigmatic powers. He was the only king who had acquired the power and resources to create a Kingdom. There were four Kingdoms, representing the four elements of nature – Land, Air, Water and Fire that existed before the reign of Heath in the Gladen Galaxy. After Heath created a Kingdom, there were five Kingdoms in total. Heath was worshipped as a god, he was a creator himself. Through his journey from childhood to adulthood, he loved books and the knowledge they possessed. He read vastly and was a very skilful warrior. There was not a thing at which he did not excel.

    Heath was the last son of King Baire – the Tough. King Baire and his wife Honell ruled the land of Water - Panish. They had three children, their eldest being their daughter Sabeera, followed by the two sons. There was a rule in Panish that if the eldest was not a son, then the throne would go to the most deserving son of the King. This rule had King Baire’s sons fighting for the throne. The most powerful and intelligent of the children was the youngest son of King Baire - Heath. Heath’s brother was very envious of Heath and his many powers.

    This constant fighting led Heath to leave his Kingdom and create a new Kingdom all together. In this Kingdom Heath had all the powers of nature moulded together - Land, Air, Water and Fire. Heath had always dreamt of all the powers synchronising and living in unison.

    The Kingdom of Heatheron was a master piece of Heath’s creation.


    Millions of years later in the Kingdom of Heath, was the rule of King Forder and his wife Peachen. They were very humble and kind and the Kingdom prospered. King Heath’s family tree was very small - there was only one son born to each and every offspring, but they were very talented and powerful men. They had powers deep in their blood.

    King Forder was both nervous and apprehensive as he paced the royal corridor - his wife was expecting a baby anytime now. King Forder was a well-built man, with fair soft skin that shined and features that gave him a fatherly look. He was looked upon as a father by all people of his Kingdom.

    Finally after a wait that seemed like a million years, he got the news that his wife delivered a beautiful princess. At first, he was shocked that he had a girl child but happiness took over his heart soon. As he was about to go and visit his new born daughter and his beloved, his minister came rushing in mentioning that there was a visitor for him.

    King Forder wanted to dismiss the request of meeting someone now, but something in the eyes of his minister told him that this was important. He was about to ask if the visitor could wait, when Melbor – A renowned architect walked in hurriedly and demanded that King Forder meet with him in a private chamber. King Forder had never met this man before, but he saw that the man was very troubled and scared. Melbor was wearing very expensive robes and his features looked intelligent. King Forder noticed that Melbor was a man who commanded respect at an early age and was highly attentive as he paid attention to the detailing that was present in the palace.

    King Forder tried to calm Melbor down, saying that he needed some rest before they could talk as he was breathless due to his anxiety and hurried pace to which Melbor stated in a cry - that they could and should not waste even a single moment. King Forder was annoyed but he did not comment, but merely followed his minister who led the path to the Royal Chamber. The Royal Chamber was made of gold like the whole palace and was wide enough to accommodate thousands of men. It had beautiful carvings of nature on the walls and ceilings. People of Heatheron believed and prayed to Mother Nature and her powers.

    The ceiling was adorned with a statue of Mother Nature looking upon the chamber which was decorated and adorned with ample furniture for seating and discussions. A wide table for formal and official royal discussions was present in the middle of the chamber, along with another four smaller tables in the corners of the room for intimate discussions with four chairs resembling the four great elements of Mother Nature – Fire, Water, Air and Land.

    When they were in the Royal Chamber, Melbor said I wish to talk to the King alone without the risk of being overheard. King Forder raised his eyebrow in defiance and said – This royal chamber has been a witness to many a secrets, from the time of King Heath the Great and there never was a secret that was revealed. Sir William, the minister bowed to Melbor and said Sir, I assure you that by the grace of King Heath the Great, this royal chamber is very protective. Whatever is discussed in this chamber will remain in this chamber only. To this,

    Melbor sighed and sat on one of the discussion chairs and ordered the minister to leave. This again surprised King Forder but he did not comment. The minister left the chamber and closed the chamber door while exiting. Melbor waited for the door to close completely and paused for a long while to ensure that they were alone. Melbor got up from his chair and bowed low and said King Forder, my name is Melbor, I am an architect by profession, and it’s an honor to be in this wonderful chamber. The statue of our Mother Nature in this chamber has always inspired me. It is one of the wonderful creations done by my forefather.

    King Forder was taken aback that Melbor was Sir Wantage’s offspring. He was about to say something when Melbor pulled out a small package from his robes and said My dear King, I am very sorry to bother you at this time but time is of essence and I had to deliver this package to you by hand. King Forder was about to protest, when his eyes fell on the package. For a second, he could not talk and his eyes were wide with surprise and astonishment. Melbor was carrying a very rare package with the royal seal. King Forder raised his hand and took the package. The package had a royal seal on it and though it looked millions of years old, it was well polished and shined brightly. King Forder could clearly see the Inscription on the seal – it read King Heath.

    King Forder’s hands trembled and the package slipped out of his hands and Melbor caught it. He said, King Forder, this package was given to me by my father, who got it from his father and so on. King Forder was stunned and it was difficult for him to listen to anything Melbor was saying. King Forder carefully took the package from Melbor’s hand and looked at the seal with eyes that shined brightly. He was looking upon the seal of King Heath – The Great.

    The seal was Mother Nature’s beautifully carved face. She had an enigmatic smile that looked sad to people who were sad, and to people who were happy she looked happy. This beautiful seal of Mother Nature was so perfectly carved by The Great King himself that many renowned architects of the land tried to make replicas of the same but failed miserably.

    The seal of King Heath was now becoming a rarity. The people of Heatheron now only had damaged pieces of the art or the design was captured in scrolls. Here he was, King Forder - holding one that looked perfectly new and was shining brightly. Mother Nature looked upon him and smiled. He was so much at peace with himself that he did not pay attention to any of his surroundings or to Melbor who was talking feverishly. King Forder was lost in his thoughts when he was brought back to reality by Melbor.

    Will you pay attention to what I am saying, my King? asked Melbor angrily. King Forder apologized and asked Melbor to repeat himself. Melbor sighed very loudly and asked King Forder to get the package opened. King Forder’s eyes grew wide and he said loudly The seal is of great importance to the Kingdom. It is very valuable and will assist us in learning about our forefathers and I will not hamper it for any reason whatsoever.

    Melbor seemed very annoyed and said The package has passed many hands of my ancestors as a message that would be of more importance than a mere seal. King Forder sighed heavily and pulled out a small knife from his belt and tried to cut open the seal, but the seal remained intact. This surprised King Forder and he looked at Melbor for assistance. Melbor with trembling lips said that the seal would open only when it was soaked in the blood of his new born. King Forder was livid with anger. He, who rarely lost his temper with his subjects, lost his temper and remarked that Melbor seemed to be a mad man. Otherwise, there was not a single soul who would have even dreamt of saying anything like that.

    Melbor did not even flinch at King Forder’s spite, he came forward and bowed his head again and said My King, if this was not so important, I would never have done this. I have always wanted to know what was in the package but now I dread that this has to happen through my hands. Melbor said that the package was handed through his generations and it was only to be delivered when there was a girl child born in Great King Heath’s family.

    King Forder looked up and his eyes were blood red. He had known that something was amiss since the time his wife was pregnant. He initially dismissed this as his bad nerves as his wife had conceived after almost thirty years but never did he dream that this would be the outcome of their love. King Forder then calmed himself and rose to his feet and asked Melbor gravely What is there in the package? Melbor laughed nervously and said How do you think I would know, my King when the package is sealed and only the blood of your new born will open the seal. Melbor again said We need to inform the queen and request her permission in order to open the package.

    King Forder with a heavy heart sighed and asked Melbor to follow him. He said that he needed him to explain the situation to the queen and then do whatever was to be done. Melbor nodded his head in agreement, even as he did so his head was spinning from all the tension and turmoil that was going on. For the first time in his life, he dreaded that he was born in the noble family of Sir Wantage’s. He bowed his head low in distress and followed the King.

    King Forder unwillingly went towards the Queen’s chamber. Upon entering the chamber, he saw his wife resting in her bed. He turned to ask if Melbor should enter when he realized that the lady guards were not allowing him into the chamber. King Forder had forgotten that no man was allowed to enter the chamber of the queen without her permission. King Forder barked at the lady guards to allow Melbor in, but the guards did not relent. King Forder was on the verge of ordering their execution, when his wife called out to him demanding as to what the commotion was all about. Hearing his beloved’s melodious voice calmed him down so much that nothing seemed to matter. He then went ahead and told her that they had a guest and King Forder wanted her to meet him. Queen Peachen was surprised but she did not raise any concerns. She informed her maidens that the guest was to be welcomed with respect.

    Then she turned to look at her husband who slumped down beside her. She tried to get up but he put a hand on her shoulder and asked her to rest. The Queen sensed that something was amiss as her husband; King Forder would never bring any man into her chamber and definitely not at a moment like this. She took his hand into hers and said I am fine and strong. I can sit up. Forder knew she was lying, she delivered a baby just a few hours ago and no woman would be fine to sit and discuss at such an hour, but he did not know what to say. Queen Peachen was stronger than King Forder and had a very brave heart.

    He forced a smile when Melbor entered. Melbor was very nervous and worried - he did not wish to be here in the chamber when King Forder informed the Queen of the package and its conditions. Queen Peachen knew there was something wrong with the whole situation. Her husband had not even asked how their baby was. This was very alarming, but Queen Peachen never lost her patience.

    She smiled at Melbor, looked down at her Husband and lifted his head and smiled her dazzling smile at him. Queen Peachen was the most beautiful woman in all of Gladen Galaxy. She had an agile body, now covered under numerous blankets and there were dark circles around her eyes with the stress of pregnancy and delivery. Her smooth skin and her beautiful features were as bright as sun shine and her big blue eyes were like a calm ocean. Queen Peachen in fact was just like an ocean, she was always calm and beautiful, but if anyone stirred the water more than they should, a storm would rise and destroy all in her path.

    King Forder then asked How are you, my darling? She smiled and said, Never as happy as I am now. He could see a mothers pride in her face and a glow that told him that she was happy and content with herself as to be gifted with a child. It was indeed the most joyous moment of her life. Tears rolled down King Forder’s face and Queen Peachen was scared. She had never seen her husband in such turmoil even though his reign was not very smooth like the other Kings.

    King Forder was a weak man and not a strong warrior as his ancestors. At least that is what he thought, but Queen Peachen knew it was wrong, he was a strong warrior, but his enemies were a little stronger than him. Whenever she said that, Forder laughed at her and said, she thought so because she loved him.

    Queen Peachen was scared to death now, as her husband the King was crying like a small boy. All her handmaidens were exchanging looks of astonishment. She looked at them and smiled and said to her husband, Oh Love! I am not at all in pain and very healthy, now please stop worrying. She ordered all her maidens out of her chamber saying that she wanted to talk to her husband in private. Melbor was unsure as to whether he should leave or stay when the Queen requested him to stay.

    Melbor’s eyes grew wide when the queen asked if he could pick up her daughter from the cradle and bring her to the Queen. Melbor’s eyes widened with horror at the thought of touching the baby. This annoyed the Queen however she did not say a word. She rather smiled and asked Rose, her retreating maiden to do the same. Rose went to the cradle and picked up the princess who was sleeping very peacefully. Rose could not control the smile that crossed her face. The princess was so beautiful that the maidens could not take their eyes off her. She was a better version than her mother in terms of beauty. When Queen Peachen took her daughter into her arms earlier, she was sure that her husband would fall in love with her instantaneously.

    When Queen Peachen was told that she was blessed with a beautiful daughter, she did not believe her ears; she thought that she would give birth to a son like it always was in Heath’s Dynasty. She was shocked but the moment, she looked at her daughter, an incredible feeling of happiness and joy filled her entire being.

    Rose was enthralled with the baby princess and Queen Peachen saw that Rose was reluctant to hand over the baby, however, sense prevailed and Rose handed the princess to her waiting mother. The queen felt a twinge of jealously, when she saw her maiden enjoying her baby, whereas her husband did not even bother to look up. After Rose exited the chamber, she looked at Melbor smiling and then shifted her gaze to her husband who was sitting like a statue on the floor beside her bed. She then asked Forder what the matter was. King Forder lifted his head from her bedside and looked at her beautiful face which was now aggravated and angry underneath the surface.

    He could not face her knowing the burden that he was carrying. He introduced Melbor as Sir Wantage’s great grandson and that he had a parcel for them. King Forder requested Melbor to inform the Queen of the package and its importance in their lives. Queen Peachen was surprised as King Forder had never hesitated to talk to her before.

    Today is a day of surprises, thought the queen but she ensured that none of these thoughts showed in her facial expressions. Melbor knew that the Queen was capable of holding a storm and still look peaceful. He was trembling and he was sure his legs would buckle. He just wanted to stand there and bask in the glory of her smile. How he wished, he was in a different situation and the queen smiled at him. That alone would have satisfied him and all the wants in his life. Then he turned with frightened eyes to look at the princess. When he saw her, his eyes widened in surprise. The princess was the most beautiful child he had ever set his eyes upon. He did not have words to define her beauty. If her mother could melt people with her smile, then surely her daughter could just kill. He felt so peaceful and calm like he had attained salvation. Nothing mattered now, not even the package. It was just a small token to tell the King and Queen that life would blossom in her reign. He moved forward and came to the foot of the bed, so that he could look into the beautiful eyes of the princess. It was when the king finally turned to look at his own daughter. He, like Melbor was lost in the glory of his daughter’s beauty. She had a smile that could make people weak but he thought that there was something different about her, something that

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