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Restoring the Heart
Restoring the Heart
Restoring the Heart
Ebook73 pages52 minutes

Restoring the Heart

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This kind of Love binds each of us eternally, carrying a message of hope to those that despair and find themselves isolated. It promotes the advancement of a Divine Civilization as each Realm acts as an expression of its own luminescent radiance and purity, expressing its own density related in quality and character to a material composition in a three-dimensional state, and becomes a way of the heart towards GodLiving Gods Dream: Paradise.

We move through each world of God, as we vanish from one into the other, superposed, layered, and embedded dream-state into a singularity collapsed into a point of Lightthe state of pure awareness.

We have learned to give each other what we crave and desire, and in this way, we have built civilizations over time that we thought, and think, of as successes. Yet, the program we created removed us further from the Truth, caught us within our own web of third- and fourth-dimensional desires, leaving us with the realization that we are truly empty, dead to the Spirit, Soul, and the True Life-Giver, at the end of the road. All the things we do and have, for all their material or even emotional worth, cannot bring the joy and peace we really desire and need. Worst of all, we have taken from each other the means to know the Truth and make the right choices. We have robbed from one another the Voice from within, once we lost our mutual trust.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateDec 7, 2015
Restoring the Heart

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    Book preview

    Restoring the Heart - Frank Scott


    Chapter 1 Knowing and Loving

    Chapter 2 The Purpose of Living

    Chapter 3 The Loop

    Chapter 4 Veils of Mental Illusion

    Chapter 5 Knowingness

    Chapter 6 Changing One’s Point of View

    Chapter 7 The Other Side

    Chapter 8 Living God’s Dream: Paradise


    About the Authors


    Knowing and Loving

    I once read that to love anyone or anything we must first love our-Selves! We must have a great affection for our true Selves (as divine entities created by God) and be deeply in love with who we can be.

    Accepting and be willing to explore and discover, paying attention to each experience as it takes place, leaving no stone unturned in our spiritual search, remembering what is discovered, going over those experiences later on to see whether there is a point that needs to be connected to something else, we are able to create a puzzle with a clear picture. Eventually, over time, we will know something new about our Selves and others, about life and existence, about everything that is important.

    So, who are we? This should be our first question. Let’s begin our journey of exploration as to who we really are.

    If we love our-selves—our appearances, the actors or actresses in a play, forgetful of Self—we fall into a trap, a cage made of an egoic-programing that knows no beginning, and as far as we can tell, has no known end. To break away from this pattern of egoic love, in the absence of the conscious awareness of the Love of God, is impossible. Human love unsupported by Divine Modulation is a physiologically-based condition that binds the lover and the loved one for a limited amount of time. Unless this condition roots itself, starts from deep within at its most Divinely inspired and purest Source, it is fraught with disaster.

    Dimensionally speaking, as a condition of being conscious, yet unaware of who we really are, the love we feel towards each other is a function of our sense-perceived activities, a mental construct whose adornments feed what our egoic-selves want to feel—a chemistry of hormones that bind and build what we feel, and think of, as love.

    This physiologically-based love is neither profound nor transcendent; yet for all practical purposes, it feels different and is unlike anything we have ever experienced before.

    Through our attention, each of us distinguishes someone from a number of others who have come and gone. This someone becomes special. His or her beingness, as an entity, is embedded and stored within, associated with those feelings that seem to make a difference in our lives. We feel alive and full of passion. Our feelings grow, taking more and more of our conscious time.

    Becoming self-conscious, we pay attention to details that enhance our appearance, to call the attention of that someone special, the one that brought about all those changes and feelings, the transformation that appears to give us life and the new interests that have begun to govern our time.

    Changed into a state or condition best described as a hypnotic trance, we are attracted and held by the love interest as if by a spell. Activities shared with the loved one mesmerize, full of moments held outside time and space. Imprisoned, we are alone in our contemplation and admiration, living and feeling what seems to give us much more than what we could have expected, seems to take us further than what the keenest imagination could concoct.

    Is that the love referred to in the title of this narrative? No, it is not. The heart cannot be restored through the temporal love we, as travelers, encounter here and there, once in a lifetime, perhaps more than once. We cannot be made whole through a love based on sense-perceived and physiologically-based responses, accrued, uploaded, and sprinkled with the chemistry that adorns those special moments, no matter how hard the effort put into holding on to, and repeating, the enchantment.

    Since, for most of us, temporal love is all we know and have experienced, the lover and the loved one never experience the heights an Eternal flow of Love provides, an upliftment that brings with it a state of being closer and integrated with each other, further than the moment, embraced by the bliss of a Love that knows no end, with a clear Knowing of its influence

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