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Don't Be an Average Joe Direction: You Were Meant to Find
Don't Be an Average Joe Direction: You Were Meant to Find
Don't Be an Average Joe Direction: You Were Meant to Find
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Don't Be an Average Joe Direction: You Were Meant to Find

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Have you ever wondered why are you here? Have you ever wanted to know so desperately why everyone else seems to understand life, and why you just couldnt seem to get it? It may just seem like everyone else finds their purpose(s), and you cant. Does it sometimes feel like you are trying everything you possibly can, and no matter how perfect a situation, in your life-experience, seems to be, there is always something missing?

If these questions have ever crossed your mind, this book is for you. This book explains how you can obtain everything you have EVER DESIRED. Better still, it teaches you application and execution of these tools, as well. Applied in everything from your business or personal life- experience, this guide is the first in a series to break ground for self-expansion in a way that you never knew were available to you. For example, picture yourself as you have always desired yourself to be. If you are ready to do whatever it takes to obtain that reality, look no further! This universe is your canvas, this guide is the road map to your Mona Lisa that is your life. As the author I can tell you, the life lessons, experiences, and transformations that ARE taking place inside you, even as you are currently reading this passage, cannot be taught in a textbook. This series IS my life-experience, and how I changed it, to be exactly what I have always DREAMED, and had no idea was truly possible from whence I came! I ASSURE you, I couldnt have been further from the truth! So Ill see you in there!
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateNov 10, 2015
Don't Be an Average Joe Direction: You Were Meant to Find


Joseph Simmons is a thriller and horror writer from Maryland.  He also writes and illustrates children's books under the clever pen name "Mr. Simmons."

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    Don't Be an Average Joe Direction - JOSEPH SIMMONS

    Copyright © 2015 Joseph Simmons.

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-4122-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-4123-3 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 11/10/2015


    Chapter 1   Don’t Be Mad At Them! They Didn’t Know Either!

    Chapter 2   Words

    Chapter 3   Where do I start?

    Chapter 4   Energy: What Do I Do with All Of It?

    Chapter 5   Clarity, Allowing and The Law of Attraction

    Chapter 6   What It Means To Re-member and Allow

    Chapter 7   I Am

    Chapter 8   The value of Real Sincerity

    Chapter 9   The Is-ness Business

    Chapter 10   Allowing Fluidity To Lead, To Lead by Allowing

    Chapter 11   The True Strength of Subtle Fluidity, In Life-Experience And Business-Ship!

    Chapter 12   This Narrow Path????

    Chapter 13   Three-dimensional Vibratory Truth

    Chapter 14   Subconscious Mind, What Is It…. Really?

    Chapter 15   The Fluid Greatness Of The Saints

    Chapter 16   The Yin And Yang of All Things

    Chapter 17   Do Greater Things

    Chapter 18   Fill The Emptiness With Full Not Fool

    W ow, I’ll bet a lot of people, that knew me in the past, never thought I would be giving advice to the world! To top that, I’ll bet 15 seconds before picking up this book, you never would have guessed your life would be added to, more plentifully than ever, by a guy nick- named Joe DIRT for 15 years or better! Let me introduce, who I AM! In Hebrew, the name Joseph means to add to. It is for this reason, I now go by my names sake.

    This is why, this is the Direction you were brought here to find: this universe, of ours, has laws like gravity, inertia, friction, etc. I am going to help you to understand these laws better through my life-experiences. We were brought into a vibrationally perfect alignment with each other because we both asked for it in our time! I wrote this book, it was revised, edited, published, printed, and distributed at just the right times, to get to the right hands, to get read by you at this time, now….since now you ARE ready for it. Shall we begin! ;-})

    Okay, for those of you that knew me, I am now, as am I always, changing and growing ever-deeper into the oneness with this universe, we (me in my collective consciousness) like to call enlightenment. It seemed to me that everyone that I knew thought that I tried so hard, to try so… LITTLE!???! Now I know what you are thinking, Joseph come on, man, everyone knows to be HAPPY, you have to work your tail off, and then HAPPY is still kind of like the odds of winning the Lottery!! To that I redress, I have better odds than most, and on top of that, I would also like to add, for you to please hold your opinions until after you have read this book in its entirety, and have decided to unlearn ALL that you have up until now!!! Because you will, you know, want to unlearn all you have learned, up until now!

    Your Word is power, your thoughts are Power! I (WE) are going to show you the gravity of the word of the Power-er. That is, the weight of the Words (the things you say) of the person (you) with knowledge of the power of the things you talk about and think about the most! Everything in your reality right now; do you want it there? Look around; do you like what you see? Yes, then why reread this book? Give it to someone who needs it! Just kidding! Sort of. However, if the answer is no, then this truly is the Direction you were brought here to find. This Guide is merely my interpreted account of these life-experiences, and the thoughts, feelings, and E-motion, that brought me to (WE), so to speak! It is what has brought me to the divine present time of here and now! The here and now is a little later though!

    Our first step, will start with the most elementary beginning. A few words, and a simple decision to make a conscious effort to agree or disagree. You will have changed your entire life-experience, and by example, you will be pleasantly surprised to see that your life-experiences are getting quite extravagant with exponential speeds. The put- downs and negative effects of your life-experience disperses, and is not allowed back into your life in the same vibrational frequency as it had first assumed.

    I hear all the time, "Joseph, how do you do it? Joseph, you have such a good outlook, your so witty, quirky, and funny, and smart. Joseph, how do you it? You lost everyone you loved at such a young age. (I lost my best friend, and my kickboxing instructor the same year, before I lost my Dad.) I simply rebut with the answer, ‘ERRRRR, wrong again. We have been taught, by the laws of the universe, that energy is neither created or destroyed, merely fluxes from one vibrational correspondence to the next. In other words, nothing leaves, goes away, or is anyone left behind.

    My people, as with the entire Collective Universal Consciousness, are in me, on me, through me, and always around me, and with me through all that I do. ALWAYS!

    It is one of the greatest minds that help to revolutionize the world as we know it today, who said the quote I am about to share, not me. So I can easily take Faith in telling you, they are in me as well as I Am in them. (We) have always BEEN, and always will BE, and most importantly, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS BEING!

    Energy is neither created or destroyed merely transformed.- Albert Einstein Think about this;

    • You’re a creator; with the power to create anything. ie. If you do not concur with your current dream reality, CREATE…something better.

    • Realize this: You are unlearning a lifetime of autosuggestion, and you now have to identify the root of fear therein.

    • Re-learning: You are teaching yourself a thought process in complete opposition to what you have learned thus far in your life-experience.

    RE-MEMBER: it literally means- to come into mind again. All you want Already IS! To be a member of something you have to be an intricate part of that thing. To be a part of a plentiful-minded thought process you have to become a member of the body of the Universal Infinite Intelligence, that we are all already members of! Now to be a part of that mind again will be to Re-member!

    Though it is my heart, and my mind, and brain that produce the work, you are now reading, or hearing. This guide, is only the first of many examples to come, of what being a consciously aware member, of the body of Infinite Intelligence, in which, we are all a willing part of, can get you. This guide is an account of this life-experience, period. Knowing in the application of the steps held within, your life’s journey will be greatly enriched as well. Therefore, in my name’s sake I will "ADD TO!"

    I have studied, all different types of religions, practices, and belief systems. There are theories, philosophies, and thought processes, that were habitually acted upon, or even, in some cases, forcefully implied. Some for Kings, some for Deities, some for Kings that claimed to be Deities! Whatever the case, from New- Age, to old- school, and I never really understood why I felt like I was on this mystifying spiritual journey; this excursion of truth, to uncover the secrets to true happiness in this LIFE-EXPERIENCE! ! ! ! I felt like I was on this journey since the beginning ...Birth!!! I am kidding. Well not really, I say it in jest, but it is fact.

    I was unaware for the first 12 years, that this is exactly what I was doing. Little did I know then, that this is what we are ALL doing! I became aware, I suppose the year my Dad came home and sat me down, and told me the doctors had told him to go home he was hopelessly ridden with cancer. He was told that he should come home, get his final affairs in in order, and spend as much time as possible with his family. I had to do something. My Dad was my hero. He always made it better, no matter what it was!

    The next time I went to school, I talked to a kid named Eric. He was truly, very devoted to God and his church. He invited me to go to church with him. This guy was a great friend to me, in my short time with him. I had seen other people, in our family go to church religiously! PUN IMPLIED!!! His family seemed genuinely happy, in a way that I had never known before. I figured, it couldn’t hurt. I started studying the words of God, in the Kings word. (This is what I now call King’s God, I’ll get into that, a little later though!) So I started going to church, and took my first independent step forward. Aside from church, I was home doing my best to help Mom and mostly be with Dad. Other than that, I prayed, prayed until I sweated, prayed through tears, prayed myself to sleep some nights. Literally crying out to God, to Heal my Dad!

    Mom and Dad even went to this T.V. Evangelist. Low and behold I guess Benny was to busy to make it back that far… to my Dad. I was so excited about this new fire I had inside me though, I told Dad, (in a deep south accent that was ingrained from growing up in Arkansas for the last 6 or so years), ‘Shoot Pop, we don’t need that feller no way, after all, I done prayed, and I done been saved, and I am goin’ to be baptized in Jesus’ name.’

    Well that following Wednesday service. I got dunked, and received the Holy Ghost. I was true and sincere, and received the Gift of speaking in tongues. I had never felt something so warm, and fulfilling thus far in my life-experience up to that point. There was a lady there who had even started interpreting (I was informed, some years later, that this was a symbol of authenticity of speaking in tongues). I asked them what was said. They just told me that I did not need to hear it. June 6th of that year, my Dad graduated! He was ready for his class to begin anew! For new Life-experiences.

    I however, LOATHED the world, God, Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, the Holy Cow, the Dali Lama, Hell, Demons, the Devil!!! It didn’t matter to me, I had gave my all and lost it ALL. 1st My best friend since, I moved to Arkansas, Jasper in February, and then 2nd Billy, (my kickboxing instructor, and only truly positive mentor in my life, that I would actually listen to!) Then finally, Dad in June. I was mad at everything, and nothing all at once.

    Needless to say, I was not a model teen! I started doing every drug I could get my hands on. So naturally, when I could..I did them to the point, I was numb! For a while then, that was my daily goal. Being numb, cold, and doing my best to be heartless. Thinking, I let no one in, but I did let them in, and I would tell them … well I would tell them what they wanted to hear mostly. I would lie, get found out that I was lying about one thing, or a lot of things, then I would feel bad, and move on. I have figured out that, the more of that kind of thing, you put out the more you get of it. As it is with all things.

    I told you all that, to show you this: the universe arms us with some very powerful tools. Tools that are inborn within each and every one of us. It is same way as when you see insects use their antennae, sometimes called feelers, to FEEL their way around. We to were armed with these indicators, called our Feelings! They are meant to work, in much the same way, as a traffic signal would work for us on the interstate. Therefore, as I numbed my feelings, it was as if, I was slapping a piece of duct tape over my turn signals, going as fast as possible, in the dark, and swerving erratically in an oncoming freeway’s lane’s! I wonder why I had a wreck?!!

    The thing is, every time I learned something, another clue in the puzzle of the mystery of life, I was trying to unknowingly solve at this point, all I could see was the holes in the truth I had learned. All I seen was the UN-truth, the Fallacy, and immense Disloyalty. No LOVE, No Loyalty, No Honor, No True TRUTH, Nothing solid on which to start Building..WHYYYY! Ahhhhhhhh!! I just wanted to scream ‘What’s with all the DAMN secrecy!??? With every piece of evidence, realization, or reality check, I felt further and further down the rabbit hole of this wrathful, hopeless, hapless duration of endless sadness, and vengeful place that everyone else wanted to call reality! It seemed to me, the more I learned of this so-called reality, the further I got from this place in my heart.

    That place was so far much more like a place I could be somebody in. It is a world where Love is the only place everyone, chooses to allow their thought processes to take root, form, and then manifest! Abuse is a non-existing occurrence. Imagine a place, if you will, where your heart never hit your feet from put downs. A place where the feelings like embarrassed, ashamed, or humiliation, and the whole I’m better than you because I have ______ scenario, or any other sort of disconsolate form of hierarchy, is lost to the wind! Being humiliated is a coarse, and dehumanizing action that we can’t undo. So No bullies! The Bullies, need to learn what they are scared of, as well, and face your fears, in the stead of trying to project your fear onto others. I believe you will find, that the more you learn these practices, and exercise them, the more you will find, that any thoughts, practices, words feelings, or motions counterproductive to the flow to them are pointless! It would be a step away from who you, what you, and how you, desire to be.

    It is simple logic. You’re minimizing the variables in your equation of life-experience, by learning the laws of the

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