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The Chair: Reviving an Old Spirit
The Chair: Reviving an Old Spirit
The Chair: Reviving an Old Spirit
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The Chair: Reviving an Old Spirit

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Hundreds of years ago, a fatal object went uncontrolled. Now the task is to destroy it, at any cost. But the one who desires to destroy it will have to face the wrath of its enemies and infinite obstacles.

But according to the legend the chair cannot be destroyed by good powers. Now the question which lies is, how will they manage to accomplish this impossible seeming task?
Release dateDec 19, 2015
The Chair: Reviving an Old Spirit

Om Pandey

Om Pandey is a fourteen year boy, studying in class 9. By grace of Lord Shiva, he started writing poems and short stories at the age of 9. He wrote his first 80 page book when he was 11. He loves reading books and playing chess.

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    The Chair - Om Pandey






    Copyright © 2015 by Om Pandey.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.



    A Task

    Chapter 1    The Nightmare

    Chapter 2    A MAN (Miles Away)

    Chapter 3    Another Man

    Chapter 4    Spying

    Chapter 5    The Forbidden Tale

    Chapter 6    Magic Missiles

    Chapter 7    FOG

    Chapter 8    The Plan

    Chapter 9    Through The Canals

    Chapter 10    Battle Hymn

    Chapter 11    The Dark Shadow





    A dark cabin lit up as the lantern threw its glow on the walls. The villa was huge, and so the cabin. The night’s ghostly army entered the villa through a medium of feebly falling moonlight, passing through the transparent glass and meters away getting mixed up with the glow of lantern.

    The door creaked open. A shadow appeared and then the man who threw it. A man of about fifty stumbled and trembled into the room. He looked too old, but he wasn’t.

    What was he doing here, a place where he should not enter?

    Especially on Friday.

    A foul smell emerged out of nowhere. The old man dropped the corpse on the floor, which he brought from the graveyard.

    This man died when he was just in his 20s. The old man thought. What a load on the head of the old mother. She shed her precious tears.

    The old man had no sense of the dirty smell until he picked the body again. He lifted it up and again placed it on the floor meters away near the wall.

    You’ll meet your mother again. The old man thought. And your mother will have you. Again.

    There existed an object near the wall, furniture either; that one could not have seen in the dark. A kind of wooden junk. A kind of seat.

    Indeed a chair

    The old man who still had traces of energy left in him, lifted the body with all his muscular strength and placed the body on the seat.

    Just a little pain and you’ll be back.

    You’ll be back to LIFE….

    The old man thought.

    Do corpses feel pain?

    The dead body was not a zombie…

    Well it would be if the chair did not work properly.

    The old man thought ridiculously. But the matter of fact was that it was true.

    The old man placed the body on the chair comfortably. Though he expected flames and all that but…. nothing happened.



    Sometimes it works immediately. The old man thought. But sometimes it takes time!

    A breeze blew giving the old man chills of cold. It was misty outside.

    The old man was so absorbed in his work that he didn’t realize the cold. It was nearly freezing.

    Although the old man was not at all afraid of supernatural circumstances, but realizing that he was alone in the villa (actually alone in the whole forest), gave him chills.

    Absorbed in his thoughts the old man’s concentration was broken by a whisper from his back.

    The chair made the sound.

    Suddenly sparks erupted.

    The old man gasped, and backed.

    It wasn’t going all according to his plan.

    More sparks emerged and this time smoke appeared out of nowhere.

    More whispers made the old man mentally disturbed. This was not going as he thought.

    Suddenly as though grasped in an invisible electric current, the body placed on the chair started behaving abnormally. It jumped on a moment, horribly the eyes were open, and another moment, it remained silent.

    Thanks to the old man that he tied the body with the chair, or it would have ran away somewhere.

    Moments later the chair was on flames. Surprisingly there was no smoke. The wood was not burning at all, but the body was.

    Soon the body turned all black.

    The old man came to his knees, his invention failed. But he did not know that something even more nasty and evil was waiting for him.

    The body on the chair was no longer a body. It was a shadow by now…

    Gleaming red eyes gave the old man chills of horror.

    It was inhuman.

    Suddenly the ropes, by which the body was tied, were tore apart. The shadow escaped from beneath the nose of the old man and he didn’t even realize!

    Where it could have gone….

    The old man was grasped by horror.


    Although nothing happened even after days.

    Except for one…

    A very ethical man, of friendly intentions, of vivid imaginations and full of emotions… the man who made an object to revive the dead and return them to their world, to give them a new life, a second chance…

    Was arrested in charge of DARK MAGIC…

    A Task



    The cold breeze made the little earthworm shiver, who was slithering from beneath a bunch of wild grass spread on the floor. Dry leaves were constantly falling. The dry leaves along with the earthworm got crushed desperately under the feet of a masked devil. A man walked through the woods. The woods were enormously growing on the dark soil, spread strangely above the forest floor. The full moon light falling, so feebly spread that not a shadow falls. The man dressed in black, barely visible in the pitch black night. His face through the veil, determined. His hands gloved. He walks carefully. His feet clattering on the forest floor. A hat on his head, which he touches

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