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One Hundred Days of Encouragement from My Heart to Yours: Daily Devotional
One Hundred Days of Encouragement from My Heart to Yours: Daily Devotional
One Hundred Days of Encouragement from My Heart to Yours: Daily Devotional
Ebook151 pages1 hour

One Hundred Days of Encouragement from My Heart to Yours: Daily Devotional

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Through lifes ups and downs, we need words of encouragement to carry us throughwords to brighten our days and help us see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thankfully, God has provided His Word to give us the inspiration, nourishment, and truth that can show us the way forward on His path.

In One Hundred Days of Encouragement from My Heart to Yours, author Delphine W. Berry shares a beautiful devotional that will both encourage and enlighten you. It urges you to trust in the Lord at all times and in every situation, and it will open your heart, mind, and spirit, drawing you nearer to God and to His will for your life.

We dont always understand why things happen the way that they do, but when we trust in the Lord and follow His direction, He will reveal His plan and purpose for our lives. As Proverbs 3:56 reminds us, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

Release dateJul 19, 2017
One Hundred Days of Encouragement from My Heart to Yours: Daily Devotional

Delphine W. Berry

Delphine W. Berry has a daily e-mail ministry, The Word, where she encourages others through her life experiences that it’s always worth trusting in the Lord at all times. She is also a Sunday school teacher and motivational speaker, and she loves the Lord and continues to be overwhelmed by His daily mercies and blessings. Delphine and her husband, Henry, live in Texas.

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    Book preview

    One Hundred Days of Encouragement from My Heart to Yours - Delphine W. Berry

    DAY 1

    Which Way Should I Go?

    Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near.

    —Isaiah 55:6 NKJV

    I don’t make new year’s resolutions anymore. With the beginning of each new year, my desire is to know God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit more; it’s a desire to seek Him each day and to establish a deeper, more personal relationship with the Holy Trinity. It’s time to stop trying to do things your way and start doing things God’s way. It’s time to go to your Creator and seek His will and way for your life. So for every new day and every new year He allows you to see, seek God in everything you do. Ask Him what you were created to do, which way you should go, and what you should do and how you should do it. Then be still to hear His voice and accept His will. Remember He’s the only one who can see and knows your future and the only one who can keep a promise. Make a conscious effort to read His Word daily, and He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and the Word will guide your decisions.


    DAY 2

    Seek God First

    And he did evil, because he did not prepare his heart to seek the Lord.

    —2 Chronicles 12:14 NKJV

    When you do things your way and do not seek God first, you will do what’s not pleasing to God. Each day you should ask your Creator, What will You have me do today? Guide me on the path You will have me take. You can’t make it in this life or on this planet without God. You shouldn’t try to fool yourself into thinking you can do it yourself. You didn’t create yourself; you didn’t breathe life into your body, and you surely didn’t make the sun rise and set. So since you did not create the heavens and the earth, I would think that it’s in your best interest to seek God first in all you do so that you do good, not evil.


    DAY 3

    One God

    And God spoke all these words, saying: I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

    —Exodus 20:1–6 NKJV

    Verse 3 says, You shall have no other gods before Me. Other gods can mean a whole lot of things. You should not put anything or anyone before God. Not your jobs, money, relationships, material things, or anything that you worship more than God. The Lord is the only true and living God. There is no other God. Everything you have comes from God. You did nothing by yourself. All your talents and abilities come from God. So when you say or think, I did this or I did that, stop and give God praise, for you are nothing without Him. You can’t breathe without Him. He has given you life. Praise God for all He has done for you. Praise Him for mercy and grace. I pray that you will meditate on this scripture and that God will give you true understanding of His Word. If you are putting your focus on things that are not of God, I pray that He gives you the strength to let it go. And I pray you seek God’s guidance for your life. May the God who created the heavens and the earth pour down His blessings upon you and your family, and may you dance like David did and praise Him all the days of your life.


    DAY 4

    As for God

    As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.

    —2 Samuel 22:31 NKJV

    My prayer is that everyone will put their full trust in God. No more trying to bargain with God; no more putting Him in a box; just total trust in Him. If you’ve looked back at the past year of your life, I’m sure you would agree you didn’t make it without the help of the Lord. Whether you believe it or not, God was with you. Whether you acknowledge Him or not, whether you thanked Him or not, God provided for you. The proof is He allowed you to see a new day. I hope you make a decision to seek God first in all you do. I hope you decide not to let humankind or the things of this world dictate your life. I hope you realize that you can’t do a single thing without the help of the Lord. So, beloved, as you look forward to a life filled with prosperity, health, and joy, I pray you look to the one who can supply all your needs. The one who can bless you exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask for or think of; the one who allowed His only Son to be a living sacrifice for you. The one who said, Ask and you will receive. May you trust in the Lord with all your heart and know that He will never lead you astray.


    DAY 5

    Know God

    As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever.

    —1 Chronicles 28:9 NKJV

    What wonderful advice King David gave to his son Solomon. Know the God of your father and serve Him with a loyal heart and a willing mind. This should be our creed each and every day. If we seek Him, He will be found by us. We have a tendency to always say the Lord knows our heart. As if to say the Lord knows our intentions are good. But the Lord wants more than our intentions; He wants our commitment. To be truthful, He does know our heart, and by knowing our heart, He knows that instead of being committed, we chose to do what we want. God is not pleased with our intentions. To know God is to do what He has instructed us to do. When we do what He says, then we will know the God of our Father, and we will serve Him with a loyal heart and a willing mind. Hallelujah!


    DAY 6

    Know His Name

    And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; for You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.

    —Psalm 9:10 NKJV

    Isn’t it amazing how you do your best to do a great job at whatever you do, and you don’t even get a thank you or a job well done? That’s an attack of the enemy. He tries to discourage you every chance he gets. His goal is to seek, kill, and destroy. James 4:7 says, Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. That’s why it’s so important for you to have a personal relationship with God and to read and meditate on His Word daily. When you’re under attack, you need to know who has your back. And when you call on the name of Jesus, the enemy will flee. So no matter what the problem is, God has already worked it out for you. You must stand on His Word and allow Him to order your steps. Seek the Lord in everything you do, and He will guide you in the right direction. One of my favorite songs is Order My Steps in Your Word. Order my steps in your word, dear Lord. Lead me, guide me every day. Send your anointing Father I pray. Order my steps in your word, please, order my steps in your word.¹ What a powerful song. You need to allow the Word of God to order your steps. Put your full trust in the Lord, and He will not forsake you.


    DAY 7

    I Know Who You Are

    Now there was a

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