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Earth Angel: Find Your Power, Shine Your Light
Earth Angel: Find Your Power, Shine Your Light
Earth Angel: Find Your Power, Shine Your Light
Ebook125 pages1 hour

Earth Angel: Find Your Power, Shine Your Light

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What if the revelation of a single, ancient secret had the power to restore a sense of identity, purpose, and freedom from fear to all who seek? What if all that was standing between you and a life of bliss was simply a change in your perception?

EARTH ANGEL: Find Your Power, Shine Your Light is your invitation to uncover the clues to your divine nature and ignite the radiance of your soul. A fresh perspective on the everyday stories that surround us and unique insight into ancient spiritual texts address the myths and misperceptions that have trapped the world in a collective web of fear for centuries, offering a positive path forward filled with healing and grace for all humankind. This higher level of understanding can help you create a much brighter life by forever changing how you view yourself and your role in the world.

Practical exercises, affirmations, visualizations, and channeled messages can help you:
Understand the reason for the re-emergence of angels in our world.
Find your unique spiritual gifts and use them as a positive force in the world.
Heal your fear and self-doubt to claim a life of grace, compassion, and self-acceptance.
This is a journey of remembering, putting together the pieces of an ancient puzzle to create a new vision of what an angel is and what it means to be an earth angel in the modern world. Dare to be inspired, healed, and fulfilled by the vibration of the angels as the words within these pages resonate with the wisdom of your soul.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateNov 4, 2016
Earth Angel: Find Your Power, Shine Your Light

Karen J. Vivenzio RMT

Karen J. Vivenzio is a Reiki Master Teacher, Soul Entrainment® Practitioner, and Spiritual Medium. Karen has been receiving channeled messages from the Angels, Ascended Masters, and Guides since 2003. A lifelong student of varied spiritual and religious traditions, Karen is able to convey fresh insight, paired with common sense wisdom, to assist others on the path of spiritual ascension. Karen works as a management consultant and lives with her family in Massachusetts.

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    Earth Angel - Karen J. Vivenzio RMT




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    Copyright © 2016 Karen J. Vivenzio, RMT.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-6183-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-6184-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-6182-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016910941

    Balboa Press rev. date: 11/05/2016



    Chapter 1 Angels among Us

    Chapter 2 So What Exactly Is an Earth Angel?

    Chapter 3 Spiritual Gifts

    Chapter 4 Healing the Fallen Angel Within

    Chapter 5 Enhancing Your Spiritual Connections

    Chapter 6 Integrating Your Gifts in the 3D World

    Chapter 7 Messages to Inspire Your Journey

    Works Cited

    About the Author

    What the early readers are saying…

    "EARTH ANGEL: Find Your POWER, Shine Your LIGHT, by Karen J. Vivenzio, is truly a work of love and Divine inspiration. This book is full of guidelines, tools and higher truth to help us move with ease and grace through these dramatically changing times and the exciting journey of ascension. Reading EARTH ANGEL gave me the same all-encompassing feelings of love, compassion and peace as when Archangel Michael OverLights me and radiates his messages through me. You will want to add this wonderful book to your spiritual library. You will be glad you did." – Ronna Herman Vezane, international author of thirteen books of Wisdom Teachings from Archangel Michael.

    "For many of us, we get to a point in life and say ‘What is my purpose? Why am I here? Why are we all here?’ Karen Vivenzio helps to give us clarity as we seek to find the answers in her thought provoking book EARTH ANGEL. Some of us can hear the whispers of spirit inside us louder than others and learn to walk with God lighting a tangled ribbon path. A beautiful gift is given to Him when we use our angel wings to reach out to connect others to this wonderful tapestry of love assisting in the weaving of one divine fabric. May we all be inspired by Karen’s message to accept our roles as earth angels and use our physical presence to be His voice, His feet, His hands, His eyes." – Karen Restivo, writer, blogger - A Beacon on Your Journey, tutor, retired teacher

    "EARTH ANGEL is a gentle introduction to the concept of angels for those who are brand new to a spiritual path. The exercises and suggestions Karen offers are encouraging and loving." – Lisa Wilson, LMT co-author Marconics: The Clarion Call.

    Karen’s thought-provoking interpretation connects the dots between modern beliefs and historical text that captivates the reader. She leads you on a journey of self-discovery, self-validation, purpose, and empowerment. A must read for those seeking a way home. – Kori-Ann DiBacco, Sunday school teacher and alpha team leader

    This eye opening and thought provoking book is a must read for anyone who intuitively recognizes more in the world around them than meets the eye. – Shirley Edbrooke, founder and managing partner, The Edbraham Group LLC

    Beautifully written to validate and enhance one’s spiritual journey from the darkness of fear into the light of faith. – Jane Jamison, Social Worker, Marriage and Family Therapist

    To my mom for always encouraging the earth angel in me.


    This book is rooted in divinely inspired messages received over a ten year period. The messages came to me in many different forms, and were gathered and shaped with the help of many earth angels in the form of editors, teachers, healers, and other sacred friends. My heart is filled with gratitude to all of these very special helpers and guides who have supported me on this journey. Special thanks to Robin Colucci and Dayna Dunbar for helping to shape my early vision. My thanks and appreciation to Ronna Herman Vezane for validating the connection to Arch Angel Michael, and to Brenda Edwards for years of healing, friendship, and support on my spiritual journey. Much thanks and appreciation to all the early readers for your feedback and words of encouragement, and to Mary Oxley and the staff at Balboa Press for helping bring this book into its final form.

    To my family, I am especially appreciative of the lessons only you could teach and of your patience and fortitude during the seemingly endless days spent writing or in reflection and the everyday chores that I many times ignored. I am grateful to my parents, sisters, brothers, and friends for stepping in to lend a hand and providing words of encouragement when most needed.

    May this message reach all the earth angels longing to make the world a more peaceful place. It is my deepest desire that the words inside these pages help you to see yourself and the world in an entirely new light, and that this book will serve as a catalyst for a new wave of hope and peace in each of your hearts and minds. May we shine our lights together until the world is lifted into a space of loving kindness, compassion, and joy.




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    I f you’re like me and you wander through your everyday life, struggling to make deadlines at work, rushing to the carpool line, keeping up with the cooking and the cleaning, and striving to keep your relationships alive, maybe you’re thinking, Is this all there is? I can’t believe life is really this boring or bland. I need some joy and excitement. I want to feel alive and connected to life again. I feel like I’m missing something. I feel incomplete, and I want to be whole. I feel like there’s something I should be doing, but I don’t know what it is. I want to know my life purpose. I want to live with more soul. This book has found you for a reason. There are no accidents. Something in your soul is guiding you to embrace a higher state of awareness; to look for meaning beyond what is currently available on the surface.

    Maybe you are one of those people who can see beyond the readily apparent or one who has always felt like you don’t belong—like you were dropped off in a foreign land and nothing is familiar. You could be the perpetual optimist, the constant helper who is always aiming to please, so generous or kind that people frequently mistake your kindness for weakness. Perhaps your overly responsible nature or inherent set of ethics sets you apart from those around you.

    How many of you, at times, have felt rejected or unworthy? You may have been accused of being a dreamer with your head in the clouds, the eternal optimist; too kind for your own good. Maybe you just long to be accepted, to fit in, but something inside tells you that you are innately different.

    All is not as it appears. It is not a punishment but a privilege that you have been born different, for we are not all the same—you were born to stand out, not to fit in. The hiding inside, the blending in, was a result of misunderstanding built on ignorance and human mis-creation. You have been gifted with abilities beyond your current perception and comprehension. In each of you there is a special gift that has been well hidden, kept from view over the ages for your own protection.

    For those of you that long to belong and long to fit in, you have been born of a special tribe, an ancient race long forgotten in the consciousness of humankind. Your souls are remembering another time, another place, and have come forth now to be the helpers and healers of Mother Earth and the human race. You are angels in human clothes, born with wings that can no longer be seen, old souls who have been through hell time and again—the pure of heart who have somehow managed to retain a deep spiritual connection.

    You were born helpers, healers, writers, artists, musicians, scientists, business executives, entrepreneurs, mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters—saints and sinners and those who fall in between. You look like all the rest, but there is a

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