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Poetic Utterance in the Twenty First Century
Poetic Utterance in the Twenty First Century
Poetic Utterance in the Twenty First Century
Ebook198 pages1 hour

Poetic Utterance in the Twenty First Century

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An Author of the book, Burdens on my Journey (An Intriguing Memoir) a pastor, businessman, poet, songwriter, play-write and a scout. He is currently working on twelve books; and serves as the Pastor of the Brooklyn cathedral of praise church of God in New York, USA.

He is married to the girl of his dreams, Elecia Patterson Brown, with whom he has three wonderful children, six brilliant, lovely, and energetic grandchildren. Dr. Brown enjoys country music, sports, cooking, travelling and writing.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 8, 2016
Poetic Utterance in the Twenty First Century

Aubrey C.H. Brown Jr., ThD

Dr. Aubrey C. H. Brown Jr. is a son of the beautiful Island, Jamaica, West Indies. He was born in Portland, the most salubrious part of the Island. In his formative years, he attended Bound Brook Infant School and Port Antonio Primary School. Dr. Brown later attended Port Antonio Senior School and Aboukir Educational and Industrial Institute in St. Ann, Jamaica. He is a graduate of Bethel Bible College, Mandeville, Jamaica, with a Diploma in Theology and a Bachelor Degree in Theology. He continued his quest for knowledge and enrolled at Stratford Career Institute, Washington DC, where he graduated with a diploma in hotel management with the highest honors. Dr. Brown is a graduate of Church of God School of Evangelism, Cleveland, Tennessee, and Billy Graham International School of Evangelism, Minneapolis, Minnesota, with certificates in evangelism. He is also a graduate of Anchor Theological Seminary, with a Master of Theology and a Doctorate Degree in Theology. He graduated with the highest honor as the Most Outstanding Student of the Year and the valedictorian of his class. Dr. Brown has served as chairman and board member of various religious and civic organizations, including school boards, HIV committees, sports committees, and cultural and community organizations. He also served as Dean and Lecturer at Bethel Bible College, Port Antonio, Jamaica for more than three years, chaplain of the Castle Police Station, Jamaica, Marriage officer, secretary of the Governor-General Prayer Vigil Committee, Portland, Jamaica, Coordinator of the Billy Graham International Crusade, chairman of the Portland Expo religious affairs committee, secretary for the “Bible and the Ball” committee, production assistant for the movie, “The Mighty Quinn” secretary and chairman of the Portland Ministers Fraternal, a member the New York State Church of God Youth Board, and an Ordained Bishop of the Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee. He is the recipient of numerous awards and commendations. Dr. Brown is a man with an incredible work ethics, served as Teacher both in the secular and the sacred vocations, lectured in various disciplines, such as Systematic theology, church history, west Indian history, science, sociology, leadership and general Hospitality, to name a few. He has an extensive career in the Hospitality Industry raging from Bus Boy to Director of Food and Beverage, working in nines hotels and five cruise ships in more than thirty five years in the business.

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    Book preview

    Poetic Utterance in the Twenty First Century - Aubrey C.H. Brown Jr., ThD

    Copyright © 2016 by Aubrey C.H. Brown Jr.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2015920529

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-5144-3465-9

                    Softcover        978-1-5144-3464-2

                    eBook             978-1-5144-3463-5

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    Rev. date: 02/05/2016

















    This book is dedicated to the girl of my dreams, my beautiful, attractive and affectionate wife, Elecia, whose faith, love and confidence in me pushed me towards excellence.

    Especially dedicated to my beloved mother, Eulalee Brown who brought me into this world nourished and brought me up in the fear of the Lord and the admonition of the word of God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Dedicated to my Children, Nadine, Charmaine and Khavil with all my love and affection, whose never-fading care, encouragement and love gave me the drive to write this book.


    I am profoundly grateful to the God of the universe for his never-fading love and mercies towards me and for giving me the courage and strength to write this book. During my early days of upbringing, I often noticed my mom writing in a notebook. She would sometimes lock herself away in her bedroom writing songs, poetry and doing Arithmetic. When I would try to investigate what she was doing, she would say, "Boy, leave me alone, and get out of my room. I would wait until she was out of the house to sneak into her room just to find out what she was writing in those note books. Subsequently, I discovered that among her writings were poems. I read a few and laughed, and also her long-division mathematics that seemed to be unending as one of them would take up two and three pages of her notebook.

    At that time I found these things amusing, not knowing that I would grow up to be doing the same things like my mother, writing poems, songs and even doing the family budget. As I grew older I began writing poetry, forgetting the fact that I use to be amused by my mother’s writings. Now I found out that I have become compulsive to poetry writings. Therefore, I wish to share with the world that which I have posited over the years in the form of this book and trust that it will inspire all those who read it.

    The day I started wring this book, resurfaced in my mind, I knew I had to dedicate my time and talent in order to accomplish the task ahead. I was cognizant of the fact that I needed help from God if I was to bring this book to fruition; therefore, I sought the good Lord in prayer who helped me through the sleepless nights and tiresome days. Now I present to the world the expressions of Poetic Utterances in the Twenty First Century, destined for the recesses of your hearts, the depths of your souls and the seat of your emotions.

    This book is my effort to share with you my heart’s expressions on various poetic utterances and hope that you will be challenged by each one as it appeal to your entire being with a view to stimulate the intellect, motivate the emotion, edify the soul and captivate the whole man. As I began writing this book, I found out that one’s spirit can be uplifted from the ashes of his sadness with the utterances of poetry. Therefore, this book is designed to lift the spirit of those who are cast down to higher plains of happiness.

    In this book there are poems for various occasions to fit your individual needs. It was written with you in mind. Here in these poems you will find encouragements and directions to take you on the mountaintop of life; poems that will take you into romantic ecstasy, cultural understanding, ecclesiastical wonderment, memories of the past and the expectancy of the future. In this book you will find the uncensored expressions of my inner being, colorfully choreographed to the delight of your mental faculty, spiritual life and emotion.

    It is my hope that this book will be of interest to anyone who comes in contact with its contents, as it is the essence of my inner expressions of love for humanity. I was guided by divine directions, personal love for poetry, and the quest to share my writings to my fellowmen. Therefore, I trust that you would accept this book as a gift of love from my heart to yours, hoping you will find it to be of some help to your life as you travel the unknown paths to success.

    It is my distinct pleasure and privilege to bring this book to the readers, trusting that you will be fulfilled, enriched, and blessed by its contents. May you find joy and happiness in the expressed words of each poem that will create a difference in the life of your family and yours for today and always. I invite the readers to explore this book with diligence, navigating the written expressions of my finite heart, with a view to extract the needed edification for a life-changing experience. I submit to you a book of poetic utterance relevant for all occasions.

    I am gratefully blessed by the almighty God to have been given the opportunity to write this book and for his directions, strength and providential care upon my life. It’s been a long time coming and now that it’s here, I present it to the readers with grace and humility.

    Aubrey C.H. Brown Jr. Th.D.

    May 4, 2012


    This book is a result of the motivation of the late Professor Mrs. E E. (Jean) Arscott former Bursar, Dean of Women and Lecturer of Bethel Bible College, Mandeville Jamaica, West Indies and Former First Lady of the East Flatbush Church of God, Brooklyn New York. Her outstanding tutoring and brilliant mastery of the English Language and Literature drove me to the edge of the poetic mountains. Her poise, tone and incredible modesty captured my inquisitive intellect and held me hostage for life. She was a gem of delight and a woman comely fashioned in beauty and excellence. Her irrevocable memory lives on within my finite bosom from now and always,

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