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Catch Them Young: ...Catch Them Now!
Catch Them Young: ...Catch Them Now!
Catch Them Young: ...Catch Them Now!
Ebook112 pages1 hour

Catch Them Young: ...Catch Them Now!

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About this ebook

Catch Them Young Catch Them Now! is designed to make parents begin to reevaluate their custodial roles toward their children. It reveals what is required of a godly parent and how the world can and will change for the better If we would only take our parental roles as seriously as God expects us to. Our task as parents entails teaching our children from a young age that they are here on earth, not by chance or happenstance, but for a purpose. It is important to work with them towards finding that purpose. It is also equally important to start early.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateDec 18, 2015
Catch Them Young: ...Catch Them Now!

Vivian Molokwu

Vivian Molokwu, author of the book ,“One Minute Of Silence, is an avid reader, writer and Sunday school Minister who has a burden to see children taught and encouraged to grow up in the way of the Lord. She believes every child is entitled to godly instruction and parents have a very vital role to play in this regard. Vivian has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy, a Master’s Degree in Industrial and Labor Relations as well as a Diploma in Mass Communication. She works as a nurse in Orlando, Florida.

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    Catch Them Young - Vivian Molokwu


    Them Young

    ...Catch Them Now!



    Copyright © 2015 Vivian Molokwu.

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    Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 12/16/2015




    Chapter 1 The Greatest Gift

    Chapter 2 Growth and Development

    Chapter 3 Train up a child in the way he should go

    Chapter 4 D-I-Y (Do It Yourself)

    Chapter 5 Words, Words, Words...Be Careful What You Say

    Chapter 6 Bad Company Corrupts Good Character

    Chapter 7 Turbulent Teens Or Triumphant Teens ... You Choose

    Chapter 8 Aggressiveness, Bullying And All That Nonsense

    Chapter 9 I Am Your Parent First. Then Friend

    Chapter 10 His gifts are without repentance

    Chapter 11 Their Future Depends On You ... To A Large Extent

    Chapter 12 Catch Them Young ... Catch Them Now!!



    To my son, Chuka

    God's battle axe. Chosen for his generation to teach and preach the word of The Most High God.

    And in memory of mother, Theresa Nkem Molokwu, A truly rare gem.

    & precious friend, Juanita During, a truly beautiful soul


    My Father in heaven, my everything! Jehovah Pellet, my deliverer. I'll keep praising your name. This walk with you is good!

    Chuka (Chukky) -- My dearest, dearest son. Through thick and thin, we have seen and conquered it all by the special grace of God. God is with us. Never leaving, never forsaking. Ever loving, guiding, shielding, keeping, teaching, blessing. Your wisdom and strength I bless Jehovah for. Quiet, but wise beyond your years. That which the enemy planned for evil, God has turned around for good. You know who you are in Christ. That is all you need to know, my love. Everything will fall into place. Thank you for being so easy to take care of and for being thoughtful and loving. God has great plans. We will continue to follow. He is faithful, no matter what.

    My father, Col. (rtd) George I. Molokwu -- Principled and unwavering in his beliefs. God chose you specially for us. I love you dearly.

    Nanneh -- My dearest sister who is kind, loving and stands with me always. Thank you for being you. I am so grateful. I love you

    Chine, Tom -- My dearest brothers.Love you both dearly.

    Aunty BD -- For your prayers and for continually standing in the gap.

    Pst Tunde Shittu -- The true definition of the term spiritual father. Your encouragement and words spoken over my life have helped me tremendously and kept me on course. I do not know of anyone who has prayed with and for me like you have. I am indebted, but only Jehovah can pay.

    Emeka & Mosun Molokwu -- Thank you both. Mosun, your kind is rare to find. You are special to me. Tomi, Timi & Tumishe, aunty loves you!

    Chichi Ochei - You mean so much to me and more. I treasure you. Love you

    The Molokwu Clan -- Love you all

    Aunty Yebi Molokwu -- A mother in need and indeed.

    Dupe Oreagba -- A friend who sticks closer than a sister. What can I say? Your friendship of over 35 years is one I treasure always. You are a friend, sister, and a lady through and through.

    Vivien Iberi, Helen Nwelle, Bola Omoniyi -- You are awesome. Great friends. You put yourselves out there for your friends. So glad you are in my life.

    Uncle Eddie & Stella Obaseki -- You both are ever mindful of our welfare. Chuka and I are so happy you are in our lives. We treasure you so much.

    Pastor Emmanuel Obu (Ambassador) -- thanks for asking me to set that goal.

    Pastors George & Uche Nwokoye (RCCG JSO) -- God bless you for all that you do for His Kingdom. You have refused to compromise in a world where this is now the norm. May God uphold you as you seek to do His will.

    Dr & Mrs Archinihu -- With open arms you received us. God will continue to uplift you. You re kind, loving and a great family. You caught your children young and are a good example of what this book is about.

    Pst Ngozi Ekpendu -- Mother in Israel. You are great and just the example for compassion and patience. God will continue to strengthen you.

    RCCG JSO Children -- the best the world over! I am so very proud of you all.

    Pastor Moses Oje -- During the period of transition, God sent you to intercede on my behalf. Your prayers during that period shook Heaven. May God grant you the grace to continue to stand in prayer and intercede on behalf of those in desperate need for a breakthrough.

    Pedro Okolonji (Uncle P) -- Thank God for the humor in all of that contrived drama. It is a blessing to be able to laugh at the silliness of it all. You are appreciated.

    Jew -- Thank you. Toughest period of my life, but you were there. I'll always remember that. I am so grateful.

    Pastos Olayinka & Oluremilekun Lewis -- God bless you so much for the love you showed and for being authentic in the work of the Kingdom. You are blessed.

    Pst. Chisa Nosamiefan -- Thank you for teaching me to pray. Thank you for understanding that there are seasons and times in every Christian's life/walk with God and for not sitting on a judgment throne during this phase in my life but gently nudging me in the path set out before me. I am the woman I am in Christ today because you made me seek God's face in a way I never knew to do. Thank you for being an encourager. Christendom needs generals who raise their fallen men not ones who finish off the work for satan. You are authentic. I can testify.

    It is obvious I have no space to acknowledge everyone I'd like to. There are many people who are just as important and who have loved and encouraged me in ways I can't even begin to reveal. I am so grateful. God bless you. I am truly indebted.


    The Greatest Gift

    Behold children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb, a reward (Psalm 127:3)

    When people who have met my son come up to me and say, Wow, your son is so well behaved. He is always considerate, kind and thoughtful, he does not run around in an unruly manner, etc., I laugh. Yes, I do because it was not always so.

    As a toddler, and like most kids that age, there were days I had to dig him out from under the bed, chase after him in order to retrieve a gadget or some very important document he was about to destroy. His curiosity knew no bounds. He broke my flip phone once whilst looking me straight in the eye. He was standing too far away from me so I was not able to grab the phone in time to prevent this. I could tell that he knew it had to hurt. Still, there was that unmistakable gleam in his eye. I could see the sadistic pleasure dancing around his eyes. He was only three years old and yes, he eventually 'seemed' genuinely sorry when he saw mommy about to cry but he still could not wipe the smirk off of his face. I shed hot tears. Truth is, the tears were not as a result of him destroying my phone or the fact that I did not have enough money to purchase a new one. The tears fell because I could not spank him the way I would have liked to.


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