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T, Uvwxyz Versability
T, Uvwxyz Versability
T, Uvwxyz Versability
Ebook211 pages1 hour

T, Uvwxyz Versability

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About this ebook

The seventh and final book in the Versability series which takes the enjoyment of verse that you may have had with nursery rhymes, jingles and songs, and puts it into a dictionary of common nouns. Then it takes these common nouns and groups them into categories rather than alphabetical order and defines them in the context of verse. Finally a RHYME TIME challenge is added on each page to encourage repetition and a family or friendly game.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 13, 2016
T, Uvwxyz Versability

Roger J. Maderia

Roger Maderia was a teacher for 35 years in the town of Wilmington, MA. He always enjoyed poetry and tried to incorporate some of this enjoyment into his teaching. In his retirement, he has tried to use verse in advertisements and cards, along with song writing, label making, and story telling. He considers VERSABILITY as the ability to put any written work into verse and works at it diligently. As the father of five and the grandfather of fourteen, he now has a new audience for his verse. With his Books of Versability, he hopes to make that audience much larger.

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    T, Uvwxyz Versability - Roger J. Maderia

    Copyright © 2016 by Roger J. Maderia.

    ISBN:      Softcover       978-1-5144-3520-5

                    eBook           978-1-5144-3518-2

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    Rev. date: 12/23/2015











    To a most fantastic family

    I give this dedication,

    extended by students and friends

    who have been my inspiration.


    Roger Maderia was raised in Cambridge, MA near Longfellow’s spreading chestnut trees. Maybe this is why he has always enjoyed poetry. Now he is a retired teacher, having 35 years of experience in Wilmington, MA. He has always tried to incorporate this enjoyment into his teaching of Reading and Language Arts.

    In his retirement, he has finally had the time to use this poetry in a new and innovative way which he calls Versability : the ability to enrich vocabulary and put other writing into verse. It has been used in ads, cards, labels, invitations and songs.

    This is a dictionary of common nouns, but meanings are in the context of verse, so it is far more enjoyable to read and hear over and over again. This repetition can build a vocabulary of new words and enhance vocabulary that is already known. The added RHYME TIME challenge just makes retention better. It encourages rereading and adds a challenge and some fun to learning.

    Blue Ink Reviews calls Versability "a delightful device to remind adults and students alike that stretching one’s vocabulary can be a noble - and surprisingly challenging - pursuit. Think Dr. Seuss meets Wheel of Fortune.


    Versatility is the ability to do many things competently. We have created the word versability which is the ability to put many things competently into verse.

    Because simple phrases and rhymes are often remembered much more easily than dictionary meanings, these books are created to give the reader a brief meaning of a word, in the context of verse. They also focus on only common nouns to be less confusing and to enrich the vocabulary through the knowledge of things.

    This book consists of about 100 pages of verse to include almost 2400 common nouns beginning with the letters T and UVWXYZ. More than half of the book is for T. It completes our alphabet of common nouns.

    In the versability dictionary words will not occur in alphabetical order because these books will attempt to group things by categories to assist with meaning retention. Therefore, when the reader is trying to remember the meaning of the word auk, he may remember that it rhymed with hawk, which is a bird. That’s versability.

    Each page will also contain a challenge called RHYME TIME. It uses one of the underlined words to fill in one blank and the reader has to think of a rhyming word for the second blank. A navy foot covering is a -–- -–-. (blue shoe). Sometimes the challenge will be PRIME RHYME TIME : A recently purchased navy foot covering is a ____ -––- -–-. (new blue shoe). In each full book there will be a PRIME RHYME TIME SUBLIME to figure out four rhyming words from the clues. Answers always appear two pages away from the puzzle.

    Each page is designed to be read three times. Once for the meter and rhyme. Again for learning new words and lastly to solve the RHYME TIME puzzle.

    An index, in alphabetical order, of all words with pages on which the words appear, is provided at the end of each book so the reader can easily refer back to each word, its verse, and its versability.


    We start our Ts with THs,

    since our nouns are many things.

    Our thoughts stay with this theme,

    to see what words it brings.

    People exist in TH nouns.

    A threesome is a trio of three.

    A theocracy is governed by God

    Theologians study theology.

    Theocentricity keeps God in its focus.

    Theists keep this theism in mind.

    Theomorphism is the likeness of a God.

    Theophobia is fear of God we find.

    Theorists and theoreticians have their theories.

    They’re techniques which many thinkers may implore.

    Therapists may practice certain therapies:

    treatments toward a cure and even more.

    Thespians are actors in the theater.

    Throngs may see theatrics which they do.

    A throwster twists filaments into thread.

    A thrower may curve the ball he threw.

    A thaumaturge is a miracle magician.

    A thief commits thievery or theft.

    He may be a thug to many people.

    But gives us no TH people left.


    The thief’s carpets

    are the ______ _____.

    Some TH animals are prehistoric

    Thecodonts were Triassic reptiles.

    Therapsids were ancestors of mammals:

    throwbacks from some Permian files.

    Theropods had shorter front limbs.

    Tyrannosaur was one of its words.

    Thrashers have a down curving beak

    and are brownish long tailed birds.

    The thornbill is a South American hummingbird.

    Its sharp beak resembles a thorn.

    The thrush is a slender billed songbird.

    In the robin family it is born.

    A thoroughbred is a purebred or racehorse.

    Throatlatches secure bridles in place.

    A thoroughpin swells above the hock joint

    causing lameness and a scratch from the race.

    A thresher is a large long-tailed shark.

    A thornback is a ray with hooked spines.

    A threadfin is a tropical

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