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Poetry from the Heart
Poetry from the Heart
Poetry from the Heart
Ebook232 pages1 hour

Poetry from the Heart

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About this ebook

This poetry book will keep you wondering what the next poem may contain. Will it be about a memory of parents or about another newborn in your extended family? What are some of the experiences that make a family bond?

Most poems are about experiences the author has had with friends or family members. However, the book also contains thoughts on nature and sacred subjects that are dear to her heart. Some poems may make you laugh, and they are true experiences. Love is felt as many are read. Appreciation of the wonders of the world is seen in simple descriptions as she observes and writes about them.

You will get to know the author personally as you read the section About Me. Perhaps some of the poems will trigger memories in your life and help you realize that you too have cause to rejoice of the many special times you have had with your loved ones.

Release dateDec 13, 2016
Poetry from the Heart

Carolyn Crawford

CAROLYN BENNETT CRAWFORD was born on a farm in Winder, Idaho. She graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in elementary ducation and a minor in music. She taught school for thirty-two years and a children’s choir for twenty-four years. She has received awards in her teaching and received the Zonta International Women of Achievement award. She is in the Snake River Fine Arts Hall of Fame. She has traveled to many places in the world, loves all cultures, and speaks Spanish. She is married to Dr. Edward Crawford, and they have six children, twenty-three grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren.

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    Poetry from the Heart - Carolyn Crawford

    Copyright © 2016 Carolyn B. Crawford.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-0990-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-0991-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016918124

    iUniverse rev. date: 12/08/2016


    Section 1


    Section 2

    Children & Grandchildren

    Section 3


    Section 4


    Section 5


    Section 6


    Section 7


    Section 8


    Section 9

    About Me



    A favorite author of mine, Robert Frost, wrote Stopping by Woods

    on a Snowy Evening. I relate to his last lines of that poem:

    …..I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep.


    What an insightful and delightful treasure! Our dear friend and poet, Carolyn Crawford has captured for us in lyric, song, and decades of living, the beauty of nature, and the essence of love. Interwoven with stories of family, friends and glimpses of the past, readers young and old are gently drawn into the journey of one good woman’s heart.

    When invited to skim over Carolyn’s life collection of writings and poems, I (as will you) found skimming impossible. Poems she describes as simple – not only bring her joy; they offer each of us a clearer view and greater understanding of life well lived. The brush that God uses, Grandma’s garden, season’s kaleidoscope, the portrait of a blessing, my life is a song, and the school house by the road invite each of us to appreciate life as it is, and feel what it can yet become.

    Someone once said, the further we look back the more clearly we can see the future.

    If you are lucky enough to be related to Carolyn you will see yourself reflected within these pages. And if you are blessed enough to experience the Bennett Crawford legacy; you will find Wings to fly and Roots to bring you safely home.

    —Marilyn Whyte, Author of Reasons to Remember,

    Life’s Interruptions, and more


    Thanks to my family members and friends

    who are loved and gave me something to

    write about.

    Also a heartfelt thanks to God for His beautiful

    creations that give me peace.


    The poems in this book are about things that I love. I begin with my family members and write about special activities that we’ve had together or humorous experiences that we have had individually.

    Friends have touched my life in many ways that gave me cause to express in poetry. I wish I had more time to write about all of my friends.

    Nature gives me the spiritual uplift that I need each day. I am grateful that I live in a four-season climate to observe and enjoy the changes each season brings.

    Many of my poems were written with music for fun or by request for special occasions.

    Hopefully those who read this book will know that I have no favorites. Everyone is special to me.

    Section 1


    The Sentinel

    It stands there as a sentinel

    To remind us of our past.

    Hands worked hard to make it strong

    Wanting it to last.

    Through summers, winters, falls, and springs,

    Through wind, and sun and rain,

    And even snow that piled so deep;

    He made sure it would remain.

    It stood there in a valley

    Near hills and mountains high;

    And gentle folk were neighbors

    They were kind to passers-by

    It saw them live their lives

    As God would want them to:

    "Doing unto others

    As you would have them do to you."

    Generations now have passed

    Since that first small hammered nail;

    Times have changed in many ways –

    More than anyone can tell.

    It watches cars whiz by on freeways

    Unaware of something grand;

    It searches for familiar faces

    That now dot all the land.

    By Carolyn Bennett Crawford

    (Great-granddaughter of Thomas Bennett,

    who built the barn by the side of the freeway.)

    August 3, 1995

    Talented Parents

    Oh, you are the best, the best in the West!

    You were the winners all the way.

    You sing and you play, you came all the way,

    From County to Region, then State.

    Your rhythm is great –We’d like to celebrate

    Because you’re the best in the land.

    Oh, you are the best, the best in the West!

    You were the winners all the way.

    May 21, 1976

    Dads Are Special Too

    Mother’s Day is when we honor

    Those who gave us birth;

    They are so dear to us

    None sweeter is on earth.

    There’s one who helps our Mom

    And loves her and is true;

    We’ll all agree on one thing

    That dads are special too.

    We need our Mother’s hand

    To guide us where we walk,

    But also need those special times

    We sit with Dad and talk.

    He’ll give you all he has

    To help along the way;

    Sometimes it’s just advice

    That gets us through the day.

    Moms are special, Oh, so special,

    But dads are special too.

    June 19, 1977

    Grandma Went a Fishin'

    Grandma went a fishin’

    When she was eighty-five;

    She used to go with her brother, Carol

    When he was still alive.

    Grandpa wouldn’t go with her,

    It was a waste of time,

    So she went on without him

    And left him home behind.

    She never even got

    To catch one little fish,

    ‘Cause she got stuck in mud

    More than you’d ever wish.

    She started hiking through the fields,

    But clods were way too big;

    So she used her thumb and hitchhiked,

    And soon there came a rig.

    She found a telephone and called,

    I’m stuck, she said to him;

    So Grandpa came to help

    And fishies still do swim.

    November 7, 2000

    Grandpa's Afternoon Snack

    Grandpa is a worker -

    He works from morn ‘til night;

    He weeds the garden, mows the lawn;

    All things are done just right.

    Grandma always cooks for him

    Three square meals and snacks.

    One day she went to town,

    And took a while getting back.

    Grandpa soon came in from work;

    He was as hungry as a bear.

    He spied a tiny loaf of bread

    With ribbon tied with care.

    Bread and milk, that’s what I’ll have.

    So he got the milk and cup.

    He tried and tried with all his might

    He could not soak it up!

    But he persevered and pretty soon

    Ate all that shiny loaf of lead.

    Grandma came and was so mad –

    He had eaten her varnished bread!

    November 8, 2000

    Grandma & Grandpa Bennett

    It’s fun to come

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