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An Amazing Escape to Paradise
An Amazing Escape to Paradise
An Amazing Escape to Paradise
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An Amazing Escape to Paradise

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AN AMAZING ESCAPE TO PARADISE is a marvelous gift for someone, who wants to enlighten himself with the wonders of the mysterious spiritual world. It is a Noahs lifesaving Ark, for the Western World, because it presents a proper solution for its diminishing demographics. Based on the Holy Bible, it presents the Real Christianity as presented by Christ, along with important issues such as Morality, Spirituality, the State of man death, Journey toward world hereafter, Philosophy of hell and heaven, the Antichrist, and the Sources of Divine knowledge. It also draws curtains regarding the Second coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
Release dateNov 28, 2016
An Amazing Escape to Paradise

Daud Ahmed Nasir

´´DAUD AHMED NASIR´´ a man of international fame, writes in an interesting and scientific manner with a unique logical style of arguments. He specializes in the field of ´´comparative religions and cultures´´, especially Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. His Research work, revolves around the Reasons and Results, of certain Beliefs and Attitudes, which compel, certain individuals and Nations, to act in a certain way. At present, he is the Chairman of the ´´Dan’s Cultural and Religious Research Institute´´ near Frankfurt, Germany.

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    An Amazing Escape to Paradise - Daud Ahmed Nasir

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    1.  A Spiritual Experience

    2.  The Resurrection Lands

    3.  My Protocol

    4.  The Enviornment & Dwellers of Paradise

    5.  The Metaphorical Language

    6.  Our God

    7.  The Creation of Heaven and Earth

    8.  The Kingdom of Heaven

    9.  The Advent of Law

    10.  Morality and Spirituality

    11.  The Prophets & their Opposition

    12.  The Holy Scriptures

    13.  The Israelites

    14.  The Commandments of God

    15.  Jesus Christ as the Messiah

    16.  The Fulfilment of the Law

    17.  Facts about the Crucifixion

    18.  Relationship between Christ and Christians

    19.  Why Jews Do Not Believe Jesus as the Messiah?

    20.  The Great Expectations of Second Coming of the Messieh

    21.  The Promised Messiah Appears

    22.  The Proofs of Genuineness of the Promissed Messieh

    23.  Mullah (Muslim Priests) on Footsteps of Jewish Priests

    24.  Authorities on Footsteps of Enemies of Followers of Prophets

    25.  The Mystery of Antichrist

    26.  The Institution of Marriage

    27.  A Moral Revolution

    28.  The Time & Age Monument


    To My Dear parents,

    Mr. & Mrs. Chaudhry Mohammad Yaqub,

    of Croydon, England.


    I have a message.

    A heavenly message of life.

    It is a Noah’s Life Saving Ark, for the Western world.

    A reminder of an old message, with the help of which, the diminishing demographic problems of the west could be solved.

    A very special message for those inhabitance of the planet earth; who lead their way of life in accordance with beliefs systems, customs, values and traditions, directly derived or influenced from the Western culture.

    Western culture a special way of life, influenced by the Modern Christian theology. It is not restricted to the continent of Europe, but also includes many other nations such as America, Canada, Australia, and even Israel.

    The Western world, which has done a great service to the humanity, with its wonderful inventions, is diminishing from the face of the planet. Because of its Modern way of life sometimes also named as the Christian way of life, the number of children per family continues to decline.

    There are many reasons which have contributed for this situation, but mainly is the lake of understanding of the important role of a family, in accordance with the heavenly view of the world. For Christians and Jews, the main reason is the lake of understanding of the Biblical laws.

    Western way of life, is based on an Anti-Christ ideology has produced so much permissive and immoral cultural pressures, that it is simply not possible for any nation walking on such lines to survive very long.


    Some of the Western Governments such as Germany have made great efforts to solve this problem, but have failed, even though it has a very fine system of benefits and tax breaks that includes allowances for children and stay-at-home mothers, and a tax break for married couples.

    Some Governments have even made it possible for women, to get living expenditure paid from the state, to produce children, but the only people taking advantage of that system are the Muslims, which are mostly foreigners. After many efforts, the German Government, which provides best financial assistance for children and families, issued a statement as following: -

    The fall in the (German) population can no longer be stopped. Its downwards spiral is no longer reversible.


    Why such capable Governments cannot solve the problem is because the problem is Spiritual and not physical. The solution is hidden in the Way of life provided in the Ten Commandments, but, people, not believing them from heart, have created a new way of life totally contrary to the Commandments of God.

    Apart from some exceptions, most people are practically Atheists.

    Atheism is in fact not a denial of God, but a lack of belief or faith. People who identify themselves with a religion, such as Christianity, or Judaism, though do not declare to be atheists, but practically lead lives with a puzzled belief that, there may be a God, and do not believe that he is watching, and will one day punish or reward people for their actions.

    Christian denomination, though declare that Jesus was the Son of God, who came to show the world the way, do not make their social laws in accordance with the Bible. Political organizations, named as Christian Political parties are never seen making country laws in accordance with the Bible. Also, apart from little things such as circumcision, or prohibition of swine flesh, Jews do not lead their lives as per Torah.

    They have not only misunderstood the definitions of Blessing or Curse, but have forgotten the Biblical promise: -

    Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse: a blessing, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you; and a curse, if you will not obey the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside out of the way which I command you this day.

    "‘If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments and do them, I will make you fruitful and multiply you, and establish My covenant with you. And if you walk contrary unto Me and will not hearken unto Me, I will send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children and make you few, and your highways shall be desolate. (Deut. & Lev.)

    King Prophet David explains same message in a poem: -

    Those blessed by the Lord shall inherit the land, and dwell upon it forever,

    The righteous shall inherit the land but those cursed by him shall be cut off. (Psalm)

    Generally, most damaged, because of so called modern way of life are the Western nations. The same West, which have created a sharp Eye which can find out the hidden treasures of the universe; but its spiritual eye is almost closed. It has no idea about the hidden treasures of the kingdom of heaven. In very simple words, Christians are not real followers of Christ; and Jews are not real followers of Moses. Both have lost their way in the wilderness’s of ignorance.

    My book, is a special spiritual medicine, for such righteous inhabitants of the Western World, who love their respective nations, and want to enlighten themselves, with the secrets of everlasting life. It contains astonishing facts, beneficial for spiritual and worldly advancement of mankind. Written especially for Western societies, but can be beneficial for anyone interested in enhancing his spiritual grade. It not only makes corrections regarding certain unfounded beliefs, but also introduces its readers a system, to find out authenticity of certain matters.

    The book, revolves around the first and the second coming of the Holy personality of Jesus Christ, and presents solutions for certain cultural and social problems of the Western Societies. Based on the Holy Bible, it presents the Real Christianity as presented by Christ along with important issues, such as Morality, Spirituality, the state of man after death, journey towards world hereafter, Philosophy of Hell and heaven, the Antichrist, the right solution of low demographics, and the sources of Devine knowledge.

    Based on the Holy Bible, proves that there is enough light in the philosophy of its teachings, that any person, or nation, walking on those lines, can achieve a remarkable status among others within a short period. And all such states that, due to their anti-biblical way of life, are almost ready to hand over their lands to others due to their extremely low birth rate, can start growing again and retain their God-given lands with glory and splendor.


    But it is a pity that, I found most people uninterested, spiritually blind, puzzled, arrogant, or lost in the wilderness of ignorance. This does not mean that world is completely empty of the righteous. All it means is that in my experience, apart from few, which I can probably count with my fingers, I have not found enough wise men who could secure a safe future for mankind. Religious leaders and teachers have no importance for Biblical law as compared to their respective National laws, and very many so-called religious organizations are serving as political tools for worldly Governments.

    Once, a friend told me a joke. He said that a few years ago, when there used to be separate churches for the so-called Whites and African Americans, a young African American in Birmingham, Alabama, wanted to make a confession. While entering the church, he was told that he was not allowed to enter, because it was only for the White people.

    The young fellow, feeling a little disgraced, still insisted to enter the church. As he tried to push the big door, the gatekeeper called for help; and was thrown out. As soon as he fell on the front stairs of the church, his head struck the ground, and he became unconscious.

    While being unconscious, he dreamt. Lord Jesus Christ appeared to him, put a hand on his shoulder, and asked him, why was he crying?

    Oh my, good Lord, cried the young man, you are just the person I was looking for. You see, I wanted to make a confession, but they won’t let me go in there.

    So, what? said Jesus. It is still not good-enough reason to cry. They did not let me in there for the last two thousand years.

    Though it’s a joke, it has hidden truth in it. In our age, many of the churches and synagogues are just like shops which open at certain times. There is no spiritual food left, so people walk in hungry and come out hungry.

    So why is it so?

    The truth is that the religion presented by some so-called religious teachers is not which was presented and taught by the founders of the religion themselves, and people have made amendments per their wishes. The presented stuff is only a broth of their political aspirations, old customs, and unfounded beliefs.

    There is so much difference in the actual teachings of the founders of those religions, that if Prophets were made to visit the planet earth, they will never be able to recognize if it is the same way of life they taught.

    It looks as if we have been hijacked by our circumstances, and wrong information is pumped into us by several external and internal forces. Some people are very skillfully deceived in name of life to enter a tunnel of death, and, steadily brought to the point of demise.


    I have undertaken the hard work of saving mankind from such dreadful situations. This is a kind of work which is bound to receive a lot of opposition. The writer understands the benefits of writing something people like to read, but that will not serve the great purpose of saving the world from destruction.

    It might appear as if the writer is against religious sects or originations, but the fact is that I have no intention to create any kind of hard feeling against anyone. It can be easily understood that it is a great favor to point out certain mistakes, with the result of which people have become losers and feel pain. The writer may be wrongly understood as the enemy of those denominations, but I am sure an honest enquiry will see the pure intention and service for everyone’s benefits.

    It is also possible that some might find few ideas so controversial that they might appear to them as if the writer is extending the scope of his advocacy; or as if he is creating a new religion. Basically, there is nothing new in this book, which is due to my personal ability, except that like a bee, which sits on the flowers and gathers honey, I present some amount of heavenly honey, hoping that it might be beneficial for someone, somewhere for spiritual healing.


    Obviously, it would be wrong to expect, that just because of the above presented claim, the reader would believe, and start living a life of Righteousness. There are hundreds of walls which needed to be crossed to convince someone. So, as the Bible reads, Set forth your case, says the Lord; and bring your proofs, I shall prove that the only way to survive is to repent and live a life in accordance with the Heavenly Philosophy. For that purpose, I have written this book, which can be divided in five following portions.


    This portion may be called as religion made easy puts light on general information on the way of life presented by the Prophets of God. By contrast the reader will easily understand the fact that the modern Christianity, is simply dead, and cannot solve Moral and Spiritual problems. It is completely alien to Christ, and has misguided ordinary Christians. Laws such as Jesus died for our sins and wrong definitions of Adultery has contributed in damaging the society. Certain other misunderstandings, such as the belief that the Law was only for the Israelite, and not for the Gentiles, has killed the very purpose of the way of life taught by the Messiah. Due to the unfounded stories, there is not enough faith left, which could convince people to draw them to a way of life which could save them from permissiveness, the main reason of destruction. That is why that there is not a single soul which have signs of a person with even faith of a grain of mustard seed, who per Jesus could metaphorically move mountains, and make everything possible. (Matthew)

    A former who wants to grow a garden, must first uproot old trees, then make the land suitable for new trees, the writer has no choice but to uproot all wrong beliefs from the hearts, and then grow the right thoughts. For that purpose, it is necessary, to prove that the Modern thoughts are wrong, and then present the Real Christianity, as believed and presented by Jesus Christ.

    It is necessary to prove that Jesus who lived his life in accordance with the Law of Moses’ ‘came to fulfill the same Old Biblical Law. He presented that God is the fountainhead and source and creator of everything. The creation comes from God, and laws must be in line with the nature. Using a style of metaphorical language, he taught about the Kingdom of Heaven, and many other important subjects such as Prophets, Angels, Holy Scriptures, commandments of God, morality, spirituality, and the philosophy of hell and heaven, and the true way of life".


    This part puts light on the holy personality of Jesus, his teachings, and claims.


    This part mentions the facts about the Cross, and circumstances of the believers and the enemies. It mentions the beliefs of early followers, and the opponents. Also, puts light on the spiritual condition of modern Jews and the subject Why Jews do not believe in Jesus


    The interesting subject of the second coming of the Messiah is discussed. This part also mentions briefly the relationship between Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This part can provide enough food for thought for people who want to enhance their spiritual knowledge and grade.


    This last part puts light on the spiritual condition of the Western societies, and proves that the Western way of life is an Antichretic way of life. The self-made rules of the society, look only good from the surface but are extremely damaging for human. Due to certain man made laws, the institution of marriage the main stream of demographics is seriously damaged, and until this is repaired, the problem of low population cannot be solved. A proper solution how to increase the demographics is also presented, in shape of a story.


    A special style of fiction has been adapted to make the book interesting, but there is no passage which does not have its roots in the Holy Scriptures. My book is a heavenly navigation system, which provides directions to embark on a Modern Noah’s Life Saving Ark, which also flies to a very mysterious high, mountain, where a spring of spiritual water of everlasting life is situated. I welcome you, on board, this ready to sail, flying Ark. If you are a brave person, have hunger for truth, and possess the ability to ponder over situations, I feel blessed to have your company. May God be with you. (Amin)

    Daud Ahmed Nasir

    25th November, 2016

    Chapter One

    A Spiritual Experience

    It was a cloudy night of spring, and I was in our old abandoned house, situated at top of the Peace Mountain. The room which gave an impression of a cave, rather than an apartment, had no electricity, but being the 14th moon night, there was enough light coming through the window.

    While turning pages of psalms in the lantern’s light I felt some drowsiness, and did not realize when I was asleep.

    At approximately when two third of the night had passed, I woke up suddenly, and felt very uneasy due to a strange feeling of death.

    I was frightened by a horrible thought of being in a nailed coffin and felt as if my breath had stopped. My whole body was sweating, and I got up and sat still on the bed.

    Suddenly I thought of a prayer of Prophet King David, O God, the merciful and gracious, put a new and right spirit in me, and restore the joy of salvation.

    My prayer was heard, and I felt much better. Suddenly, while putting my head on the pillow to sleep, I found myself in another world. I cannot say if it was a dream, a revelation, or just a result of my personal beliefs, which have travelled from my subconscious to the brain in the shape of a thought. Perhaps, it was a mixture of everything, but till today, I feel the enjoyment of that spiritual journey.


    I saw in a room of the ground floor of our home, my dead body lying on a bed, was surrounded by my relatives and friends. My family members, especially my dear mother, was very much grief-stricken.

    I felt pain, because of their mourning, and wished that no one should cry. There was a sort of feeling by the corpse, as if it wanted to reach the grave, soon as possible, for a long sound sleep.


    The dead body had been freed from all kinds of needs, and none of the limbs had any kind of feeling, but there was a feeling of a newly born sense. I felt as if a sort of a spiritual window has been opened, to know and remember the happenings, and to take messages on behalf of the deceased.


    Through the new instinct, if someone speaks to the dead body, the dead person understands; and if someone pays a salute to the dead body or a grave, the deceased automatically answers back with a better salute.

    My mother came near the bed, kissed my forehead, and said, My dear son, we are all creations of our God, and must act in accordance with our Master’s orders. He has orders for us to stay, and you to go forward. God bless, you go home. We shall all follow you soon. Goodbye.

    Though I had known that one can talk to the dead body, I never actually had understood the phenomenon; but now because of this newly born spiritual sense, I understood.


    As mentioned above, the corpse wanted to reach the grave soon. So as soon as the body was lowered down into the grave, I felt better, as if a person who wants to sleep does not want disturbance. Constantly, though the body along with the spirit went to a deep sleep, due to an unknown fact, it felt that a window had been opened in the grave. Through this window, a very nice breeze was flowing, helping the dead body to rest properly.


    There is a little piece of information that came to my knowledge; that apart from the grave in the belly of the earth, a spiritual grave is provided for each dead soul. People who burn their corpses or die by other reasons such as drowning are all provided with spiritual graves, where each and every one must stay as a period of intermediate time. The formation of this spiritual grave has a resemblance of the creation of a seashell. The spiritual grave is provided even to those who are buried in graveyards.

    Every spirit automatically makes a spiritual grave, for its spirit, which has a heavenly window, providing the breeze of hell or heaven, in accordance with the spiritual condition of the soul. I also felt that as good neighborhood adds quality in worldly life, same way being buried alongside with the righteous brings a sort of blessing for the dead.


    Though the separation of spirit from the physical body is called death, but this is a new birth of the soul, which does not become clear to the deceased until sometime. God knows how much time had passed when I felt that my spirit had left the grave and the dead body.

    This period is called the intermediate period in which the worldly body starts to become dust, and the soul is provided with a spiritual body. The condition is also called as Hades.

    Feeling as if I had just awoken after a very long sleep; and with the passing time my eyes were opening. My sight was becoming clearer until I felt in a sort of a universe which was thousands of time bigger than our planet earth.


    The spiritual body was very different from the earthly body. All senses were spiritual, and I felt as if the soul had no weight; as there was obviously no effect of the gravitational forces. My sight was so enhanced that I could see clearly to the end of the universe, and to move or to fly, no force was required.

    While looking at my spiritual body’s color, which was somewhat white with a lot of big and small black spots, I saw a beautiful figure, which I felt had transfigured, in front of me. He had a shining face and clothes as white light. He stood beside me and I could see the figure, somehow I had the impression that I knew him, and felt that he had been with me during my life on the planet earth.

    I am your personal angel, he said, and have been with you all your life, from the time of your birth in the mother’s womb. You could not see me with worldly eyes, but you must have experienced my presence in your life. I was always helping you by putting ideas into your brain and sometimes into subconscious so that you could benefit from them, at times of need.

    Yes, yes, I said, I remember. It started becoming slowly somewhat clearer that during my life on the planet earth, there has been always a kind of strange control of an unknown force over my thoughts. I remember that, on many instances, strange happenings, along with sudden forceful thoughts, were injected into my brain, which had great effects during my life on planet earth. This mystery was never properly understood by me until now.

    But I was still puzzled, and wanted to know about my new shape, so I asked, if he could put some light on my spiritual body, which was almost made of smoke, though few spots of whiteness were here and there. The angel said: -

    Every human action, no matter how tiny it may be, such as speaking, sitting, eating, punishing, forgiving, and even thinking, leaves a scar on his soul. Human spirits are built with a spiritual recorder, and a spiritual computer hard disc. Everything they see, feel, hear, touch, even imagine, or dream is being recorded on the hard plate of their soul.

    The natural computer system provided by nature is of the finest quality and records all our actions precisely. An immoral act is recorded as immoral, no matter how many people declare it as moral. Likewise, a moral action is recorded as good, weather others consider it as immoral. It records the minute information with all exceptions.

    In other words, a good action, such as helping a needy, does automatically produce a layer of satisfaction mixed with happiness and self-respect, on the spiritual surface of heart and soul; and an unlawful or immoral action, such as stealing or unlawful sexual relationship, produces fear and a troubled conscience on the spirit.


    Though, as a principle, every act is bind with the result and there is no result without an act. And, as per rule, that every tree is known because of its fruits, the result determines if the act is good or bad; but the intention and motive of a person determine the main value of the action.

    For instance, if a person performs an act with an intention to help the needy, then even if he fails to produce good results, the recording on the soul will be positive. On the other hand, an act of bad intention may result in some benefit for someone, but the soul will record it negative on the person’s personality.


    In spiritual terminology, the good layer is called a glow of light and the bad layer is called a spot of darkness. As each action leaves an impression of light or darkness, spirit keeps on changing its color, and the total sum of impression represents the spiritual quality of a person. The spiritual quality is also called the righteousness.


    As soon as the spirit leaves the physical body, the soul comes out of the cage of the worldly body. Every person gets another body in accordance with the mixed color of the previously mentioned light and darkness. In other words, each person receives a new body automatically, which is a true reflection of his personality on the planet earth.

    The phenomenon before coming to this world cannot be perfectly explained or understood, by the human still alive on planet earth. But there are some righteous people, who know that after death some bodies will transfer into a sort of white light, and some will be made of a kind of black smoke, and some with a combination of both colors.

    Thanks, I said, but still worried of the color of my figure, I asked if everyone arriving will receive an equal treatment. On this he sighed, and said: -

    I can assure you that everyone will be treated on total justice, and even will have a chance of mercy and forgiveness, but there is no such thing as equality in status of dwellers of the paradise.

    You see, there are all sorts of people on our planet earth. There are some who look very ordinary, but their hearts are filled with love of humanity. Whenever they see a scene of human misery, they try to put it right; and if they do not have the capacity to put it right, they feel sorry and wish that if they had the chance, they would leave no problem on the planet earth. Such people will look as if they are transfigured; and their faces shine as stars, moon, or sun, in white shining garments, as if they are the special guests of the heavenly kingdom.

    And there are many who want to destroy humanity and feel sorry that they do not have the capacity to do it. Many of them are such that they know the trick on how to damage and still present themselves in such a gentle way that people consider them as champions of human rights. Such people will look by their respective dirty nature with impressions of snakes, wolves, pigs, some bear, and some with a dark smoky body.

    So, in this world, the true spiritual state of personality of each and every one will be manifested. You will see strange results as Jesus once said, the last will be first, and first will be the last will be proved. (Matt. 20:16).


    Explaining the same subject, he said: -

    Human are created in God’s image and can possess one hundred attributes; so mathematically, the quality of goodness of each of human can be 30 per cent, 50 per cent, or 90 per cent etc.


    Looking at my puzzled face, the angel decided to explain the philosophy of life and death, through an example in shape of a story. Using simple words, he explained: -

    The life on the planet earth is not permanent, and now you know that everyone must leave one day. It looks as if the whole world is travelling on a train, and everybody has a ticket for a different destination. On each station, some people get off the train, and the others wait for their respective destinations.

    For each person, when the death station comes, he takes luggage and gets down on the platform where his luggage and ticket are checked. If his papers are genuine and is not carrying a lot of illegal goods, he can enter the city of heaven. But obviously, if human is found with dangerous goods in his possession, then the jail awaits him; and after determining the time of jail by the judge, he will stay behind bars in an open space called hell.

    The angel explained further, as he probably thought that I was not totally satisfied.

    You see, and you know now, that when a person dies, his spirit leaves his physical body. The earthly body which the spirit used as a cage is left behind, like old clothes, and the spirit takes a new birth.

    Just as the films are transmitted from a television station into waves and the waves transfer themselves again in form of a picture on a television screen, the same thing happens at the time of death. As soon as the physical eyes are closed, the spiritual eyes are opened automatically in the world hereafter.


    Due to its resemblance, sleep is like the younger sister of death. As soon as a person sleeps, his spirit may move from one situation to another, in form of a dream. The fact is that while sleeping, the spirit sets on a sort of journey.

    But dreams cannot present a total clear picture because the spirit is not independent of the physical body and cannot go on for a longer period. Also, its clarity depends on the condition of the physical body and the depth of sleep.

    But once the body ceases to live, its hidden contact, which is like fire in the stone, breaks away from the dead body. The spirit travels to another world without any condition of time and contact with previous life.

    In this new situation called the world after, the soul must pass through certain tests. The spirit automatically is judged on righteousness, which is the sum of the glow of light and spots of darkness, or the impressions of all the deeds he performed in life on planet earth. In other word, the worldly human quality is the visa to enter in to the paradise.

    But if the level of righteousness is too low, or in other words, the actions performed in life on earth are of no value and the personal quality is below zero, then such a person will be put in hell. There he will be very much ashamed and repent, thinking about his past life, which he wasted because of his sinful and cruel actions.


    Then the angel held my hand, and said, ok, let us now move slowly towards our destination. This was a great feeling, as we started flying towards the sky. To move from one place to another, I did not have to walk by foot. No gravitational force was felt, neither the spiritual body had any weight. To fly, one just had to think of the destination, and without any force, the spiritual body would start flying.

    Where are we going? I asked. The angel told me that the first place we must land is the Doomsday Lands, where I would be tested regarding my actions on planet earth. While flying, I kept on asking questions. I wanted to know, in simple word about the test he mentioned. He answered: -

    If your actions during your lifetime have been in line with both great commandments, you would be allowed to enter paradise, but if found against the main law, you might have to go to hell to get proper treatment. Then when you become spiritually healthy, you would be allowed to enter the paradise.

    And what are the greatest commandments? I asked.

    Well, you should have known, he said The greatest and first commandment is that you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, and the second is that you shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

    But how will it actually happen? I asked. He said,

    Well as I mentioned earlier, the angels will separate the evil from the righteous. In other words, the moral and spiritual quality of each will convert itself into a spiritual shine automatically.

    One thing more, which you will know soon, that though it’s written that the angels will go and separate the wicked and the righteous, it is just an illustration. The changes will happen automatically. People arriving at the doorsteps of the world hereafter will automatically feel being in hell or heaven.

    So the angels will decide who goes to hell or heaven? I asked.

    "No, the decision of forgiveness or punishment is only in the hands of God Almighty as he is the sole owner of all creations, but he has designed proper systems of judgment. For instance, people during the time of Jesus and after him who claim to be his believers will be judged by him and his team. Jesus would sit on a big throne, and nations will be gathered before him. He will separate good from evil, putting the righteous on right and evil on the left.

    Then to the righteous ones, he will thank, with good remarks, in the shape of a massage from God and give good tidings of paradise because they provided food, something to drink, clothes, and medicines and care etc., for the sake of God.

    And if they surprisingly ask, when it happened and why God would require these worldly things, they will be told that all they did to God’s creations is as if they did it to him.

    In the same way, he would say to those at the left, You are accursed for not providing anything to God when he was hungry, naked, sick, weak, and needed care.

    And if they ask When was God hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, in prison, and we did not take care of him? They would be told, Just as you did not do it to one of his creations, you did not do it to God."

    So the ones on the left will go to hell and those on the right in paradise? I asked.

    The angel explained, "The ones on the right will get a license to go to paradise, but those of the left will have still many options open.

    Whoever welcomes a prophet in the name of a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and whoever welcomes a righteous person in the name of a righteous person will receive the reward of the righteous, and whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple, truly I tell you, none of these will lose their reward. Every man will be shown the result of his work even if it is an atom’s weight of good or evil.

    Every man? What about women? I asked, and he explained,

    "Women are also men but of a different kind. The system of different sexes was made to run the worldly life, and only those things which die were made male and female, such as human, animals, plants etc., so that they may not perish. But the creations that do not die such as earth, sun, moon, stars etc. were of the same sex.

    A soul that receives a new body is no more male and female. The division in creation in male and female was only for the reason of death, and once the human leaves the earth and there is no more death, there is no need for this difference.

    Now as there would be no death, so being male or female is gone with your earthly body. Now you are all spirits, like angels, and out of the cage of male or female.

    Just one more question, I asked. Will Christians go in paradise?

    "Of course, if someone is a

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