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Young Toby Malone
Young Toby Malone
Young Toby Malone
Ebook92 pages1 hour

Young Toby Malone

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All Australians will easily identify with the initial setting of this book, the location of Botany Bay and Captain James Cook being on board the Endeavour. The book begins with Cooks discovery, his claiming and subsequent skirmish with the local indigenous people, who were at his landing site. These recorded facts are ongoing indigenous rights issues. The book continues with Cooks return to England, the recording of Cooks journey, altered to suit the state of affairs, then the delay and planning for the First Fleet to return to Australia, named New South Wales. The introduced fictional character, Lucy, is a young woman unjustly imprisoned for a crime she did not commit. Lucy is sent as part of the First Fleet, as a convict, deported forever. She establishes a relationship, with an officer on board Phillips ship during the journey. Upon arrival at Sydney Cove, within a month, she delivers a baby boy, Toby Malone. He is the first born on these new lands. The hardships and almost failure of the new colony, at Sydney Cove, increases the already known drama surrounding Australias early history.

As Australians, we acknowledge our early settlers, those who were sent as convicts, those who came in other circumstances. This fictional account creates unknowns of who were some of our ancestors and from what place in society did these originate from.
Release dateApr 30, 2016
Young Toby Malone

Stephen Saker

A retired small-business owner of thirty-five years who spent most of his life in the Darwin, Northern Territory. He has travelled to many countries throughout his life, enjoying life from all perspectives. He worked with the indigenous people in the territory, in his retail and contracting businesses.

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    Young Toby Malone - Stephen Saker

    Copyright © 2016 Stephen Saker. All rights reserved.


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    Young Toby Malone

    This Lands’ Indigenous People

    Cook’s Landing


    An aboriginal painting,signed by the artist.Cropped and enhanced for this display.

    This style of painting is referred to as a Dot painting.The entire painting is undertaken by the artist,using only dots placed onto the canvas to convey the image or the completed theme of the painting.The artist’s usually uses a brush,or series of brushes,manufactured by the artist.These brushes can be types of soft absorbent timbers,from the branch of a tree, or a type of grass stem of a plant,or even a soft brush with the bristles cut very short.The brush is dipped into the paint,and then applied onto the canvas.

    This painting also has the main theme of a central meal,the four similar drawings in each corner are aboriginal people,in this case,they are converging onto the central food source of this painting.The painting shows the connection between the meal source and the four people.

    This is a traditional painting of aboriginals at the meal time.


    An original painting, aboriginal artist.

    Signed by the artist.

    The photo has been cropped and enhanced for the display.

    This painting,as unusual as it is,shows an old man with his totem attracting the mind of the sea serpent,shown traversing the ocean .The moon and stars from above gives clarity to the night sky,while the old man,a wise elder,shows understanding .


    An original aboriginal painting.

    Signed by the Artist.

    The photo has been cropped and enhanced for the display.

    This painting shows the old man,an Elder,guarding and protecting Uluru,the Central Rock, a sacred site,of all Indigenous peoples of Australia.The Moon and the Stars,shine down,shooting stars light the night’s sky,the southern Cross,above the old Elders’ shoulder,giving him direction and guidance from above.


    An original painting by an aboriginal artist.Cropped and enhanced for the display.

    This painting shows a group of aboriginals gathered around a central meal,in the traditional method of meal time.The four similar figures around the central area are the images of aboriginal people,usually painted in this manner .This painting has evolved and has been completed,using the aboriginal method of the dotpainting method.This method of utilizing the dotpainting method,could be unique in the art world, having an origin from the aboriginal artists.

    This painting and the previous painting of the similar theme of food source,shows the similarity between different artists,each have a similar theme.


    An original aboriginal painting,signed by the artist.Cropped and enhanced for the display.

    This painting is a reflection type image.The similarities of the two images,represents an inverted mirror image.In this case,the artist spoke to me,and with her hands spread wide,as a gesture of her ownership of the painting,she said,I did this.

    Most of the art works,in this collection,had been completed by the artists,while incarcerated.These paintings have been stamped by the Corrections Dept,on the rear of the canvas,stating the artist name, dated,and the officer who authorized the painting.

    All were offered to me, by the original artists,,and bought by me,from those original artists.


    An original painting by an aboriginal artist.Signed by the artist.Cropped and enhanced for the display.

    There is a series of four of these.Each has different animals,and an associated story of the painting,signed by the artist.This artist was not incarcerated at the time of these paintings.


    Lieutenant James Cook,was alone in his cabin,seated at his Chart table.While awaiting the delivery of his breakfast,Cook had been engaging himself, re-reading all of his accurately logged sailing data.Cook’s attention to detail,ensured his accuracy.Cook had been previously selected by the Royal Society, his Naval experience, also his ability in the field of cartography and mathematics,ensured his acceptance,as the position of Captain of the Endeavour. The enormity of this current Discovery, this largely uncharted Continent,had kept Cook restless for most of the night. Cook relaxed sufficiently,in the early hours of the morning,eventually, receiving his much needed sleep.Rest and sleep,were always welcoming to Cook, giving him reinvigorated life and the sense of completion and readiness for the next day. Cook was driven by success and ambition.His overpowering sense of urgency to conquer and chart new Territories on behalf of the Crown of England,drove Cook to seek and achieve success.

    A knock at the door by the Cabin boy,signalled the arrival of his breakfast.

    Cook called Enter, The young boy entered his Lieutenant’s Cabin,placing the food tray beside Cooks’ Chart table. He saluted his Lieutenant,immediately withdrawing from the cabin.

    Following his meal,Cook had summonded his First Officer, Mr. Zacharey Hicks .Following the formal acknowledgements of each other,in rank and seniority,Cook immediately gave his young First Officer his command,

    "Have the entire Crew,and

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