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Clash Between Two Kingdoms: Complete Manual of Prayer and Intercession
Clash Between Two Kingdoms: Complete Manual of Prayer and Intercession
Clash Between Two Kingdoms: Complete Manual of Prayer and Intercession
Ebook216 pages3 hours

Clash Between Two Kingdoms: Complete Manual of Prayer and Intercession

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About this ebook

This book is a manual and complete guide to prayer, intercession and spiritual warfare. Which will equip you to operate effectively in the area of prayer and prophetic intercession, in a way that has never before been revealed. This manual also has been designed to be used as Bible study material for intercessors, which will teach you step by step, on how to operate effectively in the areas of; intercession, deliverance, spiritual warfare, and how to activate the authority that has been delegated to us by God. You›ll also discover the new identity that you possess as a citizen of the kingdom of God, the benefits that Citizenship offers, and how to operate in them. Here you will also find a complete guide to deliverance, prophetic declarations, destined to empower you, instruct you, and equip you in the marvelous world of intercession!

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJul 21, 2016
Clash Between Two Kingdoms: Complete Manual of Prayer and Intercession

Angela Strong

The author is a Clinical psychologist, and currently is completing a Master in Divinity. The author has been a radio and television personality. Angela Strong is also the author of the popular book “Clash Between two kingdoms” She is also Vice-President of Strong International Ministry; A ministry dedicated to bring conferences of intercession and spiritual warfare around the world. She is passionate about Prayer and spreading the gospel of Jesus.

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    Clash Between Two Kingdoms - Angela Strong

    Copyright © 2016 Angela Strong.

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    Unless otherwise specified, Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible (KJV); public domain.

    Scripture quotations marked (Darby) are taken from the Darby translation of the Bible (The Holy Scriptures: A New Translation from the Original Languages by J. N. Darby) dating from 1884, public domain.

    Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked (ICB) are taken from The Holy Bible, International Children’s Bible, copyright 1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson™, a division of Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked (ISV) are taken from the International Standard Version, copyright 1995–2014 by ISV Foundation. All rights reserved internationally. Used by permission of Davidson Press, LLC.

    Scripture quotations marked (JUB) are taken from the Jubilee Bible 2000, copyright 2000, 2001, 2010 by LIFE SENTENCE Publishing. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from The American Standard Bible, copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scripture quotations marked (NKJV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New King James Version, copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-4973-1 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016911573

    WestBow Press rev. date: 08/17/2018






    Power and Dominion

    Faithful Witness

    Dealing with the Past Labels

    Why the Enemy attacks Our Prosperity

    The Causes of the Temptations of the Enemy

    Knowing Our Identity

    Reaffirming Our Identity

    Citizens of a New Kingdom

    Changing Our Perspective


    Making a Commitment

    The Master’s Profile

    Why We ask and Do Not Receive

    When We alter the Established Order

    Lack of Commitment

    When We Operate Under Curse Cycles

    Using the armors incorrectly

    How to ask Correctly


    The intercessor

    What an intercessor Really Is

    Types of Prayer

    Learning to Exercise authority over

    the Kingdom of Darkness

    Changing the Manner of Speaking

    The Prophetic intercession

    The appellative Prayer: God as Judge

    You Can appeal your Case

    The Silent Prayer

    Prayer in the Spirit

    The Strategies of War

    Worship as Weapon of War

    Why We Need to Worship Before interceding

    Giving Thanks, a Weapon of War


    Fasting as a Weapon of War

    The Decree as a Weapon of War

    Prayer of Blessing Or Prophetic Blessing

    Covenant Prayer

    Prayer of Renunciation

    The Spirits of iniquity

    Prayers of Renunciation: Breaking Generational

    Curses and inheritance of iniquity

    Learning to Operate the Weapons of Warfare

    Every intercessor Has a Given assignment

    Learning to Prophesy

    The Role of the Holy Spirit in intercession

    The Functions of the Holy Spirit

    Why Do We Need to allow the Holy Spirit to

    Operate in Our Life?

    The Role of the Holy Spirit in Deliverance


    Loving Our Enemies

    The Enemy Leads Us to Discover Our Potential

    Discovering Our Potential

    Appreciating the Process

    The Enemies Push Us to Make Decisions

    The Enemies Get you Closer to your Destiny

    God Is Positioning you

    The Reason for the Long Wait

    The Fear

    Why Does the Kingdom of Darkness Use Fear?

    Fear Limits Us

    Fear Screams Out Loud

    Fight Back!

    The Secret Place

    The Importance of the Secret Place

    From Spirit to Spirit

    The Training Process

    Making Good Use of Our authority

    Becoming like the Perfect Role Model



    It gives me much joy that you have chosen to become part of this transforming and enriching experience.

    If what you are seeking is to take your relationship with God to another level, discovering your identity as His child and learning how to pray effectively or receive an answer when you pray, then you have made the right choice.

    It is my purpose that each person will discover the divine potential and purpose that lies in each of us and that every believer will know how to operate in the dimension of power and authority that God has placed in His people.

    This book is also a practical and handy tool, designed to bring believers step by step to discover their place in God’s kingdom and to know the laws and principles governing our kingdom and how to operate in them.

    The revelations found in this book will lead you to discover key principles of prayer and intercession not revealed until now, as are the reasons why we pray and do not receive our answers.

    You will also learn about the different types of prayers to God that exist and the importance of utilizing the right kind of prayer according to the situation we are facing, the area in which we are being attacked, and the dimension and intensity of that attack.

    This material is a manual and a complete guide to intercession. It will not only bring light and answers to many of the questions that arise in the life of a believer during your walk with God, but will also empower you as never before in prophetic intercession, spiritual warfare, deliverance, spiritual warfare strategies, and how to break with curse cycles, among a host of other topics.

    I invite you to join me in entering into the presence of God, and let’s experience the transforming power of His Word.


    At the end of each year, as many of you do, I usually make resolutions about the things I desire to accomplish for the following year.

    In late 2009 I decided to make my list of goals for next year, just as if it were already the year’s end. The only difference was that on this occasion my long list of resolutions had been reduced to only one goal.

    This was a very unique and unusual goal, compared to what I was accustomed to programming in previous years. The only thing I wrote on my resolutions sheet was this: for the year 2010, I desire to accomplish an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit!

    That one decision changed my life! Despite being born in a Christian home, I only knew the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Trinity. For many years I thought that the third place was a hierarchical position which determined his power, influence, and importance in the lives of believers. That misconception about the person of the Holy Spirit led me to think, as I feel many believers think: Why should I develop an intimate relationship with the third person of the Trinity, if I could have it directly with the first person?

    For many years my objective was limited to just having a relationship with God the Father or God the Son, but the presence of the Holy Spirit was obviated from my life.

    I had not realized that it was impossible to achieve a relationship of intimacy with God the Father, if you first did not have an initiate relationship with the Holy Spirit, because it is the Holy Spirit who reveals the Father to us.

    That decision in late 2009 completely changed my life, as it did my perspective on faith. This is why I take this opportunity to break all the schematics and change the order of things. Instead of having someone make me a prologue as a writer, I will instead make a prologue to the Holy Spirit, who is the true protagonist of this story and is the one who really deserves the credit for this work. I am merely one of its collaborators.

    I would like to honor the Holy Spirit for being my best friend, mentor, and counselor; for being the one who renews my strength, for being my guide and my livelihood, for revealing the hidden mysteries and guiding me into all truth and justice.

    I wish to honor His presence in my life, His care and wisdom, His direction and His revelation. I honor Him for being my protective shield, as well as my defender.

    But above all, I desire to honor Him because even though He is so holy, He has decided to abide in me and make me His temple.

    I am sure that every truth revealed by the Holy Spirit in this book is destined to break the chains that have kept you from your destiny. The breakthrough which you’ve been waiting on for years will be produced in your life. The truths revealed here will deliver you. Your long wait will end, and as your spirit is submerged in this material, the Holy Spirit will bring confirmation to your life. You will begin to enter the level of authority, plenitude, and dominion that the Father designed for you.


    I dedicate this book to all those in whose hearts God has placed the need to operate in the area of intercession, but who have not taken the steps to do so, for lack of guidance or adequate equipment.

    I dedicate this book to all those who have made good use of prayer for many years just based on the limited knowledge they have had so far, but still have not seen the visible manifestation of their petitions.

    I dedicate this book to those who have been feeling in their spirit that there is something more profound than the experiences they have had thus far in their walk with God—those who have longed wholeheartedly to be guided by the Holy Spirit and to learn how to operate in more profound dimensions of intercession and spiritual warfare.

    This book is also dedicated to those who are tired of operating under the same cycles of oppression that have kept them stagnant for years, people who yearn to produce a radical change in their lives, ministry, or nation and want to bring the principles and designs of the kingdom of God to their circumstances.

    Finally, I dedicate this book to believers who are waiting to see the fulfillment of God’s promises in their lives.


    It does not cease to amaze me how many believers are living submerged in a life of limitation, scarcity, sickness, oppression, fear, weakness, recurrence of sinful behaviors, and the like.

    This is because first of all, they are unaware of their identity as children of God and the position that identity gives them as citizens of this kingdom. Second, they are oblivious to their authority within the kingdom. This authority, with which they have been empowered through conversion once they receive Jesus, allows them to become citizens of a new kingdom, the kingdom of God!

    Moreover, it alarms me to see how many believers are very knowledgeable about the offenses and sins we can commit as citizens of the kingdom of God but not about all the benefits that the kingdom offers. These believers are convinced that our mission as Christians is to just live a life without sin to ensure our salvation. They think this is all they need to do to in order to live a victorious Christian life and that this is what Christianity is all about.

    In actuality this only represents part of the scheme of rules and benefits that comprises our kingdom, the kingdom of God.

    Christianity is not just a monotonous and limited system to go through, where you only think of how to avoid sinning in order to achieve access to salvation. The kingdom of God is much more than that!

    There is a set of rules that we must follow as citizens of that kingdom, but obeying His rules also gives us access to many other benefits, benefits that few believers know in their entirety.

    In this book, I will speak substantially about those benefits that are offered by the kingdom of God and how to operate within our authority, by learning how to use the weapons of spiritual warfare. You will also learn how to use the power that God has placed in you to exercise authority over the kingdom of darkness.

    My objective is that every reader would know what level of authority has been granted to us; how to exercise authority over the kingdom of darkness; how to

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