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10 Proven 21St Century Success Generators: Guaranteed to Provide You with Better Success Results
10 Proven 21St Century Success Generators: Guaranteed to Provide You with Better Success Results
10 Proven 21St Century Success Generators: Guaranteed to Provide You with Better Success Results
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10 Proven 21St Century Success Generators: Guaranteed to Provide You with Better Success Results

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The Power Plant does not have energy, it GENERATES energy. Similarly, persons do not have energy they generate energy. You therefore need a framework to assist your generation of energy. The Ten Success Generators outlined in 10 Proven 21st Century Success Generators set the boundaries for generating your success. The generators are: Desire Health Belief Action Standards Habits Contribution Knowledge Creativity Intentionality.

There are different platforms to deliver successful life results, but these 10 Success Generators provide a useful proven framework to deliver high performance results.

The content of 10 Proven 21st Century Success Generators show:
The knowledge, wisdom and understanding underlying each Success Generator.
The boundaries of the main concepts relative to individual Success Generators.
The most important points derived from the concepts of each Success Generator.
How to pursue a different routine for each Success Generator in order to improve or deepen the particular Success Generator.

You can claim the life you want, if you put your attention on your intention, and deliver massive action consistent with the vision you have for your life. You can do it. Its possible!

After re-visiting what you already know of the Ten Success Generators, you are invited to make your Common Knowledge become Common Practice. Whats your next bold move to take you to your next higher step of success? Act now and start moving to your next higher level of success.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 15, 2016
10 Proven 21St Century Success Generators: Guaranteed to Provide You with Better Success Results

Philip Guy Rochford

Philip G. Rochford retired as Chairman and Managing Director of National Commercial Bank. He was trained as an Economist, Chartered Accountant and Chartered Banker. He has published nine motivational books and co-authored three other books. He has five children alive, married to Edlin, herself an author, and they live in Trinidad.

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    Book preview

    10 Proven 21St Century Success Generators - Philip Guy Rochford


    Live a Life of Virtual Success,

    The Executive Speaks, Infinite Possibilities,

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    Enlightened Corporate Leadership,

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    Co-author of the Bestseller Wake Up…Live the Life You Love:

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    In Reader Views Literary Awards, Reflective Empowerment was selected as the "Walsh Seminars Award for Best Personal Growth Book of the Year (2010).

    10 Proven 21st Century Success Generators

    Guaranteed to provide you with better success results

    Philip Guy Rochford

    Foreword by Dr. Theodore U. Ferguson, Educator & Author of Writings on Leadership: Sharing the Philosophy of Leading From Above The Line


    Copyright © 2016 Philip Guy Rochford.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Balboa Press

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-5872-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-5874-3 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-5873-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016908792

    Balboa Press rev. date: 06/10/2016

    Author’s photograph by Ms. Alison Punch of Fotocraft Ltd. (Trinidad and Tobago)

    All illustrations within chapters by courtesy of PresenterMedia






    Chapter 1 DESIRE: Know what you want in life

    Chapter 2 HEALTH: Establish your Psychology and Physiology

    Chapter 3 BELIEF: Believe that what you want is possible, and believe that you have the potential achieve it

    Chapter 4 ACTION: Take massive action consistent with what you want

    Chapter 5 STANDARDS: Raise your standards

    Chapter 6 HABITS: Drop inappropriate habits, and cultivate new habits relevant to achieving your desires

    Chapter 7 CONTRIBUTION: Contribute or add value to others

    Chapter 8 KNOWLEDGE: Be a life-long learner and develop your skills continuously

    Chapter 9 CREATIVITY: Be resourceful with your talents, and access the support of others

    Chapter 10 INTENTIONALITY: Be intentional, persistent and achieve your dreams






    To me, there is no greater joy than seeing fellow human beings come alive to the reason for their existence and setting about to fulfill their human potential through the passionate pursuit of their divine purpose. With this coming alive there is renewed energy and vibrancy of the human spirit, coupled with a strong sense of optimism about life. There is a deep spiritual awakening as people experience the joy of living.

    It is now generally agreed that humanity’s greatness remains mostly unexpressed in relation to our inherent human potential. We are all divinely gifted with the unique capacity to do something special with our lives. Our success as individuals is determined by the extent to which we live out our divine potential.

    Our innate drive to do better - to seek greatness - is rooted in our desire to fulfill our human potential. The source of much of the unhappiness in our lives is the result of the frustration of our inherent desire to do better. Such frustration leaves us with a sense of emptiness and a lack of fulfillment. We all know that we can do better, regardless of what we have already accomplished.

    This desire to grow by doing better lies in the huge mental capacity of the human brain. This capacity resides primarily in our advanced neural system and equips us with the power of consciousness, the power of reason and the ability to consciously choose from a range of complex options. As we experience life, we have the ability to store a vast amount of memories, from which we can draw in our reasoning and choice-making processes. This ability is uniquely human.

    The capacity to grow provides us with the opportunity to form, develop and sustain complex social systems, such that through our synergistic interactions, we achieve heights of greatness infinitely greater than what we can ever achieve as individuals. Thus, our individual potential can only be fully expressed when we recognize that we are part of a team, a community, a society and wider humanity. We are mutually interdependent.

    We are all individually special and need to see ourselves as special gifts to humanity.

    If we fail to deliver our gifts they will never be delivered. We all have value to add to humanity, hence our continuing search for fulfillment. When we begin to see each other as having the potential to make a special contribution to humanity, we also begin to see the divine worth of each and every human being. Love and compassion follow naturally. Why hate, hurt or kill others when they have the capacity to make a contribution to the human whole - our human family.

    Our individual uniqueness as human beings conveys on us something special that we can do as our contribution to humanity; and that is where our purpose lies. When we pursue our dreams, we automatically find clarity in understanding our relationship with the rest of humanity. Our life has meaning and we naturally strive for excellence. When we understand our importance as human beings we are further energized to make our unique contribution.

    This book is about your everyday living. It is about how you can change your life from being just ordinary to being successful. It is about how you can generate the energy of success.

    Distinguished author, Philip Guy Rochford who, at age 83, has lived a very successful life, has brought his many life experiences to bear on his understanding of how success can be achieved. This publication, 10 Proven 21st Century Success Generators, is the result.

    In this book he likens the human being to a power generating plant with the ability to generate energy and has identified ten success generators that can put you on the road to living a more fulfilled life.

    With this publication, the author makes a significant contribution to the continuing human challenge of living life with energy and passion.

    Theodore U. Ferguson

    Educator & Author of Writings on Leadership: Sharing the Philosophy of Leading From Above The Line


    For all those persons who want to be the best expression of themselves, and who are interested in being inspired and guided by the experience of thought leaders who have travelled the success road, and unlocked the secrets of high performance results.


    I owe a special debt of gratitude to Dr. Theodore U. Ferguson for providing, despite his extensive commitments, the foreword for 10 Proven 21st Century Success Generators. Dr. Ferguson’s commitments include his community outreach leadership programs, extending the content of his seminal work entitled Writings on Leadership: Sharing the Philosophy of Leading From Above The Line ; he is involved as well in other National transformative activities.

    Also, Dr. Ferguson, and his wife Gloria, are the entrepreneurs of the international tourist attraction, Yerette, an oasis of Hummingbirds, located In Valley View, Maracas, St. Joseph Trinidad, Yerette continues to be operated and managed by Dr. & Mrs. Ferguson and its haven of often over 1500 Hummingbirds covering 14 species bring delight to its visitors.

    ILLUSTRATIONS: My gratitude goes out to Ms. Sharlee Barkarr for choosing and optimizing the illustrations in the various chapters that were made possible by courtesy of PRESENTERMEDIA.

    In my 83 years of living there have been scores of people who have positively impacted my formation. There were family members, teachers, mentors, friends, politicians, work colleagues, and life coaches. It is not feasible for me to mention all the names,

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