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Shadow Sooths the Prophecy
Shadow Sooths the Prophecy
Shadow Sooths the Prophecy
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Shadow Sooths the Prophecy

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I thought I had a perfectly normal life . . . until I met him.

My name is Saylor Vaughn. I am seventeen years old, and I am the queen of a magical realm called Delucia. I was not always royal or magical. In fact, I was just a normal teenage girl.

It all started on the day that a strange boy came into my room and told me that a prophecy states that I am destined to marry the king of his magical realm and become their queen. At first, I did not believe him, but soon enough, I got swept into his world and left behind my entire life back in Richfield. I soon learned that nothing is what it seems and that everything I thought I knew about my life is about to change. Before I knew it, I found myself having to choose between love and honor.

Its all in the prophecy.
Release dateAug 31, 2016
Shadow Sooths the Prophecy

Hesti-Mari Kleynhans

Hesti-Mari Kleynhans was born in Pretoria, South Africa. I studied BA languages at North West University. Currently, I enjoy being a teacher by day and writer by night. I live in my hometown in South Africa with my two degus, Bo and Daisy.

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    Shadow Sooths the Prophecy - Hesti-Mari Kleynhans

    Copyright © 2016 by Hesti-Mari Kleynhans.

    ISBN:      Softcover   978-1-4828-6331-4

                    eBook        978-1-4828-6330-7

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.




    The Boy

    The Choice

    The Fire

    The King

    The Oracle

    The Dream

    The Guardian

    The Man

    The Shadow World

    The Kiss

    The Masquerade

    The Aftershock

    The Plan

    The Tower

    The Truth


    To Mom and Dad –

    For chasing the other side of the rainbow with me.


    F irst and foremost, I would like to thank the Lord, my Creator for giving me this incredible talent. I would like to thank my parents Dawie and Sarieta Kleynhans, for all of their love and support – especially for believing in me. Thank you Dad for helping me choose the names of the characters, no matter how obscure. Without you guys, I would not be where I am today. I love you both very much. A big thank you to Hans and Charlotte Bresser – my second mom and dad – for all of their support and constantly asking to see the book. You have inspired me to do great things. I would like to thank my family for all of their support too. I would like to thank my publishers for taking a chance on me, it really means a lot. Finally I would like to thank you, the reader, for taking a chance on this book. Hopefully you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing the book. Thank you all!

    P.s don’t forget to watch out for the sequel!

    All my love,

    Hesti-Mari Kleynhans

    Hello Darkness my old friend

    I’ve come to talk with you again



    I t was two things at once. It was and it wasn’t. It would and it wouldn’t. It would be the first time that he would meet her yet he has met her many times before – in his dreams. He has dreamed of her every night for the past seventeen years. He knew her better than he knew himself. He knew everything about her: every laugh, every smile every thought she ever had, he knew. Over the years she has become a part of him, a part he needed the way he needed air to breathe. Yet the sad part about it was she did not even know of his existence. To her, he was just another stranger, an outsider even, in her little world. It was a world he did not belong in but neither did she.

    The previous night he had only watched her dream. He knew it was a nightmare by the way she clenched her hands so tightly. He wanted to wake her up and hold her, soothing her by saying that it was only just a dream. He did not, however. He felt himself glued to the floor, unable to move an inch closer to her. He was in a much greater sense paralyzed. Seeing her in his dreams was one thing but actually standing in front of her, so close to her, was perhaps the most frightening thing he had ever experienced.

    He paced up and down her room, waiting for her to return. Conceivably, waiting for her in her room like a stalker was not the best decision he ever made but he felt comfortable in her room. He had been there many times in his dreams. He knew that at exactly four-thirty a slight streak of sunlight would enter through the window, warming up a spot on the floor near the foot of her bed. He knew that it was her favourite place to do her homework every day. He knew all these things about her yet she knew nothing about him. What pained him the most was that she could never know any such things of him.

    He heard a car door close and the thumping in his heart told her that she was home. He readied himself for the moment that would change both their lives, but not in the way he would want it.

    The Boy

    P rincess, Princess! Let down your hair, echoed the beautiful voice, so enticing I could not help but obey. I touched my hair, ready to thrust it through the window, but my hands could not find one single lock of hair. Both hands shot up in an empty attempt to find something, anything. But all I felt was a cold, hairless head. I turned to face the window but it was gone. I was stuck in a tower with no window, no door, and no way out. The beautiful voice just an echo of a memory I’m not even sure is real…

    I woke up with a jolt. My whole body was covered in sweat. My hands immediately shot up to my head, relief washed over me when I was met with a clump of frizzy blonde semi-curls. My hair isn’t perfect but at least it was still there. My phone buzzed underneath my pillow. I was momentarily annoyed at the person calling me in the middle of the night, when I realized the sun was already shining in the morning sky. I checked my phone to find a text from my boyfriend, Logan Calhan, saying he’ll be late picking me up for school. It was already seven-fifteen a.m. and I silently cursed at myself for forgetting to set an alarm, once again. I went into the bathroom and studied myself in the mirror. Just as I thought, still same old, blue eyed me. I combed my fingers through my hair. I washed my hair last night, so I just pulled it up into a ponytail on top of my head. I started the water in the shower, the heat just a little higher than it should be. I climbed in and soaked up the heat, as if it were a ray of sunshine. I closed my eyes, only to be met with flashes of the windowless tower. I jumped out of the shower and quickly dressed myself. I grabbed my gym bag and rushed out the door as if somebody was lurking in the dark corners of my room and I could not get out of there fast enough. So far, it was a pretty weird day.

    My mom was downstairs in the kitchen failing at making breakfast. I stepped into the archway and wrinkled my nose at the smell of burnt eggs. My mom turned around and smiled pleasantly when she saw me. Mornin’, Honey, she said in a slight Southern accent she still hasn’t shaken yet. I keep reminding her that she lived in Alabama for a year, and the Madonna thing is so twenty years ago, but she usually just makes a face and continues speaking even more dramatically.

    Hey, Mom, I said. I noticed her blood-stained hospital scrubs and the dark circles under her eyes. She must have just gotten back from a night shift at St. Clarence Memorial Hospital, where she works as a nurse. Here, let me, I said, taking the frying pan from her and scraping off the burnt egg into the trash can, You go get some sleep. I’m not hungry anyway.

    Are you sure? she asked and I smiled at her reassuringly. She gave me a peck on my forehead before heading to her bedroom.

    My mom has been taking more and more shifts at the hospital ever since my dad passed away two months ago. I hardly ever see her anymore. I know she’s just trying to make ends meet with the house and my dad’s hospital bills we still have to pay, but a part of me wonders whether she was taking on more shifts just to avoid the painful memories lurking around every corner in the house. I jumped at the sound of a car horn blaring outside. Logan’s here. Sometimes I wish he would just once ring the doorbell like an actual human being. The horn started up again and my annoyance was replaced by haste. I ran outside and climbed into the passenger seat of his red Jeep Wrangler.

    Hey, Babe, he said, kissing me on the cheek. Sorry I’m late. I had to drop Trav off at Rebecca’s.

    I let out an exasperated sigh. "They had a fight again?"

    Yeah, third one this week. I keep telling him that she’s no good, but he still goes back to her every time.

    Travis Bakely is Logan’s best friend since birth, literally. They were born only two days apart and their moms shared a hospital room. Sometimes I feel he pays more attention to Trav than he does me. Sophomore year Trav and Logan got into the Varsity Football team and almost every girl in school started noticing them, including Rebecca Hart. Rebecca is a junior but she mostly hangs out with us seniors, much to my dismay. She has been trying to steal my spot as cheer captain ever since she started dating Trav. She also treats him like he’s a little puppy in need of constant guidance and chastising.

    You’re a good friend, I said. Too good for your own good, I thought but would never say aloud.

    Logan pulled into the school parking lot and I immediately brightened up when I saw my best friend, Katty Desario, waiting for me next to an empty parking space. I motioned for Logan to park there and he swirled the car into the space with ease. I got out and hugged Katty a little tighter than I should.

    Hey. Uh. Can’t. Breathe.

    Oh, sorry, I said and let go just as the first bell rang. Logan said a quick goodbye and ran off to his first class.

    Why were you so late? I waited like half an hour, she said.

    Yeah, sorry. Trav had girlfriend problems again.

    Katty let out a short sigh. We were used to this by now. You know, that dude has got to get his mind straightened out. What does he see in her anyway?

    She’s hot, I said, quoting Trav’s answer to the same question. Katty rolled her eyes and we both giggled. Suddenly I got this weird feeling that someone was behind me. I turned around but did not see anything.

    You okay?

    Weird. I could have sworn there was somebody behind me. I just shrugged as we entered Mr Borelli’s English Lit class. Everyone was already seated and Mr Borelli glared at us, the annoyance evident on his face. I smiled apologetically at him and he just nodded. Katty and I slipped into our seats near the back. The feeling that I was being watched stroke up again but no one in the room was even glancing my way. I told myself that I was just a little freaked out by that creepy nightmare I had.

    Miss Vaughn?

    Huh? I got pulled out of my thoughts by Mr Borelli’s gruff voice. I glanced at him, unsure if he even really spoke at all. But the way he was looking at me told me he was waiting for me to answer the question he just asked that I did not hear.

    Your thoughts? he said looking slightly amused at catching me daydreaming in his class.

    My what? Why would he want to know what I was thinking? Isn’t that an invasion of privacy? Some students started to giggle and Mr Borelli shot them a look. In the corner of my eye I spotted Katty pointing to a book on my desk. Then I started to get it, we were discussing Jane Austen’s book, Emma. Luckily this is one of my favourite books and I have already read it about three times before.

    "Emma is one of my favourite books, Mr Borelli. It reminds me of women today, we are all so concerned about our own personal wellbeing and amusements that we don’t care to think about what our selfishness is doing to those around us. Emma learned that only once you set aside your own needs, can you help another. I think that that’s a very valuable life lesson."

    Mr Borelli nodded and I could detect a small smile at the corners of his mouth. Very well put Miss Vaughn. We should all learn from this. I would very much like to read an essay on this subject.

    I groaned. Normal teachers give out gold stars to good students, Mr Borelli gives out essays. I made an effort to listen as he went on further about Mr Knightley’s views and I even scribbled a few notes here and there. By lunchtime my notebook was already half full with notes from AP History and Calculus. I also did not get the feeling that I was being watched again, which was a good thing. I met up with Logan standing in line to get food, already holding my tray. I took it from him and grabbed a bowl of Jell-O from the counter. Logan just shook his head and laughed. He always teased me about my very ‘unhealthy’ love for Jell-O. After we got our food we walked over to our regular table right in the middle of the cafeteria. Our table was known by the mediocrity of high school cliques as the ‘Popular Table’, occupied mostly by cheerleaders, football players and their significant others.

    Hey Logan! A high voice rang through the crowd toward us. I drew in a breath, bracing myself for what was coming next. A tall, faux blonde with way too much makeup made her way to us. Molly Greenwald, the only girl I despise so much I might actually even hate her. She has been trying to steal Logan from me ever since we started dating in seventh grade. And boy was she relentless. She always throws herself at him, especially in my presence. She plays field hockey but they haven’t won a game in four years, so nobody really takes them seriously.

    Hey Molly, I said annoyed. I would have said more but Logan’s tight grip around my wrist told he that he would handle this. She annoyed him almost as much as she annoyed me.

    Oh, hey Saylor. I didn’t see you there, she said faking a smile. I scoffed.

    So, I’m having a party tomorrow night, you know, to build up pep for the big game on Friday. You should totally come, she said only to Logan.

    Yeah, Logan said looking at me, if it’s for the team then Saylor and I will be there.

    I nudged him in the ribs. Molly’s party was the last place I wanted to be.

    Great. See you tomorrow then. With that she turned on her heels and walked over to the table, swinging her hips more than what was really necessary.

    Man, I really hate that girl. And why would you say yes to her party? I don’t want to go just to see her fondle over you all night.

    Logan chuckled and rested his arm on my shoulders. He pulled me in and kissed the top of my head. I knew this meant that he was sorry but had no other choice. I hated that gesture.

    We got to the table and I sat next to Katty. She was talking to Jessica and Zoey, two girls on the cheerleading squad, about new uniform ideas. Jessica’s dad owns about half of the town and Zoey’s dad owns the other half. Together they sponsored most of the competitions and uniforms. As soon as I sat down Katty sat back a little so I could join the conversation.

    I was thinking about going with a light blue and striking red. Or maybe white, or what about black? Jessica said so fast normal humans.

    Maybe we should just stick to the school colours. We could maybe get the gold in a metallic fabric. That way the gold could stand out more against the red and it looks way cooler, I suggested. It wasn’t so much a suggestion as it was a nudge in the right direction. I already got Coach Carter to agree on the designs and I sent in the order for the materials last week. Luckily they all liked it and agreed to do that. Zoey was so excited she immediately called her dad to ask for the money to make the uniforms.

    So, did you hear about Molly’s party? Katty asked me.

    "Yeah, please tell me you’re going too. I couldn’t bear it to go without my best friend in the whole wide world," I said dramatically, draping my arms around her. We laughed and she playfully shoved me away.

    Okay, okay. Sheesh, I’ll go. What would you do without me?

    Crash and burn, I said laughing. The bell rang, indicating the end of lunch and the beginning of fifth period. Logan walked me to my Home Economics class, which was right next to his French class. Our teacher, Miss Burns, talked about our midterm assignment the entire time. I stopped listening when she said that this assignment was worth thirty percent of our grade for the tenth time. I suddenly felt very tired. I wished I could go home and sleep, but I still had two more periods and cheer practice ahead of me.

    By the time I got to the girls locker room after school, Katty and the rest were already dressed. I quickly changed into my gym clothes and led them to the football field where we usually practice on Mondays and Wednesdays.

    "Okay girls. Let’s start with the Shake it off routine." I motioned to Katty and she pressed play on the stereo we used for outdoor practice. Taylor Swift’s Shake it off blasted through the speakers.

    Ready, OK! I called and we started the routine. This is one of my favourite routines. It doesn’t have a lot of fancy flips and lifts but the choreography requires a lot of footwork and natural rhythm. In the middle of the routine I am supposed to do a Hurkie. I went to stand in my spot and jumped, but I landed too hard on my right foot. I winced from the sharp pain emanating from my ankle. I glanced around and luckily no one saw. I spent the rest of practice correcting the others just to avoid having to do another jump again. I particularly enjoyed calling Rebecca out for always being at least three beats behind.

    I fractured my ankle last year during a cheerleading competition. I was meant to go into physical therapy but then my dad got sick and my ankle didn’t really seem that important anymore. I guess it still hasn’t fully healed yet. After practice Logan and I walked over to his car together. I was careful not to step too hard on my foot. I just really wanted to go home and put some ice on my ankle. On the ride home Logan and I talked about Homecoming this weekend and the big game and Molly’s party, which I still dreaded to go to. Logan was going on about Derek, their wide receiver, who may not be able to play because he cannot tell his photosynthesis from his photograph. I laughed at him as he imitated Coach Flaherty yelling at Derek. This is what I liked about Logan, nothing ever seems to get him down.

    So, pick you up tomorrow? Logan asked as I got out of the car.

    Yeah, see you tomorrow. I waved as he drove away and waited until he disappeared around the bend before I limped my way to the front door. If Logan found out that my ankle still hurts he would insist that I stay off of it, which means sitting out the Homecoming game. But I couldn’t do that because a talent scout from Stanford University was coming to see me and that game was probably the most important game of my life. I opened the front door and dropped my bags on the kitchen counter.

    Mom? I’m home, I called into the house but there was no answer. I went over to the fridge to find a note taped to it.


    Went to the hospital. Will be home late.

    Dinner is in the fridge.

    Love, Mom xx

    I opened the fridge only to find a carton of expired milk, a half-eaten turkey on rye and two bottles of beer my dad used to drink before he died, but no dinner. The sight of the beers sent a sharp pang to my chest. I could still see him sitting on the couch, beer in his hand as he watched the football game. When a player made a mistake he would yell at the screen as if the players could actually hear him. He would get so angry and my mom and I would just laugh at him. I really missed my dad, but what I missed the most was that we would never make memories like that ever again. I was really concerned about my mom too. A part of me was worried that I might be losing her now, too.

    I opened the freezer section and grabbed a cold pack. Suddenly that strange feeling I had felt this morning stirred inside me again. Then I heard a loud thumping noise coming from my bedroom. I grabbed my phone and typed in 911, holding my thumb over the call button but not touching it. I climbed up the stairs, careful not to make a sound. I was actually pretty good at it after years of practice sneaking out to meet up with Logan in the middle of the night. I slowly entered my room looking around to see if anyone was there but there was no one and everything still looked the same as I left it this morning. What happened next was so fast that I still don’t know how it actually happened.

    I felt something behind me but before I could turn around my phone was snatched from my hand and I was thrust onto my bed. I glanced around confused but there was no one there. I blinked once and then I saw a boy. It was as if he appeared out of thin air. He was tall, over six feet, and very well built. He looked young, about my age actually. But what frightened me the most was his eyes. They were light blue, so light they were almost white. It was the most intimidating thing I had ever seen. I started to get up to maybe lock myself in the bathroom or make a run for it but he just shoved me back onto the bed and pinned me down so I couldn’t move or look anywhere else than into those frightening eyes. I felt tears well up in my own eyes but I fought them away. I was not about to cry, I am stronger than that.

    We have nothing of value in this house. We don’t even have a vault. All of my jewels are fake it’s just cheap costume jewellery, I said but it came out sounding like a plea.

    I do not wish to steal from your home. His voice was deep and powerful. He spoke in a British accent and somehow his voice felt familiar. In any other situation I might have swooned over his accent but I was a little preoccupied trying to wiggle my way free from his powerful grip.

    We don’t have a safety deposit box either, I said, less pleading and more stalling.

    What I am here for is you, Saylor.

    I flinched as he said my name. Who was this guy? How do you know my name? Do you go to school with me?

    No, he said simply.

    Then who are you?

    That is not important at this stage.

    I suppressed a sigh. Not only was this guy in my bedroom, pinning me down on my bed (yeah this is really happening) but he is also incredibly vague when answering my questions. I found myself being very frustrated with him, but I would never dare show it in fear of him hurting me. No, I had to remain calm and stall him. Maybe he will let his guard down and I could make a break for it.

    Then what is important? I asked calmly, surprising myself because inside I was everything but calm.

    You are, he said simply.

    Was he doing this on purpose? He looked at me with his terrifying eyes and I felt a chill crawl up my spine. I averted my eyes, trying to look anywhere else but he was so huge I could not see anything besides him. His grip tightened and I winced.

    You’re hurting me, I said.

    His grip instantly loosened and he sat back. I was so surprised by this I completely forgot about my plan to get the hell out of there.

    Forgive me, Your Majesty. I did not mean to frighten you. I mean you no harm.

    Your what now? Did he just call me your majesty? Was this a joke? I half expected Logan or Trav to jump out and yell Gotcha! or something only they would think is clever, but I knew that wasn’t the case here.

    Let me start from the beginning. My name is Sorrith of Ail. I come from another world, a magical realm if you will, called Delucia. The King entrusted me to travel from my world to yours in search of a way to save our people. You, Saylor, are the key. I intend to take you back to Delucia where you will marry our king and become our Queen.

    Delucia? More like Delusional. He said it without a hint of irony, his face serious as if he truly believed what he just said. I gaped at him, speechless. That was when I totally lost it. I burst into laughter. This guy was completely insane! I couldn’t stop laughing. I waited for him to pin me down again or fling me across the room but he just sat there, waiting patiently as if he expected this reaction. I eventually managed to regain my composure and decided to try my luck. Do you have any idea how incredibly insane you sound?

    His frightening eyes laughed at me while his entire body remained rigid. He didn’t seem like the type who likes to make jokes. Yes. I know it might be hard to take in. If you just let me explain, or maybe prove to you that what I am saying is real.

    I wanted to laugh at him again but I bit my lip, holding it in. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. He had my phone so I could not really call anybody. Maybe if I pretend to be interested in what he was saying he would leave. It was a bad plan but it was the best I could come up with. Fine, I’ll bite. Show me.

    Give me your foot, he said.

    I looked at him in confusion. His expression softened as if telling me that it was okay. I started to lift my left leg but he shook his head and gently put my right foot on his lap. I gaped at him, for the second time today. How could he possibly have known about my hurt ankle? Was he watching me at cheer practice? How long has he been watching me? I started to say something but he put his finger to his lips, silencing me. He took of my shoe and pressed his hands lightly on my ankle. I gasped at his cold touch. I hadn’t realised before but my ankle was really throbbing with pain, then it disappeared. It started slowly at first, the pain dimming little by little until it was gone completely. I wiggled my foot but there was no pain. My ankle was healed! I stared at him in awe. How did you do that? I couldn’t believe this was really happening. This must be a dream or a hallucination. This cannot be real.

    Magic. Where I come from, we all have magic. Including you.

    I stared at him as if he was crazy, which he probably was. Me have magic? Maybe he was on crack or something. "I don’t have magic. I’m just a normal teenage girl. I’m not the key or whatever. I’m sorry but you have the wrong girl. Whoever you’re looking for, it’s not me."

    His eyes laughed at me again. You do have magic. I can see it in the fire behind your eyes. You may think that you are just like everybody else in your world, but you are not. You are destined for so many greater things. It is written in the prophecy…

    There’s a prophecy about me? I interrupted.

    Yes. The Oracle has predicted your reign over my world a long time ago. I was supposed to wait until your eighteenth birthday but Delucia is in grave danger. You are the only one who can save us. The last part sounded almost rehearsed, like somebody told him to say that. It did not sound like his own words.

    This just keeps getting better and better. A magical realm. A prophecy predicted by an Oracle. A king I’m supposed to marry even though I’m still technically a teenager. Me being the only one to save this magical realm. I felt like I just fell into one of those videogames Logan likes to play on his Xbox. The ones where there is a magical kingdom full of fairies and warlocks and you have to save the princess trapped in the castle. I was now more convinced than ever that this guy is a total nut. I got up and stood in front of him to appear more intimidating but he is really big and I felt smaller than I already was. I pointed my finger at him to try to make up for my size against his. I could only hope that it was intimidating enough. Okay look here, Sorris.

    It’s Sorrith, he interrupted without sounding annoyed or impatient.

    I waved my hand. "Whatever. I don’t know how you did the whole ankle healing thing, and I really don’t want to know. Putting aside the impossibility of another realm existing and magic being real, I am seventeen years old and you expect me to marry some weirdo king I have never even met before? That is completely insane. So why don’t you go back to whatever loony bin asylum you crawled out of and find yourself a new prophecy to chase after."

    He stood up and towered over me. He grabbed me by the shoulders and I drew in a breath. I felt his cold hands even through my knit cardigan. He opened his mouth to speak but a sound outside my door startled us both. Saylor, are you in here? My mom asked. Sorrith pressed a finger to my lips and nodded in the direction where my mother’s voice was coming from.

    Don’t tell her, he whispered. I nodded and then he disappeared. He didn’t disappear so much as turn invisible. I could still feel his finger on my lips and I reached out to feel if he was still there. He was. I was met with a solid wall of muscles I imagined was his chest. He took his finger off of my lips so I could answer my mom.

    Y-Yeah Mom, it’s, uh, it’s me, I said crackly. I was still astonished by this strange boy turning invisible right in front of my eyes. I walked over to my bedroom door and hesitated before opening it. My mom was standing in the hallway wearing a fresh set of scrubs. She was holding a brown paper bag with a Reece’s Diner logo stamped on it.

    Who were you talking to? she asked peering inside my room. I glanced around too, making sure that the walking, talking, living and breathing indiscretion in my room was still invisible. I couldn’t tell her there was a boy in my room. Much less an insane person claiming to come from another realm that has magic and a king that wants to marry me so I could save this perfectly real magical realm and, oh, you just can’t see him because right now he’s invisible. She would lock me up in the loony bin, probably in a cell right next to his. I was actually considering locking myself up in one. Plus I wasn’t allowed to have boys in my room. But for good measure I decided to go with an innocent lie.

    "I was

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