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Speak to Me of Insanities
Speak to Me of Insanities
Speak to Me of Insanities
Ebook52 pages46 minutes

Speak to Me of Insanities

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Life is often a series of contradictions. On the one hand, our subjective experience of the world seems to indicate that we have choice over our actions. Yet on the other, the physical laws of the universe can be read such that, in a real sense, everything is determinedthat we are merely subject to a predetermined series of causes and effects. But how can we live with this contradictionor is it even a contradiction at all?

In Speak to Me of Insanities, author Deick Conrad Williams explores the interconnected axioms of choice, determinacy, and causality, and he provides a subjective, first-person account of his own experience with this seeming contradiction. Focusing on his own observations and investigating these axioms through the spectrum of morality and human interaction, he shares his own conversations with God about the meaning of life, analyzes human behavior, sexuality, and mating rituals, and observes his own reflections on life, the self, the universe, mathematics, science, and philosophy.

Although philosophy states that two truths cannot contradict one another, there are ways to see the inherent contradictions in life as being able to coexist. By looking at a synthesis of mathematics, philosophy, and even common sense, we can discover how choice, determinacy, and causality keep the universe alive and balanced.
Release dateNov 15, 2016
Speak to Me of Insanities

Deick Conrad Williams

Deick Conrad Williams is a philosopher, mathematician, and cosmogonist, and his life has been dedicated to understanding the universe. Formally educated in the social sciences and technology, he has also written The Summation of Elohim, his first book. He currently lives in Nevada.

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    Speak to Me of Insanities - Deick Conrad Williams








    Copyright © 2016 Deick Conrad Williams.

    Cover art by Kyle Da Vinci Tucker

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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-1078-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-1079-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016919081

    iUniverse rev. date: 01/25/2017


    1 Conversations with God

    2 Personal Edification

    3 Predator versus Prey and Social Media

    4 Objective Morality?

    5 Nosce Te Ipsum

    6 The Hypocrisy of Academia

    7 The Dichotomy of the Axioms

    To all the people I care about: Barb, Casey, Chris, Doc, Fred, Heaven, Kyle, Lina, Marc, Mike, Paul, Ruth, Slade, and Tom.

    Special thanks to Michael Lamb for assisting me in editing this book.


    I N MY FIRST book, The Summation of Elohim , I was looking at the world objectively. I was looking at the universe from a third-person perspective. In this book, I have decided to move in a first-person, moderately subjective point of view. I originally wanted to just cover the dichotomy of the axioms and how to use ordinary differential equations in relation to human mating rituals. I let a friend of mine read my rough draft, and she stated that no one was going to buy this book either. She said that the reader wants to relate to the writer and that I should share a little about myself.

    I took it to heart and decided to say whatever was on my mind. I still covered areas that I was interested in, but I reduced them significantly. I actually like this book better than my first because I didn’t hold back about my observations. I am normally politically correct about my observations.

    I want to thank the reader for taking time out to read this book. I hope I can take you on a quick, insightful journey into familiar territory through a unique perspective. I never go into full detail in my books because I don’t feel that you need to say a lot to make a statement.

    The one thing I can say about life is that the more I learn, the more I realize how ignorant I really am.

    Thank you,

    Papa Deick Conrad Williams



    S O, I WAS talking to God, and I asked, Why are there so many bad people on this planet?

    God replied, You need a lot of coal to make a diamond.

    Why do I have to be here? Why do I have to be alive? I asked.

    God replied, I am trying to do something that is beyond your comprehension.

    Why do you think I wouldn’t understand?

    It’s not explicitly that you wouldn’t understand it; I just don’t think you would enjoy it or appreciate it.

    Why wouldn’t I appreciate it?

    Because you’re asking about it.

    Then why is there so much discomfort in my life?

    Without pain, you can never enjoy pleasure, and I need to weed out the weaker organisms. I cannot make stronger organisms in a peaceful environment. If life were too peaceful, then it may not evolve.

    "Then why is

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