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Wrecking Rainbows: Bundles of Wayward Poetry
Wrecking Rainbows: Bundles of Wayward Poetry
Wrecking Rainbows: Bundles of Wayward Poetry
Ebook347 pages3 hours

Wrecking Rainbows: Bundles of Wayward Poetry

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A bouquet of chaotic words salvaged from the unceasing winter storm that churns regularly in the seemingly quiet little mind of a seventeen-year-old idealist who loves to spit fire at the world when shes feeling fussy. My poems are a bit all over the place because theyre a reflection of my thoughts - but Id like to think theyre like rainbows - colorful, misty and fleeting.
Release dateOct 14, 2015
Wrecking Rainbows: Bundles of Wayward Poetry

Jupiter Reed

Jupiter Reed (a.k.a Radhika Sheth) is an aspiring poet and writer. She was born in Odessa, Texas on September 22nd, 1997. She began writing when she was a little girl and has been deeply fascinated by the power of language, fiction and poetry ever since. While still pursuing her Cambridge A levels, she has been writing poetry in her own unique style. Hooked on English Literature, she’s inspired by the timeless works of renowned poets John Keats, Shakespeare, Edward Spencer and Ted Hughs. She is currently working on a fictional novel which she hopes to publish someday soon. Her other passions include reading, fangirling and music. Someday, she hopes to make a difference in the world.

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    Wrecking Rainbows - Jupiter Reed

    Copyright © 2015 by Jupiter Reed.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.



    The Best is Gone

    Mindless Dreaming

    You Were Never A Friend To Me

    Clipped Wings

    The Winter Ends

    Heavy Heart, Heavy Mind, Tired, Beaten Soul

    I’m Sauntering

    Sand Castle

    Some things are sharp, Some things are kind

    My Fate

    We Were All In Our Own Personal Hells

    We’re The Mad, Genius Generation

    love was everywhere that day

    She Was The Kind Of Girl They Named Storms After

    There’s Beauty In Our Suburban Dream

    You Wanted To Be In Love So Bad It Crushed Your Soul And Made You Mad

    This One’s Something Else

    Black Swallows Blue

    People Are But People

    Oh Darling

    This May Be Home But It Ain’t Sweet

    She Was Often

    You’ll Never Be Mine And I’ll Never Be Her

    About The Girl Who Moved Mountains With Her Mind

    There Is So Much We Could Have Been

    A Little Something -

    The Fallen Angel

    I Want To Meet Somebody I Can Compare To The Weather

    You Don’t Hear It Enough, Do You? I Love You

    The Phoenix

    Don’t You Sense The Otherness In Her?

    The Lion And The Deer

    sometimes, there’s nothing to be afraid of

    your kisses ruin lives

    Ghosts Exist In The Form Of Lonely People

    we might’ve caused the apocalypse

    this is not the last chapter of our lives

    Dark Magic

    Too Many ’Uns’

    after a breakdown

    You Are NOT Invisible To Me

    Please Don’t Give Up The Fight, Your Life’s Only Beginning

    Midnight Daydreams Of Lovers That Don’t Exist

    News Flash: The Bad Guys Don’t Wear Black Hats

    Autumn Came Early

    Yeah, ’cause life isn’t a Nicholas Sparks novel

    Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day, All You Need Is A Little Faith

    And Into Your Arms, I Fall

    persevere, persevere, persevere

    there’s a silver lining in there somewhere, I promise

    On The Last Day

    Sometimes The Cliché’s are Beautiful

    Insane Ideologies

    Satanic Sanctuaries

    A.K.A Anyone Creative Ever

    Oh, Beautiful Tragedies

    Don’t You See You’re All That’s Keeping Me From Falling Apart?

    Well, Maybe Your Damn’s Not Worth A Damn

    You Are My The Night Sky

    Broken Lover

    Let’s Play A Game Called Is She Dead Or Just Asleep


    Amber And Gold

    These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends Indeed

    Her Grave Is A Beautiful Place

    She Sang Lullabies With Vacant Eyes

    Let’s Get Away



    oceans & forests, you & me

    The Banshee

    Fears Are Misconceptions

    midnight adventures with Peter Pan


    Stories of Wolves

    dust and fire


    Artemis & Her Huntresses

    Nightly Woes (The Insomniac’s Journal)

    Hades & Persephone {The Light & The Dark}

    love’s colors

    Like Two People Together

    The Boy Was In Love With A Warrior Queen

    The Prince & The Beast Are One And The Same

    broken bones and flowering woes


    for the genius, quiet ones

    I Bear It So They Don’t Have To

    Shimmer Nights

    it was red

    Eternal Flame

    The Pirate And The Swan

    The Losing Fight

    Carnival Love

    R.I.P Love

    4 AM Thoughts About Love



    Our Meeting Place

    The Red String Of Fate

    prettier life

    Starshine Lovers

    my ideal place is not paradise

    The girl with hope burning like fire in her heart

    Dearly Beloved,

    Being in love with the Blue Moon Boy

    we would wither, but first we would blossom

    He Made Me Want To Believe In Love, and I almost did.

    imbue steel in your veins, you pretty, damaged thing

    What do you see in me?

    The Seasons: Association

    The Shortest Forever

    note to self.

    The Flower Girl & The Foolish Boy

    Summer Euphoria



    fixation < salvation

    You Made Me Feel Real

    My Mellifluous Valentine

    Mermaid Dreams



    We Are Not Immortal, But I Swear Our Love Is

    Youth On Fire



    The Lone Wolf

    I Dreamt Of Golden Futures

    to slay a dragon someday;







    The Mordern Princess

    for the forsaken


    Perfect Storms







    The One That Got Away

    When Nothingness Is All You Know

    my falling star

    never ever after.

    Yin & Yang


    The Sea Green Boy

    Wisdom’s Blessing

    tainted queens

    alluring villains

    tragedies fall upon us like snowflakes

    constellation citizens

    seeing in brighter lights

    She Who Became The Rain

    The Huntress

    - The Three Stages Of ‘Us’

    Exhausted Flames

    Airport Love

    some memories stick like tattoos



    my black board boy

    Forest Princess


    hold me

    black days

    The Wanderlust Boy


    the flower girl

    this is the secret to never giving up.

    Before the Dawn

    Imagining Angels


    Emptiness Ignites

    Winter Wilting

    Dark Magnet

    broken wind chimes

    Dreaming In Stars

    How Do You Become Your Own Hero?

    The Girl Who Would Run With The Wolves

    Promises of Stars

    I’m Still Learning




    The Girl Who Was Her Own Worst Enemy & The Boy Who Was His Own Best Friend

    Summery Territory

    Season’s Greetings



    Under Stars

    Missing Me

    A Chance You Just Don’t Take

    Unimaginable Ebullience

    For my part I know nothing with any certainty but the sight of the stars makes me dream. - Vincent Van Gogh


    To my father, because he’s the best man I know

    and without him, this book wouldn’t exist; and nor would I.

    To my mother, for her kindness and beauty; for her sugarplum soul.

    To my grandparents, who have supported me all my life.

    To my teacher, Mrs Renu Dhotre, a well wisher, who constantly inspired me,

    encouraged me and believed in my abilities even when I didn’t.

    And to the friends who stayed. You know who you are.

    Oh, and to anyone who has ever felt lonely, scared, insecure or broken beyond repair. This one’s for you. Keep fighting your demons, they’re not as powerful as you let yourself believe. And remember to taste the sugar on your tongue and drench your skin in sunlight before you shrink back into the darkness you think has made a home out of you. The world sparkles when you’re not paying attention.


    "Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all

    Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." - John Keats


    Lately I’ve been feeling like nothing means anything anymore

    Lately I feel like a piece of paper left adrift in the wind

    Lately I look at these laughing people with their chins up and it makes me so angry

    Lately I’ve been losing the will to live because the sun’s not bright enough

    Lately, waking up is a detrimental joke

    and what is hope, even? Delusion.

    I want to live again, I want to live but my soul is dead.

    The Best is Gone

    They say the best is yet to come,

    but what if this is all there ever is?

    This version of you,

    These people you knew,

    That song you like,

    The little taste of cherry pie

    They say the best is yet to come,

    but what if I never live?

    stuck in this world of routine,

    secluded from all of its beauty,

    walking the frosted streets,

    alone to wither, as loneliness seeps

    They say the best is yet to come,

    but time has stolen away those days,

    and the word has lost all meaning;

    and I? I’m left without feeling.


    Mindless Dreaming

    Sometimes I crave to be the lingering kiss in sweet summer’s rain

    Sometimes I wish to be the sparkling laugh between batted eyelash in the midst of May

    Sometimes I want to send a million hearts a flutter till they mourn and fray

    I wish to be blood sunshine,

    and the silent dream on a winter’s night

    I wish to be ash and roses;

    on his lips as I whisper goodbye

    I want to be the poet’s song,

    the artist’s muse,

    the broken man’s bitter, blue hue

    the cinnamon cider of quite a few

    alas I am nothing but rotting plumeria

    of untold stories and radical rhymes

    beloved to none except the sun

    and the earth below that desires my guts

    You Were Never A Friend To Me

    I am drowning, I am cracked skull,

    you saw me frowning, you heard my leaves rustle

    you whisper nothings, fist full of my blood

    you think you know me, but that was never who I was

    you watch with twinkling eyes,

    as I quiver and I cry,

    the nerve of you, oh, the nerve of you!

    pretending like a little fool

    well, there’s a secret I must confess

    from bitter days and sweet regret,

    the truth won’t heal these wounds I mend

    but you were never my friend

    Clipped Wings

    She lives her charmed life, kisses stain her cheek,

    I cut my wrist with a knife, the blood scars so bleak,

    her smile could kill a man, she makes soup of their guts,

    from my own reflection I ran, scarlet tattooed cuts,

    she is diamond cake, the one they all crave,

    I’m a ragged fake, the one they all call naive,

    she’s carefree — queen of the universe,

    I’m emerald envy — my clipped wings got worse

    I’ll never discern how this world works,

    where the devil’s kin deserves the perks.

    The Winter Ends

    The winter rams forth; gelid and bitter frosted tongue

    summer’s old sun shines no more, hellish critter once young

    upon this dewy December’s dawn, cold as a cunning faun

    here descends the blue mood, as a lover’s plight shrewd

    The winter settles in; ashen tendrils or tentacles?

    despair seeps within, such as the mount’s highest pinnacle,

    this sharp, stormy night persists, the stars shy away in resist,

    here descends the blue mood, as a broken heart’s brood

    The winter ends; colossal, glacial nightmare

    every soul will mend, docile miracle be brighter

    the sky will smile again, piercing weather relents

    here dissipates the blue mood, as a hopeful heart’s feud

    Heavy Heart, Heavy Mind, Tired, Beaten Soul

    Bleary eyed, weak kneed, body made of dust and reed,

    your eyes were refugee, they shine like they have their own suns

    I’m fickle and prone, broke my own heart now needs mending,

    you said a woeful soul’s reaping love was not worth spending,

    spoonful of honey, I cast a glance

    Heavy heart, heavy mind, tired, beaten soul,

    read me your fortunes, whisper them to me, so I can feel the warmth

    of your ecstasy, your love is sunlight, your love is me,

    I’m nothing without, a person to be with.

    Fingers are slipping, their warmth no longer hearth

    you fall into your own misery, gone like the breeze,

    now I’m wasted, no body to hold

    I must go back, must find a way home

    I’m Sauntering

    I’m sauntering; opaque faced, screaming inside my mind

    I’m wandering, street lights’ embrace, all these eyes are blind

    I’m pondering, stolen grace, the air in my lungs unkind

    I’m sauntering; ignited veins, there’s only darkness to find

    Sand Castle

    She’s a hazy memory, eyes on fire yet soul tired

    She’s a broken reverie, occupational liar alas uninspired

    She’s building a sand castle, the skies above are grey,

    Isolated from the world’s hustle, the sea is bright as day

    She looks to the waves, they’re inviting and fraught

    She could hide in the caves, but they’re unforgiving and distraught

    She stomps on her sand castle, the wind disperse the dreams

    Forgive me, please, she staggers, the sea’s cyan gleams

    She’s a drowning flower, peacefully in rest,

    The ocean swallowed her sorrows, nothing left to confess

    The water hugs her body, she struggles for a breath,

    She doesn’t think she’s sorry, a floating, fancy death

    Some things are sharp, Some things are kind

    In the dark, I was fading fast,

    ensnarled by betrayers, present and past,

    I had nothing, I had sunken,

    I had only my gruesome dungeon

    Time frayed at its edges, weather weary trenches,

    cinnamon rose hedges, I paused along the fences,

    I found a place alive and young; behind the bushes,

    beyond the sun, beauty prone, shining someone

    There’s something sharp, there’s something kind,

    I unlocked a galaxy in his eyes

    My Fate

    I stood on the outskirts of town, orange sun setting in the distance,

    I was waiting for something, before the sun turned into the moon

    I wore a torn, tattered gown, hope in my eyes alight like Christmas

    I was craving for something, before blue turned into gloom

    I awaited, I awaited, the sun left it’s ruby footprint on a cloud,

    I needed a sign, a shout or an embrace, something to get rid of this bitter taste

    Fire abated, and abated, the horizon darkened, thunderclaps loud,

    I tasted ashes in my mouth, scorn and disgrace, nothing will change this waste

    therefore it is my fate

    We Were All In Our Own Personal Hells

    We were all in our own personal hells,

    daylight scorched our skin, we were tortured by our own spite

    sorrow, suffer and sin, we craved our own graves at night

    judge, jury and executioner, none but my own mind

    We were all in our own personal hells,

    empty void within, solace but a word we heard of like myth

    forsakenness begets no grin, our hearts cages to fit;

    our own demise, in our eyes, is the salvation we find

    We were all in our own personal hells,

    screaming silently in chorus, we buried our own bones

    love’s a whisper in the forest, not a person to call home

    the mind’s a weapon, that brutal killer! and to it we fell

    We’re The Mad, Genius Generation

    We raise frosted fingertips to the skies,

    glinting twilight fills the heavens and we howl at the moon

    our minds are the creators of universes and

    we still refuse to believe;

    in the world,

    all it has to offer.

    We cradle our impuissant, vulnerable selves

    with the arms of other selves;

    our thoughts are like the electric tides at midnight;

    a sea full of fist and fight.

    we hum to ourselves, put us to sleep

    there’s no hand reaching out for me

    We’re the kids in the dark; the golden of the new age

    we cough like vintage engines,

    puke up cigarette dust;

    vodka and wine infiltrates our chests

    yet our lashes are smeared a shimmering aureate

    — like powdered sunlight

    and the plastic smiles that keep us up at night

    are also what keep us going until another sunrise

    love was everywhere that day

    love’s in the salty air, in the autumnal breeze

    love’s in the dimple under his cheek and

    the dissertations his smile portrays:

    he looks at her like she’s the lost

    blood in his veins, his eyes meet

    a lost companion and suddenly

    everything changes &

    it feels like the wind

    has altered directions

    it smells like sugar

    and moondust

    She Was The Kind Of Girl They Named Storms After

    she broke into a bubbly grin, singing sonnets of sunshine and gin

    she was painted like a fairy queen, hell raised her furtive sin

    she cried until she was out of tears, the masses offered no praise

    there’s something wrong inside her, they say, something set ablaze

    she kept her hands to herself, tied behind her back,

    she left fragments of incomplete thoughts on her shelf, body driven slack

    alcohol warmed her veins, smoke invaded her ribcage

    there’s something broken inside her, they say, a mind like a maze

    she dreamed of the pretty dark, the end will be woven from her scars

    she was the rising tide, the avalanche, the winter rain

    she was annihilations and destruction divine;

    she was not evil, they say, but she had met her fate

    she was bright, brilliant and deadly as sunlight - touch her and you’ll burn!

    she was a song better left unsung, a violent, vicious yearn

    she would swallow the world and spit it out whole, sorrow turned rage in her soul

    there’s nothing left inside her, they say, blink and she’ll fade

    There’s Beauty In Our Suburban Dream

    What I have isn’t posh or primrose. I’m not a beauty queen, my teeth don’t glitter in the dark. There ain’t no spark behind dead eyes. This isn’t a world of magic, euphemized chimera tales. I wake to coughing fits in the dead of night,

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