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An Act of Theatre: “Will I?” and “Three Minutes to Silence”:  Two One-Act Plays That Your Audience Will Be Talking About for Months.
An Act of Theatre: “Will I?” and “Three Minutes to Silence”:  Two One-Act Plays That Your Audience Will Be Talking About for Months.
An Act of Theatre: “Will I?” and “Three Minutes to Silence”:  Two One-Act Plays That Your Audience Will Be Talking About for Months.
Ebook109 pages47 minutes

An Act of Theatre: “Will I?” and “Three Minutes to Silence”: Two One-Act Plays That Your Audience Will Be Talking About for Months.

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About this ebook

Presented here are two unique one-act plays. Originally written for competitions at the middle school level, they have both continued to great success with audiences of all ages.
"Will I?" explores terminal illness. Your audience will experience the highs and lows as the decisions play out onstage in the brain of our patient. They will laugh, they will will cry, they will be moved.
"Three Minutes to Silence" follows the memories of a parent while Nazi Zyklon B gas permeates the air of the gas chamber, ultimately shutting down all memories and synaptic function.
These plays run approximately 30 minutes each and will ensnare the minds of your audience.
Release dateSep 9, 2016
An Act of Theatre: “Will I?” and “Three Minutes to Silence”:  Two One-Act Plays That Your Audience Will Be Talking About for Months.

Daniel N. Slowik

A native of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Daniel Slowik holds degrees from the University of Central Florida and University of Miami. He is currently working toward his Doctor of Education at the University of West Florida. Slowik is Fine Arts Department Chair at Falcon Cove Middle School in Weston, Florida where he teaches Theatre and Television Production. He oversees a department that includes Art, Band, Theatre, Dance, Television Production, and Film. His lifetime in the theatre began at age 9 as a magician in his 5th grade talent show. By the age of 13, he had a flourishing magic business that included birthday parties, libraries, and pre-schools within the greater Ft. Lauderdale area. His theatrical career would take him to Walt Disney World, where he could be seen on the “World Famous” Jungle Cruise and The Great Movie Ride. He was named Teacher of the Year and Arts Teacher of the Year for Falcon Cove Middle School and has twice been named a finalist for Broward County Arts Teacher of the Year in Theatre. In 2015, Disney Performing Arts honored him as a “Leading Arts Educator” at the Disneyland Arts Educators Summit.

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    An Act of Theatre - Daniel N. Slowik

    Copyright © 2016 Daniel N. Slowik.

    Cover art: Katherine Pericas

    Editor: Laurel Sandage

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-0335-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-0336-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016912705

    iUniverse rev. date: 09/01/2016



    For the Actors and Director

    Will I?

    Three Minutes to Silence


    Thank you for purchasing AN ACT OF THEATRE.

    Within these pages, you will find two one-act plays, each more powerful than the other: WILL I? and THREE MINUTES TO SILENCE.

    These plays have been workshopped and presented before independent judges throughout the hierarchy of the Florida State Thespian festivals at both the middle and high school levels. As Florida is home to the largest middle and high school theatre festivals in the world, filled with an abundance of scrutiny from teachers, students, and theatre practitioners, you can feel confident in knowing that the show you are about to produce has, as they say onboard ships, passed muster. Additionally, WILL I? was workshopped with the wonderful theatre students of Nova Southeastern University’s Theatre Department.

    I initially wrote these for use in educational theatre, without intending to publish for general use. As the process began to take shape, requests came in from local high school teachers and it quickly became apparent, to my pleasant surprise, that these one-acts would be in demand by theatre professionals at all levels.

    These plays should not be attempted by the novice director. They have been nurtured and modified throughout the workshopping process to present what we have in this book. Take them, read them, and learn not only about characterization, but about human psychology and human history. They contain very little stage direction except that which is necessary for the plot. All physicalization, set design, and blocking must be determined by the directing and design team within your organization.

    I wish you the best of luck on your theatrical journey.





    TROUPE #88554


    JP Taravella High School Drama Department



    All my Flight Instructors

    For teaching me the importance of checklists


    My first Drama teacher


    My cats


    My first principal, the man who trusted a brand new kid out of grad school to start and run a brand new Drama Club

    The brilliant DRAMA TEACHERS OF BROWARD AND PALM BEACH COUNTIES whom, despite the competitive nature of Thespian festivals, have all supported these original plays.

    Every teacher, student, custodian, secretary, administrator, School Board member, volunteer, PTA member, and parent at Falcon Cove Middle School who has supported the theatre program for fifteen years.


    For continuing to provide unequaled inspiration

    four centuries after you’ve left us.



    ALY PENTANGELO and her fellow Theatre

    students at

    Nova Southeastern University



    Former student turned editor


    My #1 Fan


    WILL I?

    When one’s life is threatened, the mind does what it must to survive. The internal conflict, it is said, must be experienced to be understood. Journey deep within the brain to discover its most complex decision-making protocols. Attempts to manage the

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