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Dodging the Bullet
Dodging the Bullet
Dodging the Bullet
Ebook147 pages2 hours

Dodging the Bullet

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Bored with city life, Roy answers an ad to crew on a yacht to the islands off the coast of Mozambique. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine the adventures and dangers that would befall him and his three friends.
This story takes you from the exotic islands in the vast and turbulent Indian Ocean, through the savanna of wild Mozambique where they clash with unscrupulous ivory poachers.
Despite the danger, romance blossoms as they search along the shores of Lake Niassa for a kidnapped missionary and children taken hostage by Islamic insurgents.
Release dateJan 15, 2016
Dodging the Bullet

M.F. Leon

The author was born in Nottingham, England and moved to South Africa at the age of ten. Dodging the Bullet is a debut novel incorporating many of the author’s experiences in Africa. The author currently resides in Durban, South Africa and is an experienced sailor.

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    Dodging the Bullet - M.F. Leon


    Roy had been in his element, sailing on the Vaal Dam in his Catamaran with a pretty girl at his side. He and Nicky had entered the Vaal Dam Regatta race, which meant sailing twice around the island and back. They had both been elated when they came in second. It had been a glorious day all round. The wind had increased during the race and they had skimmed over the choppy waves, laughing with joy as the spray whipped their faces. The day had ended with a braai; sitting around the fire with their friends telling jokes and teasing one another.

    They shouted their goodbyes to their sailing chums as they pulled their car out of the club-house gates. They turned onto the main highway and started the journey back to the big city of Johannesburg. Roy hated driving in traffic. As the freeway neared the city, he cursed under his breath as he was overtaken by a taxi on a solid white line. This is why I hate travelling at night! He shouted.

    Oh Roy calm down, we’re nearly there. I think you should just drop me at my Mother’s, you don’t have to come in. Nicky said trying to placate him. She knew that after a lovely weekend of sailing, he hated coming back to the hustle and bustle of city life. He had once admitted to Nicky that the high buildings and narrow sunless streets of the big city made him feel claustrophobic. He had mentioned how he longed for the wide open spaces.

    A week later he picked Nicky up from the private college where she taught music. He was excited as he told her about an advert he had seen in one of his Sport Magazines. He showed her the torn out page.





    Reply to Captain Antonio Perreira.

    Nicky was just as thrilled and agreed with Roy that they should apply immediately. She told him that she was due for some leave.

    This is the opportunity I’ve been waiting for. Roy told her enthusiastically. I need to go and buy some snorkelling gear.

    Don’t you think that you’d better wait for confirmation first? Nicky laughed at his eagerness.

    Roy was beginning to think that he wouldn’t hear any more about their application to the ad, when he received a collect call from Mozambique. Someone told him in a foreign accent that he would be expected in Maputo by the 9th of January. He was to let Captain Antonio know the date and time of his arrival at the airport.


    What do you mean, you aren’t coming? You were just as keen as me yesterday. Roy looked at Nicky in astonishment.

    She stood with arms folded, a sad look on her face. I’m so sorry to let you down. You know that I was just as excited as you to go, but something’ s come up.

    What could possibly be so important that you have to cancel our trip? Roy fumed.

    Nicky frowned and sat down suddenly. I’m afraid I have just received the worst news. Her voice quavered with emotion, My mother has been diagnosed with breast cancer and she needs me. You know how my family always comes first.

    Roy rose and put his arms around her. I’m so sorry you won’t be coming with me, but I’m even more sorry to hear about your Mom. I’m going to stay. You need my support. He genuinely liked Nicky’s Mother.

    No Roy, you’ve been looking forward to this trip ever since you saw that ad in the paper. This opportunity to cruise to the islands is your dream come true.

    He looked at her with concern. I understand how you must be feeling. I know that I would be just as upset if it were my Mother. He squeezed her hand, At least come and see me off at the airport. I’m booked on S.A. Airlink and my departure time is 9am on Tuesday.

    Nicky first shrugged sadly, then put on a brave smile. Of course. I’ll drop you off at 7am on my way to the hospital, that should give you plenty of time.

    Roy and Nicky had met at a piano recital that his Mother had dragged him to. Nicky told Roy over coffee that she was a piano teacher. They had quickly become firm friends and their love of sailing was a common interest.

    Nicky tried to hide her disappointment from her mother. She had been looking forward to travelling to the islands with Roy, but she had told the truth when she’d told Roy that her family came first. She loved her mother dearly and prayed that the operation would be successsful and that she would soon be back to her usual cheerful self.

    Roy and Nicky had been dating for six months. They enjoyed each other’s company and had the same sense of humour. They also loved the same type of music and enjoyed watching sports together. Of course, their love of sailing had clinched their friendship.

    Roy sometimes wondered if their relationship would ever become more than just good pals. He admitted to himself that although he felt a deep affection for Nicky, there was a lack of spark between them. He was sure that Nicky felt the same way and was reluctant to ruin their friendship by taking their relationship to the next level. Not that he didn’t find her attractive, she was a beautiful girl. He decided that perhaps a break from each other would clear his head. But right now, all he could think about was this new adventure that he was about to embark upon.

    The next morning Nicky drove Roy to the airport. She helped him offload his luggage, then kissed him tearfully. She was feeling unusually emotional and was worried about the upcoming operation that her mother had to go through. She was also sorry to see her best friend leaving her behind.

    Roy felt torn between leaving Nicky to face a family crisis on her own and the excitement of the prospect of embarking on this new escapade. He consoled himself with the fact that she’d insisted that he go and promised to keep in touch with her as often as possible.


    Walking through the busy airport he marvelled at the milling crowds. Everyone had the same determined expression on their faces, all intent on getting to their destination as quickly as possible with the least hassle.

    He collected his boarding ticket and browsed through a bookshop in the departure lounge. He bought a sailing magazine and paged through it, determined to glean as much information on sailing to the islands as possible.

    He decided that there was enough time for breakfast before boarding the plane, so he chose a seat where he could still hear the intercom calling for passengers to exit through the relevant gates.


    After dropping Roy off at the airport, Nicky took her mother to the hospital. She waited patiently as all the admission papers were filled in, holding her mother’s hand and whispering encouraging words to her. Her mother’s hand was clammy and hot and Nicky knew that although her mom was putting on a brave front, she was still afraid.

    She watched with sadness as they wheeled her away in a wheelchair. She called after her mother, promising to visit her in the ward where they would prep her for her op the following day.

    Wandering around the empty house, Nicky listlessly threw herself into a chair and switched on the television. In an hours’ time, Roy would be winging his way to Maputo. She would have loved to have gone with him, but she selflessly hoped he would enjoy every moment.


    Roy relaxed in his window seat of the Boeing 737 and peered through the window as the aircraft gathered speed for takeoff. He felt the comforting thumping as the undercarriage retracted. He knew that he should be feeling guilty about leaving Nicky behind, but he was too excited about the cruise to the islands. He watched as Johannesburg and the mine dumps receded from view as the aircraft climbed steadily. He noticed the Vaal Dam in the distant haze and remembered with a pang of guilt the happy hours spent sailing with Nicky on his Catamaran. Roy wondered how different sailing on a large ocean- going yacht was going to be and whether he would be capable. He had heard that even seasoned sailors sometimes became sea sick in rough weather.

    Can I get you anything to drink sir? The pretty air hostess smiled at him. She admired the suntanned young man and wondered idly if he was married.

    Roy finished his coke and placed the plastic cup in the holder, then pushed his seat into the reclining position and closed his eyes. He awoke with a start as the intercom beeped and the steward’s voice advised all passengers to fasten their seat belts and return their seats to the upright position, in preparation for landing at Maputo Airport. He hadn’t thought he was so exhausted, but he’d been too excited to sleep well the night before.

    After landing he was pleasantly surprised how quickly and efficiently he was ushered through Customs and Immigration. He walked through the air-conditioned terminal building and out through the automated doors. Suddenly he was hit by a blast of hot air that nearly took his breath away. He quickly shed his pullover that his Mother had insisted he wear. He then looked around anxiously for the Skipper who’d promised that he’d be met personally.


    Are you Roy Foulis? Said a heavily accented voice. Roy spun around and regarded the man who had addressed him.

    Yes I am. Thanks for meeting me. Roy shook hands with him, withdrawing quickly as he caught the whiff of stale, rum soaked breath.

    This man was nothing like the rugged, sea -faring man that he had envisaged. He was very short and Roy’s 6ft 4inch frame towered over him. He looked to be about 60yrs old and his face had the dark stubble of a few days’ growth.

    "Well grab your kit then boy, let’s go.

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