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Abundant Life: Small Efforts Can Change Your Life
Abundant Life: Small Efforts Can Change Your Life
Abundant Life: Small Efforts Can Change Your Life
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Abundant Life: Small Efforts Can Change Your Life

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About this ebook

Everyone believes in luck, we often hear people saying, everything is in Gods hands nothing can change our life but this is not true; we all have the power to change our life because we are the only architect of our own life. Everyone want to live happy, healthy and prosperous life but this does not happen due to some imbalances that we create ourselves in life. Everyone has to struggle in some pretext or to the other to live happy and peaceful life. A little understanding of the law of nature is required to bring changes because Law of balance is applied everywhere. Day, night, summer, autumn, winter, rain, etc., all maintain balance.

Earth, fire, water, wood, and sky are the five elements of nature that have to be in balance likewise energies around us should be in balance if we want to live a peaceful life. This handbook is an effort to enhance and balance energies around us for prosperous living. As the coin has two sides likewise there is always two aspects in our life; negative and positive. But human being most likely is influenced by negative emotions and situations, if we broaden our understanding and create balance in our life we can attract happiness and abundance with small efforts. Heaven luck and Earth luck can be changed with small efforts by creating balance in our life.
Release dateFeb 7, 2017
Abundant Life: Small Efforts Can Change Your Life

Jasz Koray

Jasz is a God-gifted and enlightened spiritual healer, Reiki master, karma healer, and teacher. She is serving the humanity since 2000. She has done masters in economics and masters in human rights and Duies. She is a certified Reiki teacher and sought training in hypnotherapy, past life regression, soul healing, crystal healing, color therapy, and feng shui. In 2013, she got revelation from the universe about healing human being from negative karma, which is the root cause of all sufferings. Jasz says, “I am very grateful that universe chooses me as a karma healer, and universe directly taught me the method of healing karma and blessed me with sacred karma symbol and karma code. I bow to almighty for this great blessing.” Jasz is the creator of karma healing technique and the founder of Divine Order Healing Centre.

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    Abundant Life - Jasz Koray

    © 2017 Jasz Koray. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 02/06/2017

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-5692-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-5690-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-5691-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017900833

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    1 Enhance the Positivity

    •   Methods to Clear the Negativity

    •   Common Uses of Incenses

    •   Essential oils and their spiritual properties

    2 Healing Power of Colors

    •   How colors affect us?

    •   Properties of colors

    •   Solarized Water

    3 Feng Shui

    •   Five Elements of Feng Shui

    •   Feng Shui Symbols

    •   Feng Shui and Mirrors

    4 Candle Therapy

    •   Charging The Candle

    •   Colors of candles and their purposes

    •   Candles and Shapes

    5 Healing with Music and Sound

    •   What Kind of Music?

    •   Types of Music

    •   Power of Om/Aum Mantra

    •   How to chant OM?

    6 Plants - Great Source of Positive Energy

    •   Some beneficial plants

    7 Affirmations

    •   Why some times Affirmations do not work?

    •   Right method to read Affirmations

    •   How to charge your Affirmations?

    •   Method to charge Affirmations with your own Energy

    •   Affirmations

    •   Positive attitude leads to happiness and success

    •   Tips for developing a positive attitude

    About the Author


    43678.png When you think everything is someone else’s fault, you will suffer a lot. When you realize that everything springs only from yourself, you will learn both peace and joy." – Dalai Lama

    Everyone believes in luck, we often hear people saying, 43681.png everything is in God’s hands nothing can change our life but this is not true; we all have the power to change our life because 43683.png WE are the only architect of our own life. Everyone want to live happy, healthy and prosperous life but this does not happen due to some imbalances that we create ourselves in life. Everyone has to struggle in some pretext or to the other to live happy and peaceful life. A little understanding of the law of nature is required to bring changes because Law of balance is applied everywhere. Day, night, summer, autumn, winter, rain etc. all maintain balance. Earth, fire, water, wood, and sky are the five elements of nature that have to be in balance likewise energies around us should be in balance if we want to live a peaceful life.

    This handbook is an effort to enhance and balance energies around us for prosperous living. As the coin has two sides likewise there is always two aspects in our life; negative and positive. But human being most likely is influenced by negative emotions and situations, if we broaden our understanding and create balance in our life we can attract happiness and abundance with small efforts. Heaven luck and Earth luck can be changed with small efforts by creating balance in our life.


    I dedicate this book to my parents Mr. Satpaul Singh and Mrs. Rajinder Kaur whose love and appreciation encouraged me to take all challenges in my life. I am extremely grateful to Divine who has sent wonderful souls in my life as family members, and friends. My journey would not have been possible without my

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