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Becoming New: A Devotional Guide for Letting God Transform Your Life Through His Word
Becoming New: A Devotional Guide for Letting God Transform Your Life Through His Word
Becoming New: A Devotional Guide for Letting God Transform Your Life Through His Word
Ebook145 pages1 hour

Becoming New: A Devotional Guide for Letting God Transform Your Life Through His Word

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About this ebook

I was challenged as a young Christian woman by the notion that, as Christians, we should be distinctly different from others around us. According to Gods Word, when we trust in Christ as our Savior, we become a new creation, but that is not what I saw. I asked God, If this is trueand I know your Word is truewhy are so few Christians actually being transformed? Why am I not being transformed?

This devotional is the culmination of the lessons that followed those questions. God does not instantly transform us into new creatures. The evidence is clear on that! The instant we accept Christ as our Savior we are declared completely righteous, but the process of transformation continues for the rest of our lives.

As I learned to apply Gods truth to my daily life, he has been faithful to transform what was broken into something beautiful. He took my fears and taught me to live by faith. He took my strife and taught me to live in peace. He taught me to trade my anger and bitterness for love and forgiveness. I have learned to trust instead of doubt. I am filled with hope instead of hopelessness, and my sorrow has been turned to joy. He took my feelings of worthlessness and helped me to understand my value in his eyes.

I believe it is my calling to share with others how God longs to transform their lives too. We can stay as we are, or we can allow God to teach us a better way. With his Spirit to empower us, we can continue becoming the people he intended us to be. I hope you will join me on this journey to becoming new!

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateDec 13, 2016
Becoming New: A Devotional Guide for Letting God Transform Your Life Through His Word

Kathy Foor

Kathy Foor and her husband live in a small town in the mountains of Western Pennsylvania. She serves in her church as the elementary Sunday school superintendent as well as the choir and praise team director. Passionate about the Word of God since her InterVarsity Christian Fellowship days in college, Foor has spent the years since then learning to apply Gods Word to her daily life. She has taught numerous Bible studies and adult Sunday school classes and enjoys sharing her passion for Christ and His redeeming love with others.

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    Becoming New - Kathy Foor

    Copyright © 2016 Kathy Foor.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-6576-2 (sc)

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 12/13/2016

    To my children,

    James Matthew, Katlyn Joy and Sara Beth

    What a blessing and treasure you are to me! I am so grateful that God allowed me to be your mother. My prayer is that as you have witnessed these truths at work in my life, you would practice them in yours, allowing God to transform you into the people you were created to be, for in that you will find true joy and fulfillment.

    And to my husband,

    Thank you for believing in me!



    A New Start

    A Change in Thinking

    Not by Might

    A Gift from God

    A Transformed Life

    Choose Peace

    Learn to Trust

    An Eternal Perspective

    A Bright Tomorrow

    A Powerful Prayer

    On Eagles’ Wings

    Clothed with Compassion

    The Joy of the Lord Is My Strength

    A Change of Focus

    Joy in the Midst of Trials

    Abiding in the Vine

    Time to Let Go

    His Power in Us

    Draw Near to God

    Take Every Thought Captive

    Choose Hope

    His Grace Is Sufficient

    Peace in His Presence

    Just One Word

    More Than a Conqueror

    God’s Plans Are Good

    Being Transformed

    Peace Like a River

    How Deep the Father’s Love

    Love Is a Choice

    Fix Your Eyes on Jesus

    Stay True to Your Calling

    Take God at His Word

    New Life Bursts Forth

    Safe in His Dwelling

    Extraordinary Living

    Joy Restored

    Be Joyful Always

    Ask, Seek, and Knock

    A Garment of Praise

    The Earth Trembles

    Fulfill Your Purpose

    Ruins Restored

    Joy Bursting Forth

    Victory Comes from God

    Seek Wisdom

    God Will Restore

    Letting Go of the Past

    Live Free

    Pure Joy

    Seek God’s Face

    Do Not Fear

    The Lost Is Found

    Cleansed from a Guilty Conscience

    Put on the Armor of God

    The Resurrection and the Life

    Governed by the Spirit


    Walk in Peace

    You Are Loved

    They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love

    All for God’s Glory

    Pleasing the Spirit

    In His Presence

    Be Holy

    The Power of the Tongue

    A Purpose Driven Life

    Ready for Christ’s Return

    His Compassion Never Fails

    Let Freedom Reign

    Filled with Life and Peace

    No Condemnation

    Precious Gems

    Shine, Jesus, Shine

    Learn to Listen

    Walk in God’s Ways

    Created for Purpose

    Grief Transformed

    Keep in Step with the Spirit


    Week 1 Discussion Questions

    Week 2 Discussion Questions

    Week 3 Discussion Questions

    Week 4 Discussion Questions

    Week 5 Discussion Questions

    Week 6 Discussion Questions

    Week 7 Discussion Questions

    Week 8 Discussion Questions

    Week 9 Discussion Questions

    Week 10 Discussion Questions

    Week 11 Discussion Questions

    Week 12 Discussion Questions

    Week 13 Discussion Questions


    Becoming New is a compilation of the most important lessons I have learned from God’s Word which have helped me to want what God wants for my life. I have learned that transformation is not only possible, it is God’s plan for us! Transformation does not happen accidently, but moment by moment, day by day, as we learn to live out the truth of God’s Word. We can stay the same, or we can choose to believe God’s Word and begin to put it into practice in our lives. Empowered by the Holy Spirit God has given to all who accept his gift of salvation, we must learn to cooperate with him as he transforms our lives. He will redeem every broken place and make it whole. He will take every empty place and fill it with his love, and he will draw us to himself where he will skillfully mold us into the people he had in mind when he created us. Though there may be many obstacles and bumps in the road, if we persevere, he will be faithful to complete the work that he has begun in us. We cannot transform ourselves. Only God, who is the Creator of all that is, knows what he has in mind for us. May we be willing to let him have his way until he has completed his work.

    A New Start

    Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

    —2 Corinthians 5:17

    I am always blessed by this text, and it is often a verse that I meditate upon at the beginning of each new year. Only with Christ do we truly have a new beginning. We can put aside everything that has gone before and allow him to create in us all that we were meant to be from the beginning. How exciting is that!

    When another new year rolls around, my tendency is to think about all the ways I have failed to live up to last year’s resolutions. But God does not want us to spend our precious moments looking back. His Word says that the old is gone and everything is becoming new. This does not mean that we should never look back, because sometimes you have to look back in order to move forward. However, I spent too much of my life trapped by the past, focusing on what was and all of my failures until God interrupted me and showed me a better way.

    If I belong to Christ, then I am a new creation! Hallelujah!

    This year, my desire is to allow God to make me all that he has created me to be. Without him, I am lost. I am nothing. With Christ, I am made new. I can be all that he desires me to be. This is not because of anything in me but because of his promise and his work in me. I am so thankful that God is not finished with me yet, and I celebrate today as a new beginning to become all that I was meant to be. I hope you will join me!

    A Change in Thinking

    Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

    —Philippians 4:8

    T ransformation is not instantaneous. It is a process, and the process begins when we let God transform our thoughts. Because we live in a very negative culture, it may be necessary to return to this important lesson often. Someone is always grumbling about something, and it is so easy to join in. We can get stuck in a pattern of very negative thinking. In fact, when God first challenged me with this verse, I remember noticing that none of my thoughts fit his standard! I had to ask him to help me even find the first good thought to think! However, day by day and moment by moment, I have learned to take each thought captive unto Christ.

    When I have a thought that is not up to his standard, I reject it as not from the Lord and make a very conscious effort to think about all of the good things in my

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