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The Emigrant Doctor in the Death Boat
The Emigrant Doctor in the Death Boat
The Emigrant Doctor in the Death Boat
Ebook29 pages23 minutes

The Emigrant Doctor in the Death Boat

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When Dr. Labib Mansour leaves his wife and ten-year-old son in Gambia to seek a better life in Spain, he knows its going to be a perilous journey. The ship captain warns them that many will perish during the voyage. The surviving men arrive on the new countrys shore hungry, thirsty, and in poor health.

The men are jailed for illegal immigration and await to hear of their fate from the courts. During their incarceration, Mansour uses his English-speaking skills to communicate with the authorities, and he employs his medical abilities to save lives and help others. Mansour is able to escape the jail and create a new life. But he must decide where his loyalty should be placed.

A fiction short story, The Emigrant Doctor in the Death Boat uses the character of Dr. Labib Mansour to address modern-day issues of immigration.
Release dateApr 18, 2016
The Emigrant Doctor in the Death Boat

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    The Emigrant Doctor in the Death Boat - Ali Tobi

    Copyright © 2016 by Ali Tobi.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Labib Mansour stood at the seaport in Gambia, saying good-bye to his wife Salma and his ten-year-old son, Khalil.

    I want you to promise us that you will take care of yourself and come back to us safely, Salma said.

    "I promise you, and Inshaa Allah (if God wishes), I’ll do my best to survive this journey and come back to you with a lot of money. Then we will start a new life full of happiness," Labib replied.

    Please don’t go, Dad. We need you here! Khalil begged.

    I’m doing this for you, son. When I come back, I’ll send you to a good school. You will have good clothes and eat excellent food.

    Khalil asked, Who will take care of us when you go?

    You are a man now. Just listen to your mom and support her. I’m depending on you until I get back.

    Try to make your trip short, and don’t stay there any longer than you have to, Salma said.

    I hope two years will be long enough to make good money, Labib said.

    Salma smiled sadly. We will miss you.

    "I will miss you too. Take care of yourselves. I

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