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Likutey Moharan: The Poems
Likutey Moharan: The Poems
Likutey Moharan: The Poems
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Likutey Moharan: The Poems

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Rebbe Nachman of Breslev was a relative of Baal Shem Tov and one of the most brilliant Hasidic rabbis who ever lived. He wrote about how people should go off to a quiet place, preferably in nature, and speak to God as a friend. He also taught that no matter how bad a situation or person was, we should look for one good point, and then, by focusing on that, turn the bad into something good. Rebbe Nachman had a rough life, losing multiple children and his wife to illness. He died at the young age of thirty-eight after being sick for many years with tuberculosis.

Despite his difficulties, Rebbe Nachman taught that a joyful life was always about your attitude. He said that you could not control what would happen to you, but you could control how you would react to it. The rebbes teachings were published in Hebrew as Likutey Moharan, recently translated into English with commentary by Rabbi Chaim Kramer.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 5, 2017
Likutey Moharan: The Poems

Harry Hamburger MD MS

After reading and studying Rebbe Nachman’s lessons, Dr. Harry Hamburger began to discern songs and poems that were hidden in each one of the lessons. Over a five-year period, Dr. Hamburger wrote a poem that encapsulated the meaning of each one of Rebbe Nachman’s lessons. The poems may be read separately or used as a study guide to better understand the hidden meanings of Likutey Moharan. Dr. Hamburger did not write these poems alone, feeling the presence and guidance of Rebbe Nachman while he composed them. Dr. Hamburger is a friend and student of Rabbi Kramer and has written a previous book of illustrated Hasidic poetry entitled I See Only Light. He writes poetry daily and uses the teachings of Rebbe Nachman to help his patients cope with ocular problems. He is a neuro-ophthalmologist in Miami, Florida, and spends summers at his farm in the mountains of Colombia with his wife, Claudia, and sons, Jordan and Joshua.

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    Likutey Moharan - Harry Hamburger MD MS

    Copyright © 2017 by Harry Hamburger.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2017909993

    ISBN:   Hardcover   978-1-5434-3281-7

       Softcover   978-1-5434-3280-0

       eBook   978-1-5434-3279-4

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    Part 1, Volume I: Lesson 1:1

    Part 1, Volume II, Lesson 7:1

    Part 1, Volume III, Lesson 17:1a

    Part 1, Volume IV, Lesson 23:1

    Part 1, Volume V, Lesson 33:1

    Part 1, Volume VI, Lesson 49:1

    Part 1, Volume VII, Lesson 58:1

    Part 1, Volume VIII, Lesson 65:1

    Part 1, Volume IX, Lesson 73:1

    Part 1, Volume X, Lesson 109

    Part 1, Volume XI, Lesson 195

    Part 2, Volume XII, Lesson 1:1

    Part 2, Volume XIII, Lesson 7

    Part 2, Volume XIV, Lesson 25:1

    Part 2, Volume XV, Lesson 73:1


    There are many levels where one may study Likutey Moharan of Rebbe Nachman. Like the Torah, there are obvious lessons and then layer upon layer of deeper lessons. Rebbe Nachman starts with a statement and, then drawing from many sources, gives an explanation and a proof. As one goes deeper, one begins to see connections between the lessons, proofs, Rabbi Kramer’s commentaries, and other holy sources. Going deeper, one will be astonished to find that the lessons are not individual teachings but rather pieces of a greater whole. The lessons start out as Hokhmah, and then you move to binah, and in a flash, da’at is revealed. This revelation is not a result of one’s intelligence, holiness, or study but rather an undeserved gift directly from Hashem.

    Rebbe Nachman frequently teaches about the universal remedy, which when recited can heal physical, mental, and spiritual problems. The psalms in his remedy are words strung together to form songs. When I have first begun to study the lessons in Likutey Moharan, I have started to learn that each lesson is a song, which has expressed itself in the rhymes of my poems. I hope that by studying Likutey Moharan with my poems, you will gain a deeper understanding of the holiness, wisdom, and genius of Rebbe Nachman, as well as his translator and commentator, Rabbi Chaim Kramer.

    When you are confused, sad, or troubled or feel like you have lost faith, open up my book and read a little poem. Look for the happy and joyful points contained within, and G-d willing, you will feel better. Life is a narrow bridge that you must cross, made easier by singing a little song or reciting a rhyme during your journey!

    Dedication and Blessing

    As a student of Rebbe Nachman for nearly sixty years, it is very exciting for me to see that the poems based on Likutey Moharan are about to be published. Rebbe Nachman’s lectures are very deep, yet they touch the surface of every person no matter who they are, no matter where they’ve been, no matter what they’ve experienced. Though delivered more than two hundred years ago, Rebbe Nachman’s teachings speak to the individual as if they were newly spoken and freshly explained today, in the twenty-first century! Dr. Hamburger’s unique ability to encapsulate these teachings and to give them poetic form and style is, in itself, a marvelous—perhaps miraculous—achievement. In all my years of teaching and disseminating Rebbe Nachman’s works, I have rarely come across the few who can condense the rebbe’s deep ideas, bring forth a comprehensive summary, and make it available to the wider readership. Kudos to Dr. Harry for this great accomplishment. May G-d bless the results of Dr. Harry’s efforts to bring forth the light of Rebbe Nachman. And the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of G-d, as the waters cover the seas (Isaiah 11:9). Amen.

    Chaim Kramer

    September 13, 2016

    To our dear friend Dr. Harry Hamburger,

    Shalom u’vracha!

    May your delightful collection of original poems based on Rebbe Nachman’s classic Likutey Moharan bring joy and gratification to all who read them, and may the new book be a tremendous success.

    With friendship and every blessing,

    Lazer Brody

    Ashdod, Israel, Tishrei, 5777

    Part 1, Volume I: Lesson 1:1

    There are those who study

    and those who pray;

    you must study, pray, and do

    and walk with the Torah every day.

    Sometimes when you feel tired,

    you must raise your hands

    and defeat enemies of faith

    so you can enter the Holy Land.

    To be accepted by others,

    you must remain a devoted Jew,

    or grace will be lost

    and not remain with you.

    Know, by means of the Torah,

    requests and prayers that rise above

    will become like a gazelle

    filled with grace and love.

    Part 1, Volume I: Lesson 1:2

    The sun will light the moon

    when you see wisdom within;

    this is the concept of Yaakov

    where rights of first begin.

    The crying of a baby

    is the growing pains inside,

    which expands and clarifies the mind

    and the heart, where faith abides.

    Even when understanding is lacking,

    you must perform mitzvoth each day;

    you cannot overcome all the obstacles

    if you do what others say.

    Part 1, Volume I; Lesson 1:2B

    Better young, poor, and wise

    than a king who doesn’t know

    which parts do not follow,

    as mind and wisdom grow.

    Alien thoughts will lead you away

    unless you find true wisdom inside;

    when bind yourself to above,

    then your greatness will not hide.

    You must not sit passively back;

    instead, rouse yourself for good.

    You will gain strength in heart

    when the ax splits the wood.

    Know that when one rises,

    the other will always fall;

    the righteous will not stumble,

    when he follows the shofar’s call.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 1:3

    For prayers to be accepted,

    you must find the point within

    where the sun shines on the moon,

    defeating the kingdom of sin.

    When you have fear of Heaven,

    your words will certainly be heard;

    your heart will be filled with grace

    carried on the wings of a bird.

    A mark in the forehead

    will become a protective thing;

    words will be gently spoken,

    and a glowing countenance it will bring.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson1:4

    The firstborn of oxen

    will find grandeur in the field;

    rain will water the grass

    when to yoke he yields.

    If you focus on the essence

    hidden deep within each thing,

    you will attain the birthright of Yosef,

    and light to darkness it will bring.

    A letter will be added

    from His Name to your own;

    where you sanctify the brit,

    seeds will then be sown.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 1:5

    When you see a wave

    with flame at its peak,

    remember it’s just an illusion

    and not what you seek.

    It will sink your ship

    unless beat with a staff,

    for it is the folly

    that makes the sinner laugh.

    Do not be like Saul

    who spared an evil king;

    it will only lead to destruction,

    which his future children bring.

    Letter vav is the stick,

    and the tablets are the law;

    do not forget the mountain

    and the holiness you saw.

    Know that the beginning of wisdom

    will come only with fear;

    study the Torah and then do

    so your true intention is clear.

    The Names will protect you,

    so do not go insane;

    all Jews have the innate ability

    to see letters in the rain.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 1:6

    Walk the ways of perfection;

    carry the staff with G-d’s name.

    When you see the point inside all,

    only then wisdom you can claim.

    Strive to be very simple,

    and effect the concept of nun;

    then you can reach upward

    and join the moon with the sun.

    Even if you are not focused

    and the hours pass away,

    look from that moment on

    and count for forty-nine days.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 2:1

    The strength of the Jew

    is the power of prayer;

    he breathes in through his nose

    so the pleasant fragrance he can share.

    By means of the smell,

    he can separate good from bad,

    the double portion of Yosef

    inherited from his dad.

    He should not be afraid

    that aliens have sword and bow

    because he has a mouth and breath,

    and the prayers of the heart knows.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 2:2

    Lofty praises for G-d

    are contained in the throat,

    like the double-edged sword

    that once protected Noah’s boat.

    Give thanks to G-d above

    for what He has given

    and hope for the time

    when sins will be forgiven.

    He will set His offspring on the throne

    when He girds the blade on His thigh;

    though Yosef must eventually fall,

    David will rule on high.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 2:3

    Abraham passed to his son kindness,

    but Isaac gave justice instead;

    Jacob walked the middle path,

    and with sword, he led.

    He did not veer to the left

    or turn the blade to the right;

    he could strike a hair

    with perfect prayer and sight.

    Jacob ordered affairs with justice,

    created a fine vessel with words,

    brought salvation to the worthy,

    for wicked judgments were heard.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 2:4

    Know the L-rd is judge

    and brings some up, others down;

    likewise, we must give charity

    and spread our wealth around.

    When we have sympathy for the poor,

    we bring humility to the high,

    learn to weld a sword,

    and sing a holy battle cry.

    For prayer is a weapon

    from a mouth that speaks;

    it helps guard the covenant

    and find truth that we seek.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 2:5

    Cover yourself with clouds

    so prayers cannot pass through;

    in order to dwell securely,

    justice both your eyes must view.

    In the future at ayn mishpat,

    when rock turns into well,

    the water will flow freely,

    bringing life where people fell.

    You will be redeemed through charity

    when the coin passes from your hand;

    G-d will return to Zion,

    bringing the Spirit back to the Land.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 2:6

    Every single prayer we say

    is housed in a different room,

    where a spirit lives in exile,

    waiting to expel the gloom.

    The zaddikim of each generation

    bind together with a golden bow,

    connecting one part to another,

    like Moses used to show.

    When the structure is completed

    and people pray as one,

    the upper temple will descend

    and the other side undone.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 2:7

    Dressed in her embroidered garments,

    the princess is brought before the king;

    the maidens gather around her

    as she begins to sing.

    Praising all of her children,

    the princess catches Heaven’s eye;

    fallen souls are raised up

    as rain falls from the sky.

    This is the meaning of glory

    when fire and water are one;

    letters become sparks of souls

    when prayers and studies are done.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 2:8

    A zaddik is submerged in the Torah

    and swims deep in the sea;

    he is called by seven names,

    which set fallen souls free.

    Seeds are planted on the back,

    growing like foliage in the field;

    when it turns toward the sun,

    sweet and bountiful fruit it yields.

    A dish is baked and cooked

    in preparation for the wedding day;

    He will join them together

    when to G-d they pray.

    Were it not for kindness

    and giving seeds a place,

    we would not be redeemed

    and after exile see His face.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 2:9

    Do not turn to the right

    or wander to the left;

    follow the middle road

    and step over the cleft.

    When the fruit was lost,

    the fragrance was taken away

    to be concealed deep within

    until the time of redemption day.

    Aaron will carry to heart

    and invite the people in

    and erect a tabernacle to the L-rd

    with prayers to rectify sin.

    Every soul will recite blessings

    and smell again with the nose;

    Hynunus dates will be given

    to the righteous ones who chose.

    Part I, Volume I, Lesson 3:0

    There was a large frog

    that sang for forty nights;

    in daytime, it sat in a tree

    where the sun shone bright

    It laid its eggs in water

    so future generations could be;

    tadpoles opened up their eyes,

    and the land they could clearly see.

    When they grew legs and arms,

    two birds began to sing

    with a timbrel, flute, and harp,

    the gift of prophecy would bring.

    Some covered eggs with earth

    and eventually lost their voice;

    they were eaten up by snakes,

    having made an evil choice.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 3:2

    In the day, G-d commands love;

    and by night, birds sing.

    Their breath strums a harp,

    which is a beautiful thing.

    It takes a handsome warrior

    who is understanding and kind

    to make sure the flock is watered

    and the proper grass they find.

    It takes a song to build a kingdom

    and bring blessings from above;

    from behind the suckling ewes,

    draw nourishment with love.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 3:3

    His curly locks are black

    and are sixty houses wide;

    to protect himself from the snake,

    he must turn away his pride.

    He cried out from his throat

    so the serpent did not eat;

    he prepared fruit on a plate,

    so the special meal was complete.

    How great is the tree

    from where G-d’s kindness falls;

    it turns personal gain into giving

    so we can hear the birds call.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 3:4

    Likutey Moharan 3:4

    Get yourself a rabbi

    and a companion who sings

    so malkhut is built up

    into a very special thing.

    The thread will stretch far,

    wrapped seven times around the arm;

    a pushkantza will eat the serpent

    and protect you from harm.

    Cherubs will join in embrace,

    and the king begins his rule;

    he will judge everyone favorably

    but not tolerate the fool.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 3:5

    When Malkhut is in exile

    the cantors do not know

    their songs are all foolish

    and help none to grow

    But at some time in future

    when the Spirit finally returns

    cantors will again be honored

    and for music people yearn

    For songs must be holy

    and only from Heaven descend

    then when the people sing

    all their prayers can ascend

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 3:6

    Heaven corresponds to the voice

    that passes through six rings,

    which rise far above it

    when two beautiful birds sing.

    It will be heard on earth

    when one studies at night;

    if for the sake of Heaven,

    then the candle will burn bright.

    Learn for your own honor

    the snake will eat both eyes;

    your song will be filled with tears,

    and music will be despised.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 3:7

    Came two birds of holiness

    with a prophecy about a king

    where stones should be laid

    for a place to sing.

    They are rooted in holiness,

    but there is another side

    where evil feeds in darkness,

    and sparks of holiness hide.

    The final rectification will come

    when Mashiach elevates with song;

    voices will be very beautiful

    when right separated is from wrong.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 3:8

    From behind the nursing ewes,

    King David studied at night;

    he repaired the unworthy songs

    and developed clarity of sight.

    Then out of the fire,

    people heard sounds of a voice

    of how to become closer

    and make a holy choice.

    The story of our bondage

    is a neck trapping speech;

    when we strive to be better,

    birds of holiness can reach.

    Using the tools of the Torah,

    true prophecy we can then surmise;

    so speedily in our days,

    the Holy Temple will rise.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 4:1

    At the beginning of Creation,

    four alephs were standing tall

    to send the Torah to the virtuous

    and to others after the Fall.

    To taste the world to come,

    two names must become one

    where there is no good or evil

    as if Creation was undone.

    But why wait for the future;

    isn’t G-d also one today?

    It is only our perception

    that separates night from day.

    Nations can only take control

    when malkhut is subverted by wrong;

    rectification will come in future

    when all sing David’s song.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 4:2

    Elohim is an alien nation’s king

    from a long time ago;

    when Malkhut is raised from exile,

    the King of all will know.

    The whole world will see

    that everything is for the best;

    the wicked will lose their voice

    and be separated from the rest.

    He will no longer be called Adonai

    but G-d’s true name instead;

    four letters will be revealed

    and by David be led.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 4:3

    It is impossible to return to the kingdom

    unless you confess to a Torah scholar

    and then find someone in need

    and give him a dollar.

    Each generation must choose leaders

    to judge people regarding wrongs

    so the Spirit can return

    when they gather in prayer and song.

    You must be thankful for the bad,

    as well as for the good;

    smash the idols of self

    and live as you should.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 4:4

    David made name for himself,

    and he became a king;

    when united, two into one,

    his harp began to sing.

    He developed a complete awareness

    both benevolence and judgment were good;

    he said blessings through the day,

    showing compassion when he could.

    For those whom G-d made,

    Israel, He knows only you;

    He must punish you for your sins

    so your heart can remain true.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 4:5

    When you commit a sin

    etched upon your bones,

    you are ruled by alien nations

    until you fix the letters and atone.

    For it is your iniquities

    that take bounty from you;

    they are the deathblow of the wicked

    and hide His face from view.

    By means of spoken confession,

    the bones again become one,

    the malkhut of holiness rebuilt,

    and the evil combinations undone.

    For every scholar is Moses,

    and your confessions can hear;

    join the two names together

    so your perception is clear.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 4:6

    The Torah is called fire,

    and with it, the king rules;

    when he enters a room,

    all rise except the fools.

    With endless study and prayer,

    the body becomes a holy scroll;

    letters coming from his mouth

    help to rectify a sinner’s soul.

    For sins etched upon bones

    where cross side to side;

    mitzvoth bind the broken fragments

    when to a Torah scholar you confide.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 4:7

    The King’s wrath is death

    for having demeaned His home,

    but the wise man can pacify

    if he confesses where he roams.

    The L-rd will forgive his transgressions

    for the sake of the one

    who considers himself a remnant

    after the honors he has won.

    For humility will only come

    when you are nothing at all,

    giving the power to forgive

    when before a zaddik you fall.

    Know the earth will rise up

    against those who are made low;

    be wise and inherit it

    when truly nothing you know.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 4:8

    When you come to the crossroads,

    the day of death is near;

    find a talmid chakham

    so that your confession he may hear.

    When the sun rises in the morning,

    you must give charity to the poor;

    if you want to be very wealthy,

    then you should give some more.

    If you encounter thorns and ditches,

    look for a burning flame;

    melancholy and passion will fade

    when your mother calls your name.

    A path may seem right,

    but you cannot see end,

    so follow a Torah scholar,

    and from evil he will defend.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 4:9a

    Every time see a Torah scholar,

    tell him conundrums of your heart;

    he is an aspect of ayin,

    and storm clouds will part.

    This is the concept of zarka,

    where you go back to before,

    which is the will of wills

    that hides behind the last door.

    All the objects of the world

    originate from the letter of speech

    as a consequence of G-d’s desire

    that to Him we reach.

    In every place is greatness

    if you humble your heart;

    strip yourself of all corporeality,

    and the veils will part.

    Moses passed away on Shabbat

    and said, What are we?

    After the kiss, he was buried

    in a place we could not see.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 4:9b

    Abraham was dust and ashes

    and David a humble king;

    when Moses came to Aaron,

    he had nothing he could bring.

    Moses negated his material being,

    and then he passed away;

    when we spoke of him,

    Mah was what we would say.

    The world is created ex nihilo

    as a result of G-d’s speech

    to reveal malkhut in the world

    from a place none may reach.

    The highest of spiritual revelations

    takes place on Shabbat day,

    bringing influx from raava d’raaven

    when with joy we pray.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 4:9c

    G-d desires praise from dust

    and speaking lumps of clay,

    so return from the light

    and repeat the words I say.

    When your mazal rises up

    to a place no man knows,

    you must run back to the material world

    so your understanding can grow.

    An imprint will then remain,

    so know all is one;

    YHWH is the Elohim,

    who shines like the sun.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 4:10

    When traveling on the sea,

    you must confess your sins

    and throw bread upon the water

    so your attachment can begin.

    The worm of impurity will depart

    when mountains and hills fall;

    a zaddik will lead the blind

    after they hear the shofar call.

    A kavra will be salted,

    and sixty queens will eat;

    when the rains become strong,

    the rectification will be complete.

    The one eye of compassion

    will be filled with holy oil;

    a shin falls from the name

    to help fertilize the soil.

    When evil saw their bones

    and build sixty cities tall,

    the temple will descend from the sky,

    and the earth will hear Heaven’s call.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 4:11

    How can we find a zaddik

    so we can confess our sins?

    Rebbe Nachman is not gone;

    we just have to begin.

    We can study all his teachings,

    and the light from before

    still waits in his room

    when we open the door.

    We can travel to his gravesite,

    and to others, charity we give;

    when we confess on Rosh Hashanah,

    we will ask G-d to forgive.

    We can then achieve an awareness

    as the rebbe hovers above the grave

    to gain mastery over yeshut

    so souls he can save.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 5:1

    With trumpet and shofar sounds,

    you must shout before the King,

    for the world He created for you

    and the joy it brings.

    Constantly look and work

    to make everything better today;

    find sparks that are missing

    and elevate when you pray.

    Know G-d sits on the throne

    with an angel on His left and right;

    one will speak favorably,

    and the other kills at night

    Zaddikim tell many holy stories

    to hide your requests within;

    this will keep the channel open

    so you can rectify your sins.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 5:2

    How do we know whether

    the decree issued or still before

    determined by means of mitzvah

    and which care for more?

    Do we perform for ourselves

    or only for Heaven above?

    when we cherish what G-d commands,

    decrees are nullified by love.

    The mirror will be polished

    so the face right before our eyes

    will sing songs of joy

    and before and after surmise.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 5:3

    Now the essence of joy

    is the point in the heart

    where true kindness is given

    so the waters can part.

    Know thunder is the voice

    released when we pray

    from the well of freshwater

    with words that we say.

    The mouth will speak wisdom

    so the heart can feel fear;

    with blast of the shofar,

    the true meaning will be clear.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 5:4

    Clear your mind of hametz

    so the voice emerges clear;

    then when strikes upper mentalities,

    loud thunder you will hear.

    When the ear hears the reproof,

    you can return from the evil path

    so when the reed is removed,

    against evil you can laugh.

    Call your G-d in secret;

    He will answer you out loud

    and create lightning in the sky,

    His voice coming from a cloud.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 5:5

    Sit by My right hand

    while you make the enemy a stool;

    because of My great love,

    I will humble the fool.

    The wise will inherit glory

    when I join My two hands;

    I will bring forth the thunder

    and then water their land.

    Was the morning of Avraham

    sea returned to its might

    strength of My right arm

    helped to vanquish the night

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 5:6

    The L-rd is mighty forever

    and has power to save;

    swim between the fins,

    not wait for the grave.

    Know the heart gives us sight

    to help find our way,

    to speak or to hide

    the prayers that we say.

    The greatest treasure is the Torah,

    and fear is the key

    to help open two doors

    so that inside we can see.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 5:7

    With trumpets and the shofar,

    you must shout out before G-d;

    let the sea thunder within it

    and spare us the rod.

    The rivers will all clap

    and the mountains say prayers

    so are hidden in stories

    with the utmost of care.

    Know man corresponds to love

    and the woman to fear;

    how good and how pleasant

    when two hearts draw near?

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 6:1

    The glory of G-d is concealed

    and forbidden to inquire within;

    only when humbled like Moses

    can your real journey begin.

    Seek to honor Elohim

    in everything that you do;

    even with a mundane task,

    you can bring holiness into view.

    The glory that you accept

    should be for G-d alone;

    when you bask in your honors,

    for this you must atone.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 6:2

    There is no kavod without kaph;

    when blood fills the heart,

    be silent and quiet

    so your pride can depart.

    The G-d of your fathers

    will not come unto you

    until you can acquire the true being

    and are humble and true.

    A better one has not been created

    so you must examine your deeds;

    turn from being an animal

    and repent from its needs.

    Do not have a future

    not long on this earth,

    so repent in the present,

    and life will have worth.

    Now the rectification for all

    is to quiet the heart;

    empty out all the blood

    to make the evil depart.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 6:3

    Know that G-d kept silent

    when you did these things,

    for He is not like you

    when the judgments He brings.

    Repent for first sin

    and then one time more;

    then climb one rung higher

    so you can open the door.

    In the world to come

    you will be rebuked before His face

    and will open up your eyes

    to sin and your disgrace.

    You will come on that day

    when there’s no evening or bright light,

    rather just a vague glow

    a sign of glory and might.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 6:4

    Deserving is the man

    who enters and leaves;

    no matter where he dwells,

    the spirit of G-d you will perceive.

    To walk the path of repentance,

    you must always turn to the right,

    be an expert in the law,

    and keep strings in sight.

    When he gives honor to Sabbath

    and refrains from routine ways,

    he will know peace and contentment

    at the end of his days.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 6:5

    Above the line floats a stone,

    a shiny aleph in space

    and underneath a sapphire brick

    where feet can find place.

    Shamayim is fire and water

    that brings color to the face

    of those who seek repentance

    and sit covered by lace.

    Adam was formed at Creation

    at the same moment as the throne;

    the L-rd was concealed within,

    Whose face was never shown.

    When man subdues the blood

    on the left side of the heart,

    he brings the upper closer to the lower

    so the marriage ceremony can start.

    A tent will be erected

    and the sun will illuminate the moon;

    eyes, ears, and heart open

    as music fills the room.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 6:6

    Behold, His word is fire,

    a sign of future ascent

    when the people will bow

    and the scepter of kingship present.

    G-d’s message to his prophet

    is a scroll that burns,

    vision of clarity and truth

    for which the righteous yearn.

    When a man performs mitzvoth,

    he binds together the bones;

    he can withstand flames of Amram

    and for aveyrah can atone.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 6:7

    The King’s wrath is a message

    that comes down from above,

    carried by the destroying angels

    when the sinful reject His love.

    A wise man can pacify

    when demeaned among alien nations;

    for the remnant of His inheritance,

    destroyers remain at their stations.

    What was and will be

    as the first redeemer before

    will return from our exile

    passing through the final door.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 6:8

    Then G-d said to Moses,

    "Time for you to die;

    bring Joshua to the tent

    with no tears in eyes.

    "For you are the highest,

    and Joshua is the low;

    the aleph will join together

    so sovereign people will know.

    "Because of the people’s sins,

    it’s time for light to go.

    I myself will appoint the successor

    so My teachings continue to glow."

    The Torah’s arrow will fly straight

    and pierce their stony hearts;

    the left chamber will become empty

    so true wisdom can impart.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 6:9

    Upon entering the Holy Land,

    Jews were charged with three things:

    kill Amalek, erect a temple,

    and finally appoint a king.

    The first depended on Joshua,

    while Moses did the rest;

    a star shone bright for Yaakov,

    who always chose the best.

    Know these mitzvoth are repentance,

    but people do not do,

    so they still have no peace,

    and rains cease to renew.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 6:10

    Who makes way through sea

    and shines a light within?

    The one who focuses on His name

    and closes his eyes to sin.

    A shepherd dressed in orange

    will lay the foundation stone;

    Shaddai will be outside the door

    to protect those who atone.

    Know that every name of G-d

    has a story to tell,

    during the month of Elul

    He raises souls up from Hell.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 6:11

    You must never get discouraged

    no matter where you are;

    even if on a bed in Hell,

    G-d is never very far.

    To walk the pathway of repentance,

    you must constantly come and go;

    if you fall down the ladder,

    the way back angels will show.

    Call out the three names

    that are connected to man;

    toil in service of G-d

    and do the best you can.

    Part 1, Volume I, Lesson 6:12

    When you become an expert

    in the running and return,

    you will find the path of repentance

    and kavanot of Elul you will learn.

    For segol is the sun

    where there sits an ancient stone;

    you must always climb higher

    and learn how to atone.

    G-d will stretch out His hand

    no matter where you are;

    when know way

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