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The Birth of Life: Through Poetry
The Birth of Life: Through Poetry
The Birth of Life: Through Poetry
Ebook91 pages57 minutes

The Birth of Life: Through Poetry

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This book of poetry is a stark illustration of poetic overviews which depicts the pulse in this country and abroad and its effect on humanity, relationships, family values and community relations.
Release dateOct 18, 2016
The Birth of Life: Through Poetry

Victor Joyce

Victor Joyce was born and raised in the Ingersoll Housing Projects of Fort Greene Brooklyn, he attended the High School of Music and Art majoring in art. He graduated from Manhattan College with a B.S. in Organizational Management. He was a student athlete in high school and college, competing and excelling in both varsity basketball and cross country. During his thirties until presently he has mentored young men and women in education, character building and athletics through youth ministries and summer organizations. Victor has been writing poetry since junior high school. During the last five years he has been writing and reciting poetry around the country about various topics which relate to social and political climate of this country and abroad. This book is his first of many which will surely give you an insight into this talented poet mind, hopefully you will become inspired from this compelling book of poetry.

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    The Birth of Life - Victor Joyce


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    © 2016 Victor Joyce. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 10/03/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-4328-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-4327-0 (e)

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    Mother I Still Miss You

    Toni (A poem for my wife)

    Tore Daniere Moody Paige (A poem for Cynthia & Dane son)


    Mother, Oh Mother

    Mothers Tribute


    Power Of God

    Praying Means Blessings

    Killing In The Name Of God

    Dearly Departed

    Self Preservation It Matters


    Just Let It Go

    Life Could Be Better

    What Does It Take

    A Chance

    Do The Right Thing

    Those Who Came Before Us

    I Remember When

    Little Drummer Boy


    Big Brother



    The Anger Within


    Don’t Be A Scum



    We Need To Read More

    Lights On It’s Time To Think

    Brain Washed

    The Over Access





    Negative Energy


    The Keys To Financial Power

    Yes For Success


    My Black People

    Black Man Just Make A Stand

    Black Sistahs

    Black Hate


    Never Forget The Mother Land


    Girls, Girls, Girls

    The Beauty Of Woman


    Let’s Do It

    Chocolate Cookie


    To my family whose constant love, patience, support and understanding has provided me the intelligence and vision to complete this book and also accomplish all my endeavors. My wife Toni Parkinson Joyce, my late mother-in law Delores Thode, my daughters Latiya Joyce, Nakima Joyce, Kheri Leigh Joyce, who just completed graduate school at Howard University, my sons John Robert Thurman and the youngest of the clan Antonio Marselino Thurman. My love for all of them is eternal.


    For my mother Bettie Cox (1927-2004)

    Mother I Still Miss You

    It’s been over a decade now but my thoughts still linger strong, on how we use to talk for hours and the advice you’d give which was never wrong. I remember so vividly how you lovingly raised us all, with the care and purest devotion that you prayed would make us stand tall. The supportive conviction it was displayed by you consistently never uttering displeasure, never truly understood then how much family meant to you nothing else in your eyes could measure. The thousands upon thousands of meals you seasoned, baked, stewed, fried and prepared, it didn’t matter you feed family, friends and strangers whoever was hungry how much you really cared. I remember how you always prayed for me and my siblings safety whenever we stayed out to late, it showed the undying rapture you had for us, the faith in God and prayer in my mind you was always top rate. I can’t stop reflecting on all the milestones in my life you’ve celebrated and shared with me, my birthdays, achievements, basketball games, graduations, weddings and my daughter’s birth how I’ll cherish those memories. Like a sweet nectar poured in a stylishly shaped glass, the wonderful thoughts of you is as sweet although you’ve now pass. Having you as a parent and mom was a complete honor I thank God everyday for all that he do, but most importantly I’m so glad the Almighty gave me you as a Mother I Still Miss You.


    Mother I Still Miss You

    It’s been over a decade now but my thoughts still linger strong, on how we use to talk for hours and the advice you’d give which was never wrong. I remember so vividly how you lovingly raised us all, with the care and purest devotion that you prayed would make us stand tall. The supportive conviction it was displayed by you consistently never uttering displeasure, never truly understood then how much family meant to you nothing else in your eyes could measure. The thousands upon thousands of meals you seasoned, baked, stewed, fried and prepared, it didn’t matter you feed family, friends and strangers whoever was hungry how much you really cared. I remember how you always prayed for me and my siblings safety whenever we stayed out to late, it showed the undying rapture you had for us, the faith in God and prayer in my

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