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Huey Rabbit and the News
Huey Rabbit and the News
Huey Rabbit and the News
Ebook160 pages1 hour

Huey Rabbit and the News

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Huey Rabbit was born at 2:33 a.m. on September 21, 1975, in Woodinville, Washington. He was the eldest of a litter of seven bunnies born to Henry and Helen Rabbit on that stormy night. Huey was a precocious and adventurous bunny. He was the first of the litter to open his eyes and the first to leave the nest and help his mother around the burrow.

While still a young bunny, he left the burrow and flew to Fairbanks, Alaska, where he took up residence with Dr. Cannons family. His principal duties were those of tutor and computer programmer. However, he also found time to serve as director of agricultural activities. It was in this latter capacity that Huey was twice awarded the title of State Grand Champion Rabbit at the Tanana Valley Fair.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 1, 2017
Huey Rabbit and the News

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    Huey Rabbit and the News - Jan Cannon

    Copyright © 2017 by Jan Cannon, PhD.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2017905831

    ISBN:             Hardcover                           978-1-5434-1607-7

                          Softcover                             978-1-5434-1606-0

                          eBook                                 978-1-5434-1605-3

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the

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    Rev. date: 04/28/2017





    How to Use This Book

    The Author’s Preface


    A Biography of Huey Rabbit

    Chapter One

    Scoop and Slick Get a Hot Tip


    Chapter Two

    Bonnie Rabbit Gets the News


    Chapter Three

    Scoop and Slick at the Tunnel Collapse


    Chapter Four

    Scoop and Slick at Skull Rock


    Chapter Five

    The Frog Pond Story


    Chapter Six

    The Bad Bug Problem


    Chapter Seven

    Scoop and Slick to the Rescue


    Appendix A

    Gazetteer or where’s it at in Rabbitland


    This adventure book is designed for young readers, ages nine to thirteen years. You will find that young readers tear into the humorous stories eagerly. The young reader that is instructed about the glossary and cast of characters at the end of each chapter will expand their vocabularies at a rapid rate. These aids have been written to be as enjoyable as the stories themselves.

    Children as young as three enjoy having this book read to them.


    My greatest gift is my ability to read and comprehend the written word. This gift was given to me by writers who challenged the rudimentary reading skills of my youth. They achieved this challenge by expanding my vocabulary while I eagerly read things that held the attention of my youthful mind.

    Therein lies the key. Holding the attention of the new reader while they expand their vocabularies and improve their reading skills. Giving a young child a copy of War and Peace to read will not improve his reading ability. Learning to read requires that the student must want to pay attention to what is being read. The new reader will first give attention to that which is entertaining.

    The world of fantasy and animals endlessly delights young minds and hold their attention. Walt Disney certainly proved this. It was this same world that held the attention of my young mind long enough that I learned how to read. When I was young, holding my attention for any length of time was a real problem. I was very active. Every day, I wanted to experience the whole world before I collapsed of exhaustion at night. Holding my attention was achieved only with the thrill of excitement and fantasy. Fortunately, I was exposed to fairy tales filled with excitement and animal stories of light entertainment. Why do such things appeal to the young mind? I’m not sure that I know. But as a child, I knew what I liked.

    The stories in this book were written to help my grandchildren learn to read. The stories available for children today often fail to hold the child’s attention. They fail because there is nothing in them that relates to the modern child. Therefore, I undertook to write modern rabbit stories. This is a successful approach. The stories get their attention and sneak in new words without them suspecting that they’re learning anything. I am sure they would object if they were cognizant of my aims.

    With this book, I offer you and young readers an exciting hop through a modern rabbitland. The book is good, clean entertainment with a flair for the importance of education and environmental concern.

    Jan Cannon, PhD

    Tecumseh, Oklahoma, 1992


    A Biography of Huey Rabbit

    Huey Rabbit was born at 2:33 a.m. on September 21, 1975 in Woodinville, Washington. He was the eldest of a litter of seven bunnies born to Henry and Helen Rabbit on that stormy night. Huey was a precocious and adventurous bunny. He was the first of the litter to open his eyes and the first to leave the nest and help his mother around the burrow.

    While still a young bunny, he left the burrow and flew to Fairbanks, Alaska where he took up residence with Dr. Cannon’s family. His principal duties were those of tutor and computer programmer. However, he also found time to serve as director of agricultural activities. It was in this latter capacity that Huey was twice awarded the title of State Grand Champion Rabbit at the Tanana Valley Fair.

    As a young rabbit, Huey built a fine house on Spinach Creek where he settled with his beautiful bride, Nutmeg. In the wilds of Spinach Creek, he fought and survived the fox attacks, bears, and the winter of 1978. It was during the winter of 78 that many rabbits got frostbitten ears and paws. Huey was smart and avoided frostbite, but his whiskers froze and broke. It was the next summer before his whiskers grew back.

    Huey Rabbit left the Arctic in 1983 and moved to the South County Warren where the winters were milder and the plants stayed green for a longer length of time. It was after the early and untimely demise of Nutmeg that he turned most of his efforts toward literary endeavors and founded the Chrono Dimensional Times. As the editor in chief of the Chrono Dimensional Times, Huey became well-known for his writing abilities and established a scholarship for creative journalism at the Rabbit Institute of Technology.

    Huey has written two novels: I Love Green and I Wish It Was Always Spring. He has been awarded the Rabbit Writers Guild’s Medal of Merit for his outstanding work in journalism. Recently, the president of the Rabbit Institute of Technology bestowed the RIT Award for Excellence in Science on Huey after the publication of his Handbook of Agriculture. Huey continues to run the Chrono Dimensional Times with a paws-on approach.



    Scoop and Slick Get a Hot Tip

    Huey Rabbit, editor-in-chief of Chrono Dimensional Times, sat at his desk proofreading a material for publication. The Chrono Dimensional Times is an underground newspaper published and read by all the rabbits in the large South County Warren. The newspaper is considered underground in the sense that the

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