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Taking America’S Pulse: New Age Spiritualty and Social Issues in America
Taking America’S Pulse: New Age Spiritualty and Social Issues in America
Taking America’S Pulse: New Age Spiritualty and Social Issues in America
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Taking America’S Pulse: New Age Spiritualty and Social Issues in America

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Most Americans carry on with daily life as if theyre not bothered by Americas moral decline. I know this is not true about all individuals, but it could be true of many. And, religiously, the state of Americas problems originates from peoples immoral social behaviors. The writing of this book is an attempt to bring some inspiration to those who read it. The book explores some of Americas problems from religious thought. The author took care not to point blame in any particular direction because it takes all of Americas people to bring America back to meaningful normality. He looks at what affects peoples lives most, like crime, politics, immigration, the economy, and especially discontented people. But the most compelling subject is the authors views on how Americas multiculturalism has been smoldering under the disguise of greatness. But, today, the lack of moral fortitude by many could be the catalyst that breaks her heart.
Release dateOct 7, 2016
Taking America’S Pulse: New Age Spiritualty and Social Issues in America

Edward J. Miliam

Edward J. Miliam, BS, MBS, has written many papers relating to the decline of religion in America. He believes that not enough attention is focused on keeping people aware of this because we’re losing close contact with our youth at every future generation. We’re losing our youth, we’re losing America. The transformation of America didn’t bring people together, just more individualism in an ever-growing immoral, multicultural society.

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    Taking America’S Pulse - Edward J. Miliam

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    Published by AuthorHouse 10/06/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-4305-8 (sc)

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    a)   Why I Wrote About Religion in America

    b)   Written A ccount of Salvation

    What was God Thinking?

    a)   He gave man rules to live by

    I. The Original Human Race – The Mosaic Covenant

    II. The Original Human Race – New Testament Covenant

    III. The New Human Race - Noah

    Part II:   Viewing Christian Freedom

    a)   (Since God is the Incarnate, in the flesh, how must we view human flesh)?

    b)   The Meaning of Faith

    c)   Everyone Does Not Believe in God!

    d)   Have Evolutionist and Modern Sciences Proven God Doesn’t Exist?

    e)   Socially, Where Do Christians Stand?

    1)   Definitions

    Part III:   Relationships Within The Church And How They Reflect On Salvation

    a)   Morality in America

    b)   Can Church Fellowship Save Anyone?

    Part IV:   Relationships Of Authority And Discipleships Within The Christian Community

    a)   What Does Love Mean

    b)   What Governs Christian Behavior?

    c)   Morality and Social Contact in the Ancient World

    d)   Morality and social contact in the ancient world gave us the Bible.

    e)   Morality and Social Contact in the Modern World

    f)   Present and Future People

    1)   Foot Notes and Definitions

    Tables 1: Sciences and Definitions

    Tables 2: Religions With Over 1 Million Members

    Tables 3: Religions With Over 1 Million Members

    Tables 4: Religions With Over 1 Million Members

    Tables 5: Principal Christian Religious Faiths 2015

    Part V:   People of Today and Producers of Future People!

    a)   Current and Future People

    b)   Everyone Wants In

    c)   Education in America

    d)   Discontented People

    e)   God is watching Discontentment in America

    f)   People on The Move

    a)   Seven Amnesties Passed by Congress

    b)   Racial and Ethnic Demographics

    g)   Prejudgments

    h)   Criminality and Violence

    c)   Crime Demographics

    i)   Charity

    Part VI:   Americas Future Paths

    a)   Is America Alone On Its Walk

    b)   Mass Medias Influences on Morality in America

    c)   Where Have Americas Heterosexual Christian Men Gone?



    Why I Wrote About Religion in America

    Many people say God blessed America by allowing it to become the greatest nation ever in modern time. Sadly, I believe America has not used that blessing in a loving way in showing God his grace is appreciated. And today, because of Americas wicked ways it’s been morally weakened. Not because God has forsaken America, but by man’s rejection of God. Secular society has no fear of God, so it’s unsafe for morally correct Christians to safely claim religious beliefs.

    Is America dying because of its rejection of Gods commandment to love Him? Of course not. But she is in trouble. America has given birth to so much stuff that she is suffering from stuff overload. Secular man has taken advantage of America’s prosperity so much so that it’s people has forgotten God blessed America. I’m not going to predict its demise as some have, but as of this writing, she is in trouble, morally and politically. Morally, the denigration of a nation’s Christian heritage is the catalyst for its destruction. Without lives being structurally built on Christian values, which relates to moral values, people will have no need to fear afterlife judgments. This is why so many Americans are in such bad moods. Death and destructions are everywhere, and most are caused by people wanting recognition and wealth. America’s schools are unsafe, our president wants girls and boys using the same locker rooms, restrooms, bathrooms, and any unchecked place of privacy. Tides of illegal immigrants crossing America’s borders, mass murderers running amok, lawless politicians on the loose and so much more.

    No thesaurus is needed in reading this essay. However, a good Bible dictionary and or study Bible may be useful. Some people prefer King James Version, others New International. Doing my study, I used both among other papers, the internet, and books. Some people say they have difficulty understanding some non-classifiable novels that are spiritually related. But I made no effort in making this essay hard to comprehend. And I wrote this article because I have a sense of urgency in the way America is going as a Christian nation. The Christian community seems to be divided on who and what truths it stands for. This intern is an open PO for anyone wanting to change the way America governs itself.

    This essay covers Christian behaviors, their relationships within/out the church and how Christian authority has been watered down to appease the Lukewarm Christian. Further, I discuss Americas Christian community and finish by giving what I believe to be the catalyst behind the enemy of God and America.

    One of man’s greatest accomplishment is etymological communications. No one knows exactly when language began to assimilate amongst humans, but Quentin D. Atkinson (University of Auckland, New Zealand, of The Journal of Science) believes it started in Africa about fifty thousand years ago. At this time humanity came out of the darkness with the gifts of voices and the ability to adapt to his surroundings. Before individuals walked with Satan in total darkness and many people today are still walking in darkness. Because that’s where they want to be. But they have a choice whether to walk in the Holy Spirits light or not.

    I call these people Dark Walkers (cowards) who want more than the world offers them. And the Christian world has offered them a lot. But only Satan can give them what God will not. This essay does not discuss individual issues man faces but intermixes them as channels of communications within man’s community where he lives and works. This essay is not about vampires nor The Walking Dead TV hit show. But about where I feel Americas secular society has taken the meaning of Christianity in America.

    Right, and wrong have become connected. And this connection is not what Jesus Christ had in mind when He established the Church. The Church was created to be an extension of God. God gave the Church to Jesus Christ as a gift and Christ offers eternal life to sinful man as a gift. But man is running amuck with sinful desires. The only thing standing between secular Christianity and Christianity based on Jesus Christ is the Word of God. Christians who live by the Word of God have His blessings. Worldly Christians do it their way by altering Gods Word.

    America prides itself as a Christian nation. And it needs to fight hard to salvage what’s lift of what made it great. But with so much sin all around, it’s difficult. You see, sin is like acid. It will eat away your very soul. Several years ago I was bothered by stomach acid like burping, belching and other symptoms associated with too much stomach acids. My doctor called it acid reflux. And in my case, uncontrolled over years could lead to a form of arthritis called gout. Simply put, my body was not eliminating enough acids caused by the types of foods I ate. I was eating foods that produced an accumulation of uric acid to in my blood. The kidney, skin, and lungs could not eliminate sufficient amounts fast enough. In time, acid settles over the body; mainly in the big toe, knee hands and hips. What I did not know was my skin (sweat), kidney and lungs were responsible for eliminating most body acids. The lungs get rid of weaker acids by breathing them out into the air. The kidney through urination. Too much and these organs can be damaged or lose much of their effectiveness. Unchecked sin does this to souls. Unchecked sin will eat away your moral ability to live righteously. But unlike kidney and lungs, the soul can be salvaged. Believing in Jesus Christ is humanities lifeline. Dark walkers will never submit to this truth. They attempt to extinguish the Holy Spirits light. They try by unleashing all sorts of ungodly acts upon the not so wary. But those walking in the light avoids sins stumbling blocks. Because He lights the path ahead of us so we can see how to live (John 1:4-5).

    Written A ccount of Salvation

    Before Christ, I had no meaning in my life. I was a child of the world. I had a swagger like the natural man. And like millions of people today, I lived in a make believe perfect world. A mentally perfect world created by the gods of this world, beautiful home, expensive car and fifty dollars in my pocket. Moreover, like today’s people, I felt a sense of peace; I felt safe. As I learned the ways of the natural man, it came clear that those who live this way are walking a thin line between what’s right and what’s wrong.

    A person who lives this way lacks the faith needed to properly serve God. This is usually due to a rebellious nature against God. Paul speaks of this unfaithfulness in Scripture when he wrote to the Roman Church in chapter five and verse thirty-two. Though he was speaking of marriage, being faithful to one’s mate, we too separate ourselves from God when we’re not faithful to Him. We have broken our promise to love Him. In other words, we’ve given the church a divorce.

    As a natural man of the world, I found I was not faithful to God when I refrained from striving to be like Him. I was a lost sheep in a pasture without the proper food in which to feed my soul. As such, I learned that I must strive to be like Christ in everything I do. Not just in marriage but everything. I cannot say that I love Jesus if I’m mistreating my brothers and sisters. I cannot say that I love Jesus if I disobey His command to love everyone.

    Through Faith in Jesus Christ, I find answers to questions in which I’ve been searching. The void within my heart has been filled. He gives peace and joy just for asking it of Him. And He lives in me because of my faith in Him. I believe He is real. And it doesn’t matter if the natural world tells me different. Jesus allows me to live as I please. He trusts me because He loves me. When I show my love for Him, He lets me live a life free from suffering, oppression or the threat of eternal death. It’s my choice to live a free and pleasing life or live under a threat of my soul being eternally damned. I view this threat, not from a guilt of being a sinner, but from a promise, I made to Jesus Christ when I decided to cease from being a Dark Walker; a person controlled by Satan and walking under the cloak of mental darkness to commit sins. I was saved when I stopped and gave my life to Christ. And I know my salvation is not attained through any works of my own, but by the loving grace of Almighty God through our Savior Jesus Christ. This statement is outlined in part in Ephesians, Chapter two verse eight through ten. AMEN

    What was God Thinking?

    He gave man rules to live by.

    The Original Human Race – Longevity – no law

    The Original Human Race – Becomes Evil, Death, God’s Law, Gen. 6:3

    The New Human Race - Is Saved

    Attributed to Moses – Psalms 90 stresses God’s sovereignty, which notes that Israel’s secret sins, or spiritual transgressions, have brought them public shame (NIV). Israel can trust Yahweh’s covenant; love will redeem them. Psalms 90; Moses’ prayer to God, the opening verses of Psalms 90 and 91 should be read together.

    The Mosaic Covenant

    Moses was the founder of a nation, not the father of a nation.

    (a) Through Moses, the Mosaic Covenant was given to the people of Israel. God chose Moses to serve the people of his country, and rather than retain his position of honor as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, he accepted (Genesis 22; Hebrews 11:20-25). Moses’ story is told in Exodus through Deuteronomy.

    (b) Contents of the Covenant.

    (1) The Ten Commandments – are moral laws showing God’s will, commanding condemnation, and death, matters of right and wrong in conduct. Ten Commandments are accompanied by 600 other laws that emanate from them.

    (2) When man interjects his own laws into Gods laws without favoritism; trials and tribulations erupt among man.

    (3) Civil Laws – Judgments were given to govern the social life of Israel. Camp life – sanitary laws, e.g.

    (4) Ceremonial Laws – ordinances covering the religious life of Israel.

    o Given to the high priest who was to represent the people of God, and make sacrifices for the sins of everyone.

    o Not given the same time as the commandments were given. The commandments were given first, and the people broke them before seeing them; so the ordinances were given because they needed atonement for their sins. In their act of breaking the first law, they broke them all. Moses’ act of breaking the tables of stone was a testimony to this fact.

    o Priests and sacrifices established by command. These were substitutionary sacrifices for sin; for through sinning, the people deserved death, but God allowed the blood of the animals to be substitutionary.

    (5) Spiritual Laws—all are deeply religious. It’s based as Christ taught, on love to God and man. Love to God inspires the first three commandments; love to man, the last seven.

    The fourth commandment, Christ tells us, belong to the human side of the law—Mark 2:27; Rom. 7:14—Law is spiritual. Christ and Apostles based the Gospel on the law.

    Don’t condemn the law!

    (c) Conditions of the Covenant (IF)

    (1) The promise of blessing if they would obey the Law-Ex. 19; 5, 6; Lev. 26:3; Deut.

    28:1-4; Deut. 29:9

    (2) The promise of punishment if they disobeyed

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