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The Shadow of Lies: Freedom Comes at a Price
The Shadow of Lies: Freedom Comes at a Price
The Shadow of Lies: Freedom Comes at a Price
Ebook169 pages2 hours

The Shadow of Lies: Freedom Comes at a Price

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About this ebook

Jane uncovers a drug racket during one of her sting operations, but she decides to use the information to her advantage. Her actions lead to serious consequences.
In 2008, Alex, a CIA undercover agent, sent on a highly classified mission to Pakistan, discovers the rise of a coming catastrophe that might shatter the entire world.
Mathews heart stops beating for his nation when he is corrupted with power. He is sure that nothing can stop him to achieve what he wants.
The story captures a legacy of revenge, conspiracy and greed. As everything gets connected, it reveals a blood chilling mystery that aims to spill the blood of a million innocent lives, bringing a nation down to its knees
Release dateJan 7, 2016
The Shadow of Lies: Freedom Comes at a Price

Akash Mann

Akash Mann is currently a student of architecture. His love for crime-thriller novels inspired him and turn his attention to writing. As he pursues his journey into the world of literature and architecture, he also spends time painting and reading books.

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    Book preview

    The Shadow of Lies - Akash Mann

    Chapter 1

    A round 1.5 miles away was a construction site giving shape to a world class skyscraper. With the skeleton almost developed, the place was surrounded by small manufacturing units which would fade away with time as a result of the glorious upcoming projects.

    On its 25th floor the wind was blowing very strong, sheets of metal, cement bags, metal screws were spread across the floor in a mess, empty cans of paint rolled with the wind producing irritating commotion and plastic sheets fluttered like wings. A man 6'2" tall with broad muscular shoulders and a body built to face extreme conditions of pain and misery stood there with preying eyes in his black combat gear and lightweight rubber-soled boots.

    He carried a SVD, the sniper was first used by the Soviet Union in 1963, a gas operated sniper rifle, targets in low light and designed as a squad support weapon. It was built to take out the enemies across a wide range with ease, only when handled by experienced hands.

    He walked over to the edge of the northern side of the floor and looked out in the direction where his target was located. He leaned down to the floor and placed his weapon right before him holding the lower front side of the weapon with one, and the trigger gear with the other. He once again checked the suppressor on the front to avoid any alarming noises. His right shoulder carried and supported the stock of the sniper which was the heaviest part. He pointed the rifle towards the target; he adjusted his eyes into the scope of the sniper as he reached for his aim.

    Jane was sitting on the edge of her bed, smoking. She appeared to be lost in some long last ecstasy without the faintest idea of the immediate danger she was in that was reaching close with every second. The windows bare, her enemy marked her keenly for the very last time like a vigilant tiger before bringing an end to his hunger and a life.

    Watching her smoke, revived his memory of the troublesome past where he had been so unaware, careless and naive with the lady who wrecked him up whenever she liked to. But now it was all going to change.

    He zeroed in on his target, and just before he pulled the trigger, a large plastic sheet came rolling with the heavy wind and wrapped itself onto the barrel of the rifle disturbing its initial position. The bullet missed the target and penetrated the wall of the pool creating a crack in the tile. The rifle went out of balance when the sheet fell over it; he injured his right shoulder from the recoil of the misfired bullet. Due to the long range, any minute diversion increased the angle of the trajectory of the bullet in multitudes.

    He angrily looked around to be clear. He took position for another aim and tried to forget about the enduring pain that was caused by lifting the weapon. The next bullet darted through the weapon, straight towards the aim, breaking the window glass, sharply piercing in the head of Mrs. Jane Hudson.

    In a second, it all went dark and a final peaceful silence met her as she fell down to the floor with the blood rushing out, leaving trails and splatter of blood on the opposite wall, the bed and the furniture, caused by the powerful impact of the bullet.

    He contemplated the moment by staring at the dead body, while the blood rushed out of her head painting the floor blood red. He dismantled the rifle, dressed himself up in casuals and prepared to leave the building. Within two minutes he took a cab and fled the area with his leather duffel bag that carried his equipment and suit.

    The man could finally rest and live in peace.

    Chapter 2

    I n moments, the crime scene was bustling with police officers, medical examiners, and forensics. The killing strike in this part of Virginia shook the entire country. The bullet came from outside the house shattering the window glass, landing directly into the head of the President’s sister. The police officers, homeland security and the FBI were present at the crime scene trying to gather as much information as they could.

    The nanny had been in the kitchen on the ground floor cleaning the dishes and Jane’s son, Max, had been playing in his room when the alarm was raised. Her husband Dave was attending a meeting at his office and planned to show up late, but as soon as he was given the news about Jane’s death by Claire, who had been crying severely and breathing erratically, Dave’s spine ran cold. Her words felt like a terrifying, dreadful nightmare breaking into his perfectly composed life.

    Within minutes, the unfortunate news had reached the President in the White House. The thundering news wiped him off his feet and inducing a sense of immediate danger menacing against him and his family. The surroundings had been turned into a dark perpetual vacuum filled with a dense mist of pain, leaving him thunderstruck. He staggered but rose on his feet with his wife supporting him. John called out an immediate departure to his sister’s place. He knew that he would be filled in with all the details of the attack by the police and the FBI. In the blink of an eye he was taken to the scene, supporting his brother in-law and his sisters’ son. He planned getting them to a more secure location with armed guards protecting them 24/7. He couldn’t risk bringing the other people of his family down. It was his duty to keep the citizens of America safe, but how were the citizens supposed to trust him with the responsibility of their lives if he couldn’t keep his own family out of danger.

    Chapter 3

    W hile the Police Forces were taking a check on the situation, the trusted, highly remarkable team of FBI was handling the circumstances by taking the matter into their hands and calling in their superiors Mr. Dan Wager and Ms. Lenore Davis, both considered to be among the best agents in the FBI.

    Dan was around 6'1", lean, strong, light golden hair. His blue eyes made him look trustworthy and decent, although his body language exuded dangerous skills that he gained after years of extensive training. His black federal suit seemed to jewel his body and stunning looks.

    Lenore was a beautiful lady, her brown mane tidied in a ponytail and her curvy figure turned heads. But the most interesting and highlighting part about her was the fact that she was a trained black belt martial artist and had an expertise in firing guns; better than half of the men in the agency.

    They both teamed up as per the orders from the Director of the bureau. They were delivered the information regarding the incident and the location of the crime scene. Realizing the importance of the case, they quickly made an exit to the location in Dan’s black SUV. They barely talked to each other while riding to their destination since they had been eagerly analyzing the case individually.

    Arriving at the crime scene, they were escorted by the police commissioner into the bedroom where the victim was found. The house was beautiful with its Greek façade and large area. The room of the victim was crowded with investigators and forensic teams. The position of the body and the bullet in the wall was outlined with chalk, photographs of the crime scene were being taken, and the forensics gathered fingerprints from every corner of the house. The marijuana cigarette had also been taken as evidence. There was a pool of blood on the floor and splashes on the opposite wall and the furniture.

    Finally they began to speak and discuss all the possibilities that might have happened.

    We have retrieved the bullet that passed through the victim’s skull from the wall. It was fired from an SVD sniper.

    That means the guy is a pro, exclaimed Dan.

    I’m afraid so, replied the officer.

    Any forced entries?

    No signs of a break in, sir. answered Han.

    What about Security cameras? Lenore popped.

    Negative. No one has been seen around the house.

    Anything reported stolen?


    The bullet came from that window there, said Han pointing to the shattered window beside the bed.

    Any theories regarding the motive? asked Lenore.

    She might have been involved in a dangerous drug racket, which would explain how she came into possessing marijuana. Dan took a while to think and added She was a journalist, getting caught in the middle of a scam or during a sting operation might have got her in a delicate position and got her killed. What do you guys think?

    Well, according to the statement given by the nanny, their lives were proceeding completely normal and it was a happy family. Also there hasn’t been a sight of any strange activity nearby, moreover the neighborhood here is peaceful and reserved, but considering your point of view our suspect’s circle short-lists to thousands of people running businesses, hospitals, institutions and stores selling drugs.

    Dan nodded, not clearly convinced. I believe that this incident has nothing to do with the President. No one is stupid enough to kill the President’s sister just to scare Uncle Sam.

    There has to be something in Jane’s past that followed her and took her life, said Lenore.

    Have you spoken to the victim’s husband? asked Dan expecting a good clue to begin with, which could help them have a good start on the case.

    He hasn’t been able to answer any of our questions due to his sensitive condition, he is in a terrible state but we expect him to recover soon.

    What else do you have? asked Lenore.

    The officer replied, Our team is currently working on it, we don’t know anything more, except that the killer could have been present on that building in the south that you can see from the window.

    The agents walked over to the window and looked out to the constructing skyscraper that was miles away. They saw the officers trying to stumble upon any kind of evidence in the backyard of the house.

    They turned back and headed for the exit but before leaving, Dan had a final word with the chief to fill them with any kind of lead that they came across.

    After leaving the place they were heading towards the car when Lenore asked, You have anything to share?

    Dan kept quiet for a moment as he wished to undergo more details and facts related to the case because he was a stern man with his profession. He couldn’t afford any kind of failure and that too with a case as big as that. It’s too early for me to give it a conclusive reply Lenore, tomorrow morning we’ll go to find the nest of our killer.

    Fine, I agree it’s better to call it night and begin with fresh minds tomorrow.

    Chapter 4

    T he area was an industrial place with small old manufacturing bodies enveloping the location, but the lightning fast rate at which the supreme nation was developing, the area was about to become a place that would see the never ending crowd of people. At the center stood a high rise structure which marked the beginning of change in

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