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Paid Vacation
Paid Vacation
Paid Vacation
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Paid Vacation

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This story revolves around a young detective by the name of Carl. It concentrates on those collaborating together onboard the ship involved in three separate conspiracies taking place at the same time onboard an ocean liner. Among those were a stockbrokers wife, the captain who shes been having a love affair with, along with the aid of the chief of security, who was also having a love affair with the same stockbrokers wife.

All of them were actively involved with certain crew members who were working in collusion with them on the scheme to blackmail the rich and influential male passengers onboard.

The real mystery becomes even more intriguing with someone moving around, sacredly murdering those among the crew and making their deaths look like suicides. Those who survived the mayhem were arrested. Was the one behind all the murders even found out?
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 26, 2017
Paid Vacation

Arthur Richter

Hello, I’m Arthur Richter, the author of The Carl Hildridge Journals. This the first of a trilogy that came to me when I was traveling the United States at sixteen, riding the rails down South. That’s right, I would listen to hobos telling their tall tales just to pass the time. I thought I would tell one of my own. Of course, leaving a lot more to tell for the others to follow. I hope you become as enthralled as I did when I wrote them. They do become pretty enthralling.

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    Book preview

    Paid Vacation - Arthur Richter

    Copyright © 2017 by Arthur Richter.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2017905701

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-5434-1538-4

                    Softcover       978-1-5434-1537-7

                    eBook            978-1-5434-1539-1

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 04/12/2017





    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8


    Chapter 1

    I always wanted to be a private detective so from early on in life I planed to accomplish my ambition My father was an police officer my two brothers were Military M.P.’s then joined the police force when they got out both making detectives. Meanwhile I went to college took up criminal science and went to the police academy. I then served one year in an police car and other year in vice and two more years in homicide and applied for my private detective licence.I worked part-time on my days off on low profile cases, missing persons, divorces, and a couple insurance companies cases investigating fraud.

    I made a lot of friends and got to know a lot of people in the right places during all this I managed to get to a second degree black belt in Kung fu I was more than capable of taking care of myself. I was also a very physical type person I loved participating in sports and. My life was pretty much wrapped up in making my ambition becoming an reality.

    My brother’s thought me to be to much individualist or as they say it a loner. I really didn’t socialize all that much, sure I’ve my flirtations but nothing ever came of them and it wasn’t as if I didn’t have a lot of offers.

    I wasn’t the most handsomest looking guy but I wasn’t average either I rank myself a 09 on a 1 through 10 scale. Being that I only stood just 6 feet tall which lowered my rating by half and the fact that I never was quit satisfied with my manly physic which cost me another half point I really wanted to be a 9 but I didn’t want to appear to be conceited, and I did date regularly just because the last thing I wanted was to get all involved in a relationship.

    At the age of 26 I was well on the way to having the life style I always wanted I had my on part-time business living in a upscale apartment, had myself a brand new mustang convertible all brought and paid for and money in my pocket and still very little time to spend it. I was on my way to living a prosperous life and I didn’t want to quit the police force I was really enjoying working homicide.

    I was siting with my assigned partner waiting for the prime suspect in a murder case involving his wife’s boyfriend. It was a classic case of jealousy over a women where the woman was the one who turned the boyfriend in because she was afraid that he would murder her as well. He was suppose to come pick her up to take her out the guy was a ex-bouncer he weigh a good 270 pounds and was over 6 feet tall it always had to be the muscles bond apes that were always the bad guys.

    He beat his girl friend admirer to death with a baseball bat in the parking lot behind the apartment building she lived in. All it took is one hit to kill the guy but he had to hit him ten times more to make sure there wasn’t left of his head. The guy threatened to do the same thing to the girl if she ever cheated on him again.

    My partner Alice Price was just assigned to me on a temporary bases she was being transferred to Vise, because she was one hot looking cop but she had a lot more than her looks going for her she was one well educated police officer I was proud to be sitting in the same car with her

    This might not be a peace of cake, if it get’s rough let’s just say he got away and run like hell I’m to good looking for this kind of work. I cockily commented to my partner (Alice) as we sat waiting for him to show.

    Yeah, right. You can forget about the looks if he hits you it might improve your looks some if you like I can give him a bat.

    Thanks for the compliment I was beginning to think you were liking me for my good looks.

    Hey, look She interrupted pointing to a car pulling up to the curb. I think that’s are guy I’ll take the side walk you take the street. She got out of the car making her approach on the car.

    I got out and approached him for the street side not pulling my gun until I got up close to his car. Alright put your hands up! I yelled out blocking him from coming out of the car door. Get out of the car you’re under arrest, don’t start the car or attempt anything stupid.! Just get out if the car.

    As he attempted to open the door and climb out he jerked the door open hoping to knock me down. Instead I kicked back at the door driving it back at him jamming him between the door and the car as I lounged forth again kicking him with both feet into the side of the door knocking the wind out of him

    He slid down between the door and the car onto the street. I rolled him over cuffing him before he got his wind back. You are under arrest for the murder of Paul Millers. I read him his rights as Alice came around the car to back me up.

    Nice work, your good but still ugly as hell.

    Thanks I love you too, come on help me get him up. We pulled him up onto his feet and walked him back towards are car. I was putting him into the back seat when Alice yelled. Look out Gun…! As she pulled hers.

    All I heard was two loud anchoring bangs then felt a burning tearing sensation in my right shoulder that recoiled me off the car down onto the street seeing the forehead of are prisoner being shattered by he in packed of another bullet.

    I heard Alice firing then running around to check on me she kneeled beside me covering me calling in to the dispatcher yelling in are location and that a officer was down.

    Are suspect was dead at the scene. I was taken to the hospital.

    The bullet was a 9 mm, dumb/dumb it blow my shoulder to hell as if I was hit by a bomb going off ripping up all the nerves and muscles along with shattering the shoulder bone and ball joint. In time my shoulder would heal but my arm wouldn’t be much good for anything at best I might regain 20 percent of the muscle strength back again in my right shoulder but the nerves would never be restored. My right arm would be 80 percent crippled for the rest of my life. A fork would be about the limit I would be able to pick up with it.

    * * * *

    I spent 6 months feeling sorry for myself not wanting to be close to anyone trying to prove the doctors wrong. I couldn’t do anything with my left hand I was solely dependent on my right hand for everything. Instead of helping myself I was creating more serious damage to my nerves and muscles to my right side. I just wouldn’t lessen. I couldn’t even hold up my revolver and pull the tiger and when I did fire it the recoil knocked the revolver out of my hand. I wasn’t going to settle for being a cripple. I had to have my arm put into a cast twice because I was damaging it so bad.

    My family was trying to help but I wasn’t listening to then even though they caught those involved with the shooting they were the brothers of the man beaten to death with the bat they were waiting for him like we where but I got to him first.

    My parents sued in my behalf and won me a 3 million dollar settlement. It appalled the victims family owned several large restaurant and the city put me out on there pension plan which was netting me a lot more than I was being paid plus full medical. I was set for the rest of my life but what good was it with me being a cripple, hell I couldn’t even lift up my arm straight before me it would get tried so quickly and collapse.

    I tried swimming hoping to build up my strength nothing was working it was failure after failure my depression wasn’t getting any better either.

    I tried to socialize the several women I dated made it appear that it didn’t matter or brother them that I couldn’t even unhook a bra, but it did. It took me out of the mood and ruined the rest of the evening. I couldn’t even hold my arms around their waist when we where dancing my arm would always tier and fall to hang limp at my side.

    My mother took me to a support group, that didn’t work. Cops never give any thought to becoming a cripple and when it happens it effects their lives more so than it did mine they would wind up getting divorced, becoming drunks or wind up behind bars for committing some criminal act. Wives, friends, families all to often fad away or are driven away.

    I decided to take a trip thinking maybe if I just got away things might change. A boat trip across the ocean to see Span, Italy, Pairs might do the trick thinking I would put my arm in a sling to avoid making excuses or having to explain why it just hanging limp at my side.

    My ship was going to leave on Saturday it was going to be gone for 4 weeks I didn’t need a big suite but my mother made the reservations for me.

    The next several days went by rather quickly and before I knew it, it was Saturday and there I was boarding the ship waving good-bye to my family.

    I was shown to my suite. It was accommodating nothing of what I was expecting it to be for what I was paying for it there was nothing all that spectacular about it. It had single bed, bathroom with a shower, a closet to hang my clothes, one easy chair and a small table with 2 chairs. It was mid-deck and had port-holes to look out onto the side deck.

    Out on board there where a lot of novelty shops, a couple of clothing stores, a barber shop, beauty shop along with 2 dining rooms. My mother was sure that every other stateroom in first class was already booked.

    The main dinning room that was for first class was two decks above me. It also had a lot of passengers on board having 6 decks with me being on the forth.

    It was dark when we finally got out at sea and I really wasn’t hungry so I decided to skip dinner I was walking the decks just to see what was on each deck.

    This courser was some ship all right, huge wasn’t enough to describe it I was getting my sea legs and stopped to look out over the ocean still being able to see the tiny lights of the city off in the distance when I was greeted by a young very gorgeous blonde who just happened to stumble into me.

    She used me to stable herself from falling towards the railing using my left arm I caught her around her waist as she caught me with both her hands around my waist pressing herself up against me.

    Excuse me I’m so very sorry. She hung onto me trying to stabilizing herself as the ship rocked and rolled. I don’t mean to be a burden but might you help me to get to my state room.

    I’ll try just as soon as the ship stops rocking the water is a bit choppy maybe we could help each other by make it away from the railing walking together.

    We walked sideways working are way away for the railing towards the open (hallway) door leading into a cocktail lounge making it to a table and sat down.

    I hope it’s not going to be this rough all the way to Pairs. My name is Carl Stone.

    I’m Cherry Wilson are you going to Pairs to?

    Yes, I need to get away for a while just to be by myself I never expected to run into someone as gorgeous as you. I take it you are traveling alone like I am?

    Well as a mater of fact I am, and thank you for the compliment I don’t often make such a bad impression on people right off. I really do know how to get back to my cabin from here I only took my shoes off because I was having a hard time walking with then on. I tried to pass you without bumping into you but didn’t make it. Excuse me…. Steward. She called out waving her hand getting his attention bringing him over to the table we were sitting at. Can you tell me how to get to suite C, from here.

    "This is mid ships lady. C deck is down one floor take the elevator down and keep walking in towards the belly of the ship you’ll find it.

    If you can’t there’s are call boxes all over the ship someone will come and escort you to you suite. No one get lost on this ship if you like I can call someone now for you?"

    Well I would like to freshen up. Yes, will you I would appreciate it.

    What about you sir?

    No, I still want to walk around some I’ll wait for the steward to come for the lady and walked around some more. That is if it is alright with you Miss. Wilson here?

    Yes, of course why wouldn’t it be? Tell me what part of the boat are you staying in?

    I’m on D level the one we’re one in cabin 103.

    Well I’m hoping to see a lot more of you.

    I’m sure you will I like to moved around a lot.

    What’s wrong with you arm?

    I rather not say right now.

    That’s alright I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable maybe we’ll get together later there’s my steward now it’s been nice meeting you’ve a nice walk. Oh.. stewards.. I’m the one you are here for. She rose approaching him. I need to get back to my suite it’s C 105.

    Yes, ma’am it’s my pleasure please to follow me it’s a bit far to walk from here.

    I rose up and continued my walk the water was rather choppy so I decided not to go back to my suite. People where dancing to a live band having a good time I went to the bar ordered myself a rum and coke sat sipping it at the bar.

    Why hello Mr. wonderful. A sinuously sexy voice came into my ears luring my eyes to look in the direction where it came from coming to ogle a gorgeous blue eyed blond sitting just two bar stools away from me.

    Mind if I join you?

    She rose up walking over to me feeling certain I wasn’t about to say no. As I sat latterly mesmerized by her stunning beauty.

    The women aboard the ship were not only elegant they were extravagantly ravishingly beautiful every where I looked I was over whelmed with voluptuous ravishing women and not very many young men were aboard most were older men with young beautiful women.

    I’m Mary she sat down next to me introducing herself. And you are ?"

    I’m Carl Stone. I extended her my left hand. Sorry my right hand is out of commission.

    So I’ve notice nothing serous I hope?

    I rather not get into that at the moment would you like a drink?

    I’m drinking champagne.

    Them champagne it is then, bartender champagne for the lady. This is my first curse I never realized what I’ve been missing out on until now.

    "This is my third voltage the glamor has gone out of it for me I’m the ships activity adviser I have the devious task of keeping everyone entertained for 8 weeks before I get time off for myself.

    Let my guess ex-military, or city employeee. You are to young to be a official. If I were to pick I would say cop, judging from your neck I would say vise, or detective. Patrol cops have a collar crease around their necks plane clothe don’t."

    You’re good and very observant I’m impressed.

    Thank you, so tell me why is a young attractive male such as yourself doing going on a boat trip alone.?

    How do you know I’m alone?

    The way you look at me for one. Someone with someone doesn’t give ogling looks like you do with another women near by. A look like the one’s you’re giving me lingers and usually carries over to encompass the whole woman one is looking at and it is very noticeable by her as well. You falter me my question us for what purpose if not to have me noticing you admiring me.?

    You sound like an philosopher?

    Philosophy places prospective into the way one analogizes how they rationalize characterization and circumstances where I’ve learn to simply deal with them. A young man ogles a attractive woman mostly for selfish reasons. Looking at her as a symbols for all that he admires most it does take precedence over her other qualities however for that which he admires mostly that becomes sexual attraction. I must admit we women do dress to get that sort of attention we do exploit what attracts men the most especially young handsome and unattached one’s like yourself.

    So why does such a attractive woman choice to secludes herself from exposing that beauty to the world by hiding it aboard a ship?

    "I see that you’re very observant yourself, but let me assure I’m not secluding myself in fact I’m doing just the opposite. Look around you look

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