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Joys of Being Yourself: Meet Your Authentic Self
Joys of Being Yourself: Meet Your Authentic Self
Joys of Being Yourself: Meet Your Authentic Self
Ebook114 pages1 hour

Joys of Being Yourself: Meet Your Authentic Self

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While training the teachers in pre-service as well as in-service training, the author found it involves training the minds and molding attitudes. After extensive research, it was found that divine wisdom can be acquired by getting rid of our false self. When we try to explore our mind, we go through many weird experiences. Here a person has many questions in mind. This book will help the reader to understand (1) different ways of life, (2) role of thought and perception, (3) nature of human psyche, (4) how to get rid of false self, and (5) how to be real and enjoy a blissful life. It will highlight the real joy of being yourself, accepting the fact that self is the most neglected side of modern life. This book will serve as a self-help guide to those who aspire to meet their authentic self.
Release dateApr 15, 2016
Joys of Being Yourself: Meet Your Authentic Self

Yogita Joshi

As lecturer and master resource person, the author was dealing with pre-service and in-service teacher training. Having coauthored three books and attended many national and international trainings, she found that the key to divine wisdom is self-realization. This is possible by being real. Being yourself is the key.

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    Joys of Being Yourself - Yogita Joshi

    Copyright © 2016 by Yogita Joshi.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-4828-7324-5

                    eBook           978-1-4828-7323-8

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.



    Ways of Life


    Role of Thought and Perception


    When Does False-Self Disappear?


    The Mechanism and Levels of Self Realization


    Nature of 'Psyche'


    Stages of Awakening


    Be Receptive To Divine


    The End Is a New Beginning




    Love Yourself Unconditionally


    Unconditional Love -- The Ultimate Way of Life


    Five Steps to Begin With


    Remember, Everything And Everyone is Perfect


    Life Is Beautiful-Enjoy Every Moment


    Majestic Exuberance: Tips In Brief


    Human beings cannot grow in isolation. We all are students in the school of earth. We live and we learn. We learn and we live better.

    This work has emerged out of my cherished memories of my quest. I was a judgmental and critical person seven years ago. In extreme pain and stress, I was searching solace here and there.

    Then, I came across a beautiful lesson on 'Law of attraction' from my best friend Ms. Seema Sharma. It took me to various CD's and books on this topic. I entered the soothing world of joy, peace and love.

    Another beautiful soul with the name Ms. Ashima Aggrawal opened gates of blooming garden of meditation. I experienced beautiful meditations. Eventually, my 'ego- self' started disappearing. I met real me. It turned me into avid reader.

    This journey took me to splendid people, books and places. I was learning new skills. I was meeting new people. Criticism and judgment become a thing of past. Dr. D.R. Vij and Amit Kumar Singh, my mentors, blessed me with their unconditional love and support. They showered gems of their divine wisdom which enriched life. Mr. Rajeev Mohun guided on this divine path. Mr. Raghvir Mann inspired like an angel. I am grateful to Analyst Vishal Sood and Tarun Aryan for teaching me life skills. Every day, I was becoming truer, prettier, and calmer. I bow down to these beautiful souls.

    I feel a deep sense of gratitude to all my family members for their love and warmth. I am thankful to my adorable husband Dr. (Prof.) Varinder Singh for his unconditional support. I am grateful for the divine love of my children Alankrita and Bhavya Pratap.

    My parents Mr. Daljeet Singh Joshi and Ms. Usha Joshi ignited my spirits. My father in law Mr. Satnam Singh and mother in law Ms. Kamlesh Kumari were the facilitators. My best friends, Vandana Dubey, Shelly, Sudeep Koroth, Surinder, Vandana Sharma and my fellows at my work place are motivation.

    I thank my brothers Mr. Gurpreet Joshi for sharing his books and wisdom with me. My youngest brother Mr. Sarabjeet Joshi taught me calmness and silence. My sister in laws Ms. Dolly Joshi, Ms. Babita Kaushal and my brother in law Mr. Sukhwinder Pal Sonak sprinkled mystic dust of delight and ecstacy in my life. I am grateful to my sister Sanyogita Joshi and her family to play their roles perfectly in this earthly incarnation.

    I bow down at the feet of my each and every teacher who have taught me how to live an euphoric life. I am grateful to all those unconditional relationships of my life who met me across the path of this quest. I thank God for all the love that I got from my each and every student. The gaiety and buoyancy of life is a divine bliss.

    Yogita Joshi


    Life is eternal. Human beings are immortal in the form of souls. We are indestructible souls having a mortal body. We all are born, made to learn some lessons and return our divine abode to come again and keep on learning. We, the souls are ageless, timeless, ceaseless and undying.

    The mortal bodies of human beings are the store house of abundant esoteric powers. We are mystic beings. Our life on earth is not an aimless accident. We are arcane. We are bestowed with splendid powers within. We get a natural body for our supernatural being. This paradoxical union makes us unique. It makes us metaphysical.

    During our incarnation on earth, we meet people as per a specific divine design based on 'laws of karma'. We are passed through favorable and unfavorable experiences to help us realize our authentic self. During this learning process, we love as well as hate; we laugh as well as cry. We all get attached. We all expect a lot. We all feel hurt and sadness. We all rejoice basking the in sun of love and ecstasy.

    At some point of life, each one of us feel so tired, sad and bruised that 'thanatos', the 'death force' grabs us. Any accident or hurt leave us perplexed. And we are astonished at our existence. This may prove a turning point if we turn within. and this can be the beginning of a series of agonies if we don't.

    While exploring the reasons of natural sadness, I came across a number of astonishing facts. During my quest, I came to know variety of factors affecting human life. This book is in fact a diary of my observations while exploring 'myself'. The aim is just to facilitate the people on a similar journey so that together we can raise our consciousness.

    In fact, we are one. We all are creation within one mind. We live one life. And it is equally true that our afflictions are the same. We all cry when hated and rejected. We all are zealous when loved and accepted. This book is a trivial effort to get connected to you to uplift our spirits together. I hope this endeavor proves worthwhile to you readers. Love you all.

    Yogita Joshi


    Ways of Life

    Human life is a beautiful saga full of emotions. This tale has a perfect blend of ecstatic and deplorable moments. Every experience is significant. Nothing is superfluous in human life as human life is esoteric. It is divine. The mystic life on earth is the most beautiful event in the universe. The alluring life of human beings is the most mysterious thing happening on earth. At some point of life, each one of us is amused by this enigma. This attraction drags us on the path of Self quest. We feel curious to explore the hidden truth. This proves to be the most significant and beautiful search. It leads us home. The divine abode where there is no pain and suffering. Is it possible?

    Just imagine a man who is the happiest. A woman who never

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