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When Humpty Shattered and the Hope Among the Pieces: Serving God in Spite of Domestic Violence
When Humpty Shattered and the Hope Among the Pieces: Serving God in Spite of Domestic Violence
When Humpty Shattered and the Hope Among the Pieces: Serving God in Spite of Domestic Violence
Ebook64 pages1 hour

When Humpty Shattered and the Hope Among the Pieces: Serving God in Spite of Domestic Violence

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About this ebook

Domestic violence strips a person of their self-worth and leaves emotional disability in its wake. When Humpty Shattered and the Hope Among the Pieces is a retrospect perspective about walking out of domestic violence, hiding from God, and the trek back through the emotions that were left behind. The story is based on ones view from life in the belly of the whale as the emotional sledge continued to beat me down. The hope at the end is that God never let go but forged a new life from the shattered pieces.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJun 9, 2017
When Humpty Shattered and the Hope Among the Pieces: Serving God in Spite of Domestic Violence

C. D. Cubb

I wrote this book as a way to help others after competing my Masters of Psychology. My qualification comes from personal experience and an emotional Masters program. It was during my schooling for my Doctorate degree that I decided the time had come to share my perspective so that maybe I would help others. I live in Indiana. I love to read, crochet and spoil my grandbabies.

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    When Humpty Shattered and the Hope Among the Pieces - C. D. Cubb

    Copyright © 2017 C. D. Cubb.

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    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version. NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-8989-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-8990-4 (e)

    WestBow Press rev. date: 06/08/2017


    When Humpty Shattered

    My Life as Jonah began…..

    Why I Believe I am Joan…

    The Past

    Why Jonah?


    Jonah’s Call

    Jonah (Joan) Ran

    Belly of Whale (Provided by God)

    The Sludge Inside the Whale

    The Sludge

    Life after the Belly

    The Future with God

    The Steps of Life

    Our Hope

    About the Author

    When Humpty Shattered

    T here comes a time in every life that we find ourselves teetering on the wall ready to fall off and shatter, just as Humpty did in his great fall. For me my great fall came when my divorce and 2 year try of keeping a relationship not meant to be, finally ended. This revelation came painfully, when I woke up one morning and could not understand how I got emotionally to the point of what I believed was no return.

    But there was a returning point. The point of return is not the person you are before you shatter; but it is about God, or as I have come to see him as Daddy. Daddy to me is the one person who can make things better. But better does not always mean the same.

    Let me start by saying I do not consider myself an expert. I am just a woman who has made good choices, bad choices, and many times let others make choices for her. I confused the term honor with obedience. The safest way always was the road most travelled and what appeared to be normal. But let me tell you this road was not Daddy’s road. God never would have desired for one of his children to become emotionally shattered. But Daddy did show me how He planned to put me back together.

    The road, as I have looked back, is full of new pavement that God has laid down to cover the broken promises, the forgotten dreams, and those mistakes we cannot do over. But that does not mean I have ever forgotten. One of our enemy’s greatest tools is to use all those memories to distort what reality can be. Oh, who is our enemy? Well Satan is of course. But Satan can and will use people and events (usually without them understanding that fact) against you. Satan gives us Humpty children the shove that gives us our great fall.

    Today, as I look over the wall, Daddy gives me a glimpse of the shattered pieces lying all over the ground. These pieces are parts of my life from childhood to even today. These pieces are overwhelming to see because they represent the decisions of my life. These pieces represent the harsh moments of life, the moments of joy, and the long years of moments when all I wanted to do was hide.

    The question, as I look at those pieces, is what was I truly hiding from. I admit until recently I am not sure I had an answer for that question. Today, the answer is simple. I was hiding from God (Daddy). I was lying in a pool of emotions, crying for someone to hear me which was not so much unlike the Jews of long ago. I could not see God already heard me. God already saved me. Daddy sent me Jesus many years earlier to walk with me, guide me, and even hold me when all else failed. The problems was, I just didn’t get it.

    My journey starts with the scripture; Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me (The NIV Study Bible: New International Version, 1984). Problem? The heart believed, the heart desired; but little by little words, actions, and life chipped away that caused me to stop believing I could do anything and be anyone; as long as I understood I was a child of God. But I get a head of myself…..let’s take

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