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No Sweat No Sweet for the Apostles
No Sweat No Sweet for the Apostles
No Sweat No Sweet for the Apostles
Ebook149 pages1 hour

No Sweat No Sweet for the Apostles

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About this ebook

Unity is power. With this slogan, I beg to intrude in the minds of all father apostles near, far, and across the world with a plea, to consider uniting the apostlehood for Gods sake.

This is not meant to disrespect any of them, but its a humble plea based on Ephesians 4:37, 1 Corinthians 1:1117, and the difficulty most brothers and sisters who go about preaching gospel have in answering the frequently asked question Which ones of you then are the true apostles? If one has never met that question, he or she has not been to it.

Religion is too broad for anyone to understand, but streamlined down to only God, it is very simple. The worst complication starts with the many different church names and their cultures. If you find it confusing, turn to God. He has all the answers.

With Gods guidance, this cannot be a problem because it is not going to affect the congregations ledno swapping, demotion or promotion, but for the apostlehood to be clean, true, and devoted the way Jesus Christ illustrated it. This does not cost a thing. Most world eventslike sports, for exampleare united by rules, loving, knowing, and valuing one anothers existence. Worse with this, there may be no need for an office as Gods office is enough. Its as simple as all that.
Release dateAug 22, 2016
No Sweat No Sweet for the Apostles

Sister Tamarah N P Ngqobe

A heavenly degree. When I compared the degree I got from university, I realized it is nothing compared to the heavenly degree I got from my sufferings. That was when I started thanking God for letting me graduate in a heavenly way. I am not claiming to be perfect or holy, but I am really clear about his ways and trying to do the best to please him by any means. At difficult times, I give thanks because suffering steers one’s thoughts to God. Even though I still have nothing tangible, I have every reason to praise him because his love and care are clearly visible to me. Throughout, there is not a single day I ever slept on an empty stomach or in the streets. He fed and clothed me. Even though he created and put me on this earth, I am not of it because whenever I try to come close to it, it spits me out. Since I have no share in it, I beg to focus on God by all means. Why I am sharing this with you? I just want to encourage you if you are experiencing any difficulties. Thank God, for they may be an indirect response to one of your prayers you have forgotten. Your parents perhaps prayed for something, but God—because he is God—decided to respond that way. He as a parent knows what is suitable for his children.

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    Book preview

    No Sweat No Sweet for the Apostles - Sister Tamarah N P Ngqobe

    Copyright © 2016 by Sister Tamarah N P Ngqobe.

    ISBN:   Softcover       978-1-4828-7566-9

                  eBook           978-1-4828-7565-2

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    ACT 1

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    Scene 4

    Scene 5

    ACT 2

    Scene 1

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    Scene 4

    Scene 5

    ACT 3

    Scene 1

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    Scene 3

    Scene 4

    Scene 5

    ACT 4

    Scene 1

    After a year Scene 2

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    Scene 4

    Scene 5

    ACT 5

    Scene 1

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    Scene 9

    About the Author


    ‘Unity is Power’ with this slogan I beg to intrude in the minds of all father Apostles, near, far and across the world, with a plea, to consider uniting the apostlehood for God’s sake.

    This is not meant to disrespect any of them, but a humble plea based on Ephesisans 4:v 3- 7, 1 Corentheans 1:v 11- 17 and the difficulty most brothers and sisters who go about preaching gospel have in answering the frequently asked question, which ones of you then are the true Apostles. If one has never met that question, he or she has not been to it.

    With God’s guidance, this cannot be a problem because it is not going to affect the congregations led, no swaping, demotion or promotion, but for the apostlehood to be clean, true and devoted the way Jesus Christ illustrated it. This does not cost a thing. Most world events like sport for example are united by rules; loving, knowing and valuing each other’s existence. Worse with this, there may be no need for an office as God’s office is enough. As simple as all that.

    There may be many ways of worshiping, but towards the heavenly gates, they all taper to one road almost the way the funnel is shaped. By the same token, there may be many heavens, but the uppermost is for the few chosen ones. Hell is no child’s play, they say it is not nice there. Avoid it if you can afford. Seek the kingdom of God while you still live.

    Some people were chosen while they were still in their mother’s womb, but but most unfortunately conditions under which they grew were not favourable. They ended up lost sheep out there wherever they are, wondering who they are, having revelations they fail to understand, rejected in most systems, wishing to be somewhere they do not know and having lost hope in everything -up until Jesus Christ intrudes in their lives through the sent ones.

    How can you tell a person is being sent. All what he/she is saying impacts directly on your wonders, miraculously it becomes clear, simple and interesting. Even if you ignore it, it keeps on coming on its own, nags and you wish you can hear more of it. It ends up answering most of your long standing questions, while it sounds odd and stupid to others, to you it is as if you have discovered your long lost valuable thing.

    Once more, for the sake of the lost sheep, apostles unite in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ hallelujah - amen.


    ACT 1

    Scene 1

    At Sukile’s place, its supper time – enters Pman)

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