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Understanding Problems and the Seven Universal and Powerful Keys That Unlock Them
Understanding Problems and the Seven Universal and Powerful Keys That Unlock Them
Understanding Problems and the Seven Universal and Powerful Keys That Unlock Them
Ebook225 pages2 hours

Understanding Problems and the Seven Universal and Powerful Keys That Unlock Them

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Every person born into the world is faced with problems, yet few have the skills to deal with them effectively. For many Christians, the victory we are assured of in Christ has not yet become real; financial lack, conflicts in the home, frustrations in the workplace, anxiety, depression, ill-health and a host of other problems keep them oppressed and held back. Over time, these problems erode the joy that is the Christians birthright and prevent faith from maturing and bearing fruit.
Rev. Seth Amu has a unique understanding and ability to communicate aspects of the spiritual realm and of Gods Word. His seven master keys give us practical tools with which to deal with problems at their root. His style is lively and entertaining, yet his insights are profound, enabling us to discover old truths afresh.
The book is written from a Christian perspective but makes the point that if the techniques are based on the Truth, they will work for everyone. A thorough grasp of the principles contained in this book will help any reader to solve lifes problems, and to begin to live a life that is more joyful, relaxed and fruitful.
Release dateFeb 16, 2017
Understanding Problems and the Seven Universal and Powerful Keys That Unlock Them

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    Understanding Problems and the Seven Universal and Powerful Keys That Unlock Them - Partridge Publishing Africa

    Copyright © 2017 by Rev. Seth Kyei Amu.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. 

    Scripture quotations marked GNT are taken from the Good News Translation — Second Edition. Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.














    I WOULD LIKE to thank Almighty God for the abilities, passion and knowledge that He placed in me, and the specific revelation that he gave me with regard to the contents of this book. I thank Nozuko Jayiya for typing the manuscript, and I thank Patience Amu for investing in me, and in the book.


    I DEDICATE THIS book to Almighty God and to my parents, Mr and Mrs Amu. I also dedicate it to my lovely wife, Patience Amu, and to all my brothers and sisters; Jacob in Ghana, Joseph, Dorothy and Esther in Britain, and Lucy in North America. Lastly, I dedicate the book to all members of Love Community Chapel worldwide, Global Akatakyie; and to you, the reader.


    T HIS IS A practical, problem-solving book aimed at helping the reader to understand what problems are and how to solve them, using seven universal and powerful spiritual principles, or keys. These keys have the power to turn the reader’s life around. When understood and applied, they may lift a person from poverty to prosperity, from failure to success, from defeat to victory, sickness to health, barrenness to fruitfulness and unhappy marriages to blessed and delightful ones. The principles, when lived and applied, may set anyone free to live a better, more productive and happier life, devoid of depression, disappointment, discouragement, stress and worry.

    The principles contained in this book are based on the Word of God, but the fascinating thing is that they work no matter who you are or what you believe. Jesus said, Man shall not live on bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Man here refers to all human beings, and not just Christians. The Word of God is very powerful. He created the heavens and the earth and everything in them simply by His Word. We need the Word of God to survive in this world.

    Jesus also said, in Mark 11: 23–24, ‘I assure you that whoever tells this mountain to get up and throw itself into the sea and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. For this reason, I tell you when you pray and ask for something, believe that you have received it and you will be given whatever you asked for.’ Again, ‘Whoever’ here refers to all people, and not just Christians.

    The principles in this book are universal and they work for everyone, no matter where a person stands in regard to faith. They are spiritual truths, just like physical truths – instituted by God and therefore infallible. They cannot be contradicted; they can, however, be misunderstood, half-applied, ignored or rejected.

    Learn these principles and apply them to solve problems and enjoy a fulfilled and satisfying life, free of worry and anxiety. Jesus said, ‘I came so that you might have life, and have it in abundance’ (John 10:10). So many people are held back and cannot reach their full potential because they never fully grasp these principles, or are afraid to apply them. Some are very conscious of their own sin, believing that God will not hear their prayers because their sins are blocking the communication channel between them and God. To sin means to miss the mark. For a Christian who has sincerely and with a repentant heart accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into their life as personal savior, to miss the mark does not mean to lose Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. These are permanently dwelling in the child of God.

    You, child of God, are righteous not because of your good works but by the righteousness of Christ who lives in you and makes you righteous. When God looks at you, He sees Jesus Christ in you, and because He is righteous, you too are righteous.

    Strive to live a life free of sin; this is our obligation. But if you do sin, do not worry excessively about it, because your sin is the very reason Christ died. He came to take away the sting of sin and death, to remove their power from your life. Do not put the idea in your mind that you sinned in the past and therefore cannot go to God. Confess it, put it behind you and move forward in life. Some people cannot forgive themselves when God has already forgiven them. We can be our own worst enemies in this regard.

    If demons can use the principles – and they do – why can’t you? Do not let a lingering and unexamined sense of guilt grip you to the extent that you do not feel like praying or praising God. Do not allow the devil to remind you endlessly about your failures and sins, when Jesus has already paid the price for these. No Christian should pursue sin, or be casual about sinning; we should, however, have the sense to agree with God when He says, Your sins are forgiven.

    Once you accept that your sins are forgiven, move on, looking forward and upward. Then you will be in a position to discover the amazing, life-giving power of living according to God’s universal spiritual principles. No one is perfect, but the principles work for the author of this book and, no matter what state you are in, they will work for you.


    E VERYBODY IN THIS world has problems, from the newborn child to the president of the nation. The president faces economic, financial, political, and social problems. The newborn baby faces the shock of being born into this world. In its mother’s womb, it lives in perfect comfort and peace, with nothing to worry about. When it enters the world, it feels cold, hot, wet or insecure, and that is why it cries. Its cries show that it is already experiencing problems.

    Accountants, billionaires, engineers, lawyers, pastors, prophets, pupils, students, teachers, Christians and non-Christians, educated and illiterate, young and old, males and females all encounter problems. Even Jesus Christ had problems on this earth. At one time he said, ‘Father, take this cup (problem) away from me.’ However, He knew how to deal with problems, so He said, ‘Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.’

    Problems, in fact, are the very stuff that life is made of. To be born, to be alive on earth, is to know problems. So do not be surprised or disheartened that you have your share of them. Why should you not? You were born, so problems are a given.

    However, God has given us everything we need to conquer, overcome and solve our problems. He has provided us with the solutions to all problems. All problems, be it the need for children, health, a home, a husband, long life, money, success in some endeavor, victory over addiction, peace in relationships, or a just general sense of well- being. If only you have the time, the understanding and the heart to read this book and follow the principles in it, you will be able to solve all your problems. You will be able to live the life that God intended, free of the burdens and oppression that so often weigh people down and deprive them of their joy.

    Unattended and unresolved problems can lead to further problems that are even more serious than the original ones. Many of the relationship and social vices we see around us stem from unresolved personal problems. When we do not solve our problems, they can lead to deep-seated anger, hopelessness, alcoholism, murders, theft and suicide. People deteriorate into a life of crime; they hijack cars, rob homes, abuse children and cause misery to others wherever they go. The divorce rate is so high today because people do not know why they have problems, or how to resolve them.

    Problems are the reason why this book was written. From time to time someone receives a particular revelation or insight about an issue. The need to share it becomes a burning need; such was the case here. God in His infinite wisdom has given me insight into this area, and this book is therefore His message to you, mediated through me.



    L ET US START by finding out the meaning of problems from the Oxford Dictionary. A problem is:

    • a doubtful or difficult matter requiring a solution

    • something hard to understand, accomplish or deal with.

    If problems are things that are hard to understand then we may call them puzzles. A puzzle is a brain-teaser, jigsaw or riddle that needs to be discovered, figured out, resolved, sorted out, thought through, unlocked or worked out.

    Let us unlock the puzzle of the very word, ‘problems’:

    PRO- a prefix standing for before.

    BLE is the first syllable of blessings.

    M stands for miracles.

    S stands for solution.

    Now let us form a nice sentence of these ideas: problems come before blessings, miracles and their solutions. God is a loving Father and before you even pray, He has already provided the answer. Solution is just another word for answer. Let us make an acronym of these vital concepts of Miracles, Blessings and Answer: MBA.

    This means that every problem has its own MBA. MBA is in effect contained in the problem. Every problem you encounter comes with its own MBA. The problem is only a container that carries the miracle, blessing and answer. It is just an outer covering that protects its contents.

    God is so wonderful. Just as an eggshell covers and protects the albumin and yoke of the egg, so do problems cover and protect the blessings, miracles and answers contained in them. When you want to eat an egg, it is not the eggshell you focus on; it is the riches inside. In the same way when you have a problem, you do not want or need to focus on it, but on the MBA contained inside.

    Let us take our metaphor of an egg a little further. To enjoy the contents of an egg, we may boil it. Heat prepares the contents of the egg for us, making it digestible, pleasant and useable. In the same way, we can apply ‘heat’ to our problems, so that the MBA contained inside may be released and ready for our personal use. The heat we apply is composed of:

    Faith, Belief, Speaking the word, Giving, Praising God, Fasting and Perseverance.

    These are the seven universal master keys that unlock the doors to all problems. This book will show you how to use those keys. Remember that an egg may, in addition to being boiled, be fried. We can crack open the shell to release the contents instantly, and then cook it. In the same way, you can use some of the master keys to break open the problem instantly, and others to slowly prepare the MBA. When it is well-cooked, you will have it.

    Problems are an outer covering, with MBA hidden inside. In effect we may see our problems as miracles, blessings and answers in disguise. They are well-covered, for sure; but there are riches contained within them, and our task is to see this as the truth it is, to believe it and act on it.

    I am sure you can now answer this question; why does everybody have problems? We have problems because God has miraculously answered and blessed us all. One may go so far as to say that the problem of poverty contains prosperity. God has miraculously put prosperity inside the poverty problem, has already blessed and answered your cry that you are poor. Likewise, the problem of failure contains success; anger contains patience; barrenness contains fruitfulness and darkness merely envelopes light. Death brings out eternal life and defeat has victory buried in it. Depression, stress and worry contain peace of mind. Marital strife contains the seeds of good marriage, while hatred hides and contains love. Sadness contains joy, sickness contains health and unemployment contains employment. Lack of anything holds within it abundance of everything. God has miraculously hidden abundance of everything in lack of anything, and has already answered and blessed your prayer of lack, mediocrity and need.

    We see this even in nature. God has hidden seeds in husks, nuts in shells and gold in stones. We must work to extract the seed, nuts or gold. The outer shell protects and disguises what is contained inside. Miners have to dig down deep in the ground before they can get the stones, and then work further to extract the gold. You are blessed; you do not have to go searching for the problems, but God deposits them right in front of

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