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A Journey with Purpose: A Guide to Starting and Succeeding as an Entrepreneur
A Journey with Purpose: A Guide to Starting and Succeeding as an Entrepreneur
A Journey with Purpose: A Guide to Starting and Succeeding as an Entrepreneur
Ebook56 pages54 minutes

A Journey with Purpose: A Guide to Starting and Succeeding as an Entrepreneur

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About this ebook

A Journey with Purpose

This is a guide when youre unsure of where and how to start your journey to success. A Journey with Purpose is intended to provide direction and value to hardworking, driven people. This book is for anyone who may feel they have more to contribute to the world but lack direction on where and how to start and have limiting beliefs or setbacks that are keeping them from reaching their true potential. This book provides simple and easy-to-accomplish tips and ideas that will guide anyone in identifying and pursuing their true purpose.

The values this book will provide in your life are the following:

Clear tips that show you how to identify your purpose in life
Ideas to guide you when youre faced with challenges experienced by
many people and starting something new
Keys to facing failure, obstacles, and inaccurate beliefs shared by others
on the journey to success
Strategies that can be used now to change yourself to be
more successful tomorrow
New sense of direction, understanding of yourself, and meaning in your life
Ability to find what your contribution to making the world a better place is
Clear understanding of where to start and how to keep the ball
rolling once you have
Release dateJun 19, 2017
A Journey with Purpose: A Guide to Starting and Succeeding as an Entrepreneur

Leland Jones

Author, Leland Glenn Jones is an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, philanthropist, leadership instructor, owner of Multi-Motivation, and the CEO and Founder of T-Quotes, LLC. Jones founded his company, T-Quotes, LLC in 2016 with his trusted team of four friends that make up the executives of the company. In line with the founders’ philosophy of philanthropy, T-Quotes, LLC donates ten percent of all proceeds to various non-profit organizations and is an official corporate sponsor of the largest student run philanthropy in the United States, THON, based in Pennsylvania. Jones has experienced the entirety of his young life as part of a military family residing in eight different states and most recently in Singapore. He has travelled extensively throughout the Pacific Region, Southeast Asia and North America sharing his messages of motivation at leadership conferences, schools, and with other organizations. Jones is very proud to be a second generation Eagle Scout and has plans to start a scholarship for Eagle Scouts that are pursuing entrepreneurship.

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    A Journey with Purpose - Leland Jones

    Copyright © 2017 by Leland Jones.

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-5437-4091-2

          Softcover      978-1-5437-4092-9

          eBook         978-1-5437-4090-5

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.



    Chapter 1: What Do You Look Like and What Can You Do to Move Forward

    Chapter 2: Where do you Start?

    Chapter 3: Maintaining Momentum with Purpose

    Chapter 4: What Happens if You Fail?

    Chapter 5: Mistakes to Look Out For

    Chapter 6: Make It and Give It

    Chapter 7: What Now and Next Steps

    Dedicated to:

    God for the blessings that have gotten me to where I am and allow me to give back to the world today and forever.

    My parents Morgan & Tina Jones that have provided me with outstanding opportunities, endless love, encouragement, mentorship and honest feedback throughout my life.

    My closest mentors Thue Christiansen and Glen Kitzman that have coached me and guided me endless hours through many ups and downs.


    Y ou may have a list of the symptoms I am about to name. These symptoms may consist of: not knowing how to find a field of interest for you; how to make money off of it. You may be feeling like you cannot maintain momentum with an idea; feeling like you are meant for greater things, but have no idea what to do. You could be a person who is tired of feeling average and just wants something great that you enjoy doing. Maybe you want to be an entrepreneur, but are intimidated by making the first big step in becoming that entrepreneur. It is even possible that you do not want to make that first step because of haters, or you feel you do not have the right education, or you do not have the money to start your company, or worst of all because you are afraid of the outcome. (Note: Haters are typically those jealous of your potential success and lack motivation to succeed on their own. This is the context I will refer to throughout the text.)

    If you suffer from any of these symptoms, then this book is the perfect book for you. You will explore secrets, tips, and tricks that will help you overcome these symptoms. You can also expect personal stories and the best advice I used to overcome these obstacles in my own journey of starting a successful company at 17 years of age. You can do exactly the same thing. If you are a new entrepreneur and beginning to learn things, then this book is perfect for you. You are likely facing these obstacles right now – just like I did not so long ago. If you are not experiencing these obstacles now, then you can enjoy this book because it will prepare you for the inevitable times ahead!

    Entrepreneurship is not for everyone, but it most definitely could be. Judging by the stories I heard of an eleven-year-old girl who made tens of thousands of dollars from her book about sleepovers, to the big leaguers like Bill Gates from Microsoft and Steve Jobs with Apple, all entrepreneurs face difficulties, are limited by their own beliefs, and pain of failure. I am going to debunk all of those concerns in this book. I will not only provide you with insights into these struggles, but will enable you with advice and tools you can use today that will start getting you the results you so eagerly want.

    This book will provide a glimpse into my journey as an entrepreneur and the struggles I faced just like fellow entrepreneurs and how we overcame them, and the advice I can confidently give to you so you too can be successful when encountering the challenges that you will face. My success is a result of a series of reiterative questions that measures a person’s quality of life measured against their personal and spiritual relationships, physical health, and finances.

    Without further ado, let’s get into it!


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