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The Cfr
The Cfr
The Cfr
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The Cfr

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The CFR are here! Lock all doors! Close all windows!

The CFR, a group of four mysterious brothers, are on a missiona mission they began several years ago. This mission means the world to them, but they each have problems concerning their personal lives that hinder them as a team from making progress.

Raymond, the oldest, has to pretend in front of Chris, his four-year-old son, that he and Chriss mom are a happy couple. Allen, the second oldest, committed the biggest mistake ever when he raped his childhood sweetheart without even knowing it. Ethan, the third born, is somewhat a Casanova, and because of this, he and Raymond hardly get along. Lastly, Jeremy, in his final year of high school, maintains a gloomy and reserved demeanor over past issues.

But above all, they have a bond that cannot be broken and a goal to achieve. But how does Allen cope with himself after his grave mistake? Will he ever be forgiven? Until when will Raymond stop the pretense? Will Ethan change his disturbing behavior? Does Jeremy get over whatever that is bothering him?

And what does CFR even mean?
Release dateSep 12, 2016
The Cfr

Maya Sarfh

Maya was raised in London, England, where she attended St. Bede’s Catholic Primary School, Canon Avenue, until she moved to Ghana with her mother and siblings. Maya showed interest in writing at the age of seven, and she later discovered that it was her talent. She enjoys reading, writing songs, playing the piano, and watching TV shows. Maya is eighteen years old and aspires to be a psychotherapist and a renowned author.

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    Book preview

    The Cfr - Maya Sarfh

    Copyright © 2016 by Maya Sarfh.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-4828-7615-4

          eBook         978-1-4828-7616-1

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.












    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14

    CHAPTER 15

    CHAPTER 16

    CHAPTER 17

    CHAPTER 18

    CHAPTER 19

    CHAPTER 20

    CHAPTER 21


    Ama Boatema who has been the best mother ever and my greatest source of encouragement. My siblings; Kobby AJ, Ayas and Naserwa (Cambio), you’ve been of great support. Nana Busia who has been more than a father, Aunt Mary Boakye for being the best aunt ever, Nana Kay (Chip), for having my back at all times, Felicia Attor for always believing in me, Maame Adwoa Brembah for being a wonderful friend and helper, Angel Moore, April Ross, Emily Lauren, Philip John and the rest of the Partridge Publishing Africa team for the massive support. I’m grateful.


    S he finally picked up her phone after it rang continuously for the seventh time.

    I can explain. Craig immediately said as he noticed she had miraculously answered the phone.

    Explain what? There’s nothing to explain Craig. I saw you both with my own eyes. Or what? You’re trying to say that I can’t see now? She paced her enormous room in her pink cotton pajamas.

    It’s not that it’s-

    The fact that I didn’t want to go to bed with you? Is that it?

    Luci Anne… He searched his mind to find the right words.

    That you decided to pay me back with my very own best friend? Huh?


    Just shut up Craig. I already told you; It’s over. We’re done for. I don’t wanna see both your faces again. Hey you know what? You guys actually make a perfect couple. Good luck with her. Trust me, you’ll need it. Luci Anne hung up and put Craig on the reject list on her phone to prevent him from reaching her.

    She laid in the comfort of her four-poster bed with a beautiful patchwork quilt she used as a comfy blanket. Later on, she started sobbing. She just couldn’t believe her best friend could go behind her back and sleep with her boyfriend whom she had been together with for four months. She felt terribly hurt and betrayed so the only thing she could do that moment was to cry herself to sleep.

    *     *     *

    Good morning ma’am. Freda, one of the maids greeted as she placed the tray with Luci Anne’s breakfast on the bedside table and proceeded to pour tea from the silver jug into one of the two silver tea cups.

    G’morning. yawned Luci Anne as she stretched out on the bed like a cat who just woke up. What time is it?

    It’s a quarter to nine, ma’am.

    Alright. Is everything set?

    Yes ma’am. Freda assured, Your bubble bath is ready, as well as your morning paper. It’s right here. She placed her hand on the newspaper which was on the tray. And your breakfast is all set.

    Thanks. Luci Anne yawned as she got out of bed and brushed her teeth. After ten minutes, she started munching on her toast.

    As she ate, she took the folded newspaper and began scrolling through until something caught her eye.

    The CFR are back… She read out loud, looking confused as she took another bite of the bread.

    Suddenly Freda shrieked. Oh my God! The C- the C- CFR?! She stammered as she snatched the newspaper from her mistress’ hands and read in haste. Luci Anne sat there, speechless and surprised at the reaction of her personal maid just at the mention of ‘CFR’.

    Luci Anne then stared at Freda to see if she could make out her strange facial expressions.

    What is it? What’s CFR? Luci Anne asked curiously, gradually becoming worried.

    Oh no! Oh no! They’re here! They’re here! In our town! Our neighbourhood! Right here! Close all windows! Lock all doors! They’re here! Freda roamed the room, exclaiming in fear and looking terrifed.

    Luci Anne jumped to her feet and tried to stop Freda from moving about like a crazy woman. Freda was a young girl of eighteen years, had auburn hair that reached her shoulders and green eyes. She was the closest to Luci Anne and had a very good sense of humor.

    Freda calm down. Luci Anne got hold of her, Who are these people?

    You- you don’t know the CFR?? Freda asked, looking extremely surprised.

    If I knew, would I be asking you? Luci Anne asked amid the annoyance in her voice.

    The CFR are criminals! They are thieves! Armed robbers! Evil men who have no scruples! Merciless people who don’t care about anyone but themselves! They-

    Calm down Freda! She shook her shoulders to calm her down. Where are they from??

    Nobody knows! They just came out of the blue. The police are on the look out for them but they always manage to escape. And… now they’re here! We have to take drastic measures at once! I know what I’m talking about! Freda blurted out.

    And what does CFR mean?

    Nobody knows who they are! Nobody knows what it means. They torture and hurt people, although they’re mischievously seductive. They are four guys. We’ve got to do something madam!

    Luci Anne was left dumbfounded by everything she was hearing, but then she realised, Wait, so how come you know all of this and I don’t? Have you had an encounter with them before?

    Yah of courseee. I wouldn’t know a lot about them if I didn’t.

    Then when was it because we’ve been living together for two years now. Luci Anne reminded her.

    Duh, obviously before the two years.

    Luci Anne glared at Freda and arched an eyebrow. When Freda realized that she was actually being too free and kinda disrespectful, she said,

    Sorry Madam Luci Anne. I got carried away…, and bowed her head with her hands behind her.

    Luci Anne stared at her for a while, then sighed. It’s alright.

    Please may I be excused? Her head still down.

    You may.

    When you need me just call for me and I’ll be here. Freda informed Luci Anne as she headed towards the door and left for the enormous kitchen.

    Luci Anne sighed and resumed eating her breakfast.

    The day had been a very good one for Luci Anne with her daily routine; having piano lessons with her friends’ children, teaching some kids and teenagers some cool moves in basketball and the rules of the game, having lessons with her lecturers and visiting some firends just to chat and update themselves on the latest news.

    Majority of her chat with her friends was about the so-called ‘CFR’. She heard almost the exact same thing Freda had told her that morning so she wasn’t surprised. Candidly, Luci Anne did not take all that they were saying about the CFR seriously. She thought they were all just making a big fuss about them.

    Luci Anne arrived home around 20:00. When she got to the large door after coming in through the automatic gate, she noticed that the door was locked rather earlier than the usual, which was at 21:30.

    Oh well, she thought as she pulled out the keys from the back pocket of her tight mauve jeans and opened the door. But before she entered the house she heard strange noises and whispers from the large plants in the vast compound. She turned around to check it out but, nothing. She stared at the flowers for a while, then just brushed off the strange feeling erupting in her, telling herself that it was only her imagination. She walked in and headed towards her room and dragged herself to her bed. Later on, she managed to get herself to the bathroom and took her bath.

    After putting on her cotton pajamas which was a short sleeved shirt with very short black shorts, she approached her room door but was immediately hauled by strange footsteps also approaching her door.

    She became nervous all of a sudden, as the footsteps grew louder by the second. She walked backwards and hid behind her large pink wardrobe without even knowing why.

    The door handle fidgeted, arousing more uncertainty in Luci Anne that she hid completely out of sight.

    In no time, the door was opened and the steps were very audible as they approached the wardrobe. Luci Anne’s heart raced. She didn’t know what to think or who to expect. She closed her eyes tightly as the person laid eyes on her.

    Madam Luci Anne.

    Luci Anne looked up at once, only to see Freda looking down at her in surprise.

    Freda! She exclaimed out of relief as she jumped to her feet and embraced her tightly.

    Madam Luci Anne… Freda stated confusedly, I didn’t know you were back. When did you come?

    About thirty minutes ago. She answered as she pulled out from the embrace. Why was the door locked so early? Luci Anne inquired.

    Freda widened her eyes as she reminded Luci Anne in almost a whisper, Madam, have you forgotten already? The CFR are on the loose. We can’t take risks. They come out anytime they want to. We have to be alert ma’am otherwise before we know it, they would already be in the house!

    Luci Anne gasped, Oh no! Oh no!

    What’s wrong? Freda looked worried.

    I… forgot to lock the door behind me after I entered! She spat out.

    Freda’s eyes bulged out of their sockets. What…?!

    They both yelped in fear, Hurry! as they scurried to the door and opened it, only to be embraced by cries and shrieks from downstairs.

    It was already too late…

    Freda and Luci Anne dashed back into the room and closed the door lickety-split.

    What are we going to do! Luci Anne squealed as she paced the room nervously with her long dark hair moving from side to side.

    Calm down Madam Luci Anne. Freda comforted her.

    How did you say they were like?? Luci Anne now concerned about the CFR.


    Freda immediately fell silent as she heard quick strange footsteps approaching the room. She glanced at Luci Anne with a frightened look and Luci Anne returned the same look.

    Within a twinkle of an eye, Freda grasped Luci Anne’s arm and pulled her to the wardrobe, opened it and pushed her in.


    Stay cool miss! Hide in here! Don’t come out please! Freda warned.


    I’ll be fine. Please I beg you. Don’t come out! You don’t know them like I do. They are capable of anything. She said lastly and closed the wardrobe. As soon as she did, the door thrust open and Freda’s heart skipped a beat. Her back was against the door and she couldn’t turn around because she was too terrified.

    Her arm was clutched by the mysterious figure who turned her around, and there she was, face to face with one of them.

    A tall, lean and masculine body stood before her, covered from head to toe in black; black tight jeans, a black polo neck sweater and a black mask revealing his beautiful brown eyes and awfully pink lips. You could already tell how handsome he would be without the mask on.

    The mysterious figure pulled her by force and led her downstairs to where the other three were. The housekeeper and the maids were lined up on bended knees with teary eyes whilst pleading for their lives to be spared.

    Freda reluctantly joined them by the hard push that was given to her to kneel. Finally, one spoke.

    Is everyone in this household here? He inquired.

    He seemed to be the leader and the oldest, followed by the one Freda had made eye contact with, because the other two stood far away.

    The maids glanced at each other, not knowing what to say.

    Yes. Freda managed to say amidst all the fright.

    Are you sure? The second oldest asked with a smile as he pulled out a gun from his back pocket.

    The women gasped in fear when they laid eyes on the dangerous weapon.

    I heard you talking to someone when I approached your room. He informed her as he pointed the gun towards her forehead.

    All Freda could do was pray that he didn’t accidentally pull the trigger.

    Go check to see if she’s telling the truth or not. The leader also pointed his gun to her forehead, If she’s not, it will be the end of her.

    Freda gulped.

    So the second oldest ran back upstairs to confirm. He opened the door and closed it slowly behind him, then moved step by step into the room with his gun pointed up.

    Luci Anne’s heart was beating like crazy. She closed her eyes and crossed her fingers but unfortunately, she accidentally used her elbow to hit against the wardobe which costed her…

    This is too easy. He chuckled to himself then opened the wardrobe and laid eyes on Luci Anne who gasped as she had been found. They made eye contact for a while, then he pulled her by the arm to the middle of the room where she stood and shook in fright.

    He then moved slowly around her; observing every eye-catching feature.

    Wh…who are you…? She found her voice.

    Your worst nightmare. He sneered.

    After revolving her, he stood before her with a mischievous smile and looked her from head to toe then ordered,



    E xcuse me?! Luci Anne’s eyes widened and her heart raced. She was trembling inwardly.

    He gazed into her eyes, I said strip. He told her again.

    Luci Anne definitely lost her voice. She was surely dreaming. He couldn’t possibly ask her to do that, she thought. It just wasn’t possible.

    Luci Anne shook her head, walking away saying, No… You can’t possibly ask me to do that… Anything else… but not that.

    I said strip. Don’t make me have to repeat myself. He said while stroking the gun, insinuating that if he Did repeat himself once more, she’d have to deal with the gun.

    Please wait. Luci Anne trembled, Please… let’s talk this through. We could negotiate- She was cut off by his sudden laughter,

    Negotiate? Oh my God you’re funny. That’s what you’d tell someone with a gun telling you to strip? He walked towards her.

    Okay why do you want me to strip?

    Are you seriously asking me that? He stroked her cheek with the gun then slowly traced it downwards. Her heart raced faster.

    She glanced at the door and within a second, hit him in the balls with her knee and attempted to run towards the door. Her knees were failing her because of the fright and the anticipation to get out of the room as well, but she managed to get to the door, while he was groaning and could barely stand.

    She opened the door and put a foot out but was unlucky because he immediately grabbed the ends of her long hair and yanked her back in.

    No! Please! She squealed as he held her hard to him and took out his phone with the other hand.

    Yeah, there’s nobody else upstairs but I’m still searching for clues. Will get back to you. He told the leader and hung up, then put the phone back into his pocket.

    Oh no. He shook his head, You shouldn’t have done that. He started unbuckling his belt with one hand, the other holding her firmly to the door.

    No! She managed to free herself and ran to the far end. Please! Tears started welling up in her gorgeous eyes, Please I beg you! Take anything you want! All the money you want! She sobbed, Jewelry, anything! But please I beg you! Don’t ask me to do this! I just can’t.

    He smiled mischievously as he got closer to her, It’s not money I want, isn’t that obvious? I want you. You say you can’t? Then maybe I should help you out. He tried to raise her top but she pushed his hands away,

    Stop! Just stop! Please! I can’t-

    Okay enough of this. He swiftly turned on a serious note, Strip, or else.

    I won’t allow you to do anything to me!

    Wanna bet on that? He asked, then swiftly went across the room to lock the door. She looked around for anything, thought of anything to do, but he was just so goddamn fast.

    He caught her arm but she pulled out and ran to the other end of the room. She immediately pulled out a very sharp pair of scissors from one of the drawers and pointed it at him, although there was quite a distance between them.

    I swear I’ll shove this into your tummy if you lay a single finger on me!

    Feisty. He smirked, closing up on the distance, I like feisty. It’s sexy. He closed up on her, You’re sexy.

    She stared into his eyes confusedly, then he suddenly grabbed her hair and kissed her.

    She pushed him after a struggle and slapped him hard on the left cheek, although his mask was on, How dare you!

    He lost his patience, Enough of this! Tried to go easy on you but since you want it the hard way, you’re gonna get it.

    Stop! Please! She sobbed, tears running down her face, I’m begging you! I’ll do anything please! Please don’t do this to me! Please have a HEART!

    But he completely ignored her.

    And before Luci Anne knew it, he had raped her.

    And the only way he left Luci Anne feeling was suicidal.

    Minutes later, Freda, who had bruises on her arm rushed to Luci Anne’s room, leaving the other maids behind the door.

    Madam Luci Anne! They’re gone! I can see you’ve already started sleeping. Freda chuckled, getting closer to Luci Anne who lay on her side, facing the other side,

    Thank God he didn’t find you. I was so worried about you- She continued, but immediately froze when she heard a sob and a sniff from Luci Anne.

    Luci Anne?? Freda’s fears heightened as she got closer to the bed. She suddenly gasped and covered her mouth with her palm when she spotted the blood stain on the bed sheet.

    No… no… No! She shook her head like a crazy woman and got close to Luci Anne on the bed, shaking her, Luci Anne! Please don’t tell me that he- she was cut off by Luci Anne’s sudden outburst.

    Freda’s eyes widened and in no time tears started pouring down. Please tell me this isn’t true! She wailed and embraced Luci Anne from behind, her head gently on hers and her hand covering Luci Anne’s which was clutching her purple pillow. They both cried.

    The other maids wanted to know what was going on but only Freda was given permission to enter Luci Anne’s room anytime.

    This is all my fault… Freda cried, I didn’t protect you well and now this has happened! I can’t believe this! I can never forgive myself!

    Luci Anne shook her head, tears running down to her pillow, Don’t blame yourself… She whispered, It’s my fault! she broke down.

    No it’s not! Freda cried as well.

    No. Please…just leave me alone. I want to be alone.

    No Luci Anne I can’t-

    Please Freda! wailed Luci Anne, It’s an order. Let me be alone, at least for now.

    Freda stared at Luci Anne, tears pouring down, then sniffed, Alright. I’ll be here early tomorrow. And I swear they’ll pay!

    She ran out with her hands covering her tear stained face. Luci Anne couldn’t help but cry all over again. She embraced her pillow with her eyes closed, the tears still finding their way out.

    *     *     *

    He searched his entire room; under his pillows, his sheets, under the bed, the bathroom-over and over again, the closet, and behind the curtains but still, nothing.

    Okay who’s playing a prank on me now? He asked loudly as he approached the hall where they were all gathered.

    He bent down and desperately searched beneath the long black couch with his hand to see if he’d feel anything but to his disappointment, nothing.

    He got up, looking extremely frustrated and anxious.

    What are you looking for that’s got you so tensed? Raymond, the oldest, who was playing dominoes with Ethan, the third born, asked.

    Yeah don’t play dumb Ray. Just hand it over.

    What the hell are you talking about? Raymond chuckled as he focused on his game with Ethan.

    My locket-

    Your locket’s missing? Ethan asked in utmost shock.

    How could you be so careless Allen! Raymond exclaimed as he got to his feet, pausing the game. He was a bit taller than Allen.

    Allen lost his tongue.

    "Of All the things you could have lost! You just had to lose the only thing we remember her with. You know it’s supposed to be around your neck all the time. Look!" Ray stuck out his locket; similar to Allen’s.

    Here’s mine. Ethan informed as he stuck his out too.

    You can clearly see Jeremy’s from here! Raymond said as they all shifted their gaze to the last born across the room who was lying down in one of the couches with his eyes closed and an ear piece in his ears, listening to music from his phone which was resting on his tummy.

    Allen gulped, I’m sure it’s here… somewhere.

    Why did you even take it off in the first place? Ethan questioned.

    To be very honest I don’t remember ever taking it off. Allen passed his hand through his neck-length hair, I just don’t understand.

    "Well you better find it before I go completely out of my mind." Raymond warned then stormed out of the room. He only reached the door when Ethan said,

    What if you left it at Freda’s last night?

    Then it hit Allen. It probably fell off when he was with that girl. But he couldn’ t tell them anything. They didn’t even know there was another girl there.

    Yeah it’s probably there. I guess I’d have to go back and check. Allen said as Raymond resumed his seat.

    But it still doesn’t make sense. Raymond said, It was beneath your sweater. How on earth could it have fallen off? You didn’t even take your sweater off so there’s no way.

    Yeah you’re right. Ethan sided with him, picking up his dominoes to continue his game. He looked up to Allen, clearing a dark speck of his wavy dark hair from his eye and said, Maybe it’s in your room. That’s the only place you took your sweater off after last night so check again. Good luck.

    And make sure you find it or else you’re dead. reminded Raymond who was indulged in the game.

    I will… Allen said faithlessly as he headed back to his room.

    He walked in slowly and without further ado, jumped on his bed after removing his sneakers and crawled to the center as he laid down comfortably on his back.

    With his hands at the back of his head, he stared directly at the ceiling, but his mind drifted off to somewhere else… Someone.

    Stop! Please! She sobbed, tears running down her face, I’m begging you! I’ll do anything please! Please don’t do this to me! Please have a HEART!

    He looked exasperated. Imagine if Raymond found out what he actually did to this girl, Allen thought. He’d rather kill himself than to face Raymond’s unpredictable wrath.

    Allen sighed and turned over.

    I didn’t even get her name. He murmured to himself.

    He couldn’t get the memory of last night and how he had forced himself on her out of his mind, and he now felt very remorseful after putting himself in her shoes.

    Oh God but what was I thinking! He hoicked up, What the hell came over me?! How on earth could I have done that to an innocent girl. He passed his hands over his face disbelievingly, I’m not a rapist…

    You dId WHAT?!

    Allen shook immediately and turned to see someone at the door.

    Did you just say you raped someone? Jeremy wanted to verify. His jaw was dropped open and his ear piece fell out of his ear.

    No… nothing. Allen shivered inwardly.

    I heard you perfectly well! Wait till Raymond hears about this! Jeremy made a move to turn around.

    No Jeremy! Allen scrambled out of bed and grabbed Jeremy’s leg just in time, Please don’t! I’m begging you. He pleaded as he gazed up at Jeremy, who also had brown hair, but curly.

    Al tell me it’s not true…You couldn’t have possibly done that…It’s just not true… Jeremy doubted because he knew his favourite brother very well.

    Jeremy…I… His voice trailed off.

    "You’ve just ruined an innocent girl’s life! How could you?! Now you can’t justify yourself! What you’ve done is actually a crime Allen! You can be jailed if she sends you to court!" Jeremy yelled at his brother even though he, Jeremy was six years younger than him.

    I know- Allen agonized as if not wanting to hear the same thing over again. But please don’t let any of them know! Raymond’ll kill me!

    That’s the very least you deserve, Al. I wonder how she must be feeling now… Just like Chena…

    There was a momentary pause which lasted for a while until Allen said,

    Don’t bring her up-

    "You know you can’t

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