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Surveying the Surging Immensity of Truth
Surveying the Surging Immensity of Truth
Surveying the Surging Immensity of Truth
Ebook175 pages2 hours

Surveying the Surging Immensity of Truth

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The road was busy with people of all walks of life, and the old man therefore rode while his son went on a foot. The first person they met asked the old man if he was not ashamed to ride by himself and suffer the poor little boy to wade along through the old man. This induced him to take up his son behind him. While he had not traveled far, he met another person who said they were two unmerciful beings to get both on the bicycle in such a terrible road. Upon this matter, the old man gets off and lets his son ride alone. The next person they met called the young boy ill-disciplined to ride in that manner while his aged father trudged along on foot, and he said an old man was such a fool for suffering it. The old man then bid his son to come down and to walk with him, leading the bicycle by the halter till they met another person who called them a couple of senseless blackheads for both going on foot in such a dirty way when they had an empty bicycle that they might ride upon. The old man could bear no longer. My son, said he, it grieves me much that we cannot please all these people. Let us throw the bicycle over the road and be no further troubled with it. Had the old man been seen acting this last resolution, he would have been called a fool for troubling himself about the different opinion of all that were trying to find a fault with him or his son.
Release dateDec 8, 2016
Surveying the Surging Immensity of Truth

Mulalo Netsianda

More than any other time of my life, I always feel a bit foolish to try to distill an explanation about myself and kept this part of myself private, which recalls the awareness of union to the heart but fooled life with hope. I have just sketched out the one born from within, which is next to life itself than to think separately of this life of mine from the next into some few lines that it is there, under the most purest spot of the whole kingdom of South Africa in the country village of Limpopo Province (outskirts of Venda). I was born shortly before 1985, perhaps on the stern condition that, in the period in which I speak of today, I must have mastered this “life’’ in crisis, upon the favor of self-social-economic living from the preconsciousness of the rural life to the adult life as a standing testimony of change in circumstances of self-sufficiency, which is seen to me not to correspond with our actual practices of commerce, which has exceeded the bounds of all reason to the members of my race.

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    Surveying the Surging Immensity of Truth - Mulalo Netsianda

    Copyright © 2016 by Mulalo Netsianda.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-4828-7689-5

                    eBook          978-1-4828-7690-1

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Table of Contents




    The beginning of understanding our life crisis

    My pathological Curriculum Vitae

    Poverty is a global serial killer, and a mental slavery

    For the Checks & Balance to be restored, Lessons must be learnt

    What money for?

    Living today is commercial, And living is an idea too.

    Ostentatious living

    What time is it with your life?

    Never prove a thing, Which nobody doubts

    A miss is as good as a mile

    Paralysis of a poverty mind, Hanging on the skirts of progress

    Never mind say they, There are better times coming

    The sermon of social-intercourse With Socialism of poverty

    Fair words, won’t feed the cat, nor butter bread

    A life with a view



    Mulalo Karlkahni Netsianda


    M ore than any other time of my life, I always feel bit foolish to try to distill an explanation about myself, and kept this part of myself private, which recalls the awareness of union to the heart, but fooled life with hope, I have just sketched out the one born from within, which is next to life itself, than to think separately of this life of mine from the next into some few lines, that it is there-then, under the most purest spot of the whole kingdom of South Africa, in the country village of Limpopo province (Outskirts of Venda), Mulalo " Karlkahni" Netsianda was born shortly before 1985, perhaps on the stern condition that, in the period in which I speak of today; I must have mastered these Life in crisis, upon the favour of self-social-economic living from the pre-consciousness of the rural life into the adult-life, as a standing testimony of change in circumstances of self-sufficiency, which is seen to me not to correspond with our actual practices of commerce, which has exceeded the bounds of all reason to my African brothers and sisters. By my physical constitutional order, like pope’s woman, will have no character at all of being extraordinary person, nor being superior to the other. I am just a common man who ask to be no other-man, than I am what I am, and it is in these necessity of complete possession of all things which wisdom provides, which has developed early in my youth from a well-to do parents and good clean-act citizens who abide by the provision of the law whenever they can, as to distinguish realities of " What is most fit of my life ? Uneasy and unsafe at this juncture of affairs of the socialism of poverty and social-economic evolution from appearances of life, in matters of importance to my present and future good at the most inconvenience moment of My life with a-view, I realized that; only a handful sublime of human-soul, along tract of time, dare-take a glance with a solution of it of trying to find-out; What threat of socialism of poverty really-is? And what is the true condition of my life crisis in the midst of continual warfare? A sincere promotion, which I value above worldly achievements, styled me into the interests, on the accounts of my social-economic living conditions, and acquainted me with formality to reverencing self-cultured of commercial experiment and its federation, as a corner-stone of human structure, and an influence upon " living today is commercial" , to shelter ourselves against the storm of socialism of poverty, which much is overgrown by time, nor did I will, by plain evidence bear a theology on these matter rather, all of me has come to the inward, sensible and experimental knowledge of myself to be a man of means, as an emblem of title to my own life and time on earth, in the fullness of time, as so much of it falls within the consideration of a foregoing matter around the world.

    By the official order of an author


    A query into pig’s eye

    H itherto, I had stuck to my own resolution about my writings, that I consider not what I should receive in the applause, but what I should give in the conscience of my African brothers and sisters, as a vehicle-mind for conveying the message from things known and unknown among mankind in particular, rather to talk about all, which I therefore scribble all that I could, that has occurred between the remarkable days of my time on earth, with no ill-will of any kind to anyone, that is not my business , and If i have sometimes invoke a thought to make a point now to all who will be laying their eyes on my work, will be important to consider these following particulars.

    1. As the Great Benjamin Franklin described that, "The opinion of men are almost as various as their faces"

    2. Therefore, courage of my writings has chiefly to do with to "say something in particular", and that of what is actually happening in our time, and is no way liable to, they who have different opinion of their own on a subject such as these of mine, which it has nothing to do with anything of their different ways of pursuing a living, whereas a brick-layer, a tailor, an architecture and surgical life savers, may work indifferently for people of all persuasions, without compromising the importance of their own, and complete their purpose of duties.

    3. That it will be equally unreasonable to me and you as well to be massaged with everything that I scribbled on the followed accounts and this is also good to say that, we should differ in opinion, without regarding on which side of you have questions in dispute that the public might know off.

    But I am very pleased with my own simplicity and complete display of unlikeness of fame, which to the so called-modest generation lifestyle is a turn-around of a personality portrayed like pope’s ordination, and that it is not in my gospel to write these as a matter of fame, but as a matter of exhibiting the immensity of truth, instead of blasphemies, and where it has been exhibiting itself in earnest, and empty it is for fame when it reflect back to its origin, and who search wondrous manner from headstone into milestone of "Surveying the surging immensity of truth" in the soul of man under threats of socialism of poverty is not exhibited by anything out of ordinary, as the supreme contents for a surging immensity of truth of these book is, what the book is saying, not the author, and upon the critical issues facing our daily faced lives that, socialism of poverty is as clear as the sun-will rise tomorrow to the many people if not most people around the world, but the most appalling question is not whether the sun will rise or not, but that what are we going to do tomorrow with our lives when the sun rise? Or do us really, like really need someone to remind us all the time about this life suspect to anyone who is genuinely involved in the living that In crisis, there is opportunity? According to chines proverb, the word crisis" have two characteristics, one represent danger, the other character represent opportunity, the danger signs of poverty are all around us, and the danger is not merely that, we can’t understand the crisis of poverty all around us, but that the danger lies in the possibility that we have become uncommitted people in the world of Living today is commercial (L.T.C). In prospect you must view these not against the background of your daily troubled life, your daily troubled world, for it is only from the perspective of our internal responsibilities, and opportunities that our work in life assumes its full dimension, unfortunately I can’t answer all these questions about what are you going to do with your life but leave it to you, which to decide that predominates in your own life and if I could answer you, I will step aside, and let the immensity of truth have a right of way, about what you have to confront on your own, and I have no doubt or sympathy about what I want to explain to the proceeding chapters of these book, neither to remind you about what is poverty or misery nor the crisis, but to overcome these humiliation of self-concern of suffering the same thing in the same way with the same life, and once again not to question much about it, debating or arguing of, but in the establishment and collection of vengeance of this suspect in our lives is what we have to choose how to execute it by challenging the establishments that has created this life-suspect, as Poverty, Misery, Crisis and Money will always have the final say to the real world problem and real world predictions, mainly because the socialism of Poverty begins with a man and a woman in the nectar of how they endeavor to overcome, so along with danger, the word crisis is also represented with opportunity for few voyages of self-discovery, self-taught, self-considerate and self-conscious, because it is not enough to talk grimly of agonizing reappraisal and criticism of this and that, we must participate in the advancement of commercial ideals in the rising tide of socialism of poverty, it is up to you and I to recognize this human challenges rather set of human promises on behalf of the political world, therefore crisis should be the organ of the memory for transformation of the self, because all of us have special crisis of our own.

    So, I conclude in my query with a tale of sorrow with no arrogant mind, but to live beyond tomorrow, which, in it is life itself, to share a little circus of man’s mind, from the African homemade comedy of a Nigerian Actor, Mr Ibu, get me acquainted well with these tale of divergence and convergence of People’s opinion, and how one may to think and act as an individual in doing what others wishes, which these odious scene was portrayed by "Mr Ibu" and Son, over the matter of their own, and in the scale of the most described logic in the composition of the comedy As the road was busy with people of all walks of life, and Mr Ibu therefore rid, while his son went on a foot, the first person they met, asked Mr Ibu if he was not ashamed to ride by himself, and suffer the poor little boy to wade along through the old man, this induced him to take up his son behind him. While he had not travelled far, he met another person, who said, they were two unmerciful being to get both on the bicycle in such a terrible road, upon this matter, the old man gets off, and let his son ride alone, the next person they met called the young boy ill-discipline, to ride in that manner through, while he aged father trudged along on foot, and he said an old man was such a fool for suffering it, the old man the bid his son to come down, and walk with him, leading the bicycle by the halter, till they met another person, who called them a couple of senseless blackheads, for both going on foot in such a dirty way, when had an empty bicycle which they might ride upon, the old man could bear no longer, my son, said he, it grieves me much that we cannot please all these people, let us throw the bicycle over the road, and be no farther troubled with it, had the old man been seen acting this last resolution, he would have been called a fool for troubling himself, about the different opinion of all that were trying to find a fault, with him or his son.

    Therefore, though I have pulse that has carried me on writing, almost identical as complying as his, the old man with a bicycle and his son, but I have intended not to do a replica on his last particular resolution, thus, as Mr. Benjamin says "I consider the variety of humour among men, and despair of pleasing ever body" and to this I found it agreeable to the pursue of my writings, and almost as much so to myself. For what great difference can there be, between throwing my pen down and praising my neighbor’s opinion up? This will be truth of the matter as you will continue to harbor other chapters in this book.


    by Dr K.Sikhauli

    O ffend me not with my sordid matter to say; it’s wonderful how the power of the pen can do in the minds of people. Whether my cousin wrote this BOOK OF FATE in the love of mankind or he did it in fear of the threat of socialism of poverty, I do not know, what it is, no matter what impulse is in him, but the act born of his writing have a glorifying effect on the life of mankind. And when you go through it, you are like in the reality television show of your own life, and in my opinion, until we, ourselves persuaded to recognize opportunity in crisis, and step a little aside, out of the noisy crowd, and in-cumbering hurry of the world, and calmly take a prospect of things, it will be impossible to make a right judgment of ourselves or know our own misery.

    While others have become suspicious of these blessings and the curse of civilization, and to put it not in rude words, but plain, his words offers a venue for the disease that would otherwise seem unattainable-though I can’t see the appeal of your thinking, but I believe that, this

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