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Fantasy World of Tanesa: Banglaboo—The Visit
Fantasy World of Tanesa: Banglaboo—The Visit
Fantasy World of Tanesa: Banglaboo—The Visit
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Fantasy World of Tanesa: Banglaboo—The Visit

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Fantasy World of Tanesa: Banglaboothe Visit is truly a unique and enchanted tale that explodes with the grand adventures of the Wizard of Oz, infused with unparalleled power of whimsicality, color, and flair. Its tantamount to Disneys Fantasia and beyond, with pages of intoxicating visual eye candy. Indeed, its a fascinating read for all ages.

Our tale begins when our young heroine, Tanesatwelvish in appearance but actually 123 years of ageis leisurely whizzing through the heavens upon her ball of light with her lifelong trusted companion and protector, Chanty, her enchanted sucker. She decides to pay a visit to her friends: Big Daddy Bullfrog (a hip-talking, hip-dressed eight-foot pink bullfrog) and his band and the noble King Do, the all-wise and powerful creature of truth and beauty in the land of Banglaboo.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 30, 2017
Fantasy World of Tanesa: Banglaboo—The Visit

Clarence Harper Jr.

About the Author: Clarence Harper Jr. is an avid and prolific inventor-designer and writer, not to mention a self-defense expert, a professional dog groomer, and a naturopath with a flair for preparing gourmet dishes. Born and raised in the greater Los Angeles area, he spent many years perfecting the ultimate heroine and adventure with a cast of supporting characters equal to the task. With prismatic childlike eyes, he has also ingeniously incorporated a maxim in his book for his readers to uncover as a contest.

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    Fantasy World of Tanesa - Clarence Harper Jr.

    Copyright © 2017 by Clarence Harper Jr. 760367

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017912024

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Rev. date: 08/30/2017




















    Whenever I see the words I or me, it is referring to me as myself.

    This is a very unique tale of a young miss named Tanesa and her enchanted sucker, Chanty. Their incredible adventure will take me to the whimsical land of Banglaboo.

    Tanesa, whose bravery is second to none, is a dainty, sophisticated, perky little miss. She enchants everyone with her charm, warmth, and wittiness, not to mention her amazing ability to captivate any audience with her supercool, dynamic singing voice, which can rock the stripes right off a tiger.

    Now before I read any further, they want me to make sure that I am alone, snug in a comfortable warm place. They know everything about me, even my deepest secrets. But how? Ahh, Tanesa! The moment I knew her, she knew me; we became one. Wow, that’s amazing.

    Now I will relax, close my eyes, and imagine thousands of stars shimmering like tiny diamonds, cast against the midnight sky. Gushing out from its midst is a rainbow, glowing with dazzling prismatic colors, shamelessly teasing its glittering neighbors. Ooh. Wow! I’m now sitting atop the rainbow. An overwhelming, breathtaking feeling pours over me as I begin to slide down its great arch. Ooh—as my body slice through the air, the crisp midnight breeze feels so cool and soothing against my face and hands. This ride is so incredible—oh look! The rainbow is ending in a cloud of glistening milky white steam. Ah! I’m falling, falling, falling—oh! I’m now floating gently down toward the earth. I’m coming to rest upon a giant luminous pillow in the midst of a field of beautiful wild flowers, bathed in the glow of the moon. I am ready, my mind is open, my imagination hungers for adventure. My journey has now begun into the fantasy world of Tanesa.





    R ACING THROUGH THE heavens at blinding speed on a ball of light, leaving a trail of sparkling dust, Tanesa, with her enchanted sucker Chanty in hand, came to rest upon a shooting star. Catching her breath, she exclaimed, We’re having so, so much fun, huh, Chanty!

    Chanty glowed brightly to answer yes.

    Hey! Why don’t we shoot off over to Banglaboo to visit King Do, Big Daddy, and his band and really have some fun?

    Chanty glowed even brighter with approval.

    All right, party time! Tanesa yelled excitedly, clutching Chanty close as she took to the heavens upon her ball of light and then disappeared into a cloud of twinkling dust.

    Appearing in Banglaboo as if from out of nowhere, dancing and prancing and bouncing about, Tanesa jauntily shouted, Break out the ice cream, break out the cake. Tanesa’s here, let’s roll and shake. Fun for one means fun for all. Come on, everybody, let’s have a ball!

    As she opened her eyes, her beaming smile suddenly collapsed; her eyes that were filled with radiance and joy just moments before now registered horror and disbelief. An eerie stillness permeated the air.

    Speechless, she began walking slowly down a dirt road, gaping at all the destruction around her. The crystal blue sky that once abounded with winged creatures of breathtaking beauty was now tarnished white, void of any life. A periodic burst of blue appeared and then faded away. The lush green valleys, meadows, and hills carpeted with mosaic colors from countless exotic plants and flowers were now barren mounds, spattered with shriveled, blackened vegetation. Even the giant fruited shade trees with their towering full canopies and sprawling limbs that umbrellaed vast areas, providing food, shelter, and protection for many of Banglaboo’s residents and an array of animals and odd creatures, were now twisted dark trunks with tangled limbs, their gnarled, spindly black branches weighted with withered fruits. All that once thrived beneath their grand canopies has vanished.

    With a crack in her voice, Tanesa cried, Oh, Chanty! What’s happened to Banglaboo? Chanty faintly glowed.


    You’re right, Chanty. It used to be so incredibly beautiful here. What could have caused such havoc? And where is everybody? Anybody? she exclaimed desperately.

    Chanty glowed.

    Tanesa composed herself. You’re right, Chanty! We’ll go down to the Boo-Boo-Shoot River and see if we can find some of our friends. Someone has to know what’s going on around here!

    Chanty glowed in agreement.

    After walking a short while, Tanesa suddenly paused. Hot potatas? Chanty, I hear music, but where is it coming from?

    Chanty glowed.

    Maybe you’re right, Chanty. It does sound like it’s coming from farther down the road, hmm.

    She cupped her hand over her ear, straining to hear the music more clearly. Then a smile blossomed on her face. Bursting with excitement, she exclaimed, Yes. Yes, Chanty! It is directly in front of us, somewhere farther down the road. Let’s go!

    Tanesa followed the sound of the music, which grew louder as she drew nearer to its source. She paused momentarily. That sound, that beat! It’s so moving. Tanesa began to dance, waving Chanty in the air; sparks from Chanty shot high into the sky and then burst like tiny firecrackers, raining down millions of shimmering flakes all over the land that began transforming everything back to normal. The sky was crystal blue once again. The valleys, meadows, and hills were aglow in their renewed lushness of velvet greenery, adorned with colorful exotic plants and flowers of infinite variety. The winged creatures of untold beauty graced the skies once again; animals and creatures of all sorts came out of hiding.

    Just off the road, Tanesa noticed Big Daddy Bullfrog’s band playing in a patch of giant mushrooms. Look, Chanty, she cried. It’s Big Daddy Bullfrog’s band. Like bees to honey, we found the source of the music! Running toward them, she yelled out each band member’s name. Sally! Tod! Slim! Three Hornets!

    Startled, the band stopped playing. Then realizing it was Tanesa and Chanty, they were overcome with excitement. What’s happenin’? they yelled in unison.

    Now standing before them, relieved and out of breath, Tanesa panted. Whoo—I am glad to see you, guys! What’s going on! Where is everybody, and what happened to Banglaboo?

    So bad things are, sadly replied Sally Butterfly.

    Yeah, go on, pressed Tanesa.

    Like yeah, little sweet cakes, the Queen of Magic is now Prune Face the ugly, bad, real bad, asserted Tod Toad.

    No! gasped Tanesa, shocked by such news.

    Righteous, she’s destroying everything, said Slim Grasshopper with a quick rap on his snare drum.

    Her looks don’t shine. Some creature done dropped a dime on her, uh-huh, her ding-dong bats. We can’t dig on that. ’Has caused more harm, and that’s a fact, rhymed the Three Hornets.

    So everybody hide, run away, added Sally.


    That explains why I haven’t seen anyone and why Banglaboo is—or was—in such a mess, reasoned Tanesa.

    Chanty glowed.

    You’re right, Chanty, this is going to be a long visit.

    Tod took a seat on the edge of their portable stage. Yeah, little mama, that’s why we’re out here in this far-out mush-square. We’re trying to get our gig togetha, so’s we can get with the Daddy and get this place a-movin’ and a-jammin’ to his sweet sounds.

    Slim got up from his drums and walked over to Tanesa. Um! And now that you and Chanty are here, we know everything is gonna be real cool. Like, you’ve already caused things to change back to normal. Even before you found us, we said it must be Tanesa and Chanty. Right, gang?

    Right! exclaimed the entire band.

    Thank you. I’ve never had much of a taste for drab and gray anyway, a blushing Tanesa quipped. Suddenly, a look of bewilderment flashed over her face. Wait a minute! What do you mean it had to be Chanty and me? What about King Do? He’s the mighty Creature of Truth and Beauty. His powers are so—

    No, no, no, he’s not king no mo’. He’s done been dethroned through trickery. And through this feat, he’s been turned a beast, of slime and grime. Why, it’s a crime, rhymed the Three Hornets.

    Slime and grime! Oh no, not King Do! exclaimed Tanesa, clearly distressed by the news.

    Yeah-uh. Man oh man, that cat is so ugly. He’s in a class all of his own, with an odor that’ll sizzle your schnozzola when you’re upwind and the wind is blowin’ down. Tod yawned, standing up and stretching.

    Silence fell as everyone watched Tanesa walk over to a small mushroom and sit atop it. Hmm, let me get this straight. King Do has been transformed into a slime beast by this Prune Face character, who’s zapping everybody and everything left and right, trying to take over, I presume? she summarized.

    You’ve got it, Slim replied.

    Has anyone tried to save King Do? asked Tanesa, somewhat puzzled.

    Why, yes, yes, yes, we done tried so hard, can’t get too close ’cause he smells too strong. ’Done tried nine times. They all have failed. This Prune Face spell, we just can’t quell, rhymed the Three Hornets.

    So where is King Do now? asked Tanesa impatiently. Is he being held a prisoner, or has he been banished from Banglaboo? Come on, guys. I need details if Chanty and I are to rescue him.

    Slim tossed his drumsticks in the air, catching them before answering. Well, I guess you could say he’s being held prisoner in that body of slime.

    Sally rested her elbows gently on her piano keys, placing her palms under her chin. Maybe he hurt bad. No power. Helpless he is.

    So has he been banished from Banglaboo or what? Tanesa sighed.

    Tod stepped on to the stage and picked up his bass guitar. Plucking a single note, he turned toward Tanesa. Well, uh, as for where he’s at, that is … uh … put it this way. It’s a place of ominous banishment.

    Ominous? Sally bantered with a chuckle.

    Ominous! Yeah, I said ominous. I … I always wanted to use that word. It’s kinda classy yet mysterious, and it fits his situation. Everyone grinned at Tod, who folded his arms, with his nose in the air. With more deliberation in his voice, he continued. As I said, a place of ominous banishment by that evil Prune Face. So’s I guess you could say he’s been given the boot!

    Oh great! blared Tanesa excitedly, smiling broadly.

    Everyone stared at Tanesa in bewilderment. Noticing the silence and the expression on her friends’ faces, Tanesa hastened to explain. Whoa! Wait a minute, I didn’t mean great, he was booted. I meant great that you guys know where he is, ya know?

    Oh, yes, yes, yes, he’s in a mess, replied the Three Hornets.

    Yeah, that I already know. So where exactly is this place? pressed Tanesa.

    The Three Hornets did a spin, slid up to the mikes, and rhymed, Through the Woods of Golden Gleam and then down the stream of silver steam. Do get off where blue lights beam at where they cross, or you’ll be lost. Jump in the center and turn to the left and then back one step. Turn to the right, grab left foot, and hold it tight. Then underground will be your flight. Now find the Road of Orange Rice, and it will lead you to his plight, the Darkened Sea. And in its midst, you will find our beloved King Do of slime and grime.

    Tod spun over to a mike, and pinching his nose closed, he added, And block the smell, fo’ it is hell!

    Tanesa frowned slightly at Tod’s silliness and waved him off. Then rising to her feet on top of the mushroom, she aroused her friends with a forceful rallying speech. Chanty and I will do our best to save King Do and anyone who’s been hurt by this menace Prune Face and to restore beauty to all of Banglaboo and its neighbors. Furthermore, Chanty and I pledge with all our heart to bring this Prune Face and her comrades to justice! Chanty began to glow brightly. Are you with us? yelled Tanesa, thrusting her fist in the air.

    Yeah! they all replied.

    How much? she yelled, jumping in the air.

    One hundred percent! they shouted.

    And what are we going to do?

    Get ’em! replied the band even louder, thrusting their fists in the air.

    Tanesa did a backflip and then screamed, And when we get ’em, we’ll really do what!

    Knock ’em! replied the band with a mighty shout.

    Tanesa pointed up in the air and then brought her finger down slowly, pointing to the band. Starting into a pep cheer, she yelled, Sooooooooo … Pausing, she began clapping a beat, using her hands and thighs. (Clap hands once, pat thighs twice, clap hands once, pat thighs once, repeat.)

    Slim leaped on to his drum stool and began to reel and rock the beat out on his drums. Now everyone clapped along with Tanesa, who yelled out a count. "One, two—one, two, three, get it! Um hey, hey. Now what I say. Now! Um hey, hey. Can we take them now! One, two—one, two, three, hit it!" Tanesa danced to the beat.

    Now we are few, and this we know! The band yelled, And so what!

    Tanesa: So with our might, we gonna fight!

    Band: And what you say!

    Tanesa: And Chanty here will save the day! Chanty glowed.

    Band: Now say it strong!

    Tanesa: We all will make that Prune Face pay!

    Band: Now break it down!

    Tanesa: We’ll save the king and everyone!

    Band: Now hold that point!

    Tanesa: So he may then regain the throne!

    Band: Now hold it strong!

    Tanesa: For he’s the king of trust and beauty!

    Band: And what you say!

    Tanesa: So everyone must do their duty!

    Band: And say what!

    Tanesa: Um hey, hey, when you get ’em, knock ’em!

    Um hey, hey and keep ’em down now!

    Um hey, hey. All together now!

    One, two—one, two, three, hit it!

    Everyone together sang, Um heeey, um heeey, um heeeey, get Prune Face now! Um heeey, um heeey, um heeey, her evil bats too! Um heeey, um heeey, um heeeeey, we’re gonna get ’em now! Um heeey, um heey, um heeey, one, two—one, two, three, get ’em!

    Tod the Toad shouted, I am cool as you can see!

    Tanesa and the band yelled, And so what!

    Tod the Toad: I dare that witch to mess with me!

    Tanesa and Band: And what you say!

    Sally Butterfly sang, We fight, to the end!

    Tanesa and the band shouted, Now come on, girl!

    For this witch is not a friend!

    Tanesa and Band: Now what you say!

    Slim Grasshopper sang, We all are true to Banglaboo.

    Tanesa and the band yelled, Now what you say!

    The Three Hornets, And peace will come throughout the land! Now say what!

    Tanesa shouted, Um hey, hey, we’re all together now! Um hey, hey, we can’t be beat now! Um hey, hey, all together now!

    Everyone together yelled, One, two—one, two, three, get ’em! Yeah!

    All right! cheered Tanesa, wiping her forehead as she took a deep breath. Chanty and I are really pumped now. Oh, wait a minute. You guys did say that Big Daddy Bullfrog was around, trying to keep things together.

    Yes, Big Daddy, to a point, keep everyone happy with hope, take their mind off trouble when he sings, answered Sally, rising from her seat at the piano and then walking over to the edge of the stage, where Tod helped her down.

    Tanesa jumped down from atop the mushroom. You mean Big Daddy is here? she inquired enthusiastically.

    Sally smiled warmly, walking up to Tanesa. Yes, she replied. That’s why we practice. Always the best, stay low, keep out of sight of bad witch. I think maybe Big Daddy be at Boo-Boo-Shoot River.

    Oh, so he’s around but not here, here but over there. That’s Big Daddy, always a beat on time. Other than keeping everything together, how is he? asked Tanesa, admiring Sally’s bracelet.

    Just as cool as ever, replied Slim, twirling his drumsticks. "And, Tanesa, you with your supercool voice, there’ll be no stopping us now. Just sweet victory!"

    Well, thank you, she answered, her cheeks blushing red as a cherry as she politely cleared her throat. I’m glad Big Daddy’s okay. Chanty and I were on our way to the Boo-Boo-Shoot River when we heard you guys playing. Right, Chanty?

    Chanty glowed.

    No jive? We were about to fold here and jam on down to the BBS ourselves, exclaimed Tod, adjusting his guitar strap around his neck.

    Well, all right, Tanesa exclaimed. We’ll all go together. Right, Chanty? Chanty glowed brightly.

    Tod walked over to Tanesa and kissed her on the forehead. Hey, li’l T., why don’t ya blow a tune and we’ll back ya up while we’re truckin’ on down to the rivah?

    Why, sure, she replied, jumping on to the stage and scooping up a mike. What about that tune I heard you guys jammin’ earlier? Now that’s a beat I can really get down on.

    Slim rapped a quick beat on his drum. Slammin’ jammin’! For you, the sky’s the limit!

    Tod untied a rope that anchored their motorized stage to a small mushroom and then tossed it onto the stage. Rev up the motor, he yelled. And let’s get ta truckin’!

    Together the Three Hornets pulled the starter cord on the motor at the rear of the stage and then let ’er rip. Ka-boom! A blast of black smoke from the muffler enveloped the Three Hornets. Choking, gagging, and gasping, they waved the fumes and smoke away. The motor began shaking violently and then stopped. Everyone cautiously stepped back, looked at one another, and then burst into laughter. Suddenly, the motor started rumbling so loud that it shook the ground.

    Everybody, take cover! yelled Tanesa Everyone dived into the surrounding mushroom patch for cover.

    Just as suddenly as it started, the rumbling stopped. Everyone peeped out from their hiding place. Tanesa suddenly stormed over to the motor, angrily shaking her finger at it. Look, you … you bad machine, you’re not being very nice, and what you did to my friends was downright mean. Now I’m warning you. You’re gonna start up nice and quiet, or Chanty and I are gonna have to get rough. The choice is yours!

    As she stared down the motor, it began to rumble slightly. Poking her lower lip out, Tanesa frowned, leaned in closer, and growled, Like I said, nice and quiet or else!

    The motor started shaking. Well! Tanesa snapped.

    Pop, pop! Bang, ping, pop! Chuga, chuga, chuga, va-roooom, hummm. Cracking a soft smile, Tanesa whispered to the motor, Now that’s more like it. I knew you could. Then striking a pretentious pose, she held Chanty up in front of her. My dear Chanty, I … I do say … I think the little dickens has truly seen it our way. Chanty glowed.

    The band came out of hiding, cheering as they gathered around Tanesa. Slim, all bubbly, inquired, Exactly what did you say to get it running so smooth?

    Yeah, how you make it run so good? Always a fight and then bang, bang, poof! chimed in Sally.

    Well, let me put it this way. This is the coolest motor ever, and it will never give you trouble again, modestly replied Tanesa; then glancing over at the motor, she gave it a wink and then hopped on to the stage, followed by the others.

    Tod, at the helm, sat the controls to automatic driver, and as they headed down the road, the band struck up. Thunderously, they played a high-stepping, jazzy tune while Tanesa joined in with her resounding voice.

    Tanesa danced with great brilliance, superbly coordinating every note she sang with every move she made. Waving Chanty ever so gently through the air like a feather gliding on a gentle breeze, Tanesa boogie-woogied and slippity-slided so prettily that the band felt inspired to play on and on, louder and louder.





    F OR MILES, THE air swelled with music and the singing of Tanesa and the band. From the highest peaks to the deepest depths, their music drew all residents of Banglaboo out of hiding. Ecstatically, they cheered and rollicked as they returned to their homes. Many danced in the fields and stood along the road to watch and cheer as Tanesa and the band rode by.

    Nearing the Boo-Boo-Shoot River, Tanesa did a backflip from the stage onto the road, spun, hit the split, came back up, and continued to sing and dance, never missing a single beat.

    The music began to fade as the motorized stage carrying the band plowed into a growth of pampas grass and reeds and then vanished into thin air. Looking on from the road, Tanesa was startled at this feat and dashed over to the spot where she saw them disappear. She intensively combed the area but turned up nothing. As she turned to walk away, she heard someone say, Ouch man, watch it, Tod!

    Well, keep yo’ big head out of the way, Slim!

    Tanesa covered her mouth, trying hard not to laugh aloud. Composing herself momentarily, she chuckled as she whispered to Chanty, Now that’s what I call a dazzling exit.

    No longer able to contain herself, Tanesa burst with laughter. Rolling on the ground, holding her sides, she laughed till she cried. Chanty began glowing. You’re right, Chanty. I’ve gotta pull myself together. Taking a deep breath, Tanesa rose to her feet. That’s what I needed, a good laugh.

    Chanty glowed.

    Oh, thank you, Chanty. My shoelaces must have come loose while I was acting silly. Kneeling on one knee, Tanesa placed Chanty on the ground in front of her and proceeded to tie her shoelace.

    Suddenly, Chanty began to glow wildly. What is it, Chanty? asked Tanesa. As she reached for Chanty, a humongous shadow engulfed them from behind. Acting extremely frightened, Tanesa clasped Chanty close to her bosom. Ooh, ooh, we are so afraid, Chanty and I. Whatever are we to do? Boo-hoo-hoo. Chanty glowed.

    Rising slowly to her feet, Tanesa ever so cautiously turned toward the source of the shadow. Throwing her arm up before her face as if to shield herself from a dire fate, she melodramatically pleaded for mercy. Oh, please, please, please! Spare Chanty and me a horrible fate. Cast no harm upon our wretched beings. Oh please, I beg of you!


    Chanty glowed as Tanesa dropped to both knees. She turned her head to one side and then sprung to her feet, laughing; a deep voice laughed along with her. It was none other than Big Daddy Bullfrog, whose eight-foot stature towered over them, casting the huge shadow.

    In a velvety deep voice, Big Daddy addressed Tanesa. Ya still the star. How ya doin’, sweet cakes? An’ you too, Chanty? Chanty glowed.

    Tanesa replied with a giggle, I’m fine, thank you. I knew it could only be you with a shadow like that, plus Chanty told me from the start. Big Daddy pointed and winked at Chanty, who glowed a blushing red. Oh stop it, Big D. You’re embarrassing Chanty. I’m so glad to see you. How’ve you been?

    Big Daddy straightened his clothes. Hangin’ high an’ by an’ by, I myself been coo’. A hop here, a hop there, shoo-bop-da-bop, my li’l ladah, I’m shaken’ it, not faken’ it.

    Pompously extending her hand and batting her eyelashes, Tanesa asked, Big D., would you help Chanty and me onto that toadstool over there? Chanty glowed.

    Why, Ms. T. an’ Chanty, it would be an honor. Stooping on one knee, Big Daddy lightly kissed the back of Tanesa’s hand and helped her on to the nearby toadstool.

    You’re always so much fun, she responded with a cheerful sigh.

    Big Daddy rose to his feet and stretched. Long time no see. How’s the good deeds biz been comin’ along?

    Great! answered Tanesa. And from the way Banglaboo looked, I’ve arrived none too soon. She sighed as her bubbly smile faded away. Oh, Big D., what can we do? I mean, the land is okay, I guess, and most of the folks are fine, I suppose, but how long will it last without King Do? There’s still so much to be done, like saving King Do.

    Adjusting the stub of a cigar to one side with his lips, he inhaled deeply and then sighed quietly. "My only gift is ta sing an’ dance an’ make folks happy. I rock, I roll, I groove, I have mo’ moves than a kite without its tail. My wiggle is so smooth it’ll put a worm on a hook ta shame. But with all this, I’m practically powerless against the evil powers of Prune Face.

    I fear that you an’ Chanty are King Do and Banglaboo’s only hope. I myself have failed them all!"

    Big D., you haven’t failed Banglaboo or King Do, consoled Tanesa. When all the odds are against you and you’re backed against a wall, the greatest gift of all is faith and hope, and that’s what you’ve given everyone, the faith to hold on and the hope to survive.

    Laying Chanty beside her, Tanesa reached both hands up toward Big Daddy. He bent down toward her, and she gently pulled his huge head to her and kissed him on both cheeks. Big Daddy, I love you! she whispered endearingly.

    Tears sparkled in the corners of his eyes, and a smile quivered on his full lips. Thank you, Ms. T. I love ya too, Big Daddy said and then kissed Tanesa on her forehead.

    Fighting back tears, Tanesa looked up with a soft smile. Hey! How about a sneak preview of your next performance? After all, Chanty and I need all the boosting we can get! Chanty glowed.


    Drying his tears with a pink hanky, Big Daddy cleared his throat and announced, Like heavy on the suga’ an’ low on the salt, let me introduce you to me an’ mine, that is, the too coo’ Pedal Pushers—Heavy, Knee Deep, an’ Too Much, the coolest background singers around. Three hiply attired frogs sprang out of the reeds as they were introduced.

    And of course, the greatest band in the world. Hm, I wonder who they could be, he joked, winking slyly at Tanesa.

    A wall of pampas grass and reeds parted, and the motorized stage rolled out, carrying the band poised for playing. Clang! Slim struck his cymbals. Click, click, click, boom, boom, click, boom, boom-boom went the steady beat as Slim clicked his drumsticks together in time with the ground-shaking boom of his bass drum.

    Strutting real cool to the beat with cane in hand, Big Daddy’s bubble-top tan platform shoes shone like new polished brass, his gold pocket watch suspended on a thin beaded chain from the pocket of his waist-length purple jacket swayed rhythmically with every step, and his orange vest and fire-red silk ascot were only outshined by his bold, bright yellow bell-bottom pants. Adjusting his pillowed orange apple cap upon his head, Big Daddy stepped on to the stage, danced over to the mike, and announced to Tanesa, Me an’ the gang here are gonna give yo’ li’l ears a ring.

    Do it, Big D. Do it! exclaimed Tanesa.

    Pointing his cane toward the Pedal Pushers, who were still offstage, Big Daddy choked the mike close to his lips and in a suave deep voice said, Hey, fellas, what it be like? The jam’s ovah here, so ch-choo, choo yo’selves ova hyah.

    Forming a line, the Pedal Pushers made their way onto the stage, pumping their arms like an old-fashioned steam locomotive and moving their feet in step with the beat of the drums.

    Big Daddy looked over his shoulder at the group behind him; then smiling mischievously, he turned back to Tanesa and Chanty. Raising his hand in the air, he suddenly made a fist. Then one, two, three fingers went up, signaling Slim to stop. Silence gripped the air as the band and the Pedal Pushers stood motionless, awaiting Big Daddy’s next command. Tanesa quivered with sheer ecstasy, frozen with anticipation.

    Jam with ma ladah, jam on the one, two—one, two, three! Hit it! bellowed Big Daddy in a deep voice.

    Tod lay down the introduction on his bass guitar, Slim joined in on drums, and the rest of the band followed. When the music reached full crank, Big Daddy began to sing and dance. Tanesa screamed with inexhaustible excitement. Sing that song, Big Dadda, sing it!

    Big Daddy’s electrifying performance set the stage on fire while the music charged the air. Like sweet raindrops rejuvenating thirsty flowers, the music fell upon the ears of the residents of Banglaboo near and far as they came a-screamin’ and hollerin’, reelin’ and a-rockin’ to the groove of Big Daddy Bullfrog.

    As Big Daddy and the band played on, the audience grew. An audience of Tanesa and Chanty suddenly grew to a roaring crowd of hundreds and then thousands, stretching up along the banks of the Boo-Boo-Shoot River to the far reaches where the meadows kissed the foot of the hills. As the music culminated, the roar of the crowd and the music blended as one.

    The performance drew to an end, and Big Daddy took a bow as the crowd cheered and applauded. Thank you, thank you. We are truly appreciative of your allowing us ta move and groove ya. To the greatest band in the world—Sally, Slim, and Tod, the Three Hornets! An’ the greatest group in the world, the Pedal Pushers—Heavy, Knee Deep, and Too Much! Please give a warm round of applause fo’ these fine musicians and singers! The crowd applauded and cheered even louder as the band and the Pedal Pushers took their bows.

    More, more, we want more! raved the crowd.

    Seizing the opportunity, Big Daddy introduced Tanesa, gesturing for her to come up on to the stage. And here she is, the one who gave Banglaboo all its glory back to us, the one who’s gonna save our mighty King Do. She’s an angel with the golden voice, Ms. Personality, the queen of our hearts! Tanesa!

    Taken by surprise, Tanesa hesitated, but the insistent crowd prodded her on, chanting, Tanesa, Tanesa, Tanesa! Their chanting grew louder as Tanesa, now game, leaped on to the stage. Big Daddy raised his hands in the air, signaling the crowd to quiet down.

    Taking the mike, Tanesa confidently addressed the audience. We—that is, Chanty and I—really do appreciate your applause. But I don’t know if anyone could follow such a super-duper performance. Tanesa gestured for everyone onstage to take another bow, and the crowd applauded and cheered momentarily. And I’m not e-even gonna try.

    The crowd sighed with disappointment. Aw.

    But I promise you, after Chanty and I rescue the mighty King Do, I’ll do a performance for ya, and we’ll all party so heartily till day is night and night is day. All right?

    The crowd again chanted, Tanesa, Tanesa, Tanesa.

    Tanesa shouted over the roar of the crowd, waving Chanty in the air as a signal for them to quiet down. Thank you, thank you. I’m greatly moved, thank you! But you know there’s still a great deal of work to be done, so for now, I’m asking you all to return to your homes.

    We’ll do whatever you want! one of the residents yelled out.

    Yeah! the crowd shouted explosively. With that, they began to disperse. Tanesa and Big Daddy waved to them as they left.

    Heavy, the three-foot-tall bass singer, walked over to Tanesa. Barely reaching her chin, he put his stubby arm halfway up to her shoulders. I sho did want to hear you sing.

    Tanesa, then blushing, poked him gently in his round puffy belly with Chanty. I see you’ve been doing okay, she said with a smile. Everyone laughed.

    Big Daddy remarked slyly, Have you checked out his new duds?

    Yeah, they’re real hot, Slim added with a chuckle. Heavy sneered at them and turned up his nose.

    Tanesa responded sympathetically. Now, Heavy, don’t mind them, she said. Step back and do a turn for me.

    Heavy frowned at the others and then turned around like a proud peacock showing off its plumage. Well, ain’t I got taste, or ain’t I got taste? he asked, jauntily sashaying up and down the stage.

    Looking him up and down, Tanesa expounded upon his fashion statement. "Uh-huh, child, I just love your bubble-top powder blue shoes with their hot pink platforms. Oh, and yo’ hot-pink jumper with its collarless fire-red trim, I’m speechless, simply speechless. The powder blue velvet maxi coat with its hot-pink-dyed fur cuffs and collar, I’m tellin’

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