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The Floaters Family
The Floaters Family
The Floaters Family
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The Floaters Family

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The Floaters an Aniyunwiya Indian tribe, their history recorded in quilts since 10th century silently rebuilt their clans by surviving and re-grouping to keep their promise to subdue Mindoo the evil. All over the world this tribe travelled and scattered themselves avoiding Mundoo and his crafty desire. The onus is on Sunflower, a doctor by profession and her architect husband. Will they and those chosen by the White Spirit and the Spirit of Seneca be able to succeed.
Release dateJul 22, 2017
The Floaters Family

Christopher Julia

Nothing better to do and wants a change I decided to put thoughts into words based on experiences from early childhood living till today.

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    Book preview

    The Floaters Family - Christopher Julia

    Copyright © 2017 by Christopher Julia.

    ISBN:             Softcover                   978-1-4828-8291-9

                        eBook                         978-1-4828-8292-6

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    [1]   The Secret Smiles

    [2]   Shopping

    [3]   The Wakanda Family Mall

    [4]   Sparrow at the Scared Hall of Pureness

    [5]   Sunflower to Learn How

    [6]   Mansion

    [7]   Birthdays

    [8]   Fitting Sessions

    [9]   The Ceremony

    [10]   The Wedding Night

    In the memory of

    ah-nya chi & her ‘lau-hero’

    There was a time when the land

    And the ancient ones were as one

    with it.

    A time when only the children of

    The Great Spirit

    were here to light their fires

    in these places with no boundaries…

    In that time, when there were only

    Simple ways,

    I saw with my heart the conflicts

    To come,

    And whether it was to be for good

    Or bad,

    What was certain was that there

    would be change.

    - the Great Spirit -

    (source unknown)

    This book is the work of fiction.

    Any references in real people, or real locales,

    historical or political events

    are used fictitiously.

    Names, characters, places and

    incidents are the authors’ imagination

    and semblance to actual events or locales or persons,

    living or dead is totally coincidental.


    The Secret Smiles

    S parrow, orphaned at birth was shopping for her daughter’s wedding suite furniture at the grand, huge and luxurious highly technological HAPPY FAMILY MALL in the city of Georgetown, at Areca Nut Island at the South of Asia. An island with five different clan living happily together for thousands of years but as the population grew the islanders became selfish and started to want their own ways and not wanting to share their lively- hood as the previous generation before them.

    Today it is breezy outside as well as for Sparrow’s entourage of highly excited shoppers all feeling on top of cloud nine because their beloved Sunflower, or Flower as they lovingly call her; is tying the knot soon - a new beginning for her and for everyone, a secret hope.

    Sparrow holding on to her ‘tig-moo-mi’ who had taken care of her since her mother died from giving birth to her and her father, being so devastatically smitten had dashed out of the hospital with eyes flooding with tears that blurred his vision, body screaming for help; head in a big whirlpool of total uncomprehenable confusion, had lost total control of his movements except that of running away, to be far from this disbelieving mess so, had not heard the blast of an on coming trucker’s horn or felt the headlights that could have almost roasted his already dark tan skin by two shades. This unconsious action almost causing the trucker’s heart to leap out of his mouth as he was unable to stop or brake, had no choice then but smashed into him and killed him instantly that awfully hellish night of life and death.

    When the news of the unfortunate accident was delivered to the family who were still grieving Butterfly’s death; it was definitely not a welcome; Macawi, Butterfly’s mother, now the new grandmother to baby Sparrow, fainted. If not for her husband Huritt’s quick respond she would have hit her head on the corner of a side table and added to the statistical information of life and death!

    Wachiwi, older sister of Butterfly, was the only person who is steady, calm and head still on her shoulders, takes charge and delegates duties to the family; herself crying tears of sorrow, not for one but two of her most beloved. The sorrowful tears are so well controlled that it did not run out of her eyes but, flowed inwardly, swallowing them as it flooded her throat to almost choking the breath out of her. She felt like she has lost all her feelings, skin raw as if it has been ripped off her and, unable to express her great loss is like a mute being stung by a cloud of bees.

    I must be strong for Butterfly and Kemme, strong for their baby and strong for the others who are still standing, I cannot afford to be bitter… Oh, Gracious White Spirit, why? Butterfly is such a sweet and carefree sister full of hope and love. Why do you have to take Kemme too! I have given up all hope of being his as my love for Butterfly is far greater to want to take him from her. Wachiwi wallow in deep despair.

    Wachiwi told herself, no one knows or understands why she is so sorrowful, it’s so well hidden behind a motionless and expressionless stiff face, like a cold fish. Heaven only knows so, and it must remain there. I have to continue my strong and innovative self - be a much stronger woman of substance and continue to expand not only the family heritage but to be sure that White Spirit’s calling will come to pass during this generation.

    Now approaching fifty-one years old, Sparrow felt that she had never known what a mother’s love is or how a mother should act. Wachiwi, her only provider of her needs and well-being was her tig-moo-mi then … but now? ‘Grow up??! How to?! I have no freedom, I have to always follow her and keep by her side!

    Many of Wachiwi’s servants knows Sparrow as a spoilt breed at home and at school. The servants felt Wachiwi is too lenient with her!

    Sparrow’s nurse-maid Djkem, who has taken care of her since she

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