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Katy’S Culinary Kitchen: Authentic Traditional Flavours at Its Best
Katy’S Culinary Kitchen: Authentic Traditional Flavours at Its Best
Katy’S Culinary Kitchen: Authentic Traditional Flavours at Its Best
Ebook110 pages43 minutes

Katy’S Culinary Kitchen: Authentic Traditional Flavours at Its Best

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About this ebook

My desire in coming out with this book is to encourage more people to take up cooking - as a hobby or to put a tasty meal on the table for the family and friends. Some of my recipes can be traced to a few generations, so you can't get it any more authen-tic.The many ideas and tips picked up on my travels and from personal experience as well are included here. I hope these will not only help you conserve time and energy but aid the budget conscious homemakers/home economists too. So bring out that passion in you and use these tips to your advantage. I have taken both Asian and Western palates into consideration when presenting my recipes. Everyone now has an opportunity to explore the art of exotic Indian cooking as well as traditional local flavours with all its wonderful spices.
Release dateDec 28, 2016
Katy’S Culinary Kitchen: Authentic Traditional Flavours at Its Best

Kathrine Philo

Kathrine Philo is a Malaysian-Indian retired educationist who had to juggle family responsibilities with a career. A mother and grandmother, she had many opportunities to cultivate and hone her cooking skills. Having an Irish son-in-law has also helped her immensely to un-derstand both sides of the food divide.

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    Book preview

    Katy’S Culinary Kitchen - Kathrine Philo

    Copyright © 2017 Kathrine Philo. All rights reserved.


    978-1-4828-8127-1 (sc)

    978-1-4828-8128-8 (e)

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.




    Culinary Kitchen

    Authentic Traditional Flavours at its Best

    Kathrine Philo


    A few words from the author


    Tips from personal experience



    Asathu – Vellalar Special

    Mutton Paretal – MY Special


    Mutton Chops ‘SUPERSTAR’

    Sour Mutton Curry – Gourmet’s Delight

    Rendang Special

    Kerala Stew MyStyle

    Fried Minced Meat Patties Minced Meat Balls Curry



    Chicken Briyani Vellalar Style

    Devil Curry a’la Kate

    Viruthanagar Curry

    Chicken Curry

    Cabbage Chicken Special


    Healthy Fish Curry (Without Coconut Milk)

    Fried Fish Hyderabad Style

    Fish Sambal HomeStyle

    Fish in Coconut Sauce Gravy

    Katy’s Fish Mollee

    Salt Fish Pickle

    HomeStyle Stuffed Crabs

    Katy’s Spicy Curried Masala Crabs

    Reviews From Family And Friends

    A few words from the author

    WELL, that is one box ticked as writing this cookbook is one off my bucket list. I hope that by sharing my culinary secrets, I will inspire in some way the many who give up because they feel they are failures in the kitchen.

    I had to balance my career as an educationist with that of being a homemaker for more than 40 years. I realised very early on that to provide wholesome meals for the family I had to put on an apron and get into the kitchen. And who was my mentor and inspiration in those days? Well, none other than the Singaporean cookbook writer Ellice Handy. Her easy-to-follow recipes were a boon to aspiring cooks like me. I learnt the hard way how to cook simple meals and then proceeded to more complicated ones.

    I want to share all the bittersweet memories of my experiences as a young cook and the several helpful tips and short cuts I acquired over the years. (This I have explained in another section.) Believe me when I say what I share in this cookbook are real-life experiences.

    I have shed many tears in the kitchen - some due to frustration and at other times because I never seemed to get any recipe totally right. But after much effort I found to my delight and amazement that with a little imagination, thought, some inspiration (and of course a lot of sweat), I could actually transform a mediocre dish into an extraordinary one.

    Positive remarks and words of encouragement too helped boost my confidence and morale. Most importantly, I started believing in myself. I started finding any excuse to invite family and friends for meals. Many of the dishes would be so enjoyed that I would get rave feedback. I was on cloud nine as I was almost there.

    I adhere to the premise that cooking and food are the soul of mankind. Food has been the cornerstone of virtually most human activities. Banquets are thrown to show not only opulence but also to celebrate and honour dignitaries and the like. Parties are held for camaraderie and good fun. There are birthday functions, weddings, bachelor/bachelorette parties and the list goes on. Dinners are given to sign mega buck deals.

    The one common denominator in all of the above is FOOD. It just boils down to

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