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Discover Yourself: Unleash the Power in You
Discover Yourself: Unleash the Power in You
Discover Yourself: Unleash the Power in You
Ebook51 pages45 minutes

Discover Yourself: Unleash the Power in You

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About this ebook

Discover your treasures as feelings expressed in the form of words. The writer aims to touch people’s hearts, inspire them through various methods, and change their perception toward life. Optimism as an output is what the writer hopes each reader will acquire at the end of reading the book. The book deals with things that each and every individual faces in everyday life and provides readers with ideas of how to deal with it in a manner so that the outcome would be positive. The writer aims that the reader indulges in a conversation with themself while reading the book so that the main aim of motivation and self-upliftment is achieved. The reader may find the book handy in times of difficulties, and the book helps in guiding as “Books are our best friends.”
Release dateNov 9, 2016
Discover Yourself: Unleash the Power in You

Nidhi Tibrewal

Nidhi is currently working as a senior system engineer at Infosys. She is an active member of Art of Living and someone who loves doing social service. Nidhi loves helping others because bringing smiles on people’s faces makes her feel contented, and making friends with people is what she loves.

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    Discover Yourself - Nidhi Tibrewal

    Copyright © 2016 by Nidhi Tibrewal.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-4828-8716-7

                    eBook         978-1-4828-8715-0

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    •   Who are you?

    •   What is your aim?

    •   How to achieve it?

    •   What makes you different?

    •   One thing that you should always remember

    •   Writer’s Corner



    W ords are mere means of expressing oneself and when it comes to expressing I leave no chance behind.

    Perhaps this is the main reason that motivated me to begin with this writing. Several things remain within our heart and many several rather within our mind but when we start sharing either with a friend or a group of people or lucky enough if you get an opportunity to share it with the world we realize that those are not mere thoughts they are things which keep us driving on this planet, which we proudly call Mother Earth.

    As you will start reading this book, you will feel yourself that things around you are changing rather I should say they are improving, each page will arouse within you your power, the things which you might have not noticed or if noticed might have not given importance to; and to solely realize that what I have missed so many years but to promise yourself that I will not miss it from now onwards.

    Adversities: Oh! Doesn’t it make your hair stand on end? But have you ever tried to look beyond it and looked at it with a different perspective, with a different vision. This is what is discovering yourself actually means, to see things in a different manner rather I should say to see things from inquisitive eyes and then you will surely find your potentialities and your destiny.

    While reading you will feel as if you are talking to yourself, as if your mind and soul have united to show you what you haven’t seen in the past. Believe me it will be a wonderful journey through this book and you will surely gain a memorable experience; the motive behind this book which is discovering yourself.

    It is not something extraordinary you are intended to do. It is so simple that practicing it will make you feel happier and I would not resist myself in using the word enlightened and will be like a light showing you the way because things are always under our control, it is only that we do not know our power: power of mind, power of heart and above all power of soul.

    My only aim is to bring a change, a change for the better and such a change which will bring so much joy that it will become part and parcel of your life. Like air is necessary to survive and food necessary to satisfy hunger similarly this change is also necessary because there is a big difference between living and living in the right manner.

    As is said:

    "All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man

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