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Mosaic Vision
Mosaic Vision
Mosaic Vision
Ebook118 pages42 minutes

Mosaic Vision

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About this ebook

Mosaic Vision is writer, editor, poet Vaijayantee Bhattacharyas first anthology of poetry that depicts her perceptions, experiences and emotions like a tapestry of colourful threads, intertwined at times, and at times stark and contradictory. The poems, varied in their subjects, themes and tones, form a beautiful mosaic pattern that helps the reader get a wholesome understanding of a modern woman delighted and distraught by the travails of the times.
Release dateJun 28, 2017
Mosaic Vision

Vaijayantee Bhattacharya

Vaijayantee Bhattacharya is an established writer and editor from the print and publishing industry. She is an Indian who has been residing in Bahrain (Middle East) for the last 6 years.

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    Mosaic Vision - Vaijayantee Bhattacharya

    Copyright © 2017 Vaijayantee Bhattacharya. All rights reserved.


    978-1-4828-8734-1 (sc)

    978-1-4828-8735-8 (e)

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.




    Foreword 1

    Foreword 2


    A Haunting Dream

    A Mahalaya Morning


    Another Day


    Dance of Eternity

    Dry Eyes





    Fallen Angel

    Fish Fry

    Growing Old

    If You Saw Me In Heaven

    Insomniac Musings of a Writer





    Lovers Forever…

    Maa (Mother)



    My Bahrain

    My Love

    My Son, My Light

    My Unborn

    On a Wintry Night

    Ravages of Time

    Returning to the Sea, after Ages



    The House of Yesteryears

    The Morning Tea

    The Roads of Bahrain



    About the Author

    Foreword 1

    by David Hollywood

    The Eyes with the Mosaic Vision

    Poetry is so wonderful it is hard work! Yet it is always reflective of our honesty, and if we are good enough to portray sentiments, thoughts and actions which expose, echo and manifest who we think we are, then we are going in the right direction in our efforts to understand and harmonize our relationship with the world around us.

    This is what Vaijayantee has accomplished! She has bound together a series of manifestations through words that encapsulate the sentiment necessary to show that not only is she thinking, but she is not afraid to say she is feeling it as well! How wonderfully accomplished to be able to do this, because not many have the genuine ability to demonstrate such sincerity, and resultantly I am incredibly happy with this opportunity to write a foreword in honour of such a gifted individual’s personal work.

    Most of the world passes us by and doesn’t see who we are beyond being just another person in society, yet Vaijayantee rises above such mundaneness by giving to others the chance of being noticed by the public at large. Consequently, she continues to provide interview opportunities for many individuals who reside within a landscape of talents and who through her good offices and sculptured thoughtfulness have the chance of being read about.

    Therefore, everyone featured by her feels great about themselves in the knowledge that when we pick up magazines and news features we read about their gifted personalities, without fully embracing the abilities of the person behind the script.

    Well through this fabulous book of poetry we are privileged to experience and get to know a little about the person who previously made everyone else feel exalted, and who now shows to us her examples of flair and faculty and insightfulness.

    I was personally privileged to work with Vaijayantee during preparations for the second celebration of ‘The Colours of Life’ poetry festival which was hosted in Bahrain in 2013, and which has since grown into becoming an essential annual event within the cultural calendar of the country.

    What makes this event so dynamic is the fact that it provides an almost unique platform within the Arabic world for the creative genius of the everyday resident and citizen to demonstrate their efforts and commitments to art and its effect. But, without the brilliance of Vaijayantee

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