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Is Jesus Christ God?: God, the Father, Called Him God. What Other Testimony or Witness Do We Need to See  Him as God?
Is Jesus Christ God?: God, the Father, Called Him God. What Other Testimony or Witness Do We Need to See  Him as God?
Is Jesus Christ God?: God, the Father, Called Him God. What Other Testimony or Witness Do We Need to See  Him as God?
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Is Jesus Christ God?: God, the Father, Called Him God. What Other Testimony or Witness Do We Need to See Him as God?

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How much are you worth? The answer: John 3:16.
His thoughts toward you: God thinks you are worth the death of his son.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 27, 2013
Is Jesus Christ God?: God, the Father, Called Him God. What Other Testimony or Witness Do We Need to See  Him as God?

Rev. Henry A. Idonije

HENRY IDONIJE’S BIO Attended Christ for the Nations in 1974 to ’76 and graduated with honors with an Associates of Arts Degree in Dallas, Texas. He went to Winnipeg Bible College in 1984 and had his Bachelor of Art Degree in Biblical Studies in 1985. In 1986, he attended Providence Seminary in Utterburne, Manitoba, and obtained a Master of Ministry with 10 years of service accredited to the course of studies. In December 1978, he got married in Benin City, and it was officiated by the late Rev. Benson Idahosa of Church of God Mission, Nigeria. He has four children, and they are all grown up, and doing very well. He served as a minister under the Church of God Mission International, Nigeria, where he was ordained into the Ministry in 1971 and 1983. He worked as a counselor with It’s A New Day in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1984, Served as the Director of Operation in a Christian Enrichment Family Camp in 1986. A member of the International Conference of Police Chaplains, Destin USA. (2002-2007) A member of the Clergy Association of Brandon, Manitoba. A member of the Gate Keepers, praying for the City of Brandon, and treasurer from 1988-2009.

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    Is Jesus Christ God? - Rev. Henry A. Idonije

    Copyright © 2014, 2015 by Rev. Henry A. Idonije.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2013918544

    ISBN:   Hardcover            978-1-4931-1609-6

                Softcover               978-1-4931-1608-9

                eBook                     978-1-4931-1610-2

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]

    Scripture quotations marked TLB are taken from The Living Bible copyright © 1971. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

    Rev. date: 01/02/2015







    Why I Wrote This Book?


    Mystery Of Godliness

    Is Christ Real?

    Christ’s Ontology

    His Divine Names And Titles

    Predictions For Christ

    His Being As God-Man

    His Father Declared Him As God

    His Different Titles

    Christ Before Time

    The Miracles Of Christ

    Christ: God’s Son

    Christ: One Solitary Life

    Christ: The Bridegroom

    Christ In Every Book Of The Bible

    The Deity Of Christ

    The Witness Of The Spirit Of God

    The Prophecies Proclaiming Christ As God

    The Scriptures Confirming Christ As God

    A Rebuttal: Christ Is Not God

    Christ Worshipped By Angels And Men

    Christ’s Coming Is Beyond Redemption

    Christ Lives On Eternally

    His Blood Set Him Apart As God

    John Called Him God By The Spirit Of God

    Christ: God Of His Church And Humanity


    Henry Idonije’s Bio

    You Are # 1 In God’s Heart


    I dedicate this book to God the Father, the One who declared His Son as God, the heart of this manuscript. He knows what is, what was, and what is to come, both now and eternity. The Word of God holds the earth, and the inhabitants of it together. He is the Gravity, the Equilibrium, and the Force that holds the universe in the space. The Ferdinand Magellan, Christopher Columbus and the explorers of the world would have asked God about the circular shape of the earth, and it would not have cost them millions of dollars.

    To the Son of God, who has become our King, Lord, Redeemer, and Elder Brother, whose blood purchased us for His God and Father. I ascribe unto Him glory, honor, power, wisdom, authority, all knowledge, and majesty. Had it not been for Him, mankind will be languishing in sin, sorrow, pain and everlasting separation from the presence of God, His Father.

    I dedicate it to His saints, who had gone to glory and were among the witnesses about whom the Book of Hebrews chapter 11 spoke. Equally to the present day saints, who have not loved their lives unto death for the honor and glory of our Redeemer. They are pressing on in the heat of the battle against Satan, and the cohorts of darkness under the Lord Jesus Christ. He is our Champion and He holds the keys of death and life.

    I dedicate it to my friend with whom I have had over thirty-eight years of relationship, since when we were in Bible College in 1975. His name is Gregory Lane Newman. He is a man of God, who loves the Lord with all of his heart and trembles at His word. He lives in Texas.

    Finally, I dedicate this book to my wife, Choice, and my children Praise Idonije Okwumabua, (my daughter) Israel, Emmanuel and Rhema Idonije, (my sons) and to my granddaughters Edefuan, Ohioze and Oisemaojee. I am blessed and highly favored to see them growing up and be part of our lives.


    I have known my father, Rev. Henry A Idonije, as a man, philanthropist, writer, and minister of the Word of God for over thirty years. I am proud to have seen him in close quarters in all of the years that he served the people of Brandon, and the surrounding communities.

    One thing I noticed about him is his resiliency, commitment, dedication, and tenacity to whatever he believed God has committed into his care. He has excelled in all the areas of his life as it relates to people, ministry, family, and the call of God in his life.

    I am an ardent supporter, and fan of his works and ministry. He carries this dependability, consistency, and tenacity into all the areas and walks of life. God has shown and done many amazing things in his life. This fuels his commitment, and determination to see God’s work passed on to others. He is very determined to see God’s glory fulfilled in his life, and in the lives of those around him.

    He is a loving father, and dedicated servant of the Lord. He is always for the truth, regardless of his opinions. He served in the ministry for over thirty years, and as a retired Elderman, he is opening his heart to share all that the Lord has done in and through him for the younger generations still to come.

    He has written three books, and this is his fourth one. This book will give believers insight as to who Jesus Christ is before time, and into eternity. I recommend Is Jesus Christ God? to all of those who are seeking the truth as to how life began on the planet earth. Jesus Christ is the Life, the Way, and the Truth.

    My father has served as a Chaplain to the Brandon Police Service, Treasurer to the Brandon Ministerial Association, Chaplain to the Brotherhood of Railway Association in Brandon, twenty-two years in feeding the hungry and homeless of Brandon, pastored Tabernacle of the Lord’s Church for twenty years, received the Canadian Caring Award, the Order of Manitoba, and other citations.

    Dr. Israel I Idonije (LLD, OM)

    NFL: Defensive Lineman

    (Chicago Bears 2012)



    A lady with the initials C. S who lives in Brevard, North Carolina, and said that she believed in Christ, but did not believe in Him to be her God is the motivation for this book. The writer was talking to her, and she said, By the way, I do not believe that Jesus Christ is God. We carried on the conversation, and I was left with my thought and God, wondering how many millions of people are in our world who profess that they believed in Christ as their Redeemer, but denied His Deity.

    Our world is full of people who trusted in Christ as the Lord and Savior of their lives, but deny Him the honor of being God, their King, and the Lord of creation. The same power that He has as our Savior, is also the same privilege and honor of being God, bestowed on Him by His Father.

    If we accept Him as our Lord and Redeemer, and yet, we refuse to accept Him as God, who was crowned with glory and honor, we are not better than the people who said that He is just an ordinary man like Mohammed, Moses, Adolf Hitler, Mahatma Gandhi, Mussolini, and the rest of the great men of our world.

    Jn.1:1 said that He was called THE WORD in antiquity, and the One who was called the WORD is also our God, the Creator, and Beginner of all things. If you will not accept the testimony of God, the Father, how can you accept the testimony of a mere man whose breath of life is in his nostril concerning Jesus Christ? The writer has given you many Scriptures, alarming declarations, and numerous infallible proofs that Jesus Christ is the Redeemer, and He is also God, the Son of God, and that believing in Him you may have life, and have it in abundance.

    If you deny the Deity of Christ, you will also deny the redemptive grace that came to all of mankind through Him. He is more than a Man. He is more than a Redeemer. He is more than Our Healer. He is more than the Son of God. He is more than the Creation, visible and invisible. He is more than Abraham, Moses, king David, and all of mankind combined. He is our very God in the Flesh and in the Spirit. Let us all worship Him as do the angels of heaven, and the departed saints. He is worthy to take the book, and open the content of it.

    He lives in us by the Spirit of God now, and He will be with us forever and ever. (Jn.14:16) He is the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega, the Uncreated Creator, and the Un-beginning Beginner. He knows all the 7.2 billion souls that are on the earth, and the 20 billion plus that were dead, whose spirits are awaiting the judgment of God.


    The concept of a father and his only son is hard to understand among humanity, let alone in God, the Father, and the only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. He was begotten and not created. The author of this book will not come close to the truth of what it means to have the Father, and His Son in ultimate relationship and pure intimacy. This book fringes on the wisdom, knowledge, revelation, vision, insight, might, power, creativity, and all that makes Him God.

    This knowledge is enough for our redemption, and we do not need any further revelation on this truth that the Son of God is God Himself. As the author writes by the Spirit of God, he will still fall short of the total and absolute truth that is in the heart of God, the Father, concerning His Son, relative to our redemption, and the forgiveness of the sins of the world.

    The relationship between a father who has several sons is different from a father who has only one son. With this in mind, humans will try hard to find an answer to this enigma, but they will not succeed. This secret is only in God, the Father. (Deut.29:29)

    It is beyond the human mind to find a complete solution to the question of Christ being God, and the very Son of the Father. The Father called Him God in the Scriptures, and this has blown out of the water our neatly–packaged theology. All the skeptics of our world and millions of those who do not believe this relationship between the Father and His Son for mankind, will wake up on the other side in heaven saying: How I wished that I had believed that Jesus Christ is God, the Son of God. But it will be too late then. It is too late to cry when the head is cut off. The die has been cast and the Rubicon is crossed.

    Isaiah, the prophet, by the Spirit of God, made the following statements: For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace, there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon His Kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment from henceforth, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of Host will perform this. (Isa.9:6–7)

    God calling His Son Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace is too much for our mortal mind to accept. But even so, it is, and the author will say amen to the word of the Father. It is a mystery, and as the writer said before, enough has been revealed to us for the purpose of bringing humanity unto Himself in His home in heaven.

    In Heb.1:1–14. It is written of Christ, and part of this mystery was revealed. The Hebrew message began by saying, God, who in sundry times, and in diverse manners and ways, spoke in time past unto the fathers, through the prophets, has in these last days spoken unto us by His Son, Jesus Christ, whom He has appointed Heir of all things, by whom also He made the worlds.

    Christ made our earth, and the worlds of unseen spirits, angels, inanimate, and animate universe. Try that one on for size! (v.2) Jesus Christ made the worlds of mankind, angels, and spirits. Christ’s Form and Likeness are the exact Image of God, the Father. This reminds me of the adage: Like father like son. (v.3)

    He was begotten and not created, and as such, He was superior to the created angels, and better than them. (4–6) God commanded the angels of heaven to worship Him. (v.6) This is the prerogative of God alone, and yet the Father commanded His angels to bow down and worship Him. The angels are servants and ministers to the Redeemed, but Christ is the Son of the Father, who deserves honor, praises and adoration, according to His Father. (v.7 and v.14)

    Who is that woman or man that has been born of a woman, who can disannul the words of the Almighty God? That person has not been born, and he or she will never be born. The earth’s foundations were laid by God in the beginning, and all the creations of heavens, including the universe, are the works of the Father’s hands. (v.10) And yet, v.2 says that the Father made all of the worlds through Christ. Can you see the magnitude, enormity and personality of Christ? He is our Magnificent Obsession.

    Think of the earth, which is populated by 7.2 billion souls, and the size of it. The mass is 5.923 x 10 to power 24 kg. The volume is 1.083 x 10 to power 12 km. The diameter is 12,742 km. The surface area is 510,072,000 km². The density is 5,515 g/cm³, and the circumference is 40,075,017 km. Can you imagine laying the foundation of such a place? That is why He is God and we are not.

    Christ has the Seed of incorruptible eternal life in Him. (vv.11–12) He was given a special place of honor at the right hand of the Father, where He sits. (v.13) And for the purpose of redemption, He became a Son, but it was not so from the beginning of time. (Jn.1:1–5 and v.2) He was separated and distinguished from the angels, spirits, and all of mankind.

    There was the story of a king who had an only son, who was heir to his throne. Death would discontinue his reign as a king, and his son would succeed him. Could you call the son a king, while his father is still alive? Would this be offensive to his father, knowing fully well that the throne was his? The son will live for years, and he too will yield to death, and his son will replace him. Death interrupts the continuity of the king upon the throne.

    However, this is not so with the Almighty God as a Father to His Son, Jesus Christ. They are both beyond death, and have the power of an unending life. Death has no power to interrupt and terminate God on His throne, as it relates to the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

    In this equation, we bring a man with his finite mind, and the ability to find inconsistencies with the God heaven. Does a man have the wisdom to reason above God? Are the intellect and intelligence of man able to survey God, (Job.38-41) and to think that He is wrong or has made a mistake in His judgments and Ways? The whole world is not enough to circumvent the Ancient of Days, let alone a single a man. The Lord is beyond mankind in His wisdom, knowledge, and revelation. Known unto Him are all His ways, and His works from the beginning of the worlds are past finding out. (Acts.15:18)

    If God said that Jesus Christ is God, we humans should not question His veracity and authority. We should accept what He said, and go to the market with it. It is indisputable and error free from now till eternity. Paul said of the Spirit of God: "Oh, the depth of the riches, both of wisdom and

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